TX - Elizabeth Barraza, 29, murdered setting up garage sale, Harris County, Jan 2019

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Fyi. There is s Judge named Leticia Martinez out of Laredo. Mistaken identity? She probably needs her own thread?

Do we know what Elizabeth did for a living?
There is also a Leticia Martinez in San Antonio (only 1 hour away from Houston vs 5 hours in Laredo). Interestingly this person appears to have just switched jobs on February 20th, leaving as an accountant or legal position for a company in the same industry EB was an analyst.
Obviously pure speculation on my part, especially considering that industry is the major employer in the area.
I’m thinking that reading on her Social Media Page like FB starting from at least 5 years ago (if possible) might show a problem with someone.

oceanstarryeyes, were you able to see something on her page which might indicate she had issues with another person/people? Personally, I am unable to see anything on her FB from 2014 besides three posts, all of which appear to be without comments. Possibly this is due to her page's conversion to a "remembering" page after her death, or maybe there were more posts visible before one of her family members requested that conversion--but as of right now I just don't see anything that stands out as a potential red flag...MOO
oceanstarryeyes, were you able to see something on her page which might indicate she had issues with another person/people? Personally, I am unable to see anything on her FB from 2014 besides three posts, all of which appear to be without comments. Possibly this is due to her page's conversion to a "remembering" page after her death, or maybe there were more posts visible before one of her family members requested that conversion--but as of right now I just don't see anything that stands out as a potential red flag...MOO

No. I haven’t read her SM Sites but I think the object in the left hand that the person showed her before firing the first shot could have been a Wedding Ring.
That Wedding Ring could be the reason for the shooting along with the reason for the date of the shooting (Wedding Anniversary Yard Sale)
Ok I’m curious why and whose ring do you think it would be?

Early on there was someone mentioning it was a note. I do wonder if it was a note, and if it was meant to be a “calling card” of sorts, or “reason”. I do think it is evident something exchanged there and interesting LE makes no mention of it.

Also, were you referring to Liz’s SM or Eliticia’s? I think it’s important to clarify and for us to try to make relevant comments on each page.

No. I haven’t read her SM Sites but I think the object in the left hand that the person showed her before firing the first shot could have been a Wedding Ring.
That Wedding Ring could be the reason for the shooting along with the reason for the date of the shooting (Wedding Anniversary Yard Sale)
Ok I’m curious why and whose ring do you think it would be?”

Early on there was someone mentioning it was a note. I do wonder if it was a note, and if it was meant to be a “calling card” of sorts, or “reason”. I do think it is evident something exchanged there and interesting LE makes no mention of it.

Also, were you referring to Liz’s SM or Eliticia’s? I think it’s important to clarify and for us to try to make relevant comments on each page.

I do wonder if it was a note, and if it was meant to be a “calling card” of sorts, or “reason”.

I can’t imagine a killer carrying a note that might be dropped during the shooting.

I think it was a Wedding Ring that the person pointed to before shooting Liz. The reason would be maybe an affair with the shooters husband which could be from even before Liz was married hence the mention of Liz’s old SM.
So, if I am understanding you think this person pointed to their own wedding ring to reference an “affair” that happened BEFORE Liz and Sergio were married?
I guess that would mean it wasn’t an affair but a prior relationship unless this person was married during it. Which, if that’s the case, that theory would make sense that it is a man dressed as a woman that shot Liz.

Also, that SM you referenced is not on Liz’s page now. I looked, I see none from then. Would be interesting that it is now gone.
I just think if this murder was tied to some affair, past or present, LE would know all about that by now, and who the suspect is.

Murders where there is a familial link of any kind between the victim, and the suspect are the easiest cases for LE to solve.

Sadly, it seems in today's climate the murderer could be anyone, even someone completely unknown to the victim or family.

So, if I am understanding you think this person pointed to their own wedding ring to reference an “affair” that happened BEFORE Liz and Sergio were married?
I guess that would mean it wasn’t an affair but a prior relationship unless this person was married during it. Which, if that’s the case, that theory would make sense that it is a man dressed as a woman that shot Liz.

Also, that SM you referenced is not on Liz’s page now. I looked, I see none from then. Would be interesting that it is now gone.

Yes I’m talking about the shooter showing Liz the shooters wedding ring and the shooter would be female if the affair was between the females husband and Liz before Liz married. I’m thinking like an office affair.
I just came across this thread yesterday. So disturbing!! I have a few thoughts, not really anything helpful, just some takes on what I saw.

At first I thought the shooter was a lady, now I'm thinking a man. I've watched the walk quite a few times, if you take away the "dress and boots", I think the strides are longer like a man. (but I haven't ruled a woman out)

I'm curious on other women shooters and your take on this.....do you ever shoot one handed? I grew up around guns, I shoot often and I have my conceal carry license. I have never shot one handed, nor do I think I would. I've replayed in my mind several times what I would do if there was an active shooter and I had to shoot. I am 99% sure I would use BOTH hands. One, my hand is small, I am more worried the gun would kick and drop out of my hand. Two, I also don't think I would be as accurate of a shot with just one hand for the same reason. Because this shooter used just one hand, I'm leaning more towards a man because their hands are bigger and I think they would be able to control the gun better. (but, that's the reason I'm curious on other women shooters and if I'm in the minority of NOT shooting (or trying) one handed)

I do think it looks like the shooter handed or showed LB something first. I do see LB jump back a little, bit she did not try to turn and run or put her arms up to block anything. It looks like she jumps, regains herself, reaches to see whatever it was that shooter was handing/showing her, then gets shot. I'm really curious to know if she recognized this person since instinct wasn't to run.

At first I was confused on the layout of the street/house. I thought the driveway was to the side/on a corner and the shooter parked in the middle of the street. I then watched the daylight footage and realized she was shot up in the driveway closer to the house/garage and the shooter did park closer and not in the middle of the street like I first thought.

The final shot to me says personal. The shooter had already fired three shots and LB was down. That final one was personal, to make sure she was dead. It is HEARTBREAKING!

I have to go on the thinking that this was planned due to her husband just leaving and that she normally worked that day but had taken off for the sale. Had it been daylight I would for sure think robbery, but it wasn't. Shooter didn't make her go back inside, didn't even make her go back into the garage, just confronted her then shot her.

I do see a reflection in the home window that caught my eye, but I'm pretty sure it's just the reflection of the shooters jacket/robe, whatever it is as they are walking up.

I cannot believe that they can't find any link. I only came across this thread because I came to see if there were any updates on Missy Bever and this pulled up. They have video of her killer too, but never found him/her.
I have never shot one handed, nor do I think I would. I've replayed in my mind several times what I would do if there was an active shooter and I had to shoot. I am 99% sure I would use BOTH hands.

Interesting observation. Even a one handed self defense shot would be a last resort for me. Was the killer confident and skilled enough to fight one handed or just in a rage with no training at all?

*edited for grammar
I'm curious on other women shooters and your take on this.....do you ever shoot one handed? I grew up around guns, I shoot often and I have my conceal carry license. I have never shot one handed, nor do I think I would.

Great point! I don't have a gun but took a training class a few months ago where I handled and shot a gun for the first time. We were instructed to use two hands to balance gun at eye level as well as handle recoil. (There are probably other advantages.) I can't imagine not using both hands....the guns were just too powerful. One of the other women stopped shooting....she was too freaked out to continue.

The type of gun used has not been released has it? Would be helpful to know that.
I always shoot with 2 hands. I would probably only shoot with 1 hand if it was a lighter gun (maybe a .22) but even then, I don't think I would do it with a far away target. It had to be adrenaline and/or rage IMHO for someone to be so confident in their ability to shoot that many times with 1 hand. This case is so bizarre. Not many people are bold enough to shoot someone in their driveway in the day time, at least that I can recall.

to me, it seems like whatever it is the the shooter showed EB, EB recognized it, confirming for me this was not at all random. Or maybe it was random and it was just something interesting to get EB's attention. An odd bug, a diamond ring, something she had that went missing, something connected to someone in her family, who knows.

Good sleuthing here on this thread for sure. So many good ideas and interesting insights.
I’m a female shooter, CHL carrier and participate in a women’s shooting league (in Houston area) twice per month. We do drills for one handed shooting for both dominant hand and weak hand. I’ve shot lots of holes in paper and I’m fairly competent with either hand at close range at this point with through my concealed 9mm. My husband’s .45 kicks a bit much for me to be comfortable. I haven’t tried a revolver to see if there is a difference in kick like my husband spoke of. Never tried one handed shooting until women’s league. In a high stress situation I imagine I would fall back to two handed shooting.

I was thinking about the type of bullet used too. Not just caliber but was it a hollow point or full metal jacket (FMJ) Most CHL rounds are hollow point so they don’t travel so easily through the target. FMJ are cheaper and easier to get ahold of and are usually used for target shooting. Hollow Points are usually CHL round. If a hollow point was used I think they are looking for someone very knowledgeable about guns or was willing to ask a lot of questions.
I always shoot with 2 hands. I would probably only shoot with 1 hand if it was a lighter gun (maybe a .22) but even then, I don't think I would do it with a far away target. It had to be adrenaline and/or rage IMHO for someone to be so confident in their ability to shoot that many times with 1 hand. This case is so bizarre. Not many people are bold enough to shoot someone in their driveway in the day time, at least that I can recall.


For me personally, the gun size wouldn't matter in regards to what I would do with instinct. Even with adrenaline, I think my instinct is still to use both hands because that's how I have been "trained". Unless I was having to use a hand to protect my children, I for sure would go with both hands.

I'm in agreement that it was either someone very comfortable with a gun to know they could shoot one handed, or, someone who was running on adrenaline and just shot. I kept trying to tell if something was still in the left hand to make it so they couldn't use both, but I couldn't tell.

I also noticed the shooter tended to make a jabbing motion with the gun while shooting. Like a knife stab, but with a gun. Although I really can't tell if it's just recoil, or once again someone who isn't that familiar and it just shooting like that wanting to make it "stick/jab/jab/shoot/shoot"?

Not that any of it matters really I guess. It goes more to my thinking of a "hit" versus a jealous someone who just got angry and acted out....
I’m a female shooter, CHL carrier and participate in a women’s shooting league (in Houston area) twice per month. We do drills for one handed shooting for both dominant hand and weak hand. I’ve shot lots of holes in paper and I’m fairly competent with either hand at close range at this point with through my concealed 9mm. My husband’s .45 kicks a bit much for me to be comfortable. I haven’t tried a revolver to see if there is a difference in kick like my husband spoke of. Never tried one handed shooting until women’s league. In a high stress situation I imagine I would fall back to two handed shooting.

I was thinking about the type of bullet used too. Not just caliber but was it a hollow point or full metal jacket (FMJ) Most CHL rounds are hollow point so they don’t travel so easily through the target. FMJ are cheaper and easier to get ahold of and are usually used for target shooting. Hollow Points are usually CHL round. If a hollow point was used I think they are looking for someone very knowledgeable about guns or was willing to ask a lot of questions.

Really good info! I haven't ever done a league, just shoot at targets at my house (we are rural). So, either shooter was very trained...or very green IMO.
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