TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #26

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What do you make of this? Do you think he suspects BD?

Where have we seen this divide before? Terri and Kaine Horman split a few weeks after Kyron went missing as Kaine learned of Terri trying to hire someone to murder him. Slowly as the days went on just after Kyron went missing, Kaine grew suspicious of Terri's behavior. She didn't seem interested in doing the things that needed to be done to help find Kyron.

Is this what is happening in this case? Is CD growing more and more suspicious of BD?

Or perhaps just disgusted with both what she says, and even more importantly, what she doesn't say.
oh boy...I hope I don't get a time out for this...I am a relative newby here....
but while I am a skeptic...I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so in my searching, I found this document which is public record :twocents:

this discloses that the reason she is not currently practicing, is that she didn't maintain a current license

I hope I have inserted this correctly. It was obtained on the Texas Board of Nursing site

She was practicing without a license.....why not pay the $ 50 or whatever renewal fee and get on with this....Doesnt make sense...

But what if you are required to pass renewal courses to be allowed to renew and you failed them....then you lose your license also. correct?

It looked like Billie didnt go to the hearing....
Wasn't the frist time she was on NG Jan 3 or 4th? And that night, she did not know, or claimed not to know. And then the next night, she said she found out that he had quit or been fired.

That's what I thought at first too. But, actually, Billie never corrected herself about her 1/3 statement that "Shawn came from work..". She changed her wording to something like "he came to my house" during her 1/4 appearance and Nancy caught on immediately to the inconsistency and pushed Billie about it. That's when Billie admitted that he hadn't come home from work and that he had been fired or quit, but she didn't know why. She never said that she had just found out that he wasn't at work (but I assumed that she found out after the 1/3 appearance because at that time I had no reason to distrust BD's words). Billie's friend Cz hen posted here, in response to a question, that Billie found out Shawn was fired or whatever on 12/29 IIRC. Finding out the SA was terminated (and later that he just walked out) made me suspicious of SA from the get-go. Finding out that BD knew about it before going on NG 1/3 confirmed my growing suspicions of BD.
I am trying really hard to find where I saw this, however the Nana, CD's mom stated that even BD had come and spent some nights with her since SA had been living there "to get away from him for a little while"....honestly I heard her say that and I will continue to look. If I am correct that shows that even BD had her own "leary feelings" of him....Right now speculation and mind blown on my part but will continue to dig for where I saw that. If anyone has also heard this on video, please help me out.

I think that was Nancy Grace..could be somewhere else too. I remember it though!
...a 13 year old BY HERSELF probably couldn't hide out this long. But with help? She could. They still haven't polygraphed the dad and he hasn't been on NG since that first night. Has he been on anything else? Maybe it's just wishful thinking...I hate that we might have another stupid mother who lets some fool live in her house with her children who does at least one of them harm. We've read that story one too many times.
Didn't he "need" to separate from that "situation", because they got evicted from the house they were in? For pot possession, him being there and not being on lease?

Could be his Mom is having a negative influence on him too. She seems very verbal. Up until just then, he had always said positive things about BD.

but by having the internet access at his mom's house, CD is now able to follow all the news reports and read all the same negative things we've been able to read about Hailey's home life. It doesn't necessarily mean that Grandma is filling his head, just that now CD is more informed.
Didn't he "need" to separate from that "situation", because they got evicted from the house they were in? For pot possession, him being there and not being on lease?

Could be his Mom is having a negative influence on him too. She seems very verbal. Up until just then, he had always said positive things about BD.

Yes and BD and SA telling LE they were buying illegal drugs that night,but I can see where he's getting angrier and angrier at SA after the affidavits.Actually the house BD and SA were living in is in CD and BD's name still,from what I can understand.
Didn't he "need" to separate from that "situation", because they got evicted from the house they were in? For pot possession, him being there and not being on lease?

Could be his Mom is having a negative influence on him too. She seems very verbal. Up until just then, he had always said positive things about BD.

I don't know.

It seems that last week he started to get angry and started taking things in his own hands following leads in Odessa. He started getting angry and separated from BD. He no longer is on NG when she's been on and that's a big thing, I think.

Once again, in the Horman case, we knew that Terri was being ousted and suspected as all of a sudden she wasn't in interviews. It was Desiree and Kaine, and often Tony too.
Didn't he "need" to separate from that "situation", because they got evicted from the house they were in? For pot possession, him being there and not being on lease?

Could be his Mom is having a negative influence on him too. She seems very verbal. Up until just then, he had always said positive things about BD.

I think he said positive things for the media...I'd be willing to bet that LE told him before anyone else that SA was a POI and it seems that's about the time he switched as well. For all we know, he was telling LE of his suspicions all this time...probably was imo..
I keep thinking of the recent case where the bodies were hidden in the trunk of a tree. Out of all the cases I have followed in the past this would have to be the best place to hide a body if you didn't want it to be found. If they follow crime stories then they would have been aware of this recent one. Are there many large trees around the area?

or Putnam County Florida
Ding Ding!!!!!!!!!!! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!!!! :floorlaugh: Ok, I have to quit watching the poker shows. But really, LE is not going to lie on these affidavits. And all of these people that say anything against BD are not lying. It's like she wants you to believe that EVERYONE is lying besides her. FAIL.

ETA: HEY! I passed 10,000 post at some point that I didn't notice, did I miss my ticker tape parade too?

I knew that extra champagne was for someone...
Yes and BD and SA telling LE they were buying illegal drugs that night,but I can see where he's getting angrier and angrier at SA after the affidavits.Actually the house BD and SA were living in is in CD and BD's name still,from what I can understand.

I'm actually impressed with how well he has controlled what he says..Billie's friend here even said the other night that while Hailey loves her mom that she was a daddy's girl...

I saw this the other day and have taken time to watch it again. She appears nervous...scratching her head, her neck, her face. But what bothers me the most is once again I don't hear an angry plea from her for the perp to come clean. I don't hear her get angry for a possible abductor to give Hailey back. I don't hear her talk to Hailey and say she loves her and please come back home.

Instead we hear her worrying over what people are saying about her.

I will ask again, has anyone ever heard her say in an interview that she loves Hailey?


Yes. She gave a good interview. I don't remember which one, but *maybe* the one in which she's wearing the red t-shirt? She did speak directly to Hailey if I recall correctly, and was clear that she loved her, that everyone wanted her to come home, that she would not be in trouble, etc.
...a 13 year old BY HERSELF probably couldn't hide out this long. But with help? She could. They still haven't polygraphed the dad and he hasn't been on NG since that first night. Has he been on anything else? Maybe it's just wishful thinking...I hate that we might have another stupid mother who lets some fool live in her house with her children who does at least one of them harm. We've read that story one too many times.

If she did,she must have left fast without anything,so something must have happened,but I don't understand why she wouldn't run to her Dad's.Still people could have picked her up and are helping her.CD's been on the road,I've seen him in videos walking the mall,talking to people and passing out flyers,as BD has been doing interviews to keep Hailey's little face out there.But SA is sitting on his grandmother's porch watching volunteers search for Hailey,just saying.
I am trying really hard to find where I saw this, however the Nana, CD's mom stated that even BD had come and spent some nights with her since SA had been living there "to get away from him for a little while"....honestly I heard her say that and I will continue to look. If I am correct that shows that even BD had her own "leary feelings" of him....Right now speculation and mind blown on my part but will continue to dig for where I saw that. If anyone has also heard this on video, please help me out.

There was another long msm interview with her, after the NG one I think ... day after? Can't remember which station. It was one on one, and I seem to remember that too.
I just had a terrible thought. We've all seen the strange reaction from BD towards SA while he is the suspect in her daughter's abduction/possible murder.(IMO) What do you think BD's reaction would be if she suspected SA was sexually abusing her daughter? would it be even less than what we're seeing now when we're talking abduction/possible murder?
I guess what I'm trying to say is could BD have been so blinded/brainwashed by love for SA that she would have turned a blind eye to anything SA was doing to Hailey just so she wouldn't lose him?

Yes. I've always wondered what all she would do for Sa.
I keep thinking of the recent case where the bodies were hidden in the trunk of a tree. Out of all the cases I have followed in the past this would have to be the best place to hide a body if you didn't want it to be found. If they follow crime stories then they would have been aware of this recent one. Are there many large trees around the area?

*shudder* that was 1-2 miles from me

Yep, hollowed trees should be considered, although I've said it before: SA is not as fit as Matt Hoffman (who had tree climbing equip. to hide 3 bodies).
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