GUILTY TX - Former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger, indicted for Murder of Botham Shem Jean #6

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If I’m on the jury after hearing all of the testimony, there is absolutely no way she’s getting off 100% acquitted. Manslaughter is the lowest I would go. Even if all of the mistake of fact played out and I believed all of that bull crap, it comes down to she knew maintenance was coming regardless and in that email it never gave a time. She recklessly entered *her* apartment, thinking it was a burglar — yet this whole entire time, it was the maintenance man which she knew was a possibility could be there. That’s what I’m putting it all on. Period.
If I’m on the jury after hearing all of the testimony, there is absolutely no way she’s getting off 100% acquitted. Manslaughter is the lowest I would go. Even if all of the mistake of fact played out and I believed all of that bull crap, it comes down to she knew maintenance was coming regardless and in that email it never gave a time. She recklessly entered *her* apartment, thinking it was a burglar — yet this whole entire time, it was the maintenance man which she knew was a possibility could be there. That’s what I’m putting it all on. Period.

I agree
I had sympathy for her at first. But as facts came out that eroded for me.

I thought she was exhausted too but she was planning a rendezvous with his partner for that night. Is that responsible? To be that exhausted and then seriously distracting yourself while carry a loaded weapon?

But her conduct after really shows me who she is. It was all about covering her rear and not saving Jean. There was no sense of horror at shooting an unarmed innocent man in the 911 call. Just a sense of horror that she would lose her job.

Then a couple days later she's texting jokes to her boyfriend, saying she wanted to get drunk and have sex. That really sucked out my sympathy for her.

Then she goes on a cruise.

I would have been so distraught I would have ended up in a hospital, after accidentally killing an unarmed innocent man. But she does on a cruise. Seriously?

Finally, I sort of think one has to be super vested in her innocence or victimhood in order to find her testimony credible. She seriously seemed phony and fake to most. And even then she was mostly self involved and it was about her. Not her victim.

Her testimony painted her in a terrible light to most.
Yeah, a cruise. A freakin *cruise* I'd add five more years to her sentence just for that. Good thing I'm not in charge. If it were me, they'd have to wheel me in to the courtroom weighing 70 pounds with a forced feeding tube stuck in me because I would be so distraught I wouldn't eat. But ex-Officer Guyger doesn't look any worse for the wear. Why is that?
People like this scare the cr*p outta me. Coldblooded.

Amateur opinion and speculation
This is coming from someone who is more often than not, 100% pro LE. I think she is guilty, guilty guilty. Her story stinks. She is a disgrace to the uniform, is trashy and self-centered, should not be believed, and should be convicted. Will she be? I bet fifty bucks NO, she will not. She is going to get off, sadly. The Casey Anthony case (plus a few others) has really jaded my view on justice being carried out. She will either be acquitted, or it will be a hung jury. (Hope I am wrong!)
Sorry if already posted...

On Court TV the reporter at the courthouse just said -
before they adjourned for the day, the jury sent out a note to the judge. Unless the judge addresses it tomorrow - we may not be privy to what the note said.
This is coming from someone who is more often than not, 100% pro LE. I think she is guilty, guilty guilty. Her story stinks. She is a disgrace to the uniform, is trashy and self-centered, should not be believed, and should be convicted. Will she be? I bet fifty bucks NO, she will not. She is going to get off, sadly. The Casey Anthony case (plus a few others) has really jaded my view on justice being carried out. She will either be acquitted, or it will be a hung jury. (Hope I am wrong!)
Oh she will be convicted, I have no doubt. And I think she'll do some serious time. She'll appeal and eventually get out, but she'll do no less than 5. I originally thought 2 for manslaughter and 5 years probation, but the trial exposed her for the miscreant she is.
Guess we'll see.

Amateur opinion and speculation
The Court TV reporter (who sat in on the trial ) also said-
Several of the jurors were nodding in agreement with the prosecution’s closing.She said it’s the most animated she had seen the jury toward the prosection.
Its truly disturbing how many times people enter hotel rooms on others. It also happened to me. I opened the door and some dude was standing there shaving (thankfully with a towel around his waist).

I also got in someone else's car at the grocery store. It wasn't even the same make and model as my car. It was the right color but geez how embarrassing.

So I believe the wrong floor, wrong apartment story. I don't however think any of her actions upon entering (or even entering at all) the apartment were "reasonable".
I cannot believe anyone thinks she is not culpable. May she never darken the door of another innocent again.

I am pro LE, but this is very disturbing to me.

^^^This, and gitana1's. Very concerning. She was not at or in her apartment.

And you will never convince me that she honestly made a mistake about where she was. I think she was on the fight, mad about where things were with the married man, feeling invincible in her uniform, and looking to lash out.

She's a disgrace all the way around.

So, you think it was just pure luck she tried a door that was unlocked?
I once got into someone else's car: same make, same model, same color. Hopped into the seat and immediately noticed sunglasses on the dash that weren't mine. Probably no more than 15-20 seconds and I was out of there with my face red.

I don't see how she can be afraid for her life when she is armed and he isn't. Seeing photos of the two apartments, there were many, many cues that this wasn't her apartment.
I don't really know much about the Castle argument, but why would the jury ask that and why would the judge allow it?
I don't see hatred. I see disdain for someone who had taken the oath of a police officer who broke every single oath, and did the exact opposite of that which she had sworn to do. ...Then shrugged it off and went into party mode. The fact there are people like that... THAT should scare you
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