TX - Five Yates children drowned, Houston, 20 June 2001 *Insanity*

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Do you see any of those who believe Andrea is insane saying that she should be set free? I certainly don't think she should be set free in society ever and I totally believe she is/was insane. I think she should be placed in the mental hospital where she can get the best mental health care available to her and spend the rest of her days there. I don't see Andrea or her lawyers wanting her to be free to walk the streets...in fact, Andrea was scared to death to have to leave the prison to go to the mental hospital.

It's too bad that mental illness can't be documented as well as a heart attack or cancer, etc. It's strange how people don't think something can go wrong with the brain that could cause somebody to become psychotic and do what Andrea did. Her mental illness is well documented through hospital & doctor's records. She was abruptly taken off her antipsychotic medication and was told by her doctor that all she needed to do was think happy thoughts.

Somebody who is psychotic is not stupid and can have well thought out plans that don't really make any sense. Yes Andrea knew she had only a certain timeframe she could kill the children in (after Rusty left for work & before MIL showed up) but the reason she had to kill her children doesn't make sense..she needed to send her children to god before they reached a certain age or her children would spend all eternity in hell.

She knew that Rusty and MIL would try to stop her from accomplishing that and therefore did it when she knew they could not stop her. So though she knew in a way that killing was wrong she also thought she was saving her children.

BTW, I remember Noah, John, Paul, Luke and Mary and think of them often and yet I still feel sympathy for Andrea and all she has gone through. I believe she loved her children (by looking at photos & videos of the family) and then her mental illness took over and she became a completely different person.

Mygirlsadie said:
I can't believe people are actually feeling sorry for Andrea. Does everyone remember she brutally murdered 5 innocent little children? And yes to me holding someone underwater is brutal.. I know they were all staring at her while she was doing it wondering why? She is a dirty rotten monster. A animal. And she is where she belongs I just wish the husband would of been charged with something becuase I think he turned the animal into what she was or at least had some contributing factors to it.
Onelostgirl, I don't care how many psyciatrists she saw, since it is a practice. Meaning it is not a profession and is not perfected. It's not a perfect method. A profesion is a way of doing something that's perfected...like pipes holding water, it's a fact that pipes hold water, therfore being a pipefitter is a profession, the pipe is fit together to hold water, perfectly. You don't PRACTICE something and call it 100% assured!

Doctors practice, scientists, practice, there is always malpractice! lol

The point being...even if she WAS insane, which pretty much means she shouldn't be in society, not if she's insane! So kill her, anyway! Why waste the good air we breathe, on another child killer!

Would you want her staying with your children? No...because she is a CHILD KILLER. Insane, or NOT:cool:
Somebody who is psychotic is not stupid and can have well thought out plans that don't really make any sense. Yes Andrea knew she had only a certain timeframe she could kill the children in (after Rusty left for work & before MIL showed up) but the reason she had to kill her children doesn't make sense..she needed to send her children to god before they reached a certain age or her children would spend all eternity in hell
EX~friggin~ZACTLY! SHE wasn't even insane, just had some screwed up relgious beliefs!!! She's a LIAR so she doesn't have to go to jail...

and how come nobody thinking Andrea is innocent will tell me how they know she didn't LIE NOT to go to prison?
~wildangel~ said:
Onelostgirl, I don't care how many psyciatrists she saw, since it is a practice. Meaning it is not a profession and is not perfected.

What are you talking about? Some people practice medicine. They're professionals.

Some people practice law. They're professionals.

I understand your opinion on this topic and you're welcome to it. But you're way off base with this statement. None of us are PERFECT in what we practice, but it is our PROFESSION.
~wildangel~ said:
Onelostgirl, I don't care how many psyciatrists she saw, since it is a practice. Meaning it is not a profession and is not perfected. It's not a perfect method. A profesion is a way of doing something that's perfected...like pipes holding water, it's a fact that pipes hold water, therfore being a pipefitter is a profession, the pipe is fit together to hold water, perfectly. You don't PRACTICE something and call it 100% assured!

Doctors practice, scientists, practice, there is always malpractice! lol

The point being...even if she WAS insane, which pretty much means she shouldn't be in society, not if she's insane! So kill her, anyway! Why waste the good air we breathe, on another child killer!

Would you want her staying with your children? No...because she is a CHILD KILLER. Insane, or NOT:cool:

I understood almost nothing of what you just wrote. It made no sense!

Not only would I not want her staying with my children, I don't want her staying in society and I stated that previously.
Child killer, yes! Insane, yes! And that should be considered when sentencing her.
~wildangel~ said:
Onelostgirl, I don't care how many psyciatrists she saw, since it is a practice. Meaning it is not a profession and is not perfected. It's not a perfect method. A profesion is a way of doing something that's perfected...like pipes holding water, it's a fact that pipes hold water, therfore being a pipefitter is a profession, the pipe is fit together to hold water, perfectly. You don't PRACTICE something and call it 100% assured!

Doctors practice, scientists, practice, there is always malpractice! lol

The point being...even if she WAS insane, which pretty much means she shouldn't be in society, not if she's insane! So kill her, anyway! Why waste the good air we breathe, on another child killer!

Would you want her staying with your children? No...because she is a CHILD KILLER. Insane, or NOT:cool:

WTF??? :doh: :hand:
~wildangel~ said:
and how come nobody thinking Andrea is innocent will tell me how they know she didn't LIE NOT to go to prison?

Um.......... I've never heard nor read anyone say they think she's innocent. The woman confessed. :waitasec: :waitasec: :waitasec: :waitasec: :confused: :confused:
~wildangel~ said:
Onelostgirl, I don't care how many psyciatrists she saw, since it is a practice. Meaning it is not a profession and is not perfected. It's not a perfect method. A profesion is a way of doing something that's perfected...like pipes holding water, it's a fact that pipes hold water, therfore being a pipefitter is a profession, the pipe is fit together to hold water, perfectly. You don't PRACTICE something and call it 100% assured!

Doctors practice, scientists, practice, there is always malpractice! lol

The point being...even if she WAS insane, which pretty much means she shouldn't be in society, not if she's insane! So kill her, anyway! Why waste the good air we breathe, on another child killer!

Would you want her staying with your children? No...because she is a CHILD KILLER. Insane, or NOT:cool:

:confused: :confused: :confused:
~wildangel~ said:
EX~friggin~ZACTLY! SHE wasn't even insane, just had some screwed up relgious beliefs!!! She's a LIAR so she doesn't have to go to jail...

and how come nobody thinking Andrea is innocent will tell me how they know she didn't LIE NOT to go to prison?

I haven't seen one poster that thinks she's innocent. I don't understand what you're getting at. :confused: :confused:
The hell on earth that Andrea must be living is punishment in itself. She is sick and it is sad to me. So many people said what a good mother she was and loved those kids, however, something snapped and her hubby basically ignored it to some degree. What she did was the works of someone not mentally stable and she had all the symptoms. Rusty should be the one on trial for neglect, Andrea is where she needs to be - a hospital that is helping her, just like a place that helps cancer patients, etc.
RKnowley said:
BTW, I remember Noah, John, Paul, Luke and Mary and think of them often and yet I still feel sympathy for Andrea and all she has gone through. I believe she loved her children (by looking at photos & videos of the family) and then her mental illness took over and she became a completely different person.

I was not even gonna comment on this anymore, but when I read this I just had to say.....I remember looking at the photo's of Neil Entwhistle and baby Lillian not too long ago, and all I saw in the picture was him holding Lillian and looking at her with such love, so it seemed to me. Is he insane, or just an evil man. Do we look at killers of children different when the killer is the mother, versus the Father. Dont bring up Susan Smith, we all know she was just evil!
The hell on earth that Andrea must be living is punishment in itself. She is sick and it is sad to me.
What, so she has food, a bed, friends, visitors, the internet, a myspace & chat, *advertiser censored*...what did her children get, all 5 of them? It's not punishment enough:furious:
I don't think anyone thinks she is innocent or that in her own mind she doesn't think she did it. She was crazy and thought she was saving her children from going to hell by killing them before they reached the age of accountability. I think she's guilty but insane and needs to remain locked up forever, but in a psych ward.

If she doesn't get help for her mental problems and one day is released, then what?
~wildangel~ said:
What, so she has food, a bed, friends, visitors, the internet, a myspace & chat, *advertiser censored*...what did her children get, all 5 of them? It's not punishment enough:furious:

Where in the heck do you get your information??? :doh:

I get that you're mad about the children - we all are - but if you don't think she's living in hell knowing what she did, I don't know what to tell you. I can guarantee you she doesn't spend her days on myspace and chat surfing the internet for *advertiser censored* with her friends and visitors.... :furious: :furious: :furious:
Look at Kemper, and Jack Trawack and all the other killers laughing online and bragging about how they kill. People that kill are murderers plain and simple. I don't think she loved her children, that's all a fasade, you don't love your children, and kill them!:doh:
~wildangel~ said:
Look at Kemper, and Jack Trawack and all the other killers laughing online and bragging about how they kill. People that kill are murderers plain and simple. I don't think she loved her children, that's all a fasade, you don't love your children, and kill them!:doh:

Have you seen Andrea online doing this??? If so, I'd be interested in some documentation.

Did those you posted about have long documented histories of mental illness as Andrea Yates does???

Here is a post of Mama-cita's which explains things more clearly:

Sane people do not self-mutilate. Sane people do not go into catatonic states for several weeks at a time. Sane people do not attempt suicide multiple times. She was cuckoo, the ship had sailed, Elvis had left the building. Yes she called 911, but have you seen the text of the call? How could a sane person be talking so non-chalantly, "Umm, I just need the police to come." Sane would probably be freaking out at that point, "OMG WTH did I just do?!?!?!" If you have never seen a person who has completely lost touch with reality, then consider yourself blessed. I am a nurse and in psych wards have seen people whose "reality" is much different than yours or mine. Google search this case and read more about Andrea's state of being before the murders. If you still think she is sane after that, then I am not sure what insanity is. This woman was failed by her husband, by her family and by her doctors. She should have been institutionalized long before she had a chance to have the psychotic break that she did and kill her babies. Also, "talking about her problems" didn't require sanity in her case, just large doses of haldol to bring her back to reality.

Andrea was and is insane. If ever there was a reason for the insanity plea, this is it.

You're obviously entitled to your opinions, as I am mine, but you are not seeing beyond the murders in this case.

There is another thread on Andrea here:


Perhaps you should read that thread as well.
Wildangel--I would like to know where you got the information that Andrea has internet access?? You said she had "the internet, a myspace & chat, *advertiser censored*"?? That is quite a statement. I think someone was pulling your leg if they told you that Andrea had internet access--especially myspace & chat, *advertiser censored*.
~wildangel~ said:
Onelostgirl, I don't care how many psyciatrists she saw, since it is a practice. Meaning it is not a profession and is not perfected. It's not a perfect method. A profesion is a way of doing something that's perfected...like pipes holding water, it's a fact that pipes hold water, therfore being a pipefitter is a profession, the pipe is fit together to hold water, perfectly. You don't PRACTICE something and call it 100% assured!

Doctors practice, scientists, practice, there is always malpractice! lol

The point being...even if she WAS insane, which pretty much means she shouldn't be in society, not if she's insane! So kill her, anyway! Why waste the good air we breathe, on another child killer!

Would you want her staying with your children? No...because she is a CHILD KILLER. Insane, or NOT:cool:
:confused: Is there a gibberish translator in the house??
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