TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #29

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Sorry if this has been discussed, but when SA showed up at work just long enough to lock stares with his supervisor and buy a Dr Pepper, I have to wonder if he had intentions of coming back to work the following day. Did he in fact just "quit" because we have learned he was not "fired".

Also, in thinking how it seemed so nonchalant for him to just walk off of a job as hard as jobs are to come by these days, could he have made some big deal moneywise that made him think he was financially secure now; i.e., human trafficking? Just trying to think outside of the box a little here.

Also, seems like very early on when we learned about his interests in these "masks", I may be wrong, but did I read that he was "buying AND selling them"? Could he have thought he could make it okay without his job by dealing in these "masks".

I truly do think the real reason for even going to work that day was to establish his alibi, but alibi for what? Was he disposing of or getting rid of HD? Did he go anywhere that motel after he let work and drop her off to someone else in exchange for money? Did he have to meet someone there at a specific time? All just my own speculations here.
that colorado city article being quoted is three days and currently 1 hour old......

the other articles are newer with more recent quotes from LE including one given to the associated press (numerous links upstream)


Kemper... what say you?

eta: nevermind... I guess he just DID SAY that there was some evidence found in that search relating to the case... or someone did anyway
Strawberry - your post flicked a switch for me. We don't know that SA DIDN'T go to work on Tuesday. He very well could have. It hasn't been confirmed if he quit and the company did say he wasn't fired. So, he could have reutrned to work on Tuesday Now I would think his supervisor would have had a talk with him - and I would love to know what was said - but still - he could have gone back to work on Tuesday. We just don't know.
It is a good thing the city manager Pete Kampfer has not been on NG with all the confusing things he has said, we would have a lot of things to rip apart.
The websites named Kampfer as their source. So I wonder if he lets something slip that he wasn't supposed to. I get the distinct impression he likes talking to the media. When I think of him, all I see is him standing in front of the press waiting on the press conference to start taking pictures of the media with his cell phone camera.

Oh Lordy, is this the same guy who talks about amazing boots and margaritas? Oh, and who's buying? IMHO Sparky probably told him to keep his trap shut and made him take it back.


Even thou SA looks guilty as he** imo
I'm really starting to wonder if this is a stranger abduction?
The interstate is right there I think anyway!
I'm thinking trucker ??
I think the end part of that headline about "even as hope for her safe return..." is just that; that the community holds out hope for her safe return...
oh and now here is this!!!! Kampfer... please get your statements in sync already!!!

Colorado City's City Manager Pete Kampfer says reports that dogs searching landfills turned up evidence in the disappearance of 13-year-old Hailey Dunn are not accurate.
Kampfer says while dogs got two "hits," nothing has been confirmed as evidence in the case.

An Associated Press report titled "Landfill Search Yields Clues in Missing Dunn Case?" has circulated across the country on the websites of television stations and newspapers. In the report, Kampfer is cited as saying dogs "turned up evidence." Kampfer says he can't confirm that.http://bigcountryhomepage.com/fulltext/?nxd_id=332606
The websites named Kampfer as their source. So I wonder if he lets something slip that he wasn't supposed to. I get the distinct impression he likes talking to the media. When I think of him, all I see is him standing in front of the press waiting on the press conference to start taking pictures of the media with his cell phone camera.

The City Manager loves the sound of his own voice. Thinks he is above everyone and knows more than anyone...a jack of all trades, a master at none. JMO....lol.
this is why daily press updates are vital to a case!!!

sitting on hands.. sitting on my freaking hands literally! (except for while I typed this!)
I still want to know what he was wearing that morning, later that day when he arrived at his mothers, and what he was wearing when he came home. It's bugging me. I missed NG last night. Did she say he wore a uniform to work?

The footwear....always gotta look at the footwear...could come in handy later for tread impressions and soil particles. Alas but I am only an online web sleuther.
sorry wildmala.....

nauseating isn't it!

Mr. K needs to appoint a new spokesperson.. maybe someone who is in L-ENFORCEMENT on the current case to release sensitive details like this.


just an aside but is his mouth running off at the mexican diner over drinks with the reporter whom he thought he was off the record with?

no sitting on hands on that one... he was caught on video about THAT...
hey nursie - if he is spouting off over at the Mexican diner - then I say feed him more margaritas - let's see what we get. We can sort it out.
sorry wildmala.....

nauseating isn't it!

Mr. K needs to appoint a new spokesperson.. maybe someone who is in L-ENFORCEMENT on the current case to release sensitive details like this.


just an aside but is his mouth running off at the mexican diner over drinks with the reporter whom he thought he was off the record with?

no sitting on hands on that one... he was caught on video about THAT...

I recall at one point that LE (FBI?) was going to take over press releases. So, did that all get tossed out the window?? Or just Mr. K's window?
you know if someone wanted to create a tighter alibi and had HD cell, what better way then to send a Text. I mean really easy, SA knew her friends, they were probably in the contacts list.

No that doesn't tell me 100% that HD sent that text.
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