TX - Five Yates children drowned, Houston, 20 June 2001 *Insanity*

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OneLostGrl said:
Perhaps because there are so many false "not guilty by reason of insanity" defenses it seems to have made up a lot of peoples minds that everyone using that defense is using it to "get away with the crime".

I, mentally ill myself, agree that there are many, many people out there using this defense with nothing to back it up. "not guilty by reason of insanity" is not supposed to be there for every flake who decides they no longer want certain people in their lives- so they kill 'em. People like that give NGBROI a bad name!
One and all- all and one- does not work with this particular defense.

Not guilty by reason of insanity is so often MISused that when is is used appropriatly we assume that once again someone is trying to get away with something.
Which of course makes people think Andrea and others like her are faking it.

I don't know how else to make sense of what others are saying regarding Andrea and her crimes. Other then to assume they are jaded- they feel too many people are allowed to use the insanity defense that are not insane.. which in turn makes them feel everyone that uses the insanity defense is sane..
I think a lot of people don't care if a defendant is insane or not. They want someone to be punished when someone dies, esp children. Plus many people think an insane defendant will be released back into the public if found insane. It is time to fine tune the laws around insanity, give the courts and medical profession some connection and authority over the insane and what to do with them.

I am sorry to hear about your illness. Take care of yourself and be thankful you can.
Its semantics. If the jury was given a guilty by reason of insanity, people wouldn't have such a problem accepting this, IMO.
Jeana (DP) said:
Its semantics. If the jury was given a guilty by reason of insanity, people wouldn't have such a problem accepting this, IMO.
I agree.
Laura has two sons, 21 and 9 years old. I wonder how old she is? I would hate to see her start a family with Rusty--she must like being controlled by a man to hook up with him. After reading articles and books about Andrea and Rusty's marriage, I can't even imagine him not being demanding of a woman--I am talking real, real demanding.

I am not happy for Rusty, I think his a$$ should be in prison.
kittykat1 said:
I am happy for him in that he has found someone to love.
I hope he doesnt love this new wife the way he loved andrea-

he should be in prison for allowing his wife ( andrea) to become the person she did :furious:
j2mirish said:
I hope he doesnt love this new wife the way he loved andrea-

he should be in prison for allowing his wife ( andrea) to become the person she did :furious:

I don't think it could be said any better.
Amen! Let us sincerely hope he does not "love" this new wife as he "loved" Andrea--and his children.
The *advertiser censored* should be behind bars. HE WAS EQUALLY culpable in this tragedy as Andrea. HE KNEW she shouldn't have any more children. HE BEARS just as much responsibility of impregnating her. I hope his entire life is hell personally.

Just my 2bits.
blueclouds said:
The *advertiser censored* should be behind bars. HE WAS EQUALLY culpable in this tragedy as Andrea. HE KNEW she shouldn't have any more children. HE BEARS just as much responsibility of impregnating her. I hope his entire life is hell personally.

Just my 2bits.
He also knew she shouldn't be off her meds, that she had a history of suicidal thoughts, and shouldn't have even been alone with children for one minute, let alone an hour!!!:behindbar :behindbar :behindbar
I sincerely hope this woman is of sound mind and doesn't have to rely on Rusty if she's ever incapable of taking care of herself. He still doesn't have a clue after all these years.
getting herself and her 9 yr old into-wonder if Rusty will insist this child be withdrawn from school and home-schooled. And lets hope his new bride is past the age of bearing children-cause Rusty doesn't deserve to be a biological father- he bears even more responsibility for the tragedy that befell his children than Andrea did-HE KNEW SHE SHOULDN"T HAVE MORE KIDS-but didn't care! He was the sane, rational part of the marriage and against medical advice impregnated Andrea, then was able to dodge any legal responsibility for the murders. As far as I'm concerned-his butt belongs in jail-AND he should hve been forced to have a vasectomy!!! :banghead:
j2mirish said:
I hope he doesnt love this new wife the way he loved andrea-

he should be in prison for allowing his wife ( andrea) to become the person she did :furious:

I agree.
gatetrekker44 said:
getting herself and her 9 yr old into-wonder if Rusty will insist this child be withdrawn from school and home-schooled. And lets hope his new bride is past the age of bearing children-cause Rusty doesn't deserve to be a biological father- he bears even more responsibility for the tragedy that befell his children than Andrea did-HE KNEW SHE SHOULDN"T HAVE MORE KIDS-but didn't care! He was the sane, rational part of the marriage and against medical advice impregnated Andrea, then was able to dodge any legal responsibility for the murders. As far as I'm concerned-his butt belongs in jail-AND he should hve been forced to have a vasectomy!!! :banghead:

:clap: I agree completely.
gatetrekker44 said:
getting herself and her 9 yr old into-wonder if Rusty will insist this child be withdrawn from school and home-schooled. And lets hope his new bride is past the age of bearing children-cause Rusty doesn't deserve to be a biological father- he bears even more responsibility for the tragedy that befell his children than Andrea did-HE KNEW SHE SHOULDN"T HAVE MORE KIDS-but didn't care! He was the sane, rational part of the marriage and against medical advice impregnated Andrea, then was able to dodge any legal responsibility for the murders. As far as I'm concerned-his butt belongs in jail-AND he should hve been forced to have a vasectomy!!! :banghead:

Boy do I agree!! how he could get Andrea pregnant again knowing her mental state~he was a pig who didn't care.I will bet he will have this one pregnant in a month unless she has been "fixed".. LOL..As you said,the fact that he knew she should have no more children and did it anyway should have been worthy of a jail sentence.If one would turn a child loose to play in the street it would be a crime,why not allowing her to stay ALONE with those babies!! He should rot~~~I hope this one gives him a run for his money!
gatetrekker44 said:
he should hve been forced to have a vasectomy!!! :banghead:


WHAT THE HELLL IS WRONG WITH LE? I thought texas was HANG EM HIGH STATE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel nothing but contempt for him and I hope his screaming childrens images haunt him nightly forever. Because he's equally responsible.
"begin snip" wonder if Rusty will insist this child be withdrawn from school and home-schooled. "end snip"

No clue why that would have any bearing on Andrea's mindset at the time, only the oldest would have just begun school to start with. Homeschooling doesn't cause insanity any more than a high stress job would. Nor does that mean that someone is controlling another because of making that choice.

I feel that the preconceived notion that people have of undue stress from homeschooling muddy's the waters of a situation that would have happened at any moment she could be alone with them period because of her being off her meds and the nutcase she was married too. She was sick long before she had children. And he was a control freak long before they were married. Those are character traits and mental capabilities or mind sets from upbringing/environments, not choices.

I agree, he should have paid for not only allowing, but enabling her condition. As a matter of fact, I hold him more responsible than her. He at least had a sound mind and was suppose to know right from wrong.
He is pretty icky, and I cannot imagine what kind of person would want to be his wife....yuk...


I happen to be happy for the guy. I'll leave it at that.

I do have a question for those who think that Rusty caused the deaths of his children. Do you blame Andrea equally or are you blaming it completely on him and letting Andrea slide because it was all his fault that she had all the kids to begin with?

This was a very sad case.
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