GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #37 *Arrest*

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All My Opinion ...
I do not think or feel EA "raped" the girl..she consented 10-15 times for 6 months.. willing to compromise to be a participant and make a choice.
Did he legally put himself in a compromising situation ?? YES HE DID
Did he forcibly have sexual intercourse with the girl 10-15 times and she reported it immediately each and every time?? I see that as "rape".IMO
Charges filed say sexual assault ... perhaps everyone needs to use that specific term that the jail records have legally listed;otherwise It might be considered rumor/gossip. IMO
I personally hope there is a huge mass arrest world wide of all 17 year olds and under that are having any type of sex -JMO since they can not consent ..then the laws need to apply to everyone. JMO

BBM - you've hit the nail on the head here, we don't yet know if he forced himself upon her, hopefully it will become clear as the legal process continues. If force was involved he should be punished as the law sets down.

Wonder if CM talked to both of her older sisters about things that were going on in her life with boyfriend issues.??????
BBM - you've hit the nail on the head here, we don't yet know if he forced himself upon her, hopefully it will become clear as the legal process continues. If force was involved he should be punished as the law sets down.


All My Opinion ...
I do not think or feel EA "raped" the girl..she consented 10-15 times for 6 months.. willing to compromise to be a participant and make a choice.
Did he legally put himself in a compromising situation ?? YES HE DID
Did he forcibly have sexual intercourse with the girl 10-15 times and she reported it immediately each and every time?? I see that as "rape".IMO
Charges filed say sexual assault ... perhaps everyone needs to use that specific term that the jail records have legally listed;otherwise It might be considered rumor/gossip. IMO
I personally hope there is a huge mass arrest world wide of all 17 year olds and under that are having any type of sex -JMO since they can not consent ..then the laws need to apply to everyone. JMO

I have more of a problem that its ok for a 14 yr old to have sex as long as there is 3 yrs diff.

If he found this young lady online and sought her out and had sex with her to me that very different than meeting someone and
having a 6 month relationship.
the guy is fried no matter how u look at it but its like a witch hunt.

LE is the one that messed up IMO there was no Urgency in finding her.
Now they have to save face.
No cars seized till way after the fact.
By the time she was reported missing she had already been gone 4 days!
Her car was found and they even had a person caught on film walking with her into the garage.
Drug dealing BF

So many red flags yet to me and imo so much was done wrong!

I mean really.
They saw her walk in!
They saw him drive out!
BBM - you've hit the nail on the head here, we don't yet know if he forced himself upon her, hopefully it will become clear as the legal process continues. If force was involved he should be punished as the law sets down.


why continue seeing a person if that's whats going on?
All My Opinion ...
I do not think or feel EA "raped" the girl..she consented 10-15 times for 6 months.. willing to compromise to be a participant and make a choice.
Did he legally put himself in a compromising situation ?? YES HE DID
Did he forcibly have sexual intercourse with the girl 10-15 times and she reported it immediately each and every time?? I see that as "rape".IMO
Charges filed say sexual assault ... perhaps everyone needs to use that specific term that the jail records have legally listed;otherwise It might be considered rumor/gossip. IMO
I personally hope there is a huge mass arrest world wide of all 17 year olds and under that are having any type of sex -JMO since they can not consent ..then the laws need to apply to everyone. JMO

Have you read the statute? It's not illegal for someone under 17 to have sex.
In Texas, a child is legally defined as someone under 17 years old.
A child cannot legally consent to sex with an adult. It's the adult's responsibility to not have sex with a child. Period.
The word forcibly is legally irrelevant when the sex is between an adult and a child with more than 3 yrs age difference, so that could also been seen as rumor/gossip IMO
It's everyone's own opinion whether they agree with the law or not, but it's still a felony.
Texas is conservative, surely no one is surprised by that.

With the same logic, I could argue that when a drug dealer sells someone drugs, the person buying them knows what they are doing, they want the drugs, they like the drugs, they are mature enough to make their own decisions. That doesn't make it legal to buy or sell drugs in Texas. YKWIM? I could also argue that since pot is legal in 3 states, that means it's no big deal if I smoke it in Texas. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be charged if I break the law.

I haven't seen anywhere that APD has labeled EA a sexual predator or tried to correlate this crime to Christina.
Some people on WS think it's relevant, and some don't. Just like everything else here, it's a matter of opinion.

ETA: For the record, It's my opinion that LE learned this information after they released the arrest affidavit, so I don't think it played a part in labeling EA sexually frustrated in the affidavit. I don't think it will play into Christina's case, but that's JMO.
Have you read the statute? It's not illegal for someone under 17 to have sex.
In Texas, a child is legally defined as someone under 17 years old.
A child cannot legally consent to sex with an adult. It's the adult's responsibility to not have sex with a child. Period.
The word forcibly is legally irrelevant when the sex is between an adult and a child with more than 3 yrs age difference, so that could also been seen as rumor/gossip IMO
It's everyone's own opinion whether they agree with the law or not, but it's still a felony.
Texas is conservative, surely no one is surprised by that.

With the same logic, I could argue that when a drug dealer sells someone drugs, the person buying them knows what they are doing, they want the drugs, they like the drugs, they are mature enough to make their own decisions. That doesn't make it legal to buy or sell drugs in Texas. YKWIM? I could also argue that since pot is legal in 3 states, that means it's no big deal if I smoke it in Texas. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be charged if I break the law.

I haven't seen anywhere that APD has labeled EA a sexual predator or tried to correlate this crime to Christina.
Some people on WS think it's relevant, and some don't. Just like everything else here, it's a matter of opinion.

BBM - thank you, thank you for spelling that out for me, I live in a much more liberal society and a light bulb has just gone off in my head and I've realized why on this issue I find myself disagreeing with posters that I've been in full agreement with so far :smile:

I will be aware of this huge difference in future
If EA shut his phone off and when he turned it on, the text messages came in....dont the text messages time stamp when they arrive to his phone, not when they were sent?
BBM - this is where I'm coming from I think, EA is being villified for doing something that it seems in the most part fo your country is perfectly legal.

Texan 16/22 year olds can't possibly be any different to the population of other states. Now if you disagree with the law in other states and fundementally believe this is predatory behaviour regardless of the law then I would respect your view but I can't feel the same if it's only predatory because the law exists.

To me that's not blind adherance to the law for the sake of it.

This does however does give me a problem as I am by nature a rule obeyer so I'm not advocating ignoring laws that don't suit us but in this particular instance I can't condemn based simply on geography.


BBM - yes he is! It is because people are upset, angry, frustrated (as they should be and with good reason) due to Christina missing. This is where the emotion of a case people are so invested in comes into play. IMO JMO
BBM - thank you, thank you for spelling that out for me, I live in a much more liberal society and a light bulb has just gone off in my head and I've realized why on this issue I find myself disagreeing with posters that I've been in full agreement with so far :smile:

I will be aware of this huge difference in future
Texas is probably one of the most socially conservative states in the U.S. As are most of the Southern states.
Have you read the statute? It's not illegal for someone under 17 to have sex.
In Texas, a child is legally defined as someone under 17 years old.
A child cannot legally consent to sex with an adult. It's the adult's responsibility to not have sex with a child. Period.
whenThe word forcibly is legally irrelevant the sex is between an adult and a child with more than 3 yrs age difference, so that could also been seen as rumor/gossip IMO
It's everyone's own opinion whether they agree with the law or not, but it's still a felony.
Texas is conservative, surely no one is surprised by that.

With the same logic, I could argue that when a drug dealer sells someone drugs, the person buying them knows what they are doing, they want the drugs, they like the drugs, they are mature enough to make their own decisions. That doesn't make it legal to buy or sell drugs in Texas. YKWIM? I could also argue that since pot is legal in 3 states, that means it's no big deal if I smoke it in Texas. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be charged if I break the law.

I haven't seen anywhere that APD has labeled EA a sexual predator or tried to correlate this crime to Christina.
Some people on WS think it's relevant, and some don't. Just like everything else here, it's a matter of opinion.

ETA: For the record, It's my opinion that LE learned this information after they released the arrest affidavit, so I don't think it played a part in labeling EA sexually frustrated in the affidavit. I don't think it will play into Christina's case, but that's JMO.

BBM - and thank you for clarifying this too for me.

However this raises more questions, o/t but what happens to girls who become pregant to older men - do they all end up as felons? And isn't there a problem with revenge, do 16 year olds who have been dumped by older boys report them to LE if the relationship ends badly?

It sounds like a minefield

BBM - and thank you for clarifying this too for me.

However this raises more questions, o/t but what happens to girls who become pregant to older men - do they all end up as felons? And isn't there a problem with revenge, do 16 year olds who have been dumped by older boys report them to LE if the relationship ends badly?

It sounds like a minefield


O/T - My sister got pregnant when she was 15. The guy was 19. My mom called a lawyer to see what could be done legally, and she was told that she could press charges, but then the baby's dad would be a felon in jail, which would probably not be in the best interest of the child.

I hope it's clear that I'm not trying to vilify EA, I know he's not the only person that's done this; but I still think that as the adult in the situation, he bears the responsibility of his actions. He undoubtedly opened himself up to police scrutiny when he kidnapped Christina.

Yes, revenge by a dumped 16 yr old can result in a felony. That's a good enough reason for me to not have sex with people that are not mature enough to consent (in the eyes of the law).

All JMO.
I don't see how any of this will help to find Christina Morris!
Texas is probably one of the most socially conservative states in the U.S. As are most of the Southern states.
Yet, the book, Fifty Shades of Gray sold better here than several other states, and women flocked to the movie. Students are bringing the book to school and talking about bondage in nonchalant tones.There is a hypocrisy in many attitudes and behaviors that I've witnessed as a native Texan many times, but that's another issue for another forum.
Yet, the book, Fifty Shades of Gray sold better here than several other states, and women flocked to the movie. Students are bringing the book to school and talking about bondage in nonchalant tones.There is a hypocrisy in many attitudes and behaviors that I've witnessed as a native Texan many times, but that's another issue for another forum.
I saw a study where most online *advertiser censored* viewing occurred in the bible belt areas.
I don't consider it rape when one is older than 16 years, a willing participant while in a dating relationship, and I think the law should be abolished. It is archaic. We do not know what happened in that relationship and to say it was all him is ridiculous. I do not see it as predatory. He did not use force to our knowledge. He did not physically or mentally abuse her to our knowledge. He did not attack her or do anything against her will to our knowledge. He dated a girl he met at work and did what most guys would do if they had the opportunity, imo. It was a 22 year old and not some 30 year old going after a child like you are trying to portray.

I am not nearly as eloquent, but YES this....
Yet, the book, Fifty Shades of Gray sold better here than several other states, and women flocked to the movie. Students are bringing the book to school and talking about bondage in nonchalant tones.There is a hypocrisy in many attitudes and behaviors that I've witnessed as a native Texan many times, but that's another issue for another forum.

BSDM is a thang, lately. I consider it a fad, like open marriage was in the 1970s. Eventually, most people come to their senses and are a bit embarrassed by the choices that they made when they were young.
I'm still surprised EA actually manages to get girlfriends to sleep with him! He gives me the creeps....
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