GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #37 *Arrest*

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Same jurisdiction.
Only a year ago.
"Sexual assault of a child" being the core crime.
A 16 year old.
The minor was very willing to have sex (but not considered old enough to give consent).
They knew each other much longer than EA knew his victim, before getting sexual.
Same court.
Same judge.

Ended up with two life sentences.

IMO the idea that this is some sport of outdated unenforced law, where LE isn't going to try EA for this rape - for which it appears they have loads of proof - and use it to lock him away is someone's fantasy. And it should be informative that while the Accion guy is trying to belittle the charges, EA's attorney is steering very clear of such bombast. He knows the law, and where LE is headed with this and how serious it is.

Question, IMO, I think they will be A-OK on this charge, but just out of curiosity of how this works, would the "I'm glad I ****** (name)" text be considered EA's admission of the crime and treated similar to a confession? I'm sure there may be variables like what the context was in which he said it (Ex: g/f: "I can't believe you slept with a 16 year old girl!" or some other exchange that was either more or less incriminating). I guess it's an irrelevant speculative question, but not knowing makes it a fleeting "hmm...wonder how that works?" thought. Was hoping you would shed some light on it :confused:
My brother started a sexual relationship with a younger classmate in high school while they were both under 18 (I believe she was two grades below him). They dated for several years that included up until and after his graduation. They always had a consensual relationship and both sets of parents were aware - so far as much as when she got pregnant and terminated her pregnancy, everyone knew about it.

There was never an issue with their relationship while they were together. But once they split up and things got ugly, my brother was arrested and charged with 100+ felonies.

He ended up serving two years in prison for having consensual sex with his girlfriend. All sets of parents knew and were not opposed to this while it was going.

Is it legal if parents consent? Absolutely not. However, it would NOT have ever been taken to the DA without the ex-girlfriend's parents doing so.


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That's horrible! But thanks for sharing it, wow. In a way I hope that there were other circumstances in addition to make the parents so vengeful and the courts so punitive.
Not a single one of those details was relevant to, nor changed, the point I made about that case. The crime for which that guy was convicted was the very same crime for which EA is accused, and he had the same possible excuses that some claim should apply to EA to make it not a crime.

Because, it's either a crime or it's not. If it's not a crime for EA, it also shouldn't have been a crime for the other guy to simply have sex with a 16 yr old who was willing. Clearly, it IS a crime, and one that gets punished severely. (Of course, the fact that it's a felony and that it will get you classified for life as a sex offender should be evidence enough.)

Too bad mitigating factors are not considered when "the law is the law" is but not just. One size doesn't always fit all.
I have a son and a daughter and I see both sides of the argument. Fortunately, they were very level-headed and managed to avoid entanglements such as we're discussing. But my heart bleeds for the young of any gender when they are taken advantage of, whether by a predator or unjustly worded and/or applied laws. Speaking philosophically here, of course; I am excluding EA. The law needs to take a long, hard critical look at him and his behavior/actions and I believe he has brought this upon himself by his involvement in Christina's disappearance.
But, by gawd, this legal net is thrown too far.
Maybe, but I'll bet it's usually the other way around. Lol
Girls have been lying about their ages since the start of time, imo. I know it happened when I was a teen on a regular basis with a few girls wanting to date older guys. However, some of the most dedicated, loving, and lasting relationships were formed then. I know many recent 40th anniversaries which started as 16 year old females dating older guys. Thank goodness we didn't have the government deciding who to hang for falling in love.
Girls have been lying about their ages since the start of time, imo. I know it happened when I was a teen on a regular basis with a few girls wanting to date older guys. However, some of the most dedicated, loving, and lasting relationships were formed then. I know many recent 40th anniversaries which started as 16 year old females dating older guys. Thank goodness we didn't have the government deciding who to hang for falling in love.

Well, I'm not against government, but I do believe that We the People need to closely monitor what our politicians and their benefactors are passing into law. And I agree that age spread in relationships can be successful......but I'm not a big proponent in general.
My brother started a sexual relationship with a younger classmate in high school while they were both under 18 (I believe she was two grades below him). They dated for several years that included up until and after his graduation. They always had a consensual relationship and both sets of parents were aware - so far as much as when she got pregnant and terminated her pregnancy, everyone knew about it.

There was never an issue with their relationship while they were together. But once they split up and things got ugly, my brother was arrested and charged with 100+ felonies.

He ended up serving two years in prison for having consensual sex with his girlfriend. All sets of parents knew and were not opposed to this while it was going.

Is it legal if parents consent? Absolutely not. However, it would NOT have ever been taken to the DA without the ex-girlfriend's parents doing so.


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And that is wrong on so many levels. He never should have been prosecuted unless they took both families to jail along with him because they knew about it and supported it, imo. It wouldn't surprise me if a few LEOs knew of the relationship yet did nothing to turn them in.

It is exactly like what we are discussing here in that LE and the DA can pick and choose what they decide to prosecute depending on the "win" factor and/or how it helps them in some way with another case. They had no doubt, especially with the pregnancy, that case was an easy win. Not much investigation necessary so go with it. smh
Well, I'm not against government, but I do believe that We the People need to closely monitor what our politicians and their benefactors are passing into law. And I agree that age spread in relationships can be successful......but I'm not a big proponent in general.
I've read quite a bit on how well New York ran when NYPD had their tantrum. During that time, the arrests made were for major crime, the victimless crimes, tickets and revenue generators fell WAY off. I'm not a government or law enforcement hater, but think we're WAY overdue for an overhaul. I miss the days when I felt like government and communities were all in this thing together.
Conveniently, you left out major parts of this case which determined the reasons behind him getting Life in prison. Apples and oranges to EA's case and not the same AT ALL!!!

Karr picked her up outside her school in Pasadena, Texas. He took her to his mother’s home in Allen where he hid her for two weeks. During that time, he had sex with her on multiple occasions. He also had her alter her appearance by removing her braces and dyeing her hair.


After the jury found Karr guilty, he agreed to life sentences for sexual assault of a child and online solicitation. The charges were enhanced because Karr, a registered sex offender, had previously been convicted for possession of child *advertiser censored* and attempted aggravated kidnapping. Karr also pled guilty to additional charges of possession of child *advertiser censored* and attempted escape from the Collin County jail.

Ridiculous to compare the two cases, imo! An internet predator and registered sex offender with a past history of kiddie *advertiser censored* and AK does in no way compare to a guy with no criminal past whatsoever dating a girl he met at work for 6 months .

I have not read the article so I'm solely basing it on responses I've seen from those who have: IMO, from the differences that people have cited from this case in comparison to EA's most recent charge, yes, it sounds different. Posts indicate there were some previous child *advertiser censored* charges in addition to (what sounds like) kidnapping a minor and engaging in sexual acts with her (or him? Like I said, I haven't read it yet). To me, what it makes me think of, in regards to comparison is this man was a proven deviant. His past was still his present, and that prevented a jury of his peers to have faith in his ability to rehabilitate into a productive and safe member of their community. Solely based on written illustrations, the similarity I see (which is only my opinion) is when factoring the most recent case into the scope of his character, along with the theft from his employer, and now adding in the CM facts we know, I have a low basis for belief in EA's ability to rehabilitate. IMO, I've seen a person who does not believe the laws that govern society apply to him. IMO, he has shown a lack of regard or respect for the law and he has now escalated into an assumed violent criminal. I understand he is "innocent until proven guilty" and despite my assessment based on what I've seen from public LE docs, I 100% respect that foundation of our judicial system. I will remain open to incorporating new evidence, even if it ever becomes contradictory, but this is where I stand today. I don't know if that was the point of stating the similarities or differences of the illustrated case, but I just thought I would share a very superficial snap shot of my own thoughts while reading everyone else's.
I know it has been said before, even by me, but I can't take it in that a female teen can be charged as an adult for murder and be eligible for LWOP in some states, but cannot legally decide to have sex with her boyfriend, if he is 20 or so, depending upon state. It makes it very difficult for me to take many statutory rape charges seriously. Jmo
The US is especially obsessed with sex (not having it) and what women of all ages do with their own bodies. Boggles my mind. In most places, suicide is not illegal anymore...yet sex is. Makes tons of sense.
I wonder too about why he sent the text message to his girlfriend in the first place. I have tried to think of what was going on when he sent it. It was November 30th. Where were we on the timeline of events?
I think I just read a post (don't recall by whom and don't really care, tbh) that stated LE has little on EA. ... ... ... Wut?! He was last seen with her, her blood was found in his car trunk, he's told a ton of lies regarding that night, and the list goes on and on. Doesn't seem that inconsequential to me.
I think I just read a post (don't recall by whom and don't really care, tbh) that stated LE has little on EA. ... ... ... Wut?! He was last seen with her, her blood was found in his car trunk, he's told a ton of lies regarding that night, and the list goes on and on. Doesn't seem that inconsequential to me.
Aren't those things (plus a whole lot more) they had on Casey Anthony, too?! She walked on Murder 1 and he is only up on AK so far.

PPD and the DAs better hope the evidence continues to pile up against EA if they want this case to hold up in court when it lands in the Jury's lap to be decided. He was last seen with her is not going to be enough for a conviction and having her blood/DNA in his trunk may not either.

They are grasping to prove he abducted her with force out of the parking garage as it stands right now. They have a shaky motive, an extremely narrow window of opportunity, and no weapon. They better come up with a lot more evidence.
I think I just read a post (don't recall by whom and don't really care, tbh) that stated LE has little on EA. ... ... ... Wut?! He was last seen with her, her blood was found in his car trunk, he's told a ton of lies regarding that night, and the list goes on and on. Doesn't seem that inconsequential to me.

It would seem that way, but I have to wonder why these charges have been brought and scheduled to go to the GJ before the actual AK charges. IMO it's almost as if they (LE) are trying to tack on as many charges as possible because they aren't comfortable with what they have with the AK. IDK I've never followed a case quite like this. MOO
I wonder too about why he sent the text message to his girlfriend in the first place. I have tried to think of what was going on when he sent it. It was November 30th. Where were we on the timeline of events?
Good question! Why would he send such a message to her and how did she even know about the other girl?
Good question! Why would he send such a message to her and how did she even know about the other girl?

IMO they were fighting (probably over his lie of being there that night) and he sent that to hurt her. Maybe she knew about his indiscretion and it's something he threw in her face when they fought. Who knows?
I don't think I will ever understand how LE 'is causing a distraction'. EA committed a felony. One agency discovered it then reported it, another agency charged him. It'll be up to GJ or DA to decide if its worth to pursue or not. I am pretty sure PPD has plenty of resources to investigate other felony cases while moving forward with the AK. I can't speak to the searching because I have no idea and only hope and pray the searches are still happening though I am pretty sure they are.

There are many times when criminals are arrested that there are a whole slew of things they can be charged with. Usually IMO they focus on the most serious and do not waste time with the lesser charges. IMO AK (and possibly murder) should be the focus and not a consensual sexual relationship. This is JMO and I understand everyone on here does not agree. It concerns me why they feel they have to hurry up and bring this before the GJ. JMO
Worry not, it's a separate police dept that filed the charges. APD filed SA charges. PPD is in charge of Christina's case. Besides, I'm sure they're each capable of investigating more than one crime at a time.

OH I thought PPD was instrumental in this. JMO
It would seem that way, but I have to wonder why these charges have been brought and scheduled to go to the GJ before the actual AK charges. IMO it's almost as if they (LE) are trying to tack on as many charges as possible because they aren't comfortable with what they have with the AK. IDK I've never followed a case quite like this. MOO

Geez Mikayoyo - you read my mind. This is my concern also and though I have not been on WS that long, I was on InSessions for years and I agree with you. I have never followed a case quite like this one either.
"I have to wonder why these charges have been brought and scheduled to go to the GJ before the actual AK charges."

I doubt that's true. The GJ on the AK charge has probably been looking at evidence for months. But I wouldn't be surprised if LE decides to ask for the rape indictment first, and try the rape case first, as a strategic move legally. IMO it would be a really smart legal tactic in the process of getting EA locked away for good while keeping EA from knowing their ongoing investigatory files on Christina's case.
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