GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #9 *Arrest*

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I have the 2 vehicle exits that you mentioned ..just in case any one needs to get a visual image of what that might look like ....
the 1st 2 is the exit/entrance closer to NWest/ Bishop(henry's)
the 2nd 2 is the exit/entrance closer to NEast / Lois/Parkwood(Dunkin Donut)!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sUQQs5kRulBBv7SGH2AyxSQ!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sUQQs5kRulBBv7SGH2AyxSQ!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sPPujqgPWzhNH8gOtN0ntzw!2e0!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s0oVbiMvrC8NreNT3MKS3Wg!2e0

I would suggest 3 and 4 Yorkiemom, but then NEast fits with my theory and is JMO. A 'pick you up outside' perhaps. I'd be sweeping around looking for cameras.

Had another thought today. I wonder if the camera was returned to HF 'along the line', after Christina went missing. That could be checked yea or nay according to those on the ground on that night. Would certainly be good circumstantial evidence if it were the case.

Then there is always the possibility of CM saying to walker, I'll just drop this in my car and you can pick me up outside.
[modsnip]. The problem PD has is if they r premature, EA will disappear. But...I don't know an neither do they, if even finding her would provide any additional evidence. I thought about my son and I metal detecting the area. We r both prior police and would not disturb anything if something is found. I thought it was weird the way they walked together. EA veered over as CM moved to the right
Very interesting...and it did seem that Christina's mom was much more forgiving of her boyfriend's failure to report her missing than she was with the idea that the walker failed to walk her to her car. In my opinion, she has seemed more perturbed with the walker than anyone throughout this whole ordeal. I wonder if in her heart (and off the record) that's who she suspects?
I am local and do not usually post....I did receive some LE inside info..[modsnip]. Those are the only nuggets i was able to get. I did not want to push my source.

Glad you've joined us!
I would suggest 3 and 4 Yorkiemom, but then NEast fits with my theory and is JMO. A 'pick you up outside' perhaps. I'd be sweeping around looking for cameras.

Had another thought today. I wonder if the camera was returned to HF 'along the line', after Christina went missing. That could be checked yea or nay according to those on the ground on that night. Would certainly be good circumstantial evidence if it were the case.

Then there is always the possibility of CM saying to walker, I'll just drop this in my car and you can pick me up outside.

Yes always that possibility . perhaps she waited for who ever not at her car but sat on the steps at the stairwell waiting???
I would suggest 3 and 4 Yorkiemom, but then NEast fits with my theory and is JMO. A 'pick you up outside' perhaps. I'd be sweeping around looking for cameras.

Had another thought today. I wonder if the camera was returned to HF 'along the line', after Christina went missing. That could be checked yea or nay according to those on the ground on that night. Would certainly be good circumstantial evidence if it were the case.

Then there is always the possibility of CM saying to walker, I'll just drop this in my car and you can pick me up outside.


If the memory card held pics from that day, then she had it with her. IMO.
I am local and do not usually post....I did receive some LE inside info..[modsnip]. Those are the only nuggets i was able to get. I did not want to push my source.

Welcome tlazo :)

Ummm...I really think...since being in LE myself..that EA family told PPD to get lost unless they had something.

From what I understand, and I don't know for sure....that's exactly what he did
I had to let a guy go that fought me and two other police officers because he was going in marines and couldn't get in if he had a felony. Another officer had to let a robbery suspect off the hook because his family donated money to help build Travis Stadium. The DA tried to get me to drop charges for UCW on a guy because he was his nephew. Believe me, police departments don't want attention

There's a small part of me that thinks the ball isn't rolling because someone involved has influence. Not saying a conspiracy to not solve this, it just feels like they are hiding things. If they have someone on camera (they must), what's the hold up? And sure, there's no evidence of a crime, but they aren't pushing, keeping this in the news. Something doesn't feel right about all this.
From what I understand, and I don't know for sure....that's exactly what he did

I have to back track, but, didn't LE say that walker was questioned and cooperated?
Not that THAT means anything. I know.

This! Why say this? If LE had any interest in EA...why would they say this?

She was last seen on surveillance video around 4:00 AM at The Shops at Legacy in Plano, Texas, with a male friend. The pair was recorded walking into a parking garage together, before going to their respective cars. Christina’s silver Toyota Celica was later found nearby. Police say that despite being the last person seen with her before she disappeared, Christina’s friend has been very cooperative and is not considered a suspect.
Good to see this thread perk back up. Some very interesting reading this evening.
I think PPD has info that would cause people to say...go get em..but they know they don't have anything to hold anyone. They are looking for physical evidence.

Agreed. Yet it seems like they are making little effort to find her. Sadly she's prlly dead. They need to find her or her body, but don't seem to be looking. I'm still convinced they care more about the possibility of a conviction than they do finding her.
I am local and do not usually post....I did receive some LE inside info...[modsnip]. Those are the only nuggets i was able to get. I did not want to push my source.

I've heard the same. I still take it as rumor, and in no way think getting a lawyer means guilt. I'm a big fan of the bill of rights. That said, I've heard things that make me suspicious.

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