TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #19

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Oh, Linda, this has been my theory. This is not good.
I believe SA felt rejected or insulted or maybe ignored by Hailey in some way.
Or that she had 'wronged' him in some way. At the moment, this is my theory on motive.

I was wondering if he had found out something about her little boyfriend and that made him angry. He did tell the cops that she was 'promiscuous.' He may have read some of her texts or something and that triggered his alter ego masked persona. Ugh.
Wait... Clint knew? That would surprise me if his daughter told him that.

I'm desperately trying to catch up and obviously missed out on what it is that she told. Hate to ask, but what did she tell?
I don't want perfection. I want responsible. Can we even get responsible now days? Everyone KNEW. They did nothing. She told her family, she told her friends, she did everything she could. OMG.
what more could a 13 year old do? maybe she DID finally run away. I sure hope so. Outside of the adults, living in that monster house, I'm gonna wait, before I judge the other adults too harshly. maybe, Hailey had just told her grandmother these things, & she was trying to get something done. Maybe she talked to Clint or was planning to. Maybe these people didn't know about last year's threats. I know I'm grasping here, but I can't stand thinking about those kids, with nowhere to go.
interesting as well ((from abc link)) that G-ma saw SA on Christmas day as well and he didn't say a word to her.

that is odd behavior dontcha think?

Were they all together Christmas Day? CD said H was at his house that day, so was it all just one big happy family?
LE has had groups searching, and we just are not hearing alot about it. But these other people OYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. They need to quit.

Agree. But gosh, they have the best of intentions here. They want to do something. But they just are not realizing the ramifications here. At all. :(
one word/motive comes to mind in light of SA's behavior toward Hailey:


to desire wrongfully what belongs to another

this seems to me to have been building over time based on the little bits of behavior we are now seeing.

((((and we have BD's statement: "God gave Hailey to Clint and me"))))
can i just ask a mod - is it ok to make a comment on the CURRENT internet usage of SA on myspace? or is that out of bounds. i keep getting confused with whats on and off limits.
Are we sure that Clint knew that SA would watch her while she slept? I mean, maybe he didn't know... He said he was surprised with what he read on the documents.

Maybe she told her grandma and the grandma asked her not to tell CD because CD would flip out and become violent? I mean honestly, I can't see a father knowing this information and not reacting... in a violent way. Maybe the grandma wanted to resolve this in a peaceful way?

Grandma's should know better than to keep that to themselves.
MOO.........could SA of killed Hailey while mom was asleep that night?
Way before they even went to work.
IIRC BD only peeked into the room..........was Hailey dead?
Then everyone went to work........BUT SA went back home.
When DD was locked out of house and saw SA with 'deer look'
was SA cleaning himself up?
Getting rid of things?
Then when BD came home from work they got money for drugs to get high,
have sex and a good time since no kids were home???? JMOO
Clint posted a link for Oprah for her to show Hailey's flyers on her show... he IS desperate. Maybe too late... that's the sad part =[
but, & I know a lot of you won't agree with me, but I think the grandma admitting to this, is a good thing. She could've kept that information to herself, so she wouldn't look bad. A lot of people do. No, let me change that to most people.
Agree. But gosh, they have the best of intentions here. They want to do something. But they just are not realizing the ramifications here. At all. :(

They just need to get better organized. Have one main place to check in, keep records of who is searching where. I'm sure a church would let them use it as a "command" center.
The girl on Topix was totally legit!! Hailey was scared of Shawn!

Hailey Dunn, the Texas girl missing for nearly three weeks, was scared of her mother's boyfriend Shawn Adkins, and said he would stand in the doorway of her bedroom at night watching her.

"Hailey did not like him. She was afraid of him and she didn't want him there," Hailey's paternal grandmother, Connie Jones, told ABCNews.com today.

Adkins, 25, was called one of several persons of interest on Wednesday by investigators in Colorado City, Texas. He was the live-in boyfriend of her mother, Billie Dunn. The couple is reportedly no longer together in the aftermath of Hailey's disappearance.

Adkins was the last person to see the 13-year-old cheerleader on Dec. 27, 2010. Dunn, 33, reported her daughter's disappearance the next day.

"She's very beautiful and outgoing," Jones said. "She plays softball and basketball. She's into all kinds of activities."

Hailey told her grandmother that Adkins would pace around the house at night, talking on his cell phone in the bathroom and peering into her bedroom.

"She had told me on a couple of occasions that...he walked around at night and she said that she could see his shadow standing at her door. She said, 'Nana, he scared me. I'm afraid he's going to come in there,'" Jones said.

I understand... but I think he really trusted Billy. And he still does. We see him standing up to her from this day.

I mean, he was clearly not a responsible parents but I think he loves his daughter very much and has been putting her before his own needs. This is not what I can say about Billy. She seems to put herself and SA before Hailey everytime.

How did he put her before his own needs? He's out looking for her now but what did he do for Hailey before she disappeared? He hangs out with an RSO. He does drugs. He didn't do anything to protect Hailey. He had to have known about SA's threat yet he didn't insist that H live with him. BD and CD are still married and I have heard nothing about legal seperation or her having custody so I believe he could have gotten HD and DD out of that house. I just don't see where he put HD above his needs. JMO
The contact case was not included in the Affadavit where Hailey's personal belongings are discussed.

The report in the Examiner does not mention the contact lense case only the contact solutions that belonged to Hailey.


Nothing was noted to be missing from Hailey DUNN’s room to include cash, a new iPod, and her favorite clothing items.

snipped from Affadavit:

Personal items like a toothbrush, hairbrush, contact solutions. New iPod, and jacket friends say she wouldn’t leave home without were left behind.

Why would they list the contact solution and not the contacts or the contact case?
can i just ask a mod - is it ok to make a comment on the CURRENT internet usage of SA on myspace? or is that out of bounds. i keep getting confused with whats on and off limits.

He's been named as a person of interest so that should be fine. You may comment and provide the link. Don't copy/paste the comments from elsewhere though.
Maybe this is why Clint moved nearby? Because he knew about this from his mom, but did not know what if anything he could do? (legally, I mean...)

She did not run away...not without her stuff and money and favorite things...

I feel certain she tried telling her mom...and was told, you don't have to like him, just show respect...:(

And this is NOT about hindsight...I know I keep repeating this, but Billie had plenty of indications that this guy did not belong around her daughter.
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