TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #18

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No offense taken here. I haven't posted on this case because from the outset it really bothered me that a 13 year-old could be away from home that many hours without a parent checking on her. I knew it would be viewed as an attack on the mom, so I've kept my mouth shut and lurked. In light of recent developments, I have no qualms about saying it now.

Me too - didn't want to come off sounding like I'm the perfect mom. My 14 year old HAS to call me the minute he arrives at school. Just this year, I've allowed him to ride his bike to school with friends. While it's only a 10 minute jaunt, anything can happen. I say "the minute you don't call me, I'll be busting up your cell phone - then I'll come down to school and have them pull you out of class". Sleepovers the same. If he doesn't answer, then I'm on the phone to the parents house - or the cell of the friend.

He knows to call me if he's going to be 5 minutes late.

Maybe this behaviour isn't the norm - but it works for me. I wish BD had done the same. Those first 24 hours are so critical.


oh man, now I've got to go google him.

I still luv ya though, Whisperer :seeya:

I was going to - but then thought, nah...don't need any more nightmares. I hope it's not as awful as it's portrayed. Just seeing pictures of those masks freaked me out, and I pray Hailey didn't see one :(


In her defense, she leaves home at about 6:30 am. She works a 12 hour shift, likely 4 days a week, or works those crazy hospital schedules that make them so darn weary. Even 4 12 hour days for a three day weekend is hard.

Coming home 12 hours later, and exhausted, going to bed by 9pm, so she could get up the next day. Yeah she should have called, but she didn't. She trusted her daughter to be where she said she was going to be. She trusted that her bf was telling her the truth. It was the holiday break, kids that age spend nights with friends all the time. You don't expect anything bad to happen, and more so in a small town where everyone knows everyone else from birth to the grave. You feel safe.

And she thought she knew this guy very well. In the home 4 months but with him for two years or more. She didn't just willy nilly move some stranger into the home. His grandma lives in the same town as her, and his mom lives in the next town over. We don't know where he was born, but probably in the hospital she works in, just like everyone else around there.

jmo oc.

I'd certainly agree with your assessment, had he not already threatened to kill H & B Dunn. Wouldn't that in of itself set off a huge red flag as far as BD checking in with HD?


oh man, now I've got to go google him.

I still luv ya though, Whisperer :seeya:

ETA; I wish I hadn't done that, but wow that would have been one big flipping clue to remove his sorry arse from her home and as far from her kids as possible.

:seeya:You don't want to know about him....trust me on that one. I had no choice. For your best interest, don't bother. I can give you a synopsis.
I'd certainly agree with your assessment, had he not already threatened to kill H & B Dunn. Wouldn't that in of itself set off a huge red flag as far as BD checking in with HD?



I was just thinking about that threat to them and here's why...Billie and SA IIRC had been together for about 3-4 yrs..and while she first tried to duck and dodge the fact that SA even lived at the home..later admitted that he had been living there for about 4 months..I am having major problems believing that these 2 had been together for that long and just began living together..I just am. But IF that is true..why just several months after BF threatened to kill you and your daughter do you move him in? None of that makes a lick of sense to me...
In her defense, she leaves home at about 6:30 am. She works a 12 hour shift, likely 4 days a week, or works those crazy hospital schedules that make them so darn weary. Even 4 12 hour days for a three day weekend is hard.

Coming home 12 hours later, and exhausted, going to bed by 9pm, so she could get up the next day. Yeah she should have called, but she didn't. She trusted her daughter to be where she said she was going to be. She trusted that her bf was telling her the truth. It was the holiday break, kids that age spend nights with friends all the time. You don't expect anything bad to happen, and more so in a small town where everyone knows everyone else from birth to the grave. You feel safe.

And she thought she knew this guy very well. In the home 4 months but with him for two years or more. She didn't just willy nilly move some stranger into the home. His grandma lives in the same town as her, and his mom lives in the next town over. We don't know where he was born, but probably in the hospital she works in, just like everyone else around there.

jmo oc.
Thanks Yosande.

Do you know what hospital she works in? Having worked in hospitals, I have not heard of ward clerks working 12 hr. shifts (if that's what she is), maybe things are different there. And if she did, I see no reason for her to leave her daughter with SA. HD should have been at her father's house, imo, during the winter break, if she was working 13 hr days (including travel time). However, I am speaking from a mature and logical point of view. I realize that is not what we are dealing with in this case..*sigh*

This case reminds me of the other one. :banghead: I say drugs and alcohol are at the root.
Question if anyone can help..I have read this over and over and I'm still not clear...How was Billie able to confirm anything to investigators @ 4PM? Was she not still at work? and if not, why didn't she open the door? ...it could have been Hailey! I mean this is the same day that supposedly they realized that Hailey is missing and someones pounding on the door and you don't answer? I mean really? I would LOVE to hear that explained away..


Clint Dunn, Hailey's father, said his son, DD, went back to Billie's house at 4 p.m. and pounded on the door for for about five minutes before climbing through a window and saw Adkins with a "deer in the headlights" look. Billie Dunn told investigators the same thing.
Thanks Yosande.

Do you know what hospital she works in? Having worked in hospitals, I have not heard of ward clerks working 12 hr. shifts (if that's what she is), maybe things are different there. And if she did, I see no reason for her to leave her daughter with SA. HD should have been at her father's house, imo, during the winter break, if she was working 13 hr days (including travel time). However, I am speaking from a mature and logical point of view. I realize that is not what we are dealing with in this case..*sigh*

This case reminds me of the other one. :banghead: I say drugs and alcohol are at the root.

This case reminds me much of that one including the name sadly..It has been said that Hailey spent most of the last month at her fathers because she didn't like SA...and that Billie said that she allowed her to spend 2 months last year with an acquaintance as well...
Question if anyone can help..I have read this over and over and I'm still not clear...How was Billie able to confirm anything to investigators @ 4PM? Was she not still at work? and if not, why didn't she open the door? ...it could have been Hailey! I mean this is the same day that supposedly they realized that Hailey is missing and someones pounding on the door and you don't answer? I mean really? I would LOVE to hear that explained away..


Clint Dunn, Hailey's father, said his son, DD, went back to Billie's house at 4 p.m. and pounded on the door for for about five minutes before climbing through a window and saw Adkins with a "deer in the headlights" look. Billie Dunn told investigators the same thing.

Has it been confirmed she worked 12 hours every day? IIRC, the report wasn't filed till 2:00pm 12/28/10. So did she go to work on Tues? Did David spend that monday night at his dad's? :waitasec:
I agree- drug addicts are masters of manipulation and know how to play the victim. <modsnip>

I once heard it put this way...
An alcoholic will steal your wallet to buy booze, and afterward, will apologize.
An addict will steal your wallet to buy drugs, and afterward, will help you look for it.
At this point, I have more questions than answers. I should probably regroup and start reading...:maddening:
I have found Billie deceptive from the get go but never expected to find out what has come to light in the last day or two...and I didn't remember until I watched this NG video again that Billie said she had talked to Hailey's friend when she realized that Hailey was missing, but never talked to the friends mom. Can you imagine? It seems to me that after speaking to the daughter and being told that no plans had been made for Hailey to spend the night, she would immediately ask to speak to mom to see if she has any idea what was going on? I can't fathom finding that out and going on your merry way never asking for mom..<shakes head>..I wish we had last nights Nancy Grace in which to compare Billie's demeanor, but we don't...interesting nonetheless imo..

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/Sierra1947#p/u/24/cyHTmT-HxtM"]YouTube - Sierra1947's Channel[/ame]
At this point, I have more questions than answers. I should probably regroup and start reading...:maddening:

Don't feel bad..This case has been a shape shifter, changing daily...The docs yesterday were the first real confirmation of any facts, so you are just in time!..btw~even after following from the beginning, I think we all have more questions than answers, lol!
Has it been confirmed she worked 12 hours every day? IIRC, the report wasn't filed till 2:00pm 12/28/10. So did she go to work on Tues? Did David spend that monday night at his dad's? :waitasec:

I have not heard that confirmed yet, it may have been. I do know someone that does that same job at the hospital here and works 12 hour shifts at times. DD spent the night with a friend that night..
Whisperer, Billie is an LPN but lost her license a while back..she says due to an NSF check that she had written for payment of the renewal..have no idea at this point if that's the real reason, but that's why she has been working at the desk instead of regular duties. Don't think it has to do with Hailey's disappearance, but it has been discussed quite a bit..
Has it been confirmed she worked 12 hours every day? IIRC, the report wasn't filed till 2:00pm 12/28/10. So did she go to work on Tues? Did David spend that monday night at his dad's? :waitasec:

yep, she went to work and said she called home at lunchtime to tell the son to text Hailey to come home. The son did that, found out that she never made it and called mom back...

and you answered my question I think! If that report was filed at 2PM then where was Billie at 4pm when DD was banging on the door and went in the window to find SA in deer headlight mode. If she can confirm that, then she was there!..and if she was there why in the hello didn't she open the door in hopes it was her missing daughter???...Oh, I'm really getting pizzed thinking about all this..It's time to step away for a while...Nite/Morning all!
Nancy Grace broke this case wide open, Thanks to Websleuths. And Shawn Boy is a very bad man. Texas Rangers and all other LE put it together. It is a matter of time til the total discovery of the finding of Hailey.
And for you women out there with children who invite a man to live with you be careful. You need to put your children first. No matter how lonely you get. Not necessarily BD's fault. She was duped and weak.....at least I hope so so she can if innocent somehow try not to blame herself too much. This is such a nightmare.

Not her fault? Really? Who opened the door and INVITED the monster in? I am very sorry. I used to feel the same until 53 weeks ago when my daughter was born. All said and done a mother's is first responsibility to her child. You don;t allow people to hurt your children. You don't put drugs or men or anything in front of them. I am physically sick with rage over these women who invite strangers into their home and give them carte blanche access to their babies. You wouldn't open the door and let a wold or a poison snake or any other predator in, how are you less culpable or responsible for allowing a human predator into your home?
I'm surprised no attorney has stepped up and offered to represent BD.

BD doesn't want a lawyer right now because she wants to keep talking to LE and in the media. She does not want to clam up and CYA, as a lawyer would surely have her to do. LE was letting this case slide as a runaway until Billie started speaking out in the media on a national level. She is afraid that Hailey will never be found , and she is willing to endure all of the hatred and suspicion to keep Hailey in the news. This is what BD,s best friend Czgtz has been telling us from the start.
Does anyone think SA actually has an attorney at this time or is he bluffing? Anyone can say they have one just to avoid questioning by the media but usually the attorney comes out of the woodwork at some time.

It will be interesting to see if he is picked up by LE if he will actually have an attorney by his side.
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