GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #37 *Arrest*

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My guess is someone was curious if a resource connection had been successful.

Yes, to this. I don't think he was as concerned about her welfare as he was to what was happening. And I mean what was happening that night.
Wasn't the initial story that SB wanted EA to move off of (or over on) the couch so she could stretch out there? When he refused to move, she went into a bedroom.
If EA wanted SB on the couch, why wouldn't he have made room for her there?
The story doesn't make sense to me.
Yea, it's a mystery to me as well. SB asks him to move so that she can lay down and he says no.
So SB lays down on the bed and he says something like 'if you don't come to the couch, I'm leaving'.
He's just a weird, controlling, creepy dude. It sounds like SN was on the trail, he just didn't follow through hard enough.

But, because of all of this drama and angling with SB, it doesn't seem like EA had a job to deliver CM somewhere, IMO.
If that were the case, why didn't SN continue to check back with CM?
Especially when she didn't let him know when she arrived home, even later the next day or the day after that times two.

Did SN begin trusting EA after 3:43 a.m.?

Do we know for a fact that he didn't try to contact her? We know he didn't alert anyone that she was missing, but I don't remember seeing that he never tried to call her. Can you please link that info? tIa
Yea, it's a mystery to me as well. SB asks him to move so that she can lay down and he says no.
So SB lays down on the bed and he says something like 'if you don't come to the couch, I'm leaving'.
He's just a weird, controlling, creepy dude. It sounds like SN was on the trail, he just didn't follow through hard enough.

But, because of all of this drama and angling with SB, it doesn't seem like EA had a job to deliver CM somewhere, IMO.

I think EA meant "if you don't let me lay with you here on the couch, I'm leaving" and SB was probably thinking yes, please do. I think SN just wanted to know if there was going to be a hook-up with HF. I doubt we'll ever know, but the conversation that EA and Christina had in that short walk must have gone south. I think CM was hell-bent on getting in touch with HF and didn't take EA's mood seriously enough. Possibly she told him to give up the idea of getting more rock.
It does to me (been there, uncomfortable place to be). I think it went like SB wanted to go to sleep and she was going to sleep on the couch. When EA wouldn't move so she could stretch out, she went to PP's bed and laid down with her - as in, "get lost, loser". I think the girls thought that was the end of the night. Party's over. I'm thinking he hadn't been hitting on Christina, at least at that point, JMO only.

So you're just saying the two girls wanted EA to leave so they could go to sleep.
And since CM decided to leave, she should get moving then too so the others could go to sleep.
In this case, where was SN and where was he going to sleep?
If CM had stayed, where would she have slept?

PP (or SB) said EA decided to leave when he knew he wasn't going to score with SB.
Why didn't PP tell EA it was time to go if she wanted to go to sleep.
They made it sound as if it was EA's choice to leave when he did (because he got mad) and, at that time, CM decided to walk along with him to the garage.
SN must have still been there too because he said he offered to drive CM home.
Was SN with-with PP?
If EA was hoping to be with-with SB, what was CM supposed to do if she had stayed?
So you're just saying the two girls wanted EA to leave so they could go to sleep.
And since CM decided to leave, she should get moving then too so the others could go to sleep.
In this case, where was SN and where was he going to sleep?
If CM had stayed, where would she have slept?

They said EA decided to leave when he knew he wasn't going to score with SB.
Why didn't PP tell EA it was time to go if they weren't going to stay.
They made it sound as if it was EA's choice to leave (because he got mad) and, at that time, CM decided to walk along with him.
SN must have still been there too because he said he offered to drive CM home.
Was SN with-with PP?
If EA was hoping to be with-with SB, what was CM supposed to do if she had stayed?

I don't know the layout of the apartment, 2 or 3 bedroom? I don't know if SN was staying over. If others (SB, PP) had decided to lay down, which is what I came away with, that's a pretty good sign the party's over.
It must be rocks to sell. Because crackheads rarely due social gatherings with peers that dont party. Plus if he had money; he would have been out searching and not sitting around to 3am.

Do we know for a fact that he didn't try to contact her? We know he didn't alert anyone that she was missing, but I don't remember seeing that he never tried to call her. Can you please link that info? tIa

I think SN said (or the friends in general said) they just figured her phone died and she'd call them when she charged her phone or got around to calling them.
In other words, they weren't afraid for her or jumping to conclusions that EA kept her from driving home.
I know SN said he asked CM to contact him later. When she didn't, I guess he wasn't too alarmed.
Maybe SN tried to reach CM later but, the fact remains, he never did/could.
I think SN said (or the friends in general said) they just figured her phone died and she'd call them when she charged her phone or got around to calling them.
In other words, they weren't afraid for her or jumping to conclusions that EA kept her from driving home.
I know SN said he asked CM to contact him later. When she didn't, I guess he wasn't too alarmed.
Maybe SN tried to reach CM later but, the fact remains, he never did/could.

And this bugs me so! If any of these people tried to contact her, why wouldn't they be concerned her phone went straight to voicemail for 4 days?
If somebody texts 'good rock' I would think they havegood rock, not that they were looking for some. Looking to buy would be good rock?

Maybe it was attempt to get HF to answer his phone. Or it could have been feedback.

And this bugs me so! If any of these people tried to contact her, why wouldn't they be concerned her phone went straight to voicemail for 4 days?

Well HF is the total blame for the 4 days no contact. I think the people she was with rarely talk or hung out with her during the year. Plus they may have thought that she would call once she stopped fighting with HF. Jmo
Well HF is the total blame for the 4 days no contact. I think the people she was with rarely talk or hung out with her during the year. Plus they may have thought that she would call once she stopped fighting with HF. Jmo

You're right. My point is ANYONE who tried to contact her in those 4 days should have been concerned, IMO, when her phone continually went straight to voicemail. That's a huge red flag in my mind. MOO
It must be rocks to sell. Because crackheads rarely due social gatherings with peers that dont party. Plus if he had money; he would have been out searching and not sitting around to 3am.

EA made a point of telling LE that PP was asked and had given CM an Adderall before the group left for the bars.
One idea is, EA asked PP for an Adderall as he was leaving but she refused to give him one.
He may have gotten mad over that because PP gave one to CM earlier.
Then I wondered if EA tried to take something from CM but an Adderall doesn't make sense because she had to ask for one earlier.

Apparently most of them (CM, EA and PP - don't know about the others) have prescriptions for Adderall, (EA told LE he did), so I don't know why anyone needed to ask someone else for one of theirs.
Except if you're abusing it, you'll run out before you can get the next script authorized and filled.
We know EA was interested in "rock" or something that would keep him going.
Did he think CM had something on her but she wouldn't share it with him?
EA was a 22yr old living at home and his mom and dad were out of town for the weekend. He may have had the idea that this weekend was going to be epic...girls, drugs and alcohol all weekend long. The night was coming to an end and he was trying to fulfill his expectations. He didn't really care if it was SB, CM or any other random girl that would go home with him. He was pissed when SB wouldn't play but then CM fell into his lap. Then when CM turns him down too, he flips out.

Or something along these lines...
Wasn't the initial story that SB wanted EA to move off of (or over on) the couch so she could stretch out there? When he refused to move, she went into a bedroom.
If EA wanted SB on the couch, why wouldn't he have made room for her there?
The story doesn't make sense to me.

I don't know, IMO, the interviews read like excerpts rather than true transcript interviews. I tend to think this is another clue we don't have a whole lot of information. IMO, if each interview lasted as long as it read, they would each last only seconds, not minutes, which seems unlikely. I may be wrong though; I didn't attend the bond hearing and while we know EA's interviews were watched that day I haven't heard if any of the others were so I can't speak to that as a matter of fact, but only of speculation .
I think LE really arrested HF because they think him and EA was in cahoots due to the calls and the 4 day lapse. Just like ronald Cummings and mist croslin. If they cant get you for one thing; They will throw the book at you for the other. Now they said a drug investigation was ongoing prior to arrest of HF. But still.
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