GUILTY TX - Former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger, indicted for Murder of Botham Shem Jean #8

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I want to know why officer Martin Rivera is not having his feet held to the fire.
He knowingly destroyed evidence.
Where is that outrage ?

He should not be a cop. I am outraged at his behavior. I will absolutely not be as outraged by his garbage a woman who executed an innocent, unarmed man eating ice cream in his apartment. I don't trust DPD to do a thing with Rivera, but he shouldn't be a cop.
Judges are human and the trial was over. She gave the prisoner a bible, so what. Do you think she should lose her livelihood because of it? I don’t.

I don't see anyone calling for her livelihood. I do think she should be reprimanded, which would not impact her livelihood. I don't think she has done anything here to impact her livelihood. He conduct was inappropriate of the court and that shouldn't be ignored.
My talk comes after years of being a victim's advocate and working in the county advocacy center and being a CASA. Not to mention currently enrolling BACK in college as an adult to peruse a new degree, so that I can work in a capacity other than my current volunteering for my county legal aid. Thanks for the snark.
I felt compelled to respond because of what I felt was unnecessary criticism of the other poster. I won't comment on your working for the government. I worked for the government early in my career and left for private industry as soon as I could. Best of luck on pursuing your new degree. I at one time worked a full-time job as I was going to school to earn my Master's degree.
“Absolutely nothing,” Mata said. “I did exactly the same thing that I had done for seven years as a critical response board member of this organization.”

“I don’t make that decision. That is not my decision,” he said. “When I got there, the first thing I did was poke my head through that window and ask her, ‘Are you okay?’ She said yes. I said, ‘I’ll be right back.’ I went straight to the command staff who were there. I asked them, ‘Is this an officer-involved shooting?’ They told me this was an officer-involved shooting. Being the command staff, I said, ‘So this is an officer-involved shooting. We are investigating like an officer-involved shooting?’ They said yes.”

“Absolutely, I did,” he said. “That’s normal protocol because she doesn’t have a choice of where she sits. She’s told to sit in a car. We cannot tape a conversation between an attorney and a client, even if it’s a normal day citizen.”

“What I told her then was stop talking to people,” he said.

In a statement, Dallas County Assistant DA Jason Hermus said: “I asked Mata what he did and said. I cannot coach a witness. He chose not to mention taking the defendant out and away from the squad car she was asked to be in. He also chose not to mention asking another sergeant to turn off the in-car recording system. I don’t know if this comports or violates DPD policy, and that was not my point.”

“Absolutely,” he said. “I want them to investigate because I want my name cleared.”

“The initial response on scene was that Officer Guyger was acting in the capacity of a courtesy officer at the apartment complex,” the department responded. “It was determined later that morning that she was not.
Dallas Police Association president denies any wrongdoing in Amber Guyger case
She was left unattended and allowed to meet with other police while sergeant went for the car, in case poor Amber would have to walk, as well.. it started there.
Let Internal Affairs investigate Mata's and others' roles on the night and subsequently.
They HAVE to conduct a major investigation and the public is watching and waiting.
I don't know if Botham Jean's family will file suit against the city of Dallas or not. As a taxpayer, I am so aggravated having to bail out cops when they screw up. Why do we always have to take the hit for this?
City will pay $75K to settle Austin Police excessive force lawsuit

As long as cops and the PDs that protect them aren't being held responsible by society and the courts, we will always take the hit. Victims will always seek justice (and should) in the ways they can get it. They aren't getting it through the criminal justice system, so they are going where they can. It sucks that we take that hit, but it sucks more for them for being harmed and not valued as much as a cop.
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

I’m proud of you my son, Brandt. Your load is lighter. Who feels it knows it. Regardless of the views of the spectators, walk with God always. Forgiveness is for the forgiver and it doesn’t matter what the forgiven does with it.
#BelikeBo is being Christlike. #LetitRise

Amber Guyger: Hugs, Forgiveness Narrative Cause Divide |
I don't see anyone calling for her livelihood. I do think she should be reprimanded, which would not impact her livelihood. I don't think she has done anything here to impact her livelihood. He conduct was inappropriate of the court and that shouldn't be ignored.
I disagree with you.
Court was over after Brendt's victim impact statement.
That was the end of the business of the day..

When Brendt walked to AG and hugged her, Guyger broke.
It was the first and only time she broke and her tears were real... a human suddenly emerged from an icebox-
Kemp witnessed that up close, she saw and heard more than we did, she curated his permission and plea to hug Guyger.
She obtained Guyger's consent to receive that hug.
She was watching much more closey than we were, she could see more.

Guyger wasn't expecting it. Nobody expected it. It was unprecedented.
Even Guyger's lawyers cried.
I cried.
The watching world cried.

It was a major catharsis which left many of us questioning ourselves... for me, I wondered if perhaps the Christians have something ... something I need too...

In the light of that it was entirely appropriate for Judge Tammy Kemp , a woman, to reach out and embrace a newly emerging human with compassion and a gift.

Now whether it was a Bible , a copy of The Holy Qu'ran or a Buddhist doctrine, matters nothing at all.

It just happened to be a Christian bible and Guyger apparently needed one.
Why not?
Why ever not?
“You’re having people of color that have the opportunity to make judges now,” Watkins said. “Their life experience and their religious points of view are different than what we’ve seen in the past. That’s just the evolution of our judicial system.”

“Delivering Bibles and personally witnessing as a judge is an egregious abuse of power,” the foundation wrote in a letter to Texas officials. Kemp “transmitted her personal religious beliefs as a state official in an official proceeding of the gravest nature.”
Dallas judge’s hug prompts debate: admirable compassion or ‘abuse of power?’
I disagree with you.
Court was over after Brendt's victim impact statement.
That was the end of the business of the day..

When Brendt walked to AG and hugged her, Guyger broke.
It was the first and only time she broke and her tears were real... a human suddenly emerged from an icebox-
Kemp witnessed that up close, she saw and heard more than we did, she curated his permission and plea to hug Guyger.
She obtained Guyger's consent to receive that hug.
She was watching much more closey than we were, she could see more.

Guyger wasn't expecting it. Nobody expected it. It was unprecedented.
Even Guyger's lawyers cried.
I cried.
The watching world cried.

It was a major catharsis which left many of us questioning ourselves... for me, I wondered if perhaps the Christians have something ... something I need too...

In the light of that it was entirely appropriate for Judge Tammy Kemp , a woman, to reach out and embrace a newly emerging human with compassion and a gift.

Now whether it was a Bible , a copy of The Holy Qu'ran or a Buddhist doctrine, matters nothing at all.

It just happened to be a Christian bible and Guyger apparently needed one.
Why not?
Why ever not?

because she was a judge in an official capacity. And religion has been used to abuse people in all facets of the justice system. We have a separation and a protection for a reason. She agrees to this as a government official. She went out of bounds. These protections have to be respected. HERE, in Dallas, the book DOES matter. What book she gave matters, because if it were any other would have been a huge deal. That is why this right from religion has to be protected. Because this ONE religion gets exceptions and latitudes and it shouldn't.
Would people have been happier if AG had been sentenced to 99 years, and that Botham Jean's brother had stated that he hated, loathed, despised AG and wished AG was dead?

Would people feel "better"? If the judge had just pounded the gavel and declared, "Bailiff, take Ms. Guyger to the holding cell.".

Day over. Is everyone happy now?
Audio and video of Kemp's actions were "sufficient to show an ethics violation," the Freedom From Religion Foundation said. Conceding that "it was an emotional moment," especially after Brandt forgave his brother's killer, the Foundation said Kemp's "compassion crossed the line into coercion."

"It appears from the exchange that Guyger may not have identified as Christian, but Guyger’s religion does not change the constitutional or ethical analysis," the letter continued. "Even were Guyger an avowed devout Christian, the gesture would still have been inappropriate and unconstitutional because Judge Kemp was acting in her official governmental capacity." Going on to cite Supreme Court precedent, the letter went on to claim that while Kemp is free to spread her faith as a private citizen, she was forbidden to do so when "in a government courtroom, dressed in a judicial robe, with all of the imprimatur of the state, including armed law enforcement officers."

"Delivering bibles and personally witnessing as a judge is an egregious abuse of power," the complaint concluded, and urged the Commission to "investigate these actions for violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct" and ensure it never happens again.

The Foundation also sent a letter of complaint to Republican Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin on Thursday, alleging his proclamation promoting "Bring Your Bible to School Day" is "divisive" and "sectarian." They also scolded Bevin for showing "remarkable obtuseness" about a book they said is filled with claims that are "patently absurd."

'Egregious abuse of power': Nonprofit group files complaint against judge for 'proselytizing' in Guyger trial
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Would people have been happier if AG had been sentenced to 99 years, and that Botham Jean's brother had stated that he hated, loathed, despised AG and wished AG was dead?

Would people feel "better"? If the judge had just pounded the gavel and declared, "Bailiff, take Ms. Guyger to the holding cell.".

Day over. Is everyone happy now?

I didn't actually personally see anyone here calling for 99 years. I don't need to feel better. All I want is what feels like justice was given in the court. Any person I've talked to (not people acting like garbage on social media) agreed that the 28 years would have been just. That her not continuing to get preferential treatment, would have been just. I don't want anyone to hate the woman. I certainly don't. I think that the system failed to be just, and in that process treated her with extraordinary preferential treatment. And yes...a judge instructing her to be taken from the court is EXACTLY what her job called for.

There is no way to be happy here. A wonderful life is still lost. There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking justice and being disgusted by her preferential treatment. There is nothing wrong with calling out inappropriate behavior. NOTHING.
"I think what we saw was a jury that came back with a verdict of guilty of murder. That is significant to me," Allison Jean told ABC News. "No matter how long she serves that sentence, she has a record that she is a murderer."

"That was not saying there are no consequences for someone's actions, for her actions," said Bertrum Jean, a minister in St. Lucia. "But he forgave her and it is all right to forgive. Jesus said we need to forgive. So we can forgive people, right?"

"I was proud of what he [Brandt] did because I felt the same way," Jean's father said. "Exactly what my son was thinking, that's what I was thinking. I would have loved to say to her, 'You've hurt our family. We are sad, we are broken, but I forgive you and I'd like to be your friend, I'd like to get to know you.'"

"Ten years, 20 years, five years, two years doesn't affect me personally, doesn't affect my family. It helps the state deal with someone who has committed a crime," Allison Jean told ABC News. "No amount of justice can ever bring Botham back."

Bertrum Jean added, "I don't know how many years I'd be happy with, but I know an injustice was done to my son. I believe that he deserved to be alive today."
Forgiveness doesn't erase consequences: Amber Guyger's victim's family speaks out
Would people have been happier if AG had been sentenced to 99 years, and that Botham Jean's brother had stated that he hated, loathed, despised AG and wished AG was dead?

Would people feel "better"? If the judge had just pounded the gavel and declared, "Bailiff, take Ms. Guyger to the holding cell.".

Day over. Is everyone happy now?
I'd be a helluva lot happier if she got 28 or life.
It would have been fair.

However , Judge Kemp's actions do not discredit her in any shape size or form..

<modsnip: politicizing not allowed>

The gesture and the gift were spontaneous, like the victim impact statement...
I believe it was the spirit of Botham Jean shining through and reflected. (but I'm a romantic like that, and I like it. )
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