GUILTY TX - Ethan Couch 'Affluenza Teen' DUI driver who killed four gets probation, 2013 #1

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I'm just wondering, after knowing that he killed four people while drunk, where did he find people to play beer pong with him.
Sadly, some teenagers are not very discriminating about who they hang out with & then there are others who are just plain ol' naïve.
"He is kinda distinct looking in his facial features," he adds"


He is distinct looking. I originally thought he might have had a repaired cleft lip based on some of the photo's, but now that I've seen what appears to be a drivers license what looks like a repaired cleft lip is just a smirk.
He is def. going to prison now. I hope he has the worst time ever.

And even if they fled to a country that has a non extradiotion policy with the U.S., it will not matter because ethan couch is not facing the death penalty.

they WILL have to turn him over.

And this time it will not matter, he got his "get out of jail free card" when he was sentenced to ten years probation, he blew that so now he will have to face the consequences of his actions.

Can you imagine the outrage if the judge did give him jail time? (which would have been two to three years in prison until he turns 21, his parents having the option of sending him to a cushy rehab resort and his record sealed forever)?

Karma is working very well on this family right now.


Minor point of clarification: you are conflating two related-but-different issues: (a) the lack of an extradition treaty; and (b) refusal to repatriate a suspect because of opposition to the death penalty.

If there is no extradition treaty, a foreign country may choose to extract a suspect back to the U.S., but is not required to do so under international or domestic law. Countries with which we have no extradition treaty include China and Russia (which is why Edward Snowdon fled to those countries).

The death penalty issue is somewhat different. Some countries with which we DO have extradition treaties (most notably Canada and Mexico) have refused to honor those treaties in capital cases, on the ground that since their own laws prohibit capital punishment, it is unlawful to repatriate a suspect to a country where he will receive a penalty that violates the law in the country where he was captured.

I hope this helps.

ETA: Sorry, Sonya. I now see you covered this more succinctly a couple of pages back.
He is distinct looking. I originally thought he might have had a repaired cleft lip based on some of the photo's, but now that I've seen what appears to be a drivers license what looks like a repaired cleft lip is just a smirk.

bbm Same here.
His father owns Cleburne sheet company. I'm not sure what his mother does.

I read the company(no link) makes 15 million a yr. About a week ago I thought, I bet his mom is a pill popper. Daily Mail confirmed it. Bet she's been squirreling away lots of money knowing her spoiled brat couldn't following the rules of his probation. Hope she gets :jail: time too. Horrible excuse for parents:moo:
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I heard on the local news that witnesses they have talked to say that it is him on the twitter video.
I read the company(no link) makes 15 million a yr. About a week ago I thought, I bet his mom is a pill popper. Daily Mail confirmed it. Bet she's been squirreling away lots of money knowing her spoiled brat couldn't following the rules of his probation. Hope she gets :jail: time too. Horrible excuse for parents:moo:

I think people knew when they heard he only got probation, that it was only a matter of time before he ended up back on the news.
He is distinct looking. I originally thought he might have had a repaired cleft lip based on some of the photo's, but now that I've seen what appears to be a drivers license what looks like a repaired cleft lip is just a smirk.

The flatness of his philtrum (upper lip arch), and facial appearance, has always made me wonder if he has FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder-- in combination with his history of behaviors. I'm surprised the defense didn't "go there" back during the "affluenza" flap. Or maybe mommie dearest wouldn't approve it as a possible defense strategy. JMO. He sure looks and acts like he has FAS to me, IMO.
His probation officer is probably thinking only if the kid gave me 200k. I would have not violated him. Lol
Marking my place in this thread .

This kid's parents have taught him nothing.They are to blame for the way he's turned out ; imo.
I feel for the families of the victims . :(
Well his mom is a known pill-popper and allegedly has been for quite some time. I wonder if he DOES have FAS.

I wish his father wouuld get locked up, too. In every news article I have read he sounds like a dangerous dude with possible NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Now I'm not the person to be handing out either of those diagnosis, but if the judge thought that that was a possibility and that the judge also knew Ethan lived alone maybe she thought that as long as he was getting treatment and staying away from his awful parents he had a shot of becoming a decent human being. Everyone who knew him apparently thought pretty highly of him, so he's clearly not as bad as his parents.

The article that talked about him curling up in his bed whenever he was home was heartbreaking to me. It really seems like he wants to do the right thing, but his parents keep yanking him off the path. I wouldn't be surprised if he turns himself in and his mom either stays on the run or comes back once he's apprehended
Well his mom is a known pill-popper and allegedly has been for quite some time. I wonder if he DOES have FAS.

I wish his father wouuld get locked up, too. In every news article I have read he sounds like a dangerous dude with possible NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Now I'm not the person to be handing out either of those diagnosis, but if the judge thought that that was a possibility and that the judge also knew Ethan lived alone maybe she thought that as long as he was getting treatment and staying away from his awful parents he had a shot of becoming a decent human being. Everyone who knew him apparently thought pretty highly of him, so he's clearly not as bad as his parents.

The article that talked about him curling up in his bed whenever he was home was heartbreaking to me. It really seems like he wants to do the right thing, but his parents keep yanking him off the path. I wouldn't be surprised if he turns himself in and his mom either stays on the run or comes back once he's apprehended

If he wanted to do the right thing, he would have apologized to the victims families who he either hurt or seriously killed. He has not done that yet.

He is 18, which makes him a legal adult. He is now giving everyone the middle finger.

He simply does not care about anybody or anyone.

He literally got a second chance to learn a lesson and desire to become a productive human being.

And what does the brat do? he violates his probation and now he's on the run.

And I highly doubt he will turn himself in willingly.

He now needs to face reality about going to prison, because that is where he will be going once they find him (and possibly his mother too).

Right now, I'm feeling lots of hostility toward Judge Boyd. I hope she lives a long, long life & suffers from insomnia every day. She was either paid off or is just plain stupid.
Right now, I'm feeling lots of hostility toward Judge Boyd. I hope she lives a long, long life & suffers from insomnia every day. She was either paid off or is just plain stupid.

Under Texas law, he would only have been sentenced to 2 years in prison and be out when he's 18 and have his record wiped clean and sealed up forever.

she made the right choice and now he will be going to prison for up to ten years. He will also have a different judge.
Under Texas law, he would only have been sentenced to 2 years in prison and be out when he's 18 and have his record wiped clean and sealed up forever.

she made the right choice and now he will be going to prison for up to ten years. He will also have a different judge.

Perhaps this is so, but authorities were getting ready to file a motion to have his probation changed to adult status when he turned 19 in February 2016. As an adult serving the remaining 8 years in adult probation his situation was going to be more seriously monitored. His coddling was about to come to a screeching halt. I hope they catch him, try him as an adult for murder, flight to avoid prosecution & anything else they can throw at him. He needs to be locked up for a long time, if not forever. In addition, his parents are as guilty as he is because they enabled & encouraged his irresponsibility.:tantrum:
Can Ethan Couch be "re-tried" for the deaths as an adult?? I didn't think he could, since it was tried and sentenced in juvenile court.

Or is there some technicality that if his sentence (probation) is revoked, he can be re-tried?

I was under the impression he could only be charged with crimes originating from his fleeing and avoiding probation, not the original vehicular homicides and vehicular assaults.

I think he needs some serious prison time, in a big-boy prison. Hopefully, he will get many years when he's caught. I don't think it will be long till we hear he's been caught.
Can Ethan Couch be "re-tried" for the deaths as an adult?? I didn't think he could, since it was tried and sentenced in juvenile court.

Or is there some technicality that if his sentence (probation) is revoked, he can be re-tried?

I was under the impression he could only be charged with crimes originating from his fleeing and avoiding probation, not the original vehicular homicides and vehicular assaults.

I think he needs some serious prison time, in a big-boy prison. Hopefully, he will get many years when he's caught. I don't think it will be long till we hear he's been caught.

As I understand it, if the order had been issued to have him serve probation as an adult when he reached 19 in Feb. 2016 had been approved, he could have been subjected to a harsher penalty. At least as it now stands, he could be subject for up to 10 years for skipping out on probation plus whatever time is allowable for flight to avoid prosecution & any other charges they might be able to bring. LE is going to 'throw the book' at him if they can catch him.
Perhaps this is so, but authorities were getting ready to file a motion to have his probation changed to adult status when he turned 19 in February 2016. As an adult serving the remaining 8 years in adult probation his situation was going to be more seriously monitored. His coddling was about to come to a screeching halt. I hope they catch him, try him as an adult for murder, flight to avoid prosecution & anything else they can throw at him. He needs to be locked up for a long time, if not forever. In addition, his parents are as guilty as he is because they enabled & encouraged his irresponsibility.:tantrum:

hmmm...I wonder if mommy and daddy knew that this was a possibility? And once the beer pong video hit the internet they knew his time was running out and the sh@t was going to hit the fan?

I seriously would not want the marshals looking for me.....they are relentless and will find him. Not to mention the favor he has lost with LE.
I think he will be going to prison for more than 10 years. jmo

oh, and charge him with underage drinking because we all know he is not going to be substaining from alcohol.

I hope they throw the whole freakin' library at this kid.

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