TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #12

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Well, what the heck does that mean? the day of, day before, week before, month before???????? Good Grief!

How can they even say that when earlier they said they weren't for sure which day she even went missing.....
Well, what the heck does that mean? the day of, day before, week before, month before???????? Good Grief!

You are preaching to the choir! I'm sitting here contemplating beating my head against the wall now.....:banghead::furious:
I can't believe that the two girls didn't tell anyone, before today, that they had played bball with Hailey the day she went missing.

As soon as they went back to school they knew she was missing but I would think they found out sooner.One person finds out and like a wild fire it spreads to all the mothers who have children in the same school.Where I live the PTA would call class moms who had a phone list of each class rooms children and ask them to call their list to let other moms know when something happened to a classmate. I do not know if it is the same in other towns. If they knew sooner why didn't they say something to a parent or tell even the teacher.These are middle school kids I would think at ages 12,13 they would know enough to tell someone.
I think it means the info has NOT helped them narrow the timeline.... I think it means that they are back at the same spot they were out before after having checked out this lead.

That is what I think this means...

Of course it is just my opinion.
In November we did see a woman charged with harboring a missing Des Moines teen. 13 year old Tiffany Speck was the focus of intensive searches while she was gone for a week. She stayed outside by a river for a few days, in earshot of searchers calling her name but when she got cold she went to a friend's house and stayed there. The friend's mother hid her out even though she knew the seriousness of the situation, Tiffany's brother had even been to the friend's house during the search.

Anyway, I don't think it's the most likely scenario but it is possible that somebody is purposefully hiding her out. Whether it's a friend or family and why that person would not contact Billie/Clint/LE is anyone's guess but it's not too far fetched.
The question I have is why would LE put so much stock in the words of 6th grades.. for tips ya, for gospel.. hmm not so much.. As a poster put, 6th grades do sing like canaries BUT, with the limelight shining down on a small city.. someone might like the limelight..
I am at a loss of words at this point. If they have enough information to make a bold statement, that they believe she is "hiding out" then why have they not located her? I hope they are not solely taking the word from classmates as I have a hunch they could end up with egg on their face or this is a tactic being used to gain information. Regardless, if being used as a tactic, it is somewhat reckless as it may take away momentum of volunteers and spotlight away from town, IMAGINE THAT! So which tactic is anyone's guess.

With HD having potential history of some discord or disagreements, as anyone could have in their own respective families. It is quite possible that some information obtained could be that of past and even current "issues" HD may have been having leading to this new hunch of the LE. But the real question needing to be answered is that the reason for her disappearance, voluntarily or involuntarily? If they are going on the voluntary route, I am looking more at bio dad and family, maybe. At this point it is anyone's guess.
I'm just upset at this point that Hailey has not been found or returned on her own, whichever. And frankly, it makes me livid that, unlike the Smith case, it is not being reported that Hailey should be considered in danger. I don't care if she ran away--she's 13. We cannot blame the victim. She's a child. We need to find her.
bbm... at this point, imhoo, we don't know if it was that specific day:

they played basketball with Hailey sometime prior to her disappearance.

I am going out on a limb here...but I don't think these two kids are going to lead to where Hailey is right now. MOO

IMO if she was with them after she left her house than someone other then
SA would have been the last to see her.
Does CD have a job? Are we allowed to say anything about his arrest record? I notice a few threads back that he has one.
Does anyone know if CPS (Child Protective Services, for you non-Texans) has ever been called to investigate the family? This would be part of the public record if an official visit was ever made at any time over the years.
I tend to agree but I am leaving a 10% chance for stranger abduction, Since Jessica Lundsford case when it seemed to me it could be family member but instead was John Couie sp?

and who can forget kayleah wilson - i agree about the state trooper - they know something IMO to make this statement (if the MSM report is to be believed) that they believe she is "hiding" - that's a long way away from kidnapped/killed/etc. IMO

And Jonathan Foster. I was convinced it was the mom's BF... Boy, were we all wrong there. Last one known to have seen Jonathan, too.
One last thing I wanted to point out. Although these other agencies are on the scene. IIRC, the local police are still the lead and call the shots while the others are there to assist, FBI included. Please correct me if I am wrong. I have to wonder how well and nicely all the agencies are working with one another. Hopefully well, for Hailey's sake.
I have finally caught up again. This case is right where I thought it would be. I have had a feeling all along that HD ran away. Why did she runaway is the question, but then again LE could be wrong, but I'm on the side that she is alive somewhere perhaps with a old boy??

I take what her family says with a grain of salt. IMO no one and I mean no one is above the fray. If you lie or start failing polygraphs then i'm not gonna be making excuses for you. I guess I'm the kind of person that doesnt put anything past anyone no matter how they look or sound on TV. People can be deceptive, cruel, manipulative, and crafty.

A person can sit on TV and cry for their poor babies and have the bodies rotting in a closet somewhere. People are strange.

As for the other girls not saying anything to LE. Well kids can keep secrets. We've seen it over and over again in cases.

And please don't tell me people are skeptical about how she could hide for 2 weeks. It's been done before.
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