GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #36 *Arrest*

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I have followed this case since October 2014. I am local, I live very close to the S@L, and I worked within 3 miles of EA’s home; while I do not have a personal connection to either party, the geographic connection makes it feel as though this has all played out in my backyard. That's a little about me.
Now, in the spirit of moving this forward without the release of new information, I would like to post a theory I have. IMO, we should all be fairly familiar with the facts presented to the public. Due to those facts, it is my personal opinion the correct guilty party is sitting on the 4700 Block of Community Ave in McKinney. I think it would behoove us to move past the who's and what if's and take the information LE has presented at face value in order to find a where.
I would assume this angle has been explored, but I believe the period of time between leaving Kroger and arriving to work may be the unravelling thread needing to be pulled. Here’s my theory, which, please, take it with a grain of salt. PPD has so far done a fine job, I don’t think they need my help, I'm merely opening a line of conversation for us to revisit the most relevant question of this case. Where is CM? Now, unless I’ve missed it, the 10:15 a.m. timestamp at Kroger is all that was released in regards to the CCTV footage, therefore we do not know if he arrived or left Kroger at 10:15. To assume he left Kroger at 10:15, which is what I have done in the summary below, requires scrutinizing a broader area.
IMO, OMO, pure speculation ahead!:
Based on information, so far released, I would guess starting at 5:32 and concluding somewhere around 10:15a.m., he hid CM and cleaned his car as well as himself.
I’m sure we’ve all mapped the route from his home to work, from Kroger to work, from home to Kroger, etc., so why did a 19 minute, familiar commute turn into a 35 minute one? What took place in that 16 minute gap? There are lots of things that could explain this, but what makes the most sense to me is that he possibly drove past where he placed her to ensure zero visibility from the roadway (or turn off, dirt road, major highway, pick your poison). Following this assumption of time, this leaves room for an 8 minute detour, 16 minute round trip, in which he strayed from his normal commute. With this being my theory, I believe he took her to a remote location somewhere off the route he would have normally taken to work. In looking at a map, I tend to lean towards areas around Lake Lavon, specifically the first land mass after crossing the first portion of the lake. Property record searches indicate a good bit of that land is still owned by the US government, not private individuals, this, IMO, allows the area to remain heavily treed, natural, and rural, which would have probably been exactly what he was looking for. Suggestions? Comments? Thoughts?
Great points, I agree wholeheartedly.

To expand on some things in general:
"Picketing" comes in many forms, but what is actually happening here in Allen Tx is 6-8 ppl simply standing in silence on the public sidewalk outside if EA house on some evenings holding up poster board homemade signs. No walking, chanting, shouting, rioting, destruction of property, loud and/or obnoxious noises, no threats, no blocking of the street or private driveways....nothing but STANDING outside in in the open air.

If you want to criticize how CM's family has chosen to demonstrate outrage, that's simply your opinion and everyone has one. I think the majority of the town (Allen Tx) has just as much anger and outrage for the A's (EA) that JM has for him, sooooo although it might appear rude, destructive or not conform to your beliefs, local opinions are aligned with JM. I know, it may be unbelievable but check the public FCM-FB page, they have more supporters there than the contributors of this case within the WS site. . .

Regardless of the choices CM made within her life or that night.....she's gone now. That's NOT ok & EA will pay for his actions!

Yes'm, yes'm indeed (I'm going to assume an implied ma'am is correct due to Momma being your screen name). Would I want my family being faced with fall out from my actions? NO! Would I become an unavoidable presence in the life of someone who was denying involvement in my child or loved ones disappearance? YES! Even if that meant being an unavoidable presence in the lives of those that the person holds dear. IMO, he needs to understand that his lies will never one day just magically materialize into truths. It is ONLY through telling the truth he can finally free himself (figuratively, let's be clear), his family, and her family from this burden of unknowingness. He can give them the opportunity he's deprived them of; the opportunity to move forward. I'm certainly sympathetic to both sets of families; one side is missing their daughter and is grappling with the revelation that LE thinks it's possible they may never again see her the way they knew her. EA's family has also lost a child and if judgement falls hard on against EA, they will probably also struggle with feelings of guilt and failure as parents. It is likely they will never again see their son outside of prison walls. For this, I feel terrible for them. Being sympathetic does not mean believing in an avoidance of conflict; it means appreciating the gravity of the situation and condoning a productive outcome for the affected party(ies). IMO, the A's burying their head in the sand like an ostrich does not make it go away and protesting does not change the past event of CM's disappearance. Until one has walked in either of their shoes, and to my knowledge, only one poster here has, I think we should all respectfully draw a line in the sand and shake hands on this topic. :deadhorse:
Different cultures behave differently. In Allen Tx, most of the area stand in solidarity with the Morris family. Personally, I'm not sure what I would do but I surely won't stand aside and judge what they've decided to do, judge and criticize what TES has done, or judge and criticize the lifestyle/friends CM had. That's just "noise" and has been investigated thoroughly to determine EA is responsible for AK, and "absolutely" murder. Sure, Others are terrible, drug dealing, druggies/shady liars, irresponsible, criminal, drug addicts BUT they've been shook down multiple times (according to the affidavits). EVIDENCE leads them directly to EA and EA alone.

BaeMomma, I am not in disagreement with you. Your paragraph above leads me to elaborate with my own take. It is difficult for me to imagine why anyone would not feel supportive of the Morris family. Honestly, I think most people here do feel supportive. So why, every time I post in this thread, do I feel that I am tip-toeing around eggshells? I carefully choose every word because I don't want to end up feeling like I have egg on my face because of some sort of innocent verbal misstep. While I think everyone has a right to an opinion, I just don't think all opinions are equally valid. Contention in this thread seems recently to have been over everything connected with the Morris family, their friends and supporters, and Christina's friends. I find myself wondering: Just how does one prepare to be a perfect victim? A victim cannot know she is going to become a victim. I am not being snarky. I feel pained, actually.

I can accept that people want all the information in the world about this case; oh, I would like that too! We cannot have that. We cannot even know all that LE knows. If we knew everything that LE has, the defense would have it before the prosecution even had a chance to construct their working strategy. What is our definition of justice here? If justice means that no one who has ever made a mistake in the life of Christina Morris is going to fail to be held to account because this young woman is most likely dead, then I suggest that we will not feel satisfied about any outcome of justice. Christina does not seem to me like a girl run wild. She sounds like a typical young woman of her age who has some friends who use drugs. It may be difficult to look at that aspect of her life without assuming that this may have played a role in what happened to her. How much she knew about the business dealings of HF is not now possible to know. It will never be possible to know it absolutely. She will never be able to tell us.

Whatever she knew or did not know, she likely did not live her life worrying that her lifestyle choices and her choice of friends would lead to her death. She was in her twenties! She probably lived her life like most people of her age, imagining that she could make a course correction somewhere down the road if she needed to.

It is almost impossible, I suppose, to talk about drugs in this case without sounding like someone casting blame. Maybe if there was more compassion for people who use drugs in the first place, this discussion wouldn't be so contentious. What I cannot understand is how Christina's family's choices so often catch shrapnel.

If there can be no proper way to be a victim, to plan in advance to avoid a long walk with the wrong person in the a.m. hours, then how on earth can we expect Christina's parents to be the perfect victim's perfect family? Is there a manual of behavior for how to behave when your child has been kidnapped and likely murdered? If there is no rulebook on this, maybe we could just give that aspect of the case a rest. These people will deal with this grief in their own time and their own way, and if they find a measure of peace, they will probably do so long after this thread has been laid to rest.

Right now it is impossible for them to lay Christina to rest.

For me, this case has already achieved some justice in that EA is now in jail, and for all we know that means another young woman, going about making the contemporary mistake of choosing the wrong substances, the wrong friends, the wrong boyfriends, may still be able to walk to her car at night in safety. We don't know what EA may have gone on to do. He cannot physically harm anyone right now. That is just so satisfying.
Now, in the spirit of moving this forward without the release of new information, I would like to post a theory I have. IMO, we should all be fairly familiar with the facts presented to the public. Due to those facts, it is my personal opinion the correct guilty party is sitting on the 4700 Block of Community Ave in McKinney. I think it would behoove us to move past the who's and what if's and take the information LE has presented at face value in order to find a where.
I would assume this angle has been explored, but I believe the period of time between leaving Kroger and arriving to work may be the unravelling thread needing to be pulled. Here’s my theory, which, please, take it with a grain of salt. PPD has so far done a fine job, I don’t think they need my help, I'm merely opening a line of conversation for us to revisit the most relevant question of this case. Where is CM? Now, unless I’ve missed it, the 10:15 a.m. timestamp at Kroger is all that was released in regards to the CCTV footage, therefore we do not know if he arrived or left Kroger at 10:15. To assume he left Kroger at 10:15, which is what I have done in the summary below, requires scrutinizing a broader area.
IMO, OMO, pure speculation ahead!:
Based on information, so far released, I would guess starting at 5:32 and concluding somewhere around 10:15a.m., he hid CM and cleaned his car as well as himself.
I’m sure we’ve all mapped the route from his home to work, from Kroger to work, from home to Kroger, etc., so why did a 19 minute, familiar commute turn into a 35 minute one? What took place in that 16 minute gap? There are lots of things that could explain this, but what makes the most sense to me is that he possibly drove past where he placed her to ensure zero visibility from the roadway (or turn off, dirt road, major highway, pick your poison). Following this assumption of time, this leaves room for an 8 minute detour, 16 minute round trip, in which he strayed from his normal commute. With this being my theory, I believe he took her to a remote location somewhere off the route he would have normally taken to work. In looking at a map, I tend to lean towards areas around Lake Lavon, specifically the first land mass after crossing the first portion of the lake. Property record searches indicate a good bit of that land is still owned by the US government, not private individuals, this, IMO, allows the area to remain heavily treed, natural, and rural, which would have probably been exactly what he was looking for. Suggestions? Comments? Thoughts?

I really appreciate your contribution above.

To reply to your ideas, I am inclined to agree that he took CM out of his trunk in the time prior to 10:15. But I think a detour after 10:15 might have been unrelated to where he left her - I'd favor a drive-thru breakfast stop, or maybe a quick stop at his house (just around the corner from the gas station) for this or that. If he's super-quick, can he leave the gas station at 10:15, run home, take a super-quick shower and change clothes, and then be at work by 10:50? It's tight, no doubt, but I wonder if it could have been possible. If we knew whether or not he was already wearing his work clothes in the gas video, it might offer a hint. (LE obviously knows what he wore at 10:15, but we do not.)

As to the specific areas you have mentioned, are you talking about those that would be from him going E out Lucas Rd and across the lake? If so, that makes sense to me from a time standpoint prior to 10:15 as well as geography and terrain, as to where he could have gone to look for a hiding place. (But I doubt he had time to go there and back after 10:15 on a re-visit, and still be at work by 10:50, although I think he was probably doing something else in those minutes anyhow.)

Since you're local, one thing you might want to do (if you have a chance) is to look at the landscape in person (drive it) NOT via map. I did (I explored the S end of Lavon, which would have been a drive past his work and then going E on 78). And as I did, I was surprised that areas that looked like "good hiding places" on a map were far scarcer when driving the geography. That is due to access issues (such as fencing), inhabited houses, difficulty in getting to the place via car (I can't imagine him slinging CM over his shoulder and carrying her a long ways, especially out in the open), lack of places to park his car and get out (some roads are super-busy, super-exposed, or have no shoulders at all), eliminating places where she surely would have been found long ago because they are too open, and so on. I was amazed at how limited the desirable choices were in a driving mode of "If it was me, and I had to get CM out of my car without someone seeing me, would I stop here? Does this look like a good place?"
{Now, in the spirit of moving this forward without the release of new information, I would like to post a theory I have. IMO, we should all be fairly familiar with the facts presented to the public. Due to those facts, it is my personal opinion the correct guilty party is sitting on the 4700 Block of Community Ave in McKinney. I think it would behoove us to move past the who's and what if's and take the information LE has presented at face value in order to find a where.
I would assume this angle has been explored, but I believe the period of time between leaving Kroger and arriving to work may be the unravelling thread needing to be pulled. Here’s my theory, which, please, take it with a grain of salt. PPD has so far done a fine job, I don’t think they need my help, I'm merely opening a line of conversation for us to revisit the most relevant question of this case. Where is CM? Now, unless I’ve missed it, the 10:15 a.m. timestamp at Kroger is all that was released in regards to the CCTV footage, therefore we do not know if he arrived or left Kroger at 10:15. To assume he left Kroger at 10:15, which is what I have done in the summary below, requires scrutinizing a broader area.
IMO, OMO, pure speculation ahead!:
Based on information, so far released, I would guess starting at 5:32 and concluding somewhere around 10:15a.m., he hid CM and cleaned his car as well as himself.
I’m sure we’ve all mapped the route from his home to work, from Kroger to work, from home to Kroger, etc., so why did a 19 minute, familiar commute turn into a 35 minute one? What took place in that 16 minute gap? There are lots of things that could explain this, but what makes the most sense to me is that he possibly drove past where he placed her to ensure zero visibility from the roadway (or turn off, dirt road, major highway, pick your poison). Following this assumption of time, this leaves room for an 8 minute detour, 16 minute round trip, in which he strayed from his normal commute. With this being my theory, I believe he took her to a remote location somewhere off the route he would have normally taken to work. In looking at a map, I tend to lean towards areas around Lake Lavon, specifically the first land mass after crossing the first portion of the lake. Property record searches indicate a good bit of that land is still owned by the US government, not private individuals, this, IMO, allows the area to remain heavily treed, natural, and rural, which would have probably been exactly what he was looking for. Suggestions? Comments? Thoughts?}

Just clicking the 'thank you' button wasn't enough. This was a really great post!

This theory sits really well with me. If we (the public) had more information about HIS cell phone pings then we can either validate or discard this idea.

I believe that Lake Lavon has been searched:

Does anyone know if the Gvmt owned land has been searched?
I have followed this case since October 2014. I am local, I live very close to the S@L, and I worked within 3 miles of EA’s home; while I do not have a personal connection to either party, the geographic connection makes it feel as though this has all played out in my backyard. That's a little about me.
Now, in the spirit of moving this forward without the release of new information, I would like to post a theory I have. IMO, we should all be fairly familiar with the facts presented to the public. Due to those facts, it is my personal opinion the correct guilty party is sitting on the 4700 Block of Community Ave in McKinney. I think it would behoove us to move past the who's and what if's and take the information LE has presented at face value in order to find a where.
I would assume this angle has been explored, but I believe the period of time between leaving Kroger and arriving to work may be the unravelling thread needing to be pulled. Here’s my theory, which, please, take it with a grain of salt. PPD has so far done a fine job, I don’t think they need my help, I'm merely opening a line of conversation for us to revisit the most relevant question of this case. Where is CM? Now, unless I’ve missed it, the 10:15 a.m. timestamp at Kroger is all that was released in regards to the CCTV footage, therefore we do not know if he arrived or left Kroger at 10:15. To assume he left Kroger at 10:15, which is what I have done in the summary below, requires scrutinizing a broader area.
IMO, OMO, pure speculation ahead!:
Based on information, so far released, I would guess starting at 5:32 and concluding somewhere around 10:15a.m., he hid CM and cleaned his car as well as himself.
I’m sure we’ve all mapped the route from his home to work, from Kroger to work, from home to Kroger, etc., so why did a 19 minute, familiar commute turn into a 35 minute one? What took place in that 16 minute gap? There are lots of things that could explain this, but what makes the most sense to me is that he possibly drove past where he placed her to ensure zero visibility from the roadway (or turn off, dirt road, major highway, pick your poison). Following this assumption of time, this leaves room for an 8 minute detour, 16 minute round trip, in which he strayed from his normal commute. With this being my theory, I believe he took her to a remote location somewhere off the route he would have normally taken to work. In looking at a map, I tend to lean towards areas around Lake Lavon, specifically the first land mass after crossing the first portion of the lake. Property record searches indicate a good bit of that land is still owned by the US government, not private individuals, this, IMO, allows the area to remain heavily treed, natural, and rural, which would have probably been exactly what he was looking for. Suggestions? Comments? Thoughts?

THANK YOU! I believe that the timeline is where the focus should be, his route(s) and the pings we have been given info on. While I too would love to have all the details of what transpired, at this point CM just needs to be found. In my opinion, finding CM will answer a lot of questions. IF ONLY we had all the info on the pings and other possible devices I'm sure PPD has...:thinking: I am completely frustrated that she hasn't been found, I cannot fathom what her family is feeling.

I have felt from the very beginning that Lake Lavon is a perfect place to hid a body. So much of it is thick wooded area but still surprising close to a roadway. It's basically between EAs home and work, he has to be familiar with the area. Honestly I would want to go as far away from my home turf as possible but in a panicked moment, I would think Lake Lavon first and then north of McKinney. HOWEVER lately I am starting to feel like she might be in the Landfill. (I have not nor do I plan on disposing of any bodies - just putting that out there)

All this is MO and OMO.

Welcome to all the new posters who've joined us on this thread! I've enjoyed reading your theories, and this line of discussion is refreshing and beneficial.

It's interesting that others here at WS have focused on the Lake Lavon area, because I have been thinking about that area as well. One of the early searches was conducted at Lake Lavon because of a tip that was later referred to as a "red herring". IIRC, the tip was based on an alleged sighting of CM and HF at the lake on Friday and it was determined that they'd actually been there on Wednesday.

I've wondered if the search was cut short based on that erroneous information, or if it was thoroughly searched at the time. Does anyone know?

Welcome to all the new posters who've joined us on this thread! I've enjoyed reading your theories, and this line of discussion is refreshing and beneficial.

It's interesting that others here at WS have focused on the Lake Lavon area, because I have been thinking about that area as well. One of the early searches was conducted at Lake Lavon because of a tip that was later referred to as a "red herring". IIRC, the tip was based on an alleged sighting of CM and HF at the lake on Friday and it was determined that they'd actually been there on Wednesday.

I've wondered if the search was cut short based on that erroneous information, or if it was thoroughly searched at the time. Does anyone know?

That tip was in reference to Lewisville Lake. That lake is north and west. Lavon is south and to the east.
I really wish CM's threads could be split up. It's beyond time. Suggestions:

*What is known about the night she went missing
*EA arrest on stolen phone and related documents
*EA arrest on kidnapping, related documents and bail hearing testimony
*HF drug activity
*CM search info
*Public Demonstrations
*EA did it
*"Want More Proof Because DNA in Trunk is Not Enough"
*ID Special (already a separate thread)

In the Jon Benet Ramsey forum there are threads about Ramsey's Did It vs Intruder Did It and basically that's all that is allowed in that particular thread. It doesn't break down discussion but does seem to alleviate some of the frustration and snarkiness. It's easier for people to avoid the hot button topics that cause the most strife, it seems like.

Just my opinion, as always.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Due to our experience on Websleuths we are very careful before we open up an actual forum on a case.

There is very little new information on this case IIRC. It stands to reason that if we open a forum where we can separate the threads then the forum itself will be pretty much non-active shortly after it's formation.

Things could change over night and we could need a forum for the Morris case and if this happens we will gladly put one up for our members.

Take care and thanks for participating on Websleuths.

If we open a forum on this case I can assure you that it will be virtually dead very soon. With nothing major happening it's just how it works out.
I really appreciate your contribution above.

To reply to your ideas, I am inclined to agree that he took CM out of his trunk in the time prior to 10:15. But I think a detour after 10:15 might have been unrelated to where he left her - I'd favor a drive-thru breakfast stop, or maybe a quick stop at his house (just around the corner from the gas station) for this or that. If he's super-quick, can he leave the gas station at 10:15, run home, take a super-quick shower and change clothes, and then be at work by 10:50? It's tight, no doubt, but I wonder if it could have been possible. If we knew whether or not he was already wearing his work clothes in the gas video, it might offer a hint. (LE obviously knows what he wore at 10:15, but we do not.)

As to the specific areas you have mentioned, are you talking about those that would be from him going E out Lucas Rd and across the lake? If so, that makes sense to me from a time standpoint prior to 10:15 as well as geography and terrain, as to where he could have gone to look for a hiding place. (But I doubt he had time to go there and back after 10:15 on a re-visit, and still be at work by 10:50, although I think he was probably doing something else in those minutes anyhow.)

Since you're local, one thing you might want to do (if you have a chance) is to look at the landscape in person (drive it) NOT via map. I did (I explored the S end of Lavon, which would have been a drive past his work and then going E on 78). And as I did, I was surprised that areas that looked like "good hiding places" on a map were far scarcer when driving the geography. That is due to access issues (such as fencing), inhabited houses, difficulty in getting to the place via car (I can't imagine him slinging CM over his shoulder and carrying her a long ways, especially out in the open), lack of places to park his car and get out (some roads are super-busy, super-exposed, or have no shoulders at all), eliminating places where she surely would have been found long ago because they are too open, and so on. I was amazed at how limited the desirable choices were in a driving mode of "If it was me, and I had to get CM out of my car without someone seeing me, would I stop here? Does this look like a good place?"

Well shucks, thanks! I always enjoy reading your perspective and respect the knowledge you seem to possess about the field (law, LE, etc). You're a critical thinker, so that means a lot coming from you.

Bingo, yes that is correct. The specific area I am speaking of is E. Bethany/E. Lucas and across the lake. I've driven the area and I think the area beyond the fireworks stand on Daytona Ave as well as some areas within that neighborhood; it is called Trinity Park are potential areas of interest. It is rural to say the least; a lot of abandoned, uninhabitable properties, heavily treed areas, secluded off road trails that lead to God knows what. It's certainly not an area I want to spend a great deal of time cruising through. The area looks rough, fo 'sho.

The only two routes Google Maps populates for me, regardless of Kroger/Work or Home/Work is version A or version B of taking E. Bethany/E. Lucas to Parker Rd and into Wylie and the Sprint store. I've plugged in the directions for taking the detour of continuing straight down E. Lucas and over Lake Lavon and he could actually make it across the second bridge, turn around, and head back to Parker fairly easily within the 16 minute time frame. I'm not committed to the idea of him taking the detour to drive past where he hid her due to the simple fact that it's pure speculation and "what-if", BUT, IMO it makes sense due to his probable state of mind at the time of site selection and hiding CM. If he did in fact drive past, IMO, it would simply be as a means of self reassurance that he selected a spot with an acceptable lack of visibility after having a few hours to process what all had occurred; double checking himself in the sobering light of day and when thinking a little clearer. However, he may have simply been riding around smoking a bowl; we know that was an enjoyed past time of his due to the paraphernalia found by LE and his subsequent admittance to imbibing in the herb. IMO, that as well as the other scenarios you suggested all seem possible. I'm also curious to know what he was wearing on the Kroger footage; IMO, I tend to believe he was already dressed for work since he was "spot cleaning" at that point (squeegee gate & wiping his passenger side door with an unknown piece of material) which indicate the primary clean up of the car as well as the clean up of himself had taken place, but you never know. It would be foolish for me to apply norms and rationale to a person who is capable of doing what he has been accused of doing.
Obviously we'll know more as the info comes out; part of me is ready to see what they have, but another part of me dreads it. I always spend part of the day feeling sick to my stomach and in despair for the families when evidence starts rolling out. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult that must be for those families, none more so than CM's family.
Well shucks, thanks! I always enjoy reading your perspective and respect the knowledge you seem to possess about the field (law, LE, etc). You're a critical thinker, so that means a lot coming from you.

Bingo, yes that is correct. The specific area I am speaking of is E. Bethany/E. Lucas and across the lake. I've driven the area and I think the area beyond the fireworks stand on Daytona Ave as well as some areas within that neighborhood; it is called Trinity Park are potential areas of interest. It is rural to say the least; a lot of abandoned, uninhabitable properties, heavily treed areas, secluded off road trails that lead to God knows what. It's certainly not an area I want to spend a great deal of time cruising through. The area looks rough, fo 'sho.

The only two routes Google Maps populates for me, regardless of Kroger/Work or Home/Work is version A or version B of taking E. Bethany/E. Lucas to Parker Rd and into Wylie and the Sprint store. I've plugged in the directions for taking the detour of continuing straight down E. Lucas and over Lake Lavon and he could actually make it across the second bridge, turn around, and head back to Parker fairly easily within the 16 minute time frame. I'm not committed to the idea of him taking the detour to drive past where he hid her due to the simple fact that it's pure speculation and "what-if", BUT, IMO it makes sense due to his probable state of mind at the time of site selection and hiding CM. If he did in fact drive past, IMO, it would simply be as a means of self reassurance that he selected a spot with an acceptable lack of visibility after having a few hours to process what all had occurred; double checking himself in the sobering light of day and when thinking a little clearer. However, he may have simply been riding around smoking a bowl; we know that was an enjoyed past time of his due to the paraphernalia found by LE and his subsequent admittance to imbibing in the herb. IMO, that as well as the other scenarios you suggested all seem possible. I'm also curious to know what he was wearing on the Kroger footage; IMO, I tend to believe he was already dressed for work since he was "spot cleaning" at that point (squeegee gate & wiping his passenger side door with an unknown piece of material) which indicate the primary clean up of the car as well as the clean up of himself had taken place, but you never know. It would be foolish for me to apply norms and rationale to a person who is capable of doing what he has been accused of doing.
Obviously we'll know more as the info comes out; part of me is ready to see what they have, but another part of me dreads it. I always spend part of the day feeling sick to my stomach and in despair for the families when evidence starts rolling out. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult that must be for those families, none more so than CM's family.

I'd like to look that up on google earth, can you help a non local, what should I search for to find the area you're discussing.

I'm enjoying reading your posts

Just clicking the 'thank you' button wasn't enough. This was a really great post!

This theory sits really well with me. If we (the public) had more information about HIS cell phone pings then we can either validate or discard this idea.

I believe that Lake Lavon has been searched:

Does anyone know if the Gvmt owned land has been searched?

Goodness, thanks :blushing:

That is something I'm unclear about. In the Discovery ID show, TES started to search the exact area I'm referencing, but it was announced on the show they called off the search before completion that day due to weather related issues. I do not know if they went back; I've asked people who have taken place in the Saturday morning searches, but due to the confidentiality of search areas they would not say. I 100% respect and admire the loyalty and integrity to not answer that question, to be honest I'm glad they didn't. I did suggest re-searching it if it was not completely searched, but I don't know what came of that if anything at all.
I'd like to look that up on google earth, can you help a non local, what should I search for to find the area you're discussing.

I'm enjoying reading your posts


Sure, and thank you for the compliment! You guys sure know how to make a newbie feel welcomed!

I think the easiest thing to do would be to find the Fireworks stand that leads into the area. I looked up the address and it's "2060 E. Lucas Rd Allen, TX 75002". It's called Mr. Bigs Discount Fireworks and it's a fireworks stand on steroids; it's very large and very red. It faces NW and the neighborhood is to the far left of and behind it (due South) (Daytona Ave, Trout Ln, etc) is the sketchy area I mentioned in the thread above. The time stamp on the google street view in some cases is 2007 but IIRC, the area has not changed in an obvious way from my 2014 drive through.

"REWARD INCREASE! As a result of fundraisers for the #ChristinaMorris investigation by the family, reward increases" $30,000 now.

Welcome to all the new posters who've joined us on this thread! I've enjoyed reading your theories, and this line of discussion is refreshing and beneficial.

It's interesting that others here at WS have focused on the Lake Lavon area, because I have been thinking about that area as well. One of the early searches was conducted at Lake Lavon because of a tip that was later referred to as a "red herring". IIRC, the tip was based on an alleged sighting of CM and HF at the lake on Friday and it was determined that they'd actually been there on Wednesday.

I've wondered if the search was cut short based on that erroneous information, or if it was thoroughly searched at the time. Does anyone know?

As one of the new posters, thank you for the welcome!
I believe the area you're thinking of was Lake Lewisville. That area that was suggested early on due to a supposed CM/HF sighting. It ended up being proven as hear say and a lot of the searchers felt as though it was an intentional distraction IIRC.

The Lake Lavon search was supposedly cut short due to weather related issues, as stated on the Discovery ID special and I do not know if TES or other searchers went back to the area.
As one of the new posters, thank you for the welcome!
I believe the area you're thinking of was Lake Lewisville. That area that was suggested early on due to a supposed CM/HF sighting. It ended up being proven as hear say and a lot of the searchers felt as though it was an intentional distraction IIRC.

The Lake Lavon search was supposedly cut short due to weather related issues, as stated on the Discovery ID special and I do not know if TES or other searchers went back to the area.

You're right. I got the 2 of them confused. Thanks!
I hope they went back and thoroughly searched that area.
Yes'm, yes'm indeed (I'm going to assume an implied ma'am is correct due to Momma being your screen name).

LOL, that made me laugh. But yes, I am a mom. My screen name is just a symbol of my odd (and annoying) sense of humor. I read it and laugh every it's in no way supposed to be taken seriously :loveyou:
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