TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #27

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(nursing licence revocation)

I don't know. A person that doesn't care too much about their job/themselves. Some people just bury their head in the sand and let things like this happen. She had money for drugs (as per the affidavits) but not for something as important as her nursing licence. Priorities.

This really surprised me. I can't imagine going through school to become a nurse and then just letting your license lapse. Who would do that?? Especially in this economy when a good job is so hard to come by!!!!
<respectfully snipped>

crimejunkie, not only that, but contrast the GF's demeanor to SA's in his on-camera interviews. It's like night and day, IMO.

Plus, I can't quit thinking about what he said in raw interview 4:

"I love Hailey with all my heart and I believe Hailey loves me with all her heart, too." Boy, do I ever call BULLS#1T on that one!

ITA! And that "love" quote....gave me the creeps. You know what was strange to me.....they asked in the beginning of the interview what SA's relationship was to HD. He immediately says, "um, I am just a friend" and then goes on to say he is "her mother's boyfriend." That "just a friend" comment was weird to me and then coupled with the "love" he has for her just left a little creepiness in the air for me! Who knows, but it made me wonder if he "loved" her in a way that was not appropriate, kwim?
I have in the back of my mind,BD knows SA better than anyone,and from vids,as a freaky,domineering,controlling,"it will be on my terms",kind of person.She said he "had" a bad temper.Either she's totally in love and obsessed,refuses to believe he could hurt Hailey and afraid he might have,or she knows if he's pressured,he won't tell where Hailey is and what we're seeing is something other than what we perceive.She would know the darkside of him better than anyone.KWIM


Maybe BD is his darkside, KWIM?? Sorry to upset anybody, but I'm still leaning toward BD being involved, along with SA, and she was aware of the videos....she was in one.
We are not sleuthing him, only repeating what cz said BD told her.......huge difference.

I must be behind. Who is CZ? And I haven't heard anything about a cousin. I'm not trying to sleuth him at all, just wondering what has come out about him??
(nursing licence revocation)

I don't know. A person that doesn't care too much about their job/themselves. Some people just bury their head in the sand and let things like this happen. She had money for drugs (as per the affidavits) but not for something as important as her nursing licence. Priorities.

I think she's burying her head in the sand now too!

Maybe BD is his darkside, KWIM?? Sorry to upset anybody, but I'm still leaning toward BD being involved, along with SA, and she was aware of the videos....she was in one.


But by "in one", it was on her in a still picture. She could very well NOT have known about the videos. He could have created them, using that picture, and she didn't know about it.

Maybe BD is his darkside, KWIM?? Sorry to upset anybody, but I'm still leaning toward BD being involved, along with SA, and she was aware of the videos....she was in one.

Gotcha,I'm still waiting for LE to give us more info and I believe they will.As far as vids,yes,ITA.
I must be behind. Who is CZ? And I haven't heard anything about a cousin. I'm not trying to sleuth him at all, just wondering what has come out about him??
Here is the thread in the PL - if you read it then that should bring you up to speed on all your questions.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125252"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
SA's unexplained departure from work on 12/27 a.m. is the key to what happened to Hailey if she ran away or was harmed (restating the obvious). This time frame is significant to finding where she is now. Can't get my head around it. I think the phone records will explain a lot - wish we could see those!!

Is it possible:
-Shawn leaves the house at 5:30 planning for the normal work day.
-He gets to work or is going to work, and gets a call from Billie. Either the drugs they fed her last night caused her not to wake up, or Billie and Hailey got into it on Monday morning and Hailey was killed. Or, Hailey remembers something that happened to her last night and says she is going to tell on Billie and Shawn.
- Shawn says let me think; just go to work with your friend - act normal. He goes and clocks in at work, grabs a soda and bolts - he's had no time to plan ahead. He heads back to CC, does whatever he does with Hailey with his phone battery removed, and then heads to mom's house to establish an alibi.
-He goes back to Billie's in the afternoon to make sure there is no evidence of whatever happened the night before or that morning (DD comes home at 4 p.m. while this is in progress).
- SA and BD concoct the sleepover story at MB's house to give themselves more time to come up with a story and get their acts together.
-LE informed 12/28 afternoon of the disappearance; they tell Billie to stay calm, it could be a runaway (and once they talk to family and friends and know that she often stayed elsewhere, it's a logical theory).
-Clint and Nana say no way to the runaway theory; as does MB (wouldn't Hailey tell her that she was splitting, even if she didn't say where). Clint and Nana say Hailey knows she could always comes stay with one of us again; they think something happened to her. Billie agrees; can't look bad and say Hailey had any reason to want to run away and nobody would buy it anyway. Everything snowballs from there...

Just gettin' it out of my head. More speculation whilst waiting on new developments!

I am not 100% sure SA left at 5: 30am. I have a hinky feeling he may have left the house with HD much earlier than stated. Which changes the time line tremendously!
I think it's possible that Shawn had planned to go to work, as usual, on Monday 12/27. He got a call from Billie that Hailey did not wake up after being drugged the night before, or Billie and Hailey fought and Hailey was killed, or Hailey remembered something that was done to her the night before and threatened Billie that she was gonna tell (would explain the "ease my mind" comment by Billie). Billie calls Shawn - he is en route or just arriving at work. He tells her to act normal and go to work with her friend; he'll take care of it. He has had no time to plan ahead, clocks in, grabs a soda and knows he needs to go take care of the Hailey situation pronto. This speculation would explain the seemingly unexplainable departure from work on 12/27 a.m. He had no time to plan ahead - he had to take off and take care of the Hailey situation that he had just learned about.

I want the phone records!!!
I have also wondered who SA was talking to on Billie's phone in the middle of the night. Grandma (CJ) said that Hailey had told her this. Why would he use Billie's phone? Was Billie aware of this? I found that very odd.

ETA: If it was indeed Billie's phone then Hailey would have been able to find out because that was the phone that BD left for her at the house. hhhmmmm.....................
This really surprised me. I can't imagine going through school to become a nurse and then just letting your license lapse. Who would do that?? Especially in this economy when a good job is so hard to come by!!!!
Practicing without a license is a HUGE deal. However, I don't read anything about the hospital who allowed her to practice there. The hospital should have received some reprimand and charges from JACHO and the State.
She is a LVN, which is like a LPN. However, I don't know what the Standards are for practicing. I don't know what job duties they are able to perform. She may be able to make more as a secretary than an LVN or make the same money without all the responsibility for caring for patients.IMO. I don't know many institutions that have LVN's and LPN's anymore other than Nursing homes. I see she worked at Snyder hosptial and she is still there.
IMO, There is more to this story that we don't know about.
I don't believe Hailey would hide this long from her grandmother, her dad or her sister, anyway. And I don't believe she would not take her "stuff" if she took off for more than an overnight.

Why would SA say that he believes Hailey loves him with all of her heart? Even if it were true, it is a creepy thing to say. And I think we know it is not true. All he had to say was we got along okay, nothing major...

For SA to say anything about any feelings he has for Hailey is creepy. What 25 yo man can feel love or much of anything for a teenager that is someone elses daughter. And for him to say (delusional) she loved him, omg that is even creepier.
you know what was strange to me.....they asked in the beginning of the interview what sa's relationship was to hd. He immediately says, "um, i am just a friend" and then goes on to say he is "her mother's boyfriend." that "just a friend" comment was weird to me, kwim?

totally agree. Creeeeeeeepy!
I am not 100% sure SA left at 5: 30am. I have a hinky feeling he may have left the house with HD much earlier than stated. Which changes the time line tremendously!

Exactly what I am thinking and very possible for a night creeper SA to pull off.
I just don't understand why they haven't executed a warrant to search SA's mother's house/land. I just can't get past the missing memory cards from those wildlife cameras. Surely they have sufficient evidence that he has come and go rights at her place... :confused:

Along the same line, I don't understand why they haven't yet executed a search warrant at the grandmother's house/property in Dunn. It is, after all, his address of record for his Texas driver's license. Maybe that will be next.
Thanks for sharing this! So interesting. I had not heard of of this before. I also ran in to check mine and then called my son in to check his, lol. Now, I will be scoping everybody I know out looking for Sanpaku eyes! :)

i kept reading it as "sambuca" eyes and was thinking it had something to do with being hungover etc.....:innocent:
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