TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #27

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Maybe I'm just crazy, but every case I have followed recently have had at least this one thing in common..there is NO OUTRAGE at ANY perp from the EMOTIONLESS parent(s) that I believe to be involved in each childs 'disappearance' ..Hailey Dunn, HaLeigh Cummings, Zahra Baker, just to name a couple.
Unless they visit the M-M website and learn from the seller that this was a custom mask that Shawn ordered...
I thought about that - but that doesn't matter. ANYONE could take ANY mask and put it on. Maybe a custom one might not fit all that well - but a head is a head. And if you're going to commit a heinous crime why would you wear your mask if you had access to someone else's? Just because you bought a mask doesn't mean it was you wearing it - KWIM?

I would really like to know if LE has taken those masks or even found them!
Hailey calling her baby sister 'minnie me'............hit me in the gut............
Hailey loved her baby sister and IMO her family!

I agree with you 100%....In my heart, I feel like Hailey IS an innocent child who was raising herself!

After seeing the FB posts...She WAS NOT putting herself out there pretending to be an older teenage girl.

There were NO pictures of her with lots of make up, posing in sexy pictures. (Thinking of Britney Smith's MS pictures!! and she was only 12 years old!!!!)

I really hate to say this....But IMHO....I am "about" to give up on the hope that she is a runaway or that she is in hiding. If she was hiding, I don't think she would NOT know that EVERYONE was looking for her. Hopefully she would realize the pain and heartache that her family and friends were going through and call someone!!! Unless she is being held against her will such as poor Jaycee Dugard (sp??) or Elizabeth Smart!

Still asking this question......Why haven't they called in TES to help them search???????At one time Tim Miller stated that he was ready to come to CCity. All they needed to do was call him!

I thought about that - but that doesn't matter. ANYONE could take ANY mask and put it on. Maybe a custom one might not fit all that well - but a head is a head. And if you're going to commit a heinous crime why would you wear your mask if you had access to someone else's? Just because you bought a mask doesn't mean it was you wearing it - KWIM?

I would really like to know if LE has taken those masks or even found them!

Apparently, Shawn has a freakishly large head, he complains about it's size often. I can't discuss it futher because this isn't the right thread foor that. I don't wanna get in trouble:innocent:
Particularly in light of his statements that Billie had discussed Birth Control with her. They may have jumped to conclusions that were not valid.

Most parent's discuss birth control with their children. I cannot see how LE would ever jump to the conclusion that a statement that said "well her mother has discussed birth control with her" would lead LE to believe that the child is "promiscuous".

I'd love to hear that line of questioning. :waitasec:

WOW it's like Groundhog Day(the movie) on the different threads. Poor Hailey, it just keeps going in a big circle. I was hoping to come here and find a break in the case:banghead:
I don't believe Hailey would hide this long from her grandmother, her dad or her sister, anyway. And I don't believe she would not take her "stuff" if she took off for more than an overnight.

Why would SA say that he believes Hailey loves him with all of her heart? Even if it were true, it is a creepy thing to say. And I think we know it is not true. All he had to say was we got along okay, nothing major...
I have in the back of my mind,BD knows SA better than anyone,and from vids,as a freaky,domineering,controlling,"it will be on my terms",kind of person.She said he "had" a bad temper.Either she's totally in love and obsessed,refuses to believe he could hurt Hailey and afraid he might have,or she knows if he's pressured,he won't tell where Hailey is and what we're seeing is something other than what we perceive.She would know the darkside of him better than anyone.KWIM
Can someone explain what "3 sides of white" means regarding the eyes? What is significant about that? I've seen it brought up a few times and I have no clue what that means/infers about someone. Thanks!
I don't believe Hailey would hide this long from her grandmother, her dad or her sister, anyway. And I don't believe she would not take her "stuff" if she took off for more than an overnight.

Why would SA say that he believes Hailey loves him with all of her heart? Even if it were true, it is a creepy thing to say. And I think we know it is not true. All he had to say was we got along okay, nothing major...

I have stepkids and never once would I say they love me with all of their heart. Even my own kids. (which I hope they do. lol) Why talk for them?

I think it was a creepy thing to say too.
This is my BIGGEST Question to the locals......

Has anyone reported the missing SD cards to the LE's?

At this point I do NOT know if this is a FACT or a RUMOR off of the "Find Hailey Dunn Facebook page"?

Are the LE's reading at that FB page? I would hope so!

Just got on this morning....So hoping the thread would have the big red "Found" word in the thread heading!!

Also wondering when we are going to get a seperate Forum for Hailey???


Okay, I had lunch with my daughter and we talked about the case- I asked her if she had heard about missing SD's from the cam and she said she had read that from a man on the Find Hailey Dunn FB page and that he supposidly talked to the hunters but they didn't call it in but he did and there were boot prints around the cameras. As far as them being related, who knows-but who in the world would take the cards, if this is true. Anyways, the poster that revealed this SD information has apparently been searching non-stop and he also mentioned that SA's family has alot of land around Dunn and they frequently lease parts of it out to hunters..but we went online to scurry tax collection website-different than the county webpage and tried a search of various names that have been linked to SA and there's been nothing of use come up. The only thing we can think of is it could be in other last names we do not know of.
Can someone explain what "3 sides of white" means regarding the eyes? What is significant about that? I've seen it brought up a few times and I have no clue what that means/infers about someone. Thanks!

Sanpaku eyes...

Was it ever reported why SA went to his mom's in Big Spring after leaving work? It seems strange to me that he would randomly leave work right after clocking in and drive 30 miles that early in the morning just to see his mom. I mean who just wakes up one morning and goes to work at 6 something and says, I think I'll quit my job today and then drive 30 miles to my mom's house? Obviously with the pings reported that is not exactly what he did but I was just curious if he ever said why he was going to his mom's?

This is a horrible thought...

What if he had Hailey drugged and bound in the trunk, and went to his Mom's where there was internet access to get in touch with an accomplice, or even a buyer?


Still asking this question......Why haven't they called in TES to help them search???????At one time Tim Miller stated that he was ready to come to CCity. All they needed to do was call him!


I think the reason TES has not been called in is because of the defense actions in the CA case. I think it could be another legal nightmare and maybe LE is trying to avoid this at all costs.

Please know these are just my thoughts and I have no link to back it up.
Hi all. I havent been here in a really long time, but this case has me interested. Even more so since reading of the hunting cameras. My hubby has been a hunter his entire life (oh whoa is me! lol) and has a camera like the one mentioned. I need to go back and read more about this but one thing I do know about these cameras...the flash cannot be mistaken. Someone tromping around out in the woods at night, IF they tripped it, would be startled and then the camera would be easy to find. Otherwise they are well hidden. <modsnip>
Just wanted to respond to a few of the things that CZ brought up in her post last night. Please understand that my responses are my opinion only and that I do understand that everyone sees things differently, especially when it involves a close friend.

First, is the fact that LE outright called Billie a liar, and told any MSM that would listen that they had NOT told her she had failed her poly. In the affidavit, it clearly states that: "Following the polygraph examination, DUNN was given an opportunity to explain her results of the polygraph examination and DUNN could not explain why she failed the polygraph examination."

The sentence before this, which is clear as mud to me, could be construed in one of two ways, IMO - either that Billie was told that SA failed, or the affidavit just simply contains errors: "On the second attempt to conduct a polygraph examination of DUNN, she did consent to the polygraph and the results of the examination was deception indicated, meaning that ATKINS failed the polygraph examination on the relevant questions of the participation in the disappearance of Hailey Dunn."

So, LE, in their own statement, have at the very least sworn that they told Billie she failed, and also either told her SA failed also, or just plain messed up and put ATKINS where they meant DUNN.

While this may be disturbing to realize that LE does and can lie in the media, has BD ever considered the possible reason why they did that....damage control? BD basically went live on national television and told the country that not only did she and SA fail but that others had as well. Not sure what happened during that time but I'd have to believe that LE was telling the mother of this missing child confidential information. I'm sure they didn't think she would be announcing it to the world on NG live the next night. And by doing that, she was definitely hampering the investigation into the disappearance of her daughter because some of the "others" are likely POI's at the moment. I'm sure LE must have had an :eek: moment there for sure. They are trying to help find Hailey and information like this just should not get out there and I think it was about that time that BD was no longer given any information about anything.

Then of course it the NYE 'party'. It was simply a gathering of Billie's family around her during a difficult time. But, the affidavit states that: "Information was also obtained that ATKINS and Billie DUNN hosted a New Years Eve party at their home after Hailey DUNN had been reported missing. ADKINS downplayed the 'party' stating they just had a few friends over to the house to have drinks on New Years Eve."

Where was the information obtained? Only by SA? I feel quite sure that LE must have interviewed the people who were with Billie that night.... I wonder if anyone else considered it a 'party'? Because we know that Billie did not.

I don't think anyone really believes there was a big planned NYE party that night at this point. Not sure what "information" LE had to determine that it was anything other than family dropping in to show support which would be considered normal. Was this the only occasion throughout this that several family members showed up in the evening to show support? :waitasec:

Which brings me back around to the Feb. 2010 incident. I am fully aware that there is a log of all calls coming in, that includes at least the date, time, address, at least one party involved, and type of call. I am also quite sure that LE looked back as far as they were able to ascertain how many times they had been called to Billie's house. If there were no charges or report filed, then LE only has the small bit of info in the call log to go on.
So, it is very possible that all LE saw recently was "2/??/2010, 00:00?m, 1804 Chestnut, B.Dunn, domestic", or something to that effect. And, again, JMO, this is all LE has.

Now, in my mind (and JMO), LE questioned SA about this in their investigation of Hailey's disappearance. And he brought up (or admitted after being questioned more than once about this incident) that he threatened both Billie's and Hailey's lives. I think this for a couple of reasons - one being that this incident is wedged in between LE looking at SA's phone and then SA's defamation of Hailey's character. Also is the wording of this particular paragraph... it just could be interpreted more than one way. Another is because, as many people here have pointed out, he just seems to get a kick out of lying and misleading LE.

I see what you are saying about LE possibly not having an actual incident report and that the only information they had to go on was SA's admission of the threats. But it makes no sense. He was being questioned regarding the disappearance of one of those people at the time. The only reason why he would admit to that is if he thought BD would admit to it too and why wouldn't she? She was trying to find her missing daughter and you'd think she would have told LE everything there was to know about her live in boyfriend but apparently she didn't. So IMO it did happen but BD did not bother to mention it to LE and is continuing to deny it. BD has also indicated that he had "ugly words" for her when they "broke up" once, do you know when that was? There was something else about him sending texts and him telling her she could never leaving him or something but I cannot remember which interview that was from. Was this all the same incident or are these three different things added to the fact that he stole her debit card and stole money from her?

Then, there is the 'illegal narcotic' issue. After everything else in the affidavits, why would anyone believe this in particular. Personally, I find it hard to believe that anyone would admit to buying illegal narcotics from someone to LE just out of the blue. Yes, LE may have questioned Billie about the ATM withdrawals, but still, it's not like LE had any evidence or proof, or even an idea (that I would think) about that. I don't really believe that some random 'dealer' would have called the tip line to say 'Hey, I sold Hailey's mom drugs the day she went missing'. So, in my mind anyway, I am wondering why in the world would Billie say this? And if LE has already 'stretched the truth' in the affidavits, why not just go ahead and go all out?
Again, this is just debating, I am not calling LE liars.

Okay this one is easy. She withdrew money that night. She can't just say she bought gas and groceries to LE. They will want to know exactly where those purchases were made, ask for receipts etc. Most gas stations and grocery stores have surveillence. She would have had to account for the entire amount of money. And because she withdrew it with HER debit card it was HER that had to account for what the money was spent on, not SA. So did she do this? Did she account for the entire amount with receipts or where they should go to check store video surveillence? IMO she couldn't account for it and she had no choice but to fess up to LE about where the money really went.


I have been wondering why the would give BD's brother a poly, since in our timeline we hear nothing of him.....but the boled part would make that fit. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............:waitasec: lol, boled. Wake up teh!

To verify the statements he made about SA referring to killing a child as being similar to killing deer (which SA does), and about SA having claimed to have cut up deer with a chainsaw. Those are pretty prejudicial statements and I'd assume LE would want to be sure they had a reliable source.
Can someone explain what "3 sides of white" means regarding the eyes? What is significant about that? I've seen it brought up a few times and I have no clue what that means/infers about someone. Thanks!

In Chinese face reading, having three sides of white showing around your iris means you are a rebellious, agressive, anti social person who is more attracted to criminal behavior.
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