TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #19

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How do we know she wasn't? Or to Clint for that matter?

True dat, teh. I guess I just can't fathom letting Hailey go home knowing that this creep is lurking around my granddaughter.

And as for Dad, I have no doubt that he is heartbroken and don't think he was involved. I believe he's really doing all he can to help bring his daughter home. But- I wish he'd put forth half that effort into putting down the bong and getting it together for the sake of his kids, back before Hailey went missing.
I think Clint is a good guy. He's clearly not the brightest bulb but he is doing his best to find Hailey. And he lived accross the street from BD to keep an eye on her kids. He's not perfect, but IMO, the less of the evils here.

BD, on the other hand, KNEW SA and KNEW his hobbies and saw the way he acted around Hailey...and allowed it.

Hailey said herself..why have another baby when he didnt look after the children he already had. I am sorry but as a father i think he should have and could have done far more than he did.
I think everything took place Monday morning when that child woke up and found herself alone with him. Whether he had intentions of something happening when he returned is difficult to say. But I think thats our crime time.
she was scared of him... how horrible for her

That is abuse.........no lock on her door? was there a door?
wasn't she allowed to close the door?

BD was not a 'wonderful' mother puttin Hailey through this!!! JMOO
I don't want perfection. I want responsible. Can we even get responsible now days? Everyone KNEW. They did nothing. She told her family, she told her friends, she did everything she could. OMG.

I understand... but I think he really trusted Billy. And he still does. We see him standing up to her from this day.

I mean, he was clearly not a responsible parents but I think he loves his daughter very much and has been putting her before his own needs. This is not what I can say about Billy. She seems to put herself and SA before Hailey everytime.
Maybe because she is talking?? IDK.

ETA- It's easy to call SA that now since it's been put out there he alledgedly has an attorney. I wonder if he didn't lawyer up and was all over national tv if they would have done that? Something to ponder for sure.

I thought the same thing. They won't officially name her a POI if she is still talking; keep her talking as long as possible to help find Hailey. Or, they don't have cause to consider her a person of interest, but they (LE) do believe she is inconsistent about important details intentionally or unintentionally.
Wait... Clint knew? That would surprise me if his daughter told him that.
There've not been reports her contacts are missing... just that she left her solution and case behind.

The contact case was not included in the Affadavit where Hailey's personal belongings are discussed.

The report in the Examiner does not mention the contact lense case only the contact solutions that belonged to Hailey.


Nothing was noted to be missing from Hailey DUNN’s room to include cash, a new iPod, and her favorite clothing items.

snipped from Affadavit:

Personal items like a toothbrush, hairbrush, contact solutions. New iPod, and jacket friends say she wouldn’t leave home without were left behind.
I think Clint is a good guy. He's clearly not the brightest bulb but he is doing his best to find Hailey. And he lived accross the street from BD to keep an eye on his kids. He's not perfect, but IMO, the less of the evils here.

BD, on the other hand, KNEW SA and KNEW his hobbies and saw the way he acted around Hailey...and allowed it.

I believe 100% CD is not involved in Hailey missing however he has a lot of things in his past. I think he moved to the house close to BD to be with his girl friend more than being close to his ex and family. The place was in his girlfriend's name.

I think both parents have failed their children in this case and many more are just like this.
what pi$$es me off is that little Hailey was left ALONE with him when she was telling people she was scared of him.

You gotta be kidding me......
In this day and age, I don't find it odd at all that he would get 11 calls between 9 and 2.....at work. I think MOST 20 somethings get multiple calls throughout the day...and make multiple calls...WHILE at work. I also think there were likely numerous text messages--if he did that often. Nearly ALL of my friends spend TONS of time while at work on Facebook, Myspace, texting, or on the phone. See: Krista on Websleuths in the middle of the day ;-)

As for the odd circumstances at work that monday....

I'm speculating, But I think that this is the type of job where he isn't constantly monitored. I think he went to the break room for ONE reason....to make his presence known....to give himself an alibi. Once people SAW him at work he could leave--potentially--without being seen/noticed.
I find it INCREDIBLY odd that he would make up a story about being fired/the argument. How strange, knowing that his story would be checked out.

Thank you, I wasnt aware of the 11 call time frame. I was thinking it was the 6am area that morning.
If it was from the times above you stated... I think that is normal. The cell phone is off limits at my job however I take and make many calls while at my desk.
Hailey said herself..why have another baby when he didnt look after the children he already had. I am sorry but as a father i think he should have and could have done far more than he did.

I agree. This is for sure. I just don't think he was capable of it. I also read a lot of posts in which Hailey praises her father and says how much she loves spending time at his house. I don't think he was a great father, but I don't think he has any malice intentions.
I know the map person has spent endless hours (holleye?) making beautiful, complete maps, but I am map illiterate. Does this area that has been recently searched include Grandma's property where the camera's were allegedly tampered with?

My question to the locals is...Do the LE's even know about the missing SD cards from the camera's on SA's relative's property????

Is this something that we are talking about from the facebook posts?

Are the LE's monitoring the Find Hailey FB pages...Remember someone from Atlanta Ga put an FB quote up about the Tina Herman murder about looking up in trees...Then that was where the Tina, her son and Stephanie's bodies were found!!

Dear God...Please Bring Hailey Home Alive!!!!!
And CD dosen't want to BELIEVE SA had anything to do with this. Pull your head outta ur arse and stand up for Haliey now.....even though it's too late at least do that much for her. And that includes you Billie.

Maybe he doesnt want to believe it was SA cause if he admits it was him...he has to face the fact that Hailey most probably isnt coming back :(
Are we sure that Clint knew that SA would watch her while she slept? I mean, maybe he didn't know... He said he was surprised with what he read on the documents.

Maybe she told her grandma and the grandma asked her not to tell CD because CD would flip out and become violent? I mean honestly, I can't see a father knowing this information and not reacting... in a violent way. Maybe the grandma wanted to resolve this in a peaceful way?
fwiw the affidavit said 11 calls were captured during that time frame ((so they could have incoming, outgoing, and/or both))

just fwiw
I'd be willing to be these two latest affidavits{out of a different county than others} would be for SA's mother's home computer that she originally gave permission for LE to take and search but then changed her mind and went to retrieve it from LE..I believe it stated that when she asked for it back LE immediately had to end the search they wer in the process of completing on the computer and sealed it up as evidence.. I'd bet LE then had to have an affidavit/search warrant to continue their search

I also had that thought at the time I read about Grandma's computer. You put it so eloquently, though, so I am glad you posted.
Was not one family member in a position to get Hailey the heck out of there? Supposedly CD was living in section 8 housing illegally with his g/f. Hailey stayed a someones house that isn't even family for a few weeks. It all blow my mind. G-ma didn't find this whole thing well....creepy??? I'm not sure I want to hear anymore, this is just awful. God Bless you Hailey!
interesting as well ((from abc link)) that G-ma saw SA on Christmas day as well and he didn't say a word to her.

that is odd behavior dontcha think?
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