TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #14

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I am curious, being that there are RSO who status were updated today. Other's have not been yet, so being that this situation is going on in town, you would think other's would change or no?


I have a hunch on good reason why I think we should look at this RSO in town:


J**** C**** N********

Occupation: Self Employed - Rides Horses.

gistration/Verification Information

Date Event Type Agency



Sex Victim
Age GOC Time Disposition Date Discharge Status

He lives VERY close to the hotel where the dogs picked up Hailey's scent.
ANd wasnt there an article earlier about a search team coming in from FLORIDA??? I sure hope it isn't kidfinders ( i think thats the one the Milsteads operate)
NG FB says LE was back at BD house shed in back yard about 3 hours go.
Anyone know why?
Guess we may have to wait til 8 pm? her show.
I think since now she is admitting that it is possible for him to be involved, we are going to see some movement. I think she might have been talking to LE again and this time was a little clearer on her answers. I think her saying it's been pounded into her head, makes it very clear which way LE is looking.
He lives VERY close to the hotel where the dogs picked up Hailey's scent.

I know and it isn't that far from HD home! He has skills on HORSEBACK. Claims he is self-employed but also gave a employer in Snyder.
And there is MORE out there. Just look! Not baiting but I think it is against TOS to talk about anyone underage. I am trying to learn here.

Do you think LE when speaking of locals being dishonest, that they are also referencing the sex offender??
NG FB says LE was back at BD house shed in back yard about 3 hours go.
Anyone know why?
Guess we may have to wait til 8 pm? her show.

I think they were returning the shed to BD's property. Someone posted a link in the last thread mentioning this.
Do you think LE when speaking of locals being dishonest, that they are also referencing the sex offender??

I think anything is possible. I also think the reporting is not the best. The last article posted said this, "Billie Dunn said the program's accusations are unfounded, which described Dunn as not a credible witness because of a drug history."

I watched NG last night and NG did not accuse of Billie of not being a credible witness, LE reportedly did. But since it's only "reportedly", I have to take it with a grain of salt. MOO
I think they were returning the shed to BD's property. Someone posted a link in the last thread mentioning this.

If SA is involved that shed could be really important. I hope they bring in HRD dogs.
Maybe BD continues to text SA to get information. :waitasec:
this is just speculation, but if Billie really did fail a LDT, & isn't guilty of anything, maybe she's considering that as a possibility with Shawn. IDK, but those 'failed' tests have created a lot of turmoil. maybe he didn't fail.

Hailey is 13 years old. She was heading to stay with a friend on Monday Dec. 27th but never made it. She is 5'1" with hazel eyes and brown hair. She also has pierced ears. She was last seen at 1804 Chestnut, wearing navy blue sweat pants, a light colored T-shirt and pink and white shoes.
Anyone who has seen Hailey contact the Colorado City Police Dept. at 325-128-5294

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Wow! I have never seen this many verified locals on any case. Look at all the people who love Hailey and want her to come home. Thank you locals for all you are doing for Hailey, and for us by keeping us informed.
O/T anyone snowed in? like me.........

Apparently I'm expected to join you as we are expecting 8-16 inches here overnight with the morning commute being the worst. Of course I am working tonight overnight and would like to get home in the morning at some point :)
Thanks to all verified locals!
As usual... I get caught up & my posts finished just as the thread get closed. At least I never lose my posts! :innocent:

Lots of past tense here. "lost" my daughter, "did the best I could" ... gosh, I hope she isn't giving up or giving in.

Keep fighting B!

Cops think she is runaway...

They are searching fields and wooded areas...

They expect to find her standing up...

They take DNA in case they find her body...

They think she is alive and in hiding...

There is no proof she is alive and in hiding...

They are investigating as if she could be a runaway, or a murder victim.

If I was her I'd have a hard time having hope too. I have also said from the very beginning that she looks to me like her instincts are screaming at her and she is ignoring them. I think she had a gut feelings immediately that Hailey was dead and she has done her best to ignore that. But occasionally it creeps in with the past tense use.

I do not think for a second she has personal knowledge of her daughter's fate. But I do think her instincts or maybe just simply her fears are showing through when she doesn't want them to.

Funny you should mention that, I was just thinking. BD said she called her son at "lunchtime" to tell him to tell H to come home. How did she know she WAS NOT ALREADY HOME? And why, immediately go to LE? We know she was pretty much on her own, so why THIS time did she go straight to LE?

I think that it was probably normal for Billie to tell Hailey when to come home from a friend's house when she spent the night. (I never came home on my own.)

She wasn't told "Hailey already left" which I think would not have caused any alarm.

She was told "Hailey never GOT HERE, Hailey never spent the night." She was told that her child had left the house at 3:15pm to go spend the night at a friend's house and never arrived. Now 24 hours later, she had no clue where her daughter was or where she HAD been for the last 24 hours. She could have spent hours wandering around looking but I'm betting she figured that the cops could do a better job.

I think she probably called her son with the intention of having Hailey come home. She may have asked her son if Hailey was home. Then asked him to text MB to have her come home. Hailey had not ASKED if she could go, she had SAID she was going... so I'm not surprised Billie called early to have her come back.

We also need to remember that Billie is trying to get as much information out in the little time she has.

Yes, she could go on Nancy and explain that she usually had to call and have Hailey come home because otherwise Hailey would spend all day at her friends house. So she went to work that morning, had a chicken salad for lunch, used the potty and got a drink, talked to a couple of coworkers, then she called her son and asked him if he had lunch, then asked him if Hailey was home yet, then asked him to please text Hailey to come home and he said okay I will and she said, okay call me back and let me know when she will be home and he said okay....

She would never finish before Nancy told her to get to the point.

If I was in this situation I would type out a detailed account of the whole situation. Right down to when, where and what I had for lunch. When I used the potty, brushed my teeth and did the laundry. I would post it here for all of you and I would send it to the media covering the story. I know the questions people are going to ask.

But Billie doesn't, because she isn't one of us. She is just a Mom.
111 viewers on 1.11.11.......interesting.........bring us luck!
I think since now she is admitting that it is possible for him to be involved, we are going to see some movement. I think she might have been talking to LE again and this time was a little clearer on her answers. I think her saying it's been pounded into her head, makes it very clear which way LE is looking.

This is not aimed at poster, just the "topic" do don't think I am taking it out on you TEH, I respect all yours posts :)

Sure. Put a gun to her head why don't they? Not saying it isn't possible but IMAGINE the stress she is under!!

What is wrong does this little town not want the whole NATION to know how many REGISTERED CHILD SEX OFFENDERS live in their town? GREAT PR, Move to Colorado City, home of the CHILD SEX OFFENDER.

I hope to god that Nancy Grace brings this up! UGHHH... I smell the "good ole boys" stink here.

No constant searches? If they thought she was runaway yesterday, how about brining in some expert SAR dogs, instead of the run of the mill jail dogs. They should be looking for her both ways, live and deceased and like sarx said, water dogs should be brought in as well.

I am dying for Billie, if I am wrong on this, please throw egg in my face all day long, I can take it, I am a big girl.

I am gonna :sick: LITERALLY!!!!!! I don't recall any statements coming out of LE that the RSO have been cleared!!! GEEE, so let's start to pick apart the parents rather than look at the volume of little girl molesters and rapists in town. :sick::sick::sick::sick:
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