GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #35 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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While I know most here are puzzling over this detail or that, I have to say I can't imagine they'll ever be answered because I doubt LE could care at all about such trivialities.

How drunk or drugged was EA, or wasn't he? It really doesn't absolve him, so it doesn't matter to them. Did CM have keys, who did she talk to, and so on? Again, it doesn't matter, because it was EA's TRUNK where she ended up, no matter what could be discovered about what preceded.

LE got their guy. He's in jail. They have DNA that proves he - the last person ever seen with Christina - at some point forced her into his TRUNK, after which she was never seen or heard from again. They'll take that DNA evidence, show how his actions and statements (with lies everywhere trying to mislead and mask his actions) providence additional evidence of his culpability, and he'll either spend the rest of his life in jail, or at some point they'll try him for murder and he'll get executed based on that DNA evidence and more.

And I don't think they'll ever bother to "answer" all the "before the abduction" trivialities, because there's no point for them to do so. All that matters to them is who did this (which they know, and for which they have the proof) and where he put CM (which will be helpful to know in a murder case, assuming EA not only abducted her but also killed her).

I really think there's only one thing we can contribute to the case, if that's our goal - figure out where EA put CM when he took her out of his trunk. LE already has the rest of it nailed down.
While I know most here are puzzling over this detail or that, I have to say I can't imagine they'll ever be answered because I doubt LE could care at all about such trivialities.

How drunk or drugged was EA, or wasn't he? It really doesn't absolve him, so it doesn't matter to them. Did CM have keys, who did she talk to, and so on? Again, it doesn't matter, because it was EA's TRUNK where she ended up, no matter what could be discovered about what preceded.

LE got their guy. He's in jail. They have DNA that proves he - the last person ever seen with Christina - at some point forced her into his TRUNK, after which she was never seen or heard from again. They'll take that DNA evidence, show how his actions and statements (with lies everywhere trying to mislead and mask his actions) providence additional evidence of his culpability, and he'll either spend the rest of his life in jail, or at some point they'll try him for murder and he'll get executed based on that DNA evidence and more.

And I don't think they'll ever bother to "answer" all the "before the abduction" trivialities, because there's no point for them to do so. All that matters to them is who did this (which they know, and for which they have the proof) and where he put CM (which will be helpful to know in a murder case, assuming EA not only abducted her but also killed her).

I really think there's only one thing we can contribute to the case, if that's our goal - figure out where EA put CM when he took her out of his trunk. LE already has the rest of it nailed down.

Yep... and THAT pretty well sums it up..
While I know most here are puzzling over this detail or that, I have to say I can't imagine they'll ever be answered because I doubt LE could care at all about such trivialities.

How drunk or drugged was EA, or wasn't he? It really doesn't absolve him, so it doesn't matter to them. Did CM have keys, who did she talk to, and so on? Again, it doesn't matter, because it was EA's TRUNK where she ended up, no matter what could be discovered about what preceded.

LE got their guy. He's in jail. They have DNA that proves he - the last person ever seen with Christina - at some point forced her into his TRUNK, after which she was never seen or heard from again. They'll take that DNA evidence, show how his actions and statements (with lies everywhere trying to mislead and mask his actions) providence additional evidence of his culpability, and he'll either spend the rest of his life in jail, or at some point they'll try him for murder and he'll get executed based on that DNA evidence and more.

And I don't think they'll ever bother to "answer" all the "before the abduction" trivialities, because there's no point for them to do so. All that matters to them is who did this (which they know, and for which they have the proof) and where he put CM (which will be helpful to know in a murder case, assuming EA not only abducted her but also killed her).

I really think there's only one thing we can contribute to the case, if that's our goal - figure out where EA put CM when he took her out of his trunk. LE already has the rest of it nailed down.

Steve I completely agree. I think my curiosity is so strong because it's like.. All I've got to ponder on until they find her, if that makes sense. I think human curiosity in missing peoples cases can just spin so much out of control because of all the unknowns and wanting to know what led up to the ultimate event. I definitely believe he's guilty as sin and they have their guy, it really sucks she is still out there somewhere because he's a horrible selfish douchebag of a person and won't give closure. Does LE have any sort of general idea at all of where she may be? I'm guessing they've thoroughly searched those areas but wondering if they have any other leads or areas of interest. This reminds me too much of the Hannah Graham case, what is wrong with these men who just do these things like it's no big deal?!?
Im very curious as to what his explanations will be!
If he has any!
Im very curious as to what his explanations will be!
If he has any!

He's already given many many many different "explanations" so far, all of them lies, so I can't imagine he will testify and offer another, or that it would be (or should be) believed if he did. Frankly, we already know what happened. They got the bad guy.
While I know most here are puzzling over this detail or that, I have to say I can't imagine they'll ever be answered because I doubt LE could care at all about such trivialities.

How drunk or drugged was EA, or wasn't he? It really doesn't absolve him, so it doesn't matter to them. Did CM have keys, who did she talk to, and so on? Again, it doesn't matter, because it was EA's TRUNK where she ended up, no matter what could be discovered about what preceded.

LE got their guy. He's in jail. They have DNA that proves he - the last person ever seen with Christina - at some point forced her into his TRUNK, after which she was never seen or heard from again. They'll take that DNA evidence, show how his actions and statements (with lies everywhere trying to mislead and mask his actions) providence additional evidence of his culpability, and he'll either spend the rest of his life in jail, or at some point they'll try him for murder and he'll get executed based on that DNA evidence and more.

And I don't think they'll ever bother to "answer" all the "before the abduction" trivialities, because there's no point for them to do so. All that matters to them is who did this (which they know, and for which they have the proof) and where he put CM (which will be helpful to know in a murder case, assuming EA not only abducted her but also killed her).

I really think there's only one thing we can contribute to the case, if that's our goal - figure out where EA put CM when he took her out of his trunk. LE already has the rest of it nailed down.

I see your point, but I think the more we know, the better chance we have of a conviction. If there is an accomplice, they need to be in jail too.

And, you know, I would have said the same thing about Casey Anthony and we all see how that worked out...

There are 1, 385 pages devoted to this case on this website alone. It's not been an easy one. I don't see how any of us can be sure what a jury will do. Obviously, not all of us agree. What if we were a jury?
He's already given many many many different "explanations" so far, all of them lies, so I can't imagine he will testify and offer another, or that it would be (or should be) believed if he did. Frankly, we already know what happened. They got the bad guy.

Yes Steve I know but im still curious as to what he might say!
He's already given many many many different "explanations" so far, all of them lies, so I can't imagine he will testify and offer another, or that it would be (or should be) believed if he did. Frankly, we already know what happened. They got the bad guy.

EA's attorney probably cringes at the thought of him giving any testimony.. not gonna happen (imo)
They got the guy. The last person CM was ever seen with, her DNA was found IN HIS TRUNK, and he's told all kinds of lies to try to mislead and cover up what happened. They got him. If you don't know, not sure what to tell ya, but LE knows. ~shrug~

We can wish for a Perry Mason moment, where someone tells us all the details, but that's not real life. We can wish to know all, but that's not real life either.

Certainly keep looking if you want, for a mysterious "somebody else," and keep speculating about minutia on things that happened before the crime occurred if you wish. I won't, nor will I see any way for it to lead anywhere when there's no one developing evidence to answer such trivialities, because they got the guy, and none of those details can change the crime itself. LE has already solved the "who dunnit" part of this case. All that remains is finding Christina.

I agree that they got their guy..etc etc.. I am interested though in what lead up to everything & the why's & how's... not that we'll ever really know all the facts & details, but it makes for good conversation. Finding Christina is certainly the number one goal at this point & it boggles the mind where she could be..
I agree that they got their guy..etc etc.. I am interested though in what lead up to everything & the why's & how's... not that we'll ever really know all the facts & details, but it makes for good conversation. Finding Christina is certainly the number one goal at this point & it boggles the mind where she could be..

Oh, I understand and appreciate the "time filler" and curiosity aspects of talking about various what-if's as to things that don't really matter. But I wanted to mention that, imo they don't move the needle on the prosecution of the case against EA. At times, it seems to me that while we speculate on these insignificant unknowns, we can forget that LE has already said, "This is the guy who abducted and killed CM" with the belief they already have plenty to prove the AK and probably more.
Imo, we aren't going to ever know what happened. We will hear what the state believes happened, and may hear some alternate theories from the defense to try to save EA...but neither will be the exact truth. EA will never tell all, even if he eventually makes a deal of some sort, Imo. And no one can really do anything about it, since no one will be able to contradict his story. Jmo
... no one will be able to contradict his story. Jmo

I had to laugh out loud when I read this sentence, in thinking about the concept of "his story." As many times as it's changed so far, it's almost like "his story" is almost anything at all - and how can you debunk a million conflicting "true stories" at once, right? lol I have considered several times working my way back through his statements and recording how many changed or contradictory explanations he has already concocted about that night; it's gotta be quite a few.
Can the trial just start, like, now please?
There are 1, 385 pages devoted to this case on this website alone. It's not been an easy one. I don't see how any of us can be sure what a jury will do. Obviously, not all of us agree. What if we were a jury?

If we were on the jury, we would be presented with all the evidence LE and the DA put together. There would be no "what if's," etc. Like Steve wrote, it's pretty cut and dried in LE's eyes, IMHO.

Too bad the won't give up where Christina is; just like the other locked-up who never gave up Sierra Lamar's location. Three years later, that monster's trial hasn't started yet. And the Lamars cannot even put their 15-year-old daughter to rest.
Im very curious as to what his explanations will be!
If he has any!
Well don't hold your breathe, you've read, seen and are fully aware of ALL of his "explanations" in the past. Plz, you're too smart to hold out hope for THAT to ever happen, right?!
Yes Steve I know but im still curious as to what he might say!
I felt this way in November but after the truth of his compulsive lying came to surface, reality sunk in and I had to accept that wouldn't ever happen. I mean, never will happen.
I had to laugh out loud when I read this sentence, in thinking about the concept of "his story." As many times as it's changed so far, it's almost like "his story" is almost anything at all - and how can you debunk a million conflicting "true stories" at once, right? lol I have considered several times working my way back through his statements and recording how many changed or contradictory explanations he has already concocted about that night; it's gotta be quite a few.

Here's a few - I'm sure there are many more that I didn't take note of....

• He said he didn't talk to Christina during their walk to the garage
• He said didn't park near her, and that he parked in a different parking lot
• Says he doesn't even know what kind of car she drives
• He said she was never in his car
• He claims he drove E on Legacy to 75 and exited at Bethany but records show he passed Custer on 121 at 4:08am
• He said his injuries happened Before CM's disappearance
• He told his co-workers he got injured in a bar fight, but told LE he got injured rotating his tires.
• He said he texted his gf when he got injured and had proof of that "and that's been cleared"
• He omitted to tell LE that his phone was used to call Christina's boyfriend
• He said in an interview that he was fired because of the investigation. In fact, he was fired for stealing cell phone ($650).
• When asked about damage to the front of his car, he said he punched it in frustration
• He said he went to work at 8:00am that day (it was actually 10:50am)
• He said his brother would vouch for the time got home (if so, CA lied on his behalf)
• he told his gf he had a headache that evening and was going to bed - then took off "partying".
• He said he texted his gf when he was walking to the garage
• When asked questions he doesn't want to answer, claims he has blackouts and doesn't remember
• Says "I'm a good guy", I don't get in trouble!?!!
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