GUILTY TX - Elizabeth Ennen, 15, Lubbock, 5 January 2011

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What's the story on human trafficking in this area? Not saying it's related, but always worth noting.
Was her cell phone in the purse? I don't remember.

Living in a hotel room, I'm sure he had a cell phone. It might take some time, but I bet they get his pings and can determine where he went that evening.
This is so horrifying...I can't imagine how scared EE must have been. I can't imagine seeing video of my daughter being so afraid like this. I hope they are able to find her soon. I'd love for her to have gotten away from him & to be in hiding but I know the odds are against that scenario. :(

My nearly 13 y/o daughter really wants to start babysitting to earn some extra cash. After seeing this I think I will just pay her to do chores around the house. This is too scary. :(
It would have been so simple for the investigating officer to ask for the hotel video on January 5th. I am sure the hotel would not have a problem with it and the officer didn't even need any further info from the family to do it. He knew from the initial report that she was supposed to have been at the hotel that night.
If the officer had even bothered to run a simple check on the man who supposedly saw her last when "dropping her off' he would have known what a violent criminal this man was. Background checks are common practice in the area I live in, even when a person is stopped for a minor traffic violation and it only takes a few minutes to run it.

Lubbock has lots of missing person cases. In my opinion, they have no excuse to be poorly prepared for situations such as this one. Something must be done to get police departments in Texas up to speed on how missing kids should be handled. It is just to convenient to blame the victim or the parents instead of conducting a proper investigation.

I'll try to hold my tongue about the delay until Elizabeth is found since complaining won't help. At least she may be found close-by unless he handed her off to someone.

Does anyone know what her boyfriend, (the son), has to say? Where was he during all of this?
It would have been so simple for the investigating officer to ask for the hotel video on January 5th. I am sure the hotel would not have a problem with it and the officer didn't even need any further info from the family to do it. He knew from the initial report that she was supposed to have been at the hotel that night.
If the officer had even bothered to run a simple check on the man who supposedly saw her last when "dropping her off' he would have known what a violent criminal this man was. Background checks are common practice in the area I live in, even when a person is stopped for a minor traffic violation and it only takes a few minutes to run it.

Lubbock has lots of missing person cases. In my opinion, they have no excuse to be poorly prepared for situations such as this one. Something must be done to get police departments in Texas up to speed on how missing kids should be handled. It is just to convenient to blame the victim or the parents instead of conducting a proper investigation.

I'll try to hold my tongue about the delay until Elizabeth is found since complaining won't help. At least she may be found close-by unless he handed her off to someone.

Does anyone know what her boyfriend, (the son), has to say? Where was he during all of this?


Not sure anyone has heard from the boyfriend. He was on myspace earlier and changed is status to ANGRY!

I'm curious if the boyfriend was living at the motel also and where he was the night of the 4th. So far everyone has been accounted for in the video except him.
Respectfully, BBM. I'm assuming that VE went to the hotel to look for her daughter after being told that she had been dropped off at home and her daughter was not there.

I must have missed the part where VE lied -- please direct me to what she lied about.

Also, please remember that WS is a victim-friendly forum. And, VE is considered to be a victim. Bashing of victims in any case is NOT allowed.

IMO- it was first stated that EE was not a runaway, and there were concerns by family as to why she was considered one [by LE, initially]even though she took nothing with her, etc.
"The family never believed Ennon had run away — she didn’t take her purse, her phone, clothing or even a jacket."
snipped"There's times I do and times I don't," said Virginia Ennen, Elizabeth's mother. "Some of the time I feel like it was just being pushed to the side because they classified her as a runaway."

and then there is this- which is after the initial report made of her missing
"VE Expressed to me that her daughter could possibly have run away with...."

Call it inconsistency then.

I do apologize if you think I was 'bashing' anyone in 'rant' was not directed towards any specific person...only in generalities.
I apologize if what I stated was wrong/misinterpreted bu you or anyone else.

While I do have issues with those who, IMO, make irresponsible decisions regarding the health and welfare of those whose care and well-being they are entrusted with. I would never 'bash' them specifically and pointedly in a forum such as this.
It saddens me tremendously knowing that if 'our' children are in danger, that adults will selfishly not disclose facts that can help a situation, even to their own detriment.
Police officials said on Monday they couldn’t release the video surveillance because it’s evidence in the case.

So even if they can't release the video doesn't LE normally provide the public with a description of the suspects vehicle and ask if anyone saw it on the night of the abduction or in the days following?

Heck businesses in that area could even review their own video footage IF they knew what they were looking for.
Time line
Video surveillance shows Elizabeth Ennen’s last moments at the Carriage House Motel, where she was believed to be kidnapped.
Jan. 4, 2011
■ 6:18 p.m. — Elizabeth Ennen, 15, enters the Carriage House with Humberto Salinas Jr. to baby-sit his children.
■ 6:45 p.m. — Salinas leaves the carriage house with wife and her sister.
■ 10:48 p.m. — Salinas returns alone.
■ 11:47 p.m. — Ennen exits room 113 and walks down the hallway in a hurry. She is carrying her shoes and is attempting to put on her coat. Salinas follows her.
■ 11:52 p.m. — Salinas returns holding Ennen’s arm under her jacket. He appears to force her into the motel room.
Jan. 5, 2011
■ About midnight — Salinas and Ennen exit room 113 and walk down the hallway. Half-way down the hallway, Ennon bumps the wall. At the end of the hallway, Ennen turns to the right and quickly toward the exit. She looks over her shoulder to see Salinas turning to walk left. Then Salinas turns and runs toward Ennen. Ennen turns and sees Salinas coming toward her. Ennen then cowards into the corner as Salinas approaches her. Salinas grabs her arm and escorts her to the south parking lot.
■ 12:01 a.m. — Salinas’ vehicle is seen leaving the parking lot.
■ 12:29 a.m. — Salinas returns to the carriage house alone.
■ 12:33 a.m. — Salinas leaves the hotel.
■ 12:58 a.m. — Salinas returns to room 113.
■ 1:23 a.m. — Salinas leaves the Carriage House with his two young children.
■ 2:01 a.m. — Salinas returns with wife, sister-in-law and children.
■ 2:04 a.m. — Salinas walks to the south entrance and meets Ennen’s mother, Virginia.
■ 2:05 a.m. — Salinas and Virginia walk to room 113.
■ 2:13 a.m. — Virginia runs down the hallway toward the parking lot.
■ 4:16-4:19 a.m. — Salinas paces the hallway.

Time line
Lubbock police reports revealed in court documents Monday detail some of the police efforts since Elizabeth Ennen went missing.
Jan. 5, 2011
■ 1 a.m. — Patrol officer Jason Nuss responds to Elizabeth’s Central Lubbock home, talks with her mother and takes a report. The summary of the public version of the report states: “Juvenile runaway.”
■ Later in the morning — Lubbock Police Detective Jeremy Winters is assigned the case. He goes to Ennen’s house. No one is home. He leaves his card asking teen’s mother to call him.
Jan. 6, 2011
■ Detective receives phone call from mother. He writes in his report that mother said Elizabeth could’ve possibly run away with her boyfriend, Humberto Salinas III.
■ Detective later writes in a report: “The next several days I continued to focus on Humberto Salinas III and Elizabeth’s friends to locate her.”
Jan. 7-20, 2011
■ Police reports for this time weren’t released in public document so it’s unknown what investigators did during this time. Police Spokesman Capt. Greg Stevens said investigators continued to work case.
Jan. 21, 2011
■ Detective writes in report that he contacted Humberto Salinas and asked for an interview.
■ Detective meets with Salinas and his wife as the Carriage House. Salinas later comes back to police department for a recorded interview.
■ Police get security camera footage from Carriage House, showing the hallways and parking lot.
■ Police department obtains a late-night warrant and arrests Salinas on charges of kidnapping and terrorizing Elizabeth Ennen.
Jan. 22, 2011
■ Lubbock police call afternoon news conference announcing the arrest and asking for the public’s help in locating Ennen, who is still missing.
"4:16-4:19 a.m. — Salinas paces the hallway."

Why? Did he have a phone with him? Is he waiting for a call or someone? He's been up all night practically at this point. Are drugs/cocaine-crack/meth involved?
This is so horrifying...I can't imagine how scared EE must have been. I can't imagine seeing video of my daughter being so afraid like this. I hope they are able to find her soon. I'd love for her to have gotten away from him & to be in hiding but I know the odds are against that scenario. :(

My nearly 13 y/o daughter really wants to start babysitting to earn some extra cash. After seeing this I think I will just pay her to do chores around the house. This is too scary. :(

~BBM~ I must agree with you! My oldest daughter who was a wonderful sitter, most requested in the neighborhood during the 80's... when a different 'scam' came about that parents were using to sue the parents if sitters. My daughter who was in child care and primary education training to become a nanny, was VERY responsible! When the scare of the 'scam' came about, she was 17 and about done with 'sitting' except a select few. Anyway checking into the liabilities as parents, my next daughter was 10 years younger, when she came of sitting age, we did not allow her! We gave an allowance for normal chores and had 'other' chores for additional $$ earnings if she so chose.
It sounds to me like he done or tried to do something sexually to Elizabeth in the hotel room and it scared Elizabeth, so she ran out of the hotel room. Holding her shoes and attempting to put on her coat.

He ran after her because he was afraid if she got away she would tell someone.

He caught her, stuck her and the car and did something awful to her. :(

This is exactly what I think went down as well......

Maybe after a few drinks and probably peeved off because his bingo night has been interrupted and blaming Elizabeth as she couldnt control the kids....after all he has a violent temper.

However what alarms me is that VE told the detectives after all of this (and after being seen running into the parking lot at the motel) on jan 6 that she possibly ran away with her boyfriend.

NOw to me there are two options:

1) the father threatened her with something that is known

2) the father told her that she had run off with the boyfriend.

because the police then went in search of her being a runaway and were asking questions of the friends and the boyfriend and this is THEN what lead them to the evil father. Why did the mother not tell them straight up about any concerns she may have had with the evil father???

People are questioning this on facebook and they have said they will not go into what she told the police of that night.
oh and like the rest of you I want to know where the boyfriend was while all of this was happening????
Time line
Video surveillance shows Elizabeth Ennen’s last moments at the Carriage House Motel, where she was believed to be kidnapped.
Jan. 4, 2011
■ 6:18 p.m. — Elizabeth Ennen, 15, enters the Carriage House with Humberto Salinas Jr. to baby-sit his children.
■ 6:45 p.m. — Salinas leaves the carriage house with wife and her sister.
■ 10:48 p.m. — Salinas returns alone.
■ 11:47 p.m. — Ennen exits room 113 and walks down the hallway in a hurry. She is carrying her shoes and is attempting to put on her coat. Salinas follows her.
■ 11:52 p.m. — Salinas returns holding Ennen’s arm under her jacket. He appears to force her into the motel room.
Jan. 5, 2011
■ About midnight — Salinas and Ennen exit room 113 and walk down the hallway. Half-way down the hallway, Ennon bumps the wall. At the end of the hallway, Ennen turns to the right and quickly toward the exit. She looks over her shoulder to see Salinas turning to walk left. Then Salinas turns and runs toward Ennen. Ennen turns and sees Salinas coming toward her. Ennen then cowards into the corner as Salinas approaches her. Salinas grabs her arm and escorts her to the south parking lot.
■ 12:01 a.m. — Salinas’ vehicle is seen leaving the parking lot.
■ 12:29 a.m. — Salinas returns to the carriage house alone.
■ 12:33 a.m. — Salinas leaves the hotel.
■ 12:58 a.m. — Salinas returns to room 113.
■ 1:23 a.m. — Salinas leaves the Carriage House with his two young children.
■ 2:01 a.m. — Salinas returns with wife, sister-in-law and children.
■ 2:04 a.m. — Salinas walks to the south entrance and meets Ennen’s mother, Virginia.
■ 2:05 a.m. — Salinas and Virginia walk to room 113.
■ 2:13 a.m. — Virginia runs down the hallway toward the parking lot.
■ 4:16-4:19 a.m. — Salinas paces the hallway.

Time line
Lubbock police reports revealed in court documents Monday detail some of the police efforts since Elizabeth Ennen went missing.
Jan. 5, 2011
■ 1 a.m. — Patrol officer Jason Nuss responds to Elizabeth’s Central Lubbock home, talks with her mother and takes a report. The summary of the public version of the report states: “Juvenile runaway.”
■ Later in the morning — Lubbock Police Detective Jeremy Winters is assigned the case. He goes to Ennen’s house. No one is home. He leaves his card asking teen’s mother to call him.
Jan. 6, 2011
■ Detective receives phone call from mother. He writes in his report that mother said Elizabeth could’ve possibly run away with her boyfriend, Humberto Salinas III.
■ Detective later writes in a report: “The next several days I continued to focus on Humberto Salinas III and Elizabeth’s friends to locate her.”
Jan. 7-20, 2011
■ Police reports for this time weren’t released in public document so it’s unknown what investigators did during this time. Police Spokesman Capt. Greg Stevens said investigators continued to work case.
Jan. 21, 2011
■ Detective writes in report that he contacted Humberto Salinas and asked for an interview.
■ Detective meets with Salinas and his wife as the Carriage House. Salinas later comes back to police department for a recorded interview.
■ Police get security camera footage from Carriage House, showing the hallways and parking lot.
■ Police department obtains a late-night warrant and arrests Salinas on charges of kidnapping and terrorizing Elizabeth Ennen.
Jan. 22, 2011
■ Lubbock police call afternoon news conference announcing the arrest and asking for the public’s help in locating Ennen, who is still missing.

BBM: Where does this timeline come from?

If EE's mother VE really called LE at "1:00 a.m.", then that means she called them even before HS JR even left the Motel.

We know from the Warrant, that VE was seen on Video herself at the CHM at 2:04 a.m.

I do not think this information of VE calling LE at "1:00 am" is correct.

If it is, then, WTH????? VE reported EE missing even prior to HS JR. leaving the Motel?

According to the Warrant, VE didn't even know EE was missing until 1:45 am, when HS JR arrived "back" at the home, with EE's purse, after which VE went directly to the CHM, to be filmed on video at 2:04 am.
If HS JR. received a call from his GF, saying the kids were giving EE a hard time and he needed to go back to the CHM, then:

-There are records of the call/text from EE to GF stating the children were unruly, unless the GF was there to witness this ill behaviour

-There are records of the call from the GF to HS JR., indicating "something"

Arrest Warrant:
Was EE in the vehicle seen on video, as HS JR. left the CHM Parking lot, at 12:01 am?

For what purpose did HS JR. return to the CHM for 4 minutes, between 12:29 and 12:33 am?

Did he go and get something from the Room?
Can someone, anyone, please suggest a reasonable explanation why 16 days passed, before HS JR., the last witness to see EE, was interviewed by LE, on January 21, 2011?

I just don't understand that, I really don't.

Even if LE was so sure she was a runaway, her mother was insisting EE didn't run away.

Isabelle Zehnder
Missing Persons Examiner
January 24th, 2011 10:20 am ET

LUBBOCK, Texas -- A report filed by the Lubbock Police reveals that missing Texas teen, Elizabeth Ennen, 15, was seen on video forcebly taken into a motel room against her will and was also removed from the motel by force; police have apprehended the suspected kidnapper, Humberto Maldonado Salinas, Jr., and he is held in the Lubbock County Jail on a $250,000 bond.

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