TX - Dr. Kendra Hatcher, 35, killed in parking garage, Dallas, 2 Sept 2015 - #1

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I heard "driver's seat" and the father had a Hispanic accent, imho.

Anyway, I'm wondering how many reporter phone calls Crystal's former dentist employer is fielding right now. Her web page says she's open today.....
This whole thing is just hinky to me.

Why would "someone" pay CC $500 to drive him/her to the scene to commit a robbery? How did that someone know that KH would have anything of value on her? That just doesn't make sense! Even if she had a valuable ring/jewelry, after he paid the $500 to CC and then pawned the valuables, how much would we be talking about here? IMO, robbery was not the motive. I'm not even sure I believe that CC was being paid for her role in this.

IMO, either CC acted alone (her working as a dental assistant before is too much of a coincidence for me) and there's an unknown motive. OR, if someone else DID in fact pay her $500 to drive, they wanted something from KH that was priceless to them and they weren't after valuables or money. I don't buy the robbery motive nor do I think that this wasn't personal. Either CC had an accomplice or she didn't....either way, the $500 with the robbery motive doesn't jive for me.

I would not be surprised to hear that CC acted alone and this was her doing all along. Whether she took someone along for the ride or not, I don't believe her. This was personal for whatever reason. I think the $500 is just a flat out lie.
The reasons for planned murder tend to fall into one of the following:

Emotional: Anger/Rage/Jealousy/Revenge
Money: Greed / Monetary Gain
Protection: Silence a Witness / Protect a Secret
Control: Political/Assassination/Property Dispute

The family of the victim believes the person behind this falls into the "Emotional" category. Possibly an ex.

It wasn't done for political reasons, governmental control, and likely the dentist wasn't a witness. Greed/monetary gain would be the motive for the person carrying out a 'hit' but probably not for the person who wanted this dentist dead. I believe this falls into the "Emotional" category. Someone wanted this woman dead and arranged to either have her killed or did it themselves.
How does one go about hiring a "professional" hit man, as opposed to "someone who's willing to kill someone for money?" The mafia has professionals--guys who specialize in taking out people. The average conspirator dufus looks for someone who knows someone. Like on Craig's List, or a buddy who has no conscience who will do something like that.

Professional implies to me someone who knows what they're doing and has done it before, successfully. That would include not being seen on camera where they could be identified, and not being without a disguise that obscures their identity as much as possible.

Does this really seem professional? To me it smacks of not even a little bit professional, except for the alleged exchange of money, but even then, probably not nearly enough for a "professional" to get involved in.

I almost posted something just like this. I think it's more like "I know a crazy m******advertiser censored*** who has a gun. If he's not high, maybe he can do it." Honestly I think a bunch of 5th graders could come up with a more sophisticated plan. Hit man vs professional hit man. Two different things!
OT, but: I just got a msg while on WS that said I was viewing hardcore *advertiser censored*. Oh just before the *advertiser censored* comment screen was to see if I wanted to test the new Apple iPhone. The only way I could get the msg to go as way was to click ok. Then got a message asking for PayPal info. I was able to get out of that msg.

A warning if you get a little envelope on the screen that looks like a msg don't open it.


Oooh, those are nasty. Another way to get out of them is to go to your Task Manager and click to end it there (that's on a PC - I don't know about other devices). I think it's safer to do that than clicking anywhere on those pop ups.
New video and pictures out today. Talking about CC being a licensed dental assistant. There is one shot of her driving the car where it looks like there is someone in the right rear backseat with a mask on. maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. Look at 1:41 on the video.


I don't see it, but I'm usually not very good at spotting things like that (or I scare myself and don't want to look, lol!).

Report says Crystal is expected to enter a plea in court this week.
New video and pictures out today. Talking about CC being a licensed dental assistant. There is one shot of her driving the car where it looks like there is someone in the right rear backseat with a mask on. maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. Look at 1:41 on the video.


Reporter stated Kendra was shot in the back of her head and neck. One shot to the base of the skull would cover both areas.
New video and pictures out today. Talking about CC being a licensed dental assistant. There is one shot of her driving the car where it looks like there is someone in the right rear backseat with a mask on. maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. Look at 1:41 on the video.


The video shows there are two ways to turn...one for residents, one for visitors or trade. So they definitely were targeting a resident, not just any car that pulled in. And apparently, the victim was driving a Chevrolet. After paying $500 to a driver, that would not indicate a driver that necessarily would provide a big payoff. No disrespect to the car...but to a pair of robbers, hardly the most inviting target.
New video and pictures out today. Talking about CC being a licensed dental assistant. There is one shot of her driving the car where it looks like there is someone in the right rear backseat with a mask on. maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. Look at 1:41 on the video.


I can't see anyone else but I do see the window behind the driver open just a bit in the second picture indicating someone could be behind the driver.
The video shows there are two ways to turn...one for residents, one for visitors or trade. So they definitely were targeting a resident, not just any car that pulled in. And apparently, the victim was driving a Chevrolet. After paying $500 to a driver, that would not indicate a driver that necessarily would provide a big payoff. No disrespect to the car...but to a pair of robbers, hardly the most inviting target.

BBM: Especially in that area of Dallas. In my observations, Dallas folk seem to be a lot more flashy/display their wealth more than what I have seen in Houston.
I can't see anyone else but I do see the window behind the driver open just a bit in the second picture indicating someone could be behind the driver.


Yes! @ 1:45 it definitely shows the rear window is open. This to me is pretty compelling that someone was in the back. Some could also suggest that possibly there had been a child in the car at some stage the same day?

I wonder if the footage we see of CC behind the wheel is from when the cherokee was entering the garage and maybe the unknown male was behind the wheel when it exited the garage? Maybe at some point CC and the unknown male got out of the car, switched places? Maybe after the 'robbery' went pear-shaped CC was ordered to slide across by the unknown male and he took the driver's seat as the getaway had become more urgent... This would help the witness statement jibe with the video footage we see :)
Sometimes people go to gangs to find a hit-man.

If I weren't already in a gang or connected to one, I would try to steer clear of getting entangled with one. Especially because it seems like those guys are on LE's radar. If I were a horrifyingly desperate person who wanted someone dead due to my own incapability of coping with rejection, loss, jealousy, rage, etc., I would either do it myself or scour my connections, and their connections, for a really immoral, greedy person with a gun.
That said, if I were in a gang, why not? (I watch the wire!)
:whiteflag: Just for the record, in case this discussion is serious, it's time to put this British accent thing to bed. :bedtime:

It was never my theory. It was just my half-joking explanation replying to people who wondered why the kid apparently said "drivers seat/side." It was my attempt at dry, slightly sarcastic humor that I immediately could see had flopped when someone asked me for a link. :facepalm:

Thank you to those who are trying to make it work, but it was never meant to be serious. :tyou:

I have enjoyed reading the discussion though. And who knows, maybe I'll have the last laugh if my joke was true. Now that would be funny! :floorlaugh: I love you all! :loveyou:

I will now join Dexter making tutus for animals (my specialty is meerkats) in hopes of staying out of trouble until we have more information to chew on. That's a joke (At least I know that Dexter will get it!). :giggle:

So we can't theorize that CC was alone. I'm good with that. Thanks for clarifying Bessie. Do you have any thoughts about why the witness says that the shooter got in the passenger side and drove away? My half-joke that maybe the kid is British and thought the right was the driver's side didn't quite fly. :D

Lilibet! You just might be right. The boy's dad, who was interviewed, dedinitely had an accent and it was not Hispanic. Not sure if it was British, but it definitely was an accent. The boy might have thought the driver's side was on the right.

Well, it's mot definitely not British, I can tell as much.

WTH?!!! :ufo:

Jjenny, could you hear the father's accent during the interview?

Yes, but it's not British. British accents are very distinctive.

Right, I knew it wasn't British but going on Lilibet's theory that the boy thought the driver's side was right front. A lot of other countries have this configuration in cars.

ETA: I know British from my days of Beatlemania, lol.
This whole thing is just hinky to me.

Why would "someone" pay CC $500 to drive him/her to the scene to commit a robbery? How did that someone know that KH would have anything of value on her? That just doesn't make sense! Even if she had a valuable ring/jewelry, after he paid the $500 to CC and then pawned the valuables, how much would we be talking about here? IMO, robbery was not the motive. I'm not even sure I believe that CC was being paid for her role in this.

IMO, either CC acted alone (her working as a dental assistant before is too much of a coincidence for me) and there's an unknown motive. OR, if someone else DID in fact pay her $500 to drive, they wanted something from KH that was priceless to them and they weren't after valuables or money. I don't buy the robbery motive nor do I think that this wasn't personal. Either CC had an accomplice or she didn't....either way, the $500 with the robbery motive doesn't jive for me.

I would not be surprised to hear that CC acted alone and this was her doing all along. Whether she took someone along for the ride or not, I don't believe her. This was personal for whatever reason. I think the $500 is just a flat out lie.

TG2. Long time no see. Much obliged.
BBM: Especially in that area of Dallas. In my observations, Dallas folk seem to be a lot more flashy/display their wealth more than what I have seen in Houston.

So very true, which is ironic because Houston has a lot more money than Dallas. Dallas has a lot of fake money, or as it's often called the $30000 millionaires.
TG2. Long time no see. Much obliged.

Agreed, Dex. Good to see you TG2. :seeya: Thanks so much for your usual insightful input. Apparently LE has accepted her story for now, so we will see how this plays out.
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