TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #18

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No, I was at home with my husband. I didn't want to intrude on her time with her family. And no, we were not celebrating either.

I hope you know that your posts here are very helpful. You did turn me around a few times. Your description of NYears makes a lot of sense. I am sure my family would have come here if my girl was missing, and at some point food would be on the counter. So you are helping us keep things in perspective.

But my biggest hurdles are the domestic violence call with the death threats and the weird obsession with the custom made death masks. It is hard to look past those. Didn't she worry about leaving her kids with him after he made those threats, esp knowing he did have a fetish for murder/mayhem?
At some point, yes, I will. I am not going to do it anytime soon - with everything that has come to light about SA and his sick self, I can only imagine what terrible worries she has running through her mind. It is bad enough without putting more images in her mind. I am just sick over this.

It is not something you need to feel obligated to come back and give me an answer to but I would like you to discuss with her and if she has any info that could help LE encourage her to give any info to them.
yw. I pray that Hailey will be found safe also. I appreciate the fact that Clint is able to go out and search, but I hope you all understand why Billie has not. They have both been advised not to take part in the search (as all families are, the way I understand it) because of the devestation it would cause if they happened to be the ones to find her not alive.

I do not know SA's parents, and have not heard them mentioned at all in the news.

This is very true. No family member should EVER being out at searches (or close friends of the family or the missing person for that matter). I have had to actually have LE remove families from search locations where searches were going on when they came against the recommendation of LE. It is NOT good for a long list of reasons, first and foremost of which is that no mother, father, family member or friend should have to see their loved one laying face down in a ditch often in horrible condition. Sadly when you are out searching that is a distinct possibility.
What I was trying to say about Clint searching was not a dig at BD. When I said that it speaks volumes to me, I am saying that Clint is hoping and believing that Hailey is still alive.

Okay, this is JMO but I wouldn't give a rat's behind what they say. No one, and I mean NO ONE would keep me from searching for my child. If I had someone send me a lead, yes I would report it to the LE, but I would go to that area and check it out and as Clint is doing.....hand out flyers on Hailey and ask for everyone to share the info that she was missing. That IS what Clint is doing.
Thank you for your posts. I am wondering if you know anything about SA's former relationships? Was there anything of concern? Does he seem to target single parents with young girls for his girlfriends?
This is very true. No family member should EVER being out at searches (or close friends of the family or the missing person for that matter). snip....

Also, wouldn't it mess things up if the poor Dad happened upon her body, and then people would wonder if he were involved somehow. What a nightmare.
You and me both. I am relatively confident that she is somewhere where SA knows, and knows well. Somewhere he frequented, maybe not recently, but at some point in his life. Somewhere he hung out with friends and did (insert whatever you want here).

He's local, he knows the area, well. The way I am looking at it at least right now is that he had about an hour to get from Colorado City to that point, so where would that be?

Somebody knows this spot, they just haven't put it all together or they haven't come forward.

I did not mean that she is continuing to believe in SA. I meant that if he was involved, there is not much of a chance that she will be found alive. It is going to be a worst case scenario.

What specifically makes you think that?
I also can't see how continuing to believe in Shawn secures her hope that Hailey is still alive unless she knows Shawn has control of Hailey's fate.!


If she lets herself completely accept the fact that he did something to her, it means that she didn't run away. It also means that she's probably not coming home alive at this point.

The only thing she can cling to, is that she ran away on her own, and that SA didn't have anything to do with it.

Not because of SA, but because of her daughter. She wants her daughter to still come home alive, and she's clinging to whatever small chance that something like that could still happen.
Well, I have been away for a while, and cant stay long. I am threads and threads behind... But I wanted to just say a few things.

First of all, thanks to those of you who have been supportive, and continue to offer prayers not only for Hailey's safe return, but for Billie also. I continue to stand by Billie - and believe that she had absolutely no involvement in or knowledge of Hailey's disappearance.

For those of you who believe that Billie is involved, to whatever extent.... well, I just can't understand it. I am not being argumentative, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Also, I realize that I am probably biased because she is my friend, and because I know how to read her - but she is being honest and candid. She is not a big on showing her emotions, and I know that it has been taking a toll on her to try and keep it together and not break down on camera.

I firmly believe that she will be 100% cleared of any involvement. Yes, she has made some mistakes and some bad choices. But she would never purposely put her children in danger. And there is not one person on this earth who has not made a mistake or bad choice and then looked back and wondered why they had done that or made that choice. How many though would admit them on national television - over and over, no less - knowing that it put them in a bad light. Right now, I believe that she couldn't care less about her 'reputation'. I know that it has to bother her that so many people are saying what a crappy mother she is. But anyone who loves their children would be hurt by that accusation.

Right now, Billie's priority is to get Hailey home. Safely. She is trying to remain optimistic - I am trying to help her remain optimistic without giving her false hope. The more time that passes, the harder that is.

We all know that if SA was involved (and at this point, I can't believe that he isnt), the chances of Hailey still being here with us are slim. I for one am praying that he is just an idiot, and has nothing to do with it. Not because I give a flying you know what about him, but because I want to believe that there is still a chance that Hailey is safe. Have any of you considered that Billie is not defending SA, but desperately holding on to that same hope?

Like I said, I am behind in the posts. I have only skimmed a few tonight, so I do not know what the general consensus is.... but there was no party. Her family was there with her. Offering support and just being there for her. If y'all remember, 12/31 was the day the dogs were first brought in. I can't remember the exact time, but it was fairly late at night. I spoke with her several times, and all she was doing was waiting for LE to give her updates. And no, I am not surprised that that SOB SA was drinking a beer. But no one else was drinking, and there was damn sure not a 'festive' mood. It was very somber, very scared and worried.

I only ask that everyone please keep Hailey in the front of their minds, and in their prayers. She is the reason we are all here on this thread. Hailey needs to be found. Once she is found - and I continue to pray that by God's grace she will be found safe - then bash away. If it is discovered that someone harmed her, or was involved in a coverup, then I hope they suffer 1000x any pain and fear they may have inflicted on her and the grief of those who love her.
I'm not much of a Billie supporter, but understand why you are. You are a true friend. & bless you, for caring about Hailey. I'm not sure why Billie hasn't hired a lawyer, but as her friend, (unless you have a personal reason, not to), can you please talk to her about getting one? not to be clicheic, but anything she says, can & will be held against her.
What I was trying to say about Clint searching was not a dig at BD. When I said that it speaks volumes to me, I am saying that Clint is hoping and believing that Hailey is still alive.

Okay, this is JMO but I wouldn't give a rat's behind what they say. No one, and I mean NO ONE would keep me from searching for my child. If I had someone send me a lead, yes I would report it to the LE, but I would go to that area and check it out and as Clint is doing.....hand out flyers on Hailey and ask for everyone to share the info that she was missing. That IS what Clint is doing.

Totally agree!! I've often thought the same thing about ever being in that situation. I would also be staking out every RSO in the area, or have a family member or friend doing that as well as any POI.
I would do it day and night.
What??? From the affidavits, I would like to know how cryptograms from country singer Marty Stuart's site have anything to do with the "Insane Clown Posse"?? Are they saying cryptograms in general have something to do with the Insane Clown Posse? I'm not following or have missed something.
Well, I have been away for a while, and cant stay long. I am threads and threads behind... But I wanted to just say a few things.

First of all, thanks to those of you who have been supportive, and continue to offer prayers not only for Hailey's safe return, but for Billie also. I continue to stand by Billie - and believe that she had absolutely no involvement in or knowledge of Hailey's disappearance.

For those of you who believe that Billie is involved, to whatever extent.... well, I just can't understand it. I am not being argumentative, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Also, I realize that I am probably biased because she is my friend, and because I know how to read her - but she is being honest and candid. She is not a big on showing her emotions, and I know that it has been taking a toll on her to try and keep it together and not break down on camera.

I firmly believe that she will be 100% cleared of any involvement. Yes, she has made some mistakes and some bad choices. But she would never purposely put her children in danger. And there is not one person on this earth who has not made a mistake or bad choice and then looked back and wondered why they had done that or made that choice. How many though would admit them on national television - over and over, no less - knowing that it put them in a bad light. Right now, I believe that she couldn't care less about her 'reputation'. I know that it has to bother her that so many people are saying what a crappy mother she is. But anyone who loves their children would be hurt by that accusation.

Right now, Billie's priority is to get Hailey home. Safely. She is trying to remain optimistic - I am trying to help her remain optimistic without giving her false hope. The more time that passes, the harder that is.

We all know that if SA was involved (and at this point, I can't believe that he isnt), the chances of Hailey still being here with us are slim. I for one am praying that he is just an idiot, and has nothing to do with it. Not because I give a flying you know what about him, but because I want to believe that there is still a chance that Hailey is safe. Have any of you considered that Billie is not defending SA, but desperately holding on to that same hope?

Like I said, I am behind in the posts. I have only skimmed a few tonight, so I do not know what the general consensus is.... but there was no party. Her family was there with her. Offering support and just being there for her. If y'all remember, 12/31 was the day the dogs were first brought in. I can't remember the exact time, but it was fairly late at night. I spoke with her several times, and all she was doing was waiting for LE to give her updates. And no, I am not surprised that that SOB SA was drinking a beer. But no one else was drinking, and there was damn sure not a 'festive' mood. It was very somber, very scared and worried.

I only ask that everyone please keep Hailey in the front of their minds, and in their prayers. She is the reason we are all here on this thread. Hailey needs to be found. Once she is found - and I continue to pray that by God's grace she will be found safe - then bash away. If it is discovered that someone harmed her, or was involved in a coverup, then I hope they suffer 1000x any pain and fear they may have inflicted on her and the grief of those who love her.

Thank you so much for posting czgtz. You are a true friend no matter what the outcome.

I think it's time for emotion as far as BD is concerned. I know she feels it. It's time to plead for her daughter's return. JMO.

I do believe she made a bad choice. I also agree that I have second guessed myself a million times where my sons were concerned. I don't think she is a "crappy mother," I just don't want her to spend any time worrying about it on NG. Honestly, I want her to answer NG's questions succintly, address HD personally, say what she believes about SA and plead with whomever she believes is involved. I speak only for myself, but when she said she "lost her daughter" on NG, I felt resignation from BD. In my own defense, I apologize for looking so closely at that statement.

I agree with your thoughts on SA. You seem ready to accept the potential of SA's involvement. I don't believe BD was celebrating New Year's Eve. SA "drinking a beer" worries me to no end. I am confused about your post stating that "I can't believe he (SA) isn't"...and that he is an "idiot"...and that BD is "holding on to that same hope that he (SA) isn't" involved. Are you sure BD isn't inadvertantly protecting SA because she's in shock?

What did you post that "the chances of Hailey still being with us are slim?" I want to support BD like you do. I just can't help but believe that, with everything you've told us about her, she isn't pleading with whomever she believes has HD to bring her home. I acknowledge that CD even said that he can't believe BD would hurt either of her children. That's says a lot to me. I'm not bashing BD. I just want more offense than defense from her.
Thank you for your posts. I am wondering if you know anything about SA's former relationships? Was there anything of concern? Does he seem to target single parents with young girls for his girlfriends?

I know nothing about him other that what I have learned here. The few times I was around him (and that was only if he was around when Billie and I were hanging out) I pretty much ignored him.
Do you think you could visit the search thread and take a look at the most recent maps? Being that you are local u might be able to shed some light on the area where cell service is void.


I will be more than happy to go look. My husband and I are discussing how our old cell company had a dead area around Lake Thomas, some years ago. But, we are trying to remember about our AT&T now. I do know when my cousin goes there he can not get reception on his AT&T. Coming from Lake Thomas to Vincent, there is a dead area. I know this sounds weird, but there in a low spot between there that is called "a buffalo wallow". But, they have a tower close to there now. Since our cell phones are AT&T and SA's phone was reported as Verizon, would that make a difference. We will make that drive out there tomorrow and check our phones if that would help.
What specifically makes you think that?

What specifically makes me think that if SA is involved that Hailey is most likely dead? Seriously? Have you read all the posts and followed all the links? I feel like screaming when I think of my kids even having ever been in the same room as him.
What I was trying to say about Clint searching was not a dig at BD. When I said that it speaks volumes to me, I am saying that Clint is hoping and believing that Hailey is still alive.

Okay, this is JMO but I wouldn't give a rat's behind what they say. No one, and I mean NO ONE would keep me from searching for my child. If I had someone send me a lead, yes I would report it to the LE, but I would go to that area and check it out and as Clint is doing.....hand out flyers on Hailey and ask for everyone to share the info that she was missing. That IS what Clint is doing.

Handing out flyers is one thing, trudging through the mud is another. As a parent I completely understand where you are coming from. As SAR I cannot even describe why it is such a bad idea. It is just a lose lose situation on so many levels.
Also, wouldn't it mess things up if the poor Dad happened upon her body, and then people would wonder if he were involved somehow. What a nightmare.

That would be one of the other reasons, yes, because the "well isn't that convenient" starts.... And other reasons include the guilty people who are out in the searches (and it happens more than I care to talk about) who are contaminating a crime scene and may even have opportunity to conceal or destroy evidence that they left behind initially.
What specifically makes you think that?

Too many years of seeing it. Of course there are always exceptions, but when narrowing down an area when you don't have much to go off of and nobody is giving up information (as is typical in a criminal MP case) you start digging into stomping grounds.
What specifically makes me think that if SA is involved that Hailey is most likely dead? Seriously? Have you read all the posts and followed all the links? I feel like screaming when I think of my kids even having ever been in the same room as him.
I know that feeling well. When my daughter was in high scool, she was best friends with a girl, whose extended family, lived on the same property, in a neighboring town. (all trailers). One day, she was at school, & started getting texts, wanting to know if she had seen this girl's sister in law's brother. ends up, he had raped his little sister, & then cut her throat & was on the run. He was found hiding in a dumpster, right by the police station. I had panic attacks, just thinking about my daughter, hanging out with him. She of course, described him as quiet, never bothered anybody, just a typical country boy.
I will be more than happy to go look. My husband and I are discussing how our old cell company had a dead area around Lake Thomas, some years ago. But, we are trying to remember about our AT&T now. I do know when my cousin goes there he can not get reception on his AT&T. Coming from Lake Thomas to Vincent, there is a dead area. I know this sounds weird, but there in a low spot between there that is called "a buffalo wallow". But, they have a tower close to there now. Since our cell phones are AT&T and SA's phone was reported as Verizon, would that make a difference. We will make that drive out there tomorrow and check our phones if that would help.
Is ATT and Verizon pretty similar in coverage out there? If you are comfortable doing so, yes, that would be wonderful.
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