TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #29

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Thank you! Would you mind asking her something? The SAR folks downstairs would like to know about what looks like pink streaks in Hailey's hair - was that permanent dye or temporary, extensions? Any info about that would be greatly appreciated.

My child has had the streaks put in a couple of times. It is a temporary dye that washes out in a few weeks. In our case, it was a team thing.
OMG. Isn't Scurry County where he said they'd find Hailey?

Just a thought: does she have any relatives in Scurry Co, or any friends, or any connection to that area? Some place she could run to.
He worked for WSI Weaver Services Inc or Weaver Pipeline.
the sprcoalize in Well Casings and pipleine ect

I just had a thought that maybe it was the type of work that he would be scheduled at certain times. When he went that morning maybe he wasn't on the schedule.
I just had a thought that maybe it was the type of work that he would be scheduled at certain times. When he went that morning maybe he wasn't on the schedule.

Good thought but why would he tell he was fired if that was the case? Gosh I just totally give up.
CZ or anyone, please:

1. Re BD’s cell phone: Were HD and DD allowed to take the cell phone off of the home property or was it to stay at the home? Example: if HD was walking over to CD or MB’s house, would HD carry the phone with her?

2. Mon eve Dec 27th: What was the purpose of SA and BD stopping by BD’s Mom’s home? What was done, said, etc? [I understand it was a 15 minute stop]

3. Mon night Dec 27th: Did SA spend the night at BD’s home? If so, can anyone other than BD confirm this?

4. Tues Dec 28th until 2pm: What did SA tell BD he was doing?

5. Tues Dec 28th afternoon: BD left the hospital and arrived home, was her car at the home when she got there?

6. CZ in your friendship with BD, have you know BD to be forthcoming (answer direct questions directly) or have you often been confused by her answers and have had to probe to get your questions answered?

7. CZ: What has BD told you about her engagement to SA?

8. Could SA have roped his younger brother into this mess?

9. Where is Hailey????

I just had a thought that maybe it was the type of work that he would be scheduled at certain times. When he went that morning maybe he wasn't on the schedule.

who knows ..his story of getting fired puzzles me..When the workplace say he was a great employee and was not fired.

I cannot think of a single reason this could be beneficial?

COuldnt he have just told her left early because he wasn'r feeling well or something..There has to be a reason he did it that way...but I sure cannot find it
Bringing my post over from the other thread just to make sure people see it.

I was searching Shawn Adkins on Peekyou.com and came up with something VERY interesting. It lists him in Harmleigh TX, and I know it is him because it also lists him in Dunn. I wonder what the connection Harmleigh is? I don't know if I am allowed to link or not so I am not going to. Just thought I would put this info out there since I haven't seen it mentioned before.

Here is a map of cell towers in that area:


I have a 19 y.o. who has had a cell since she was 10 (because I worked and she was home alone after school). She is a HEAVY texter, and I have NEVER seen her use "WAYD". In fact, MOST of her texts resemble normal spoken English.

{am just using the above post as a "jumping off" place}...

RE: the possible 2:00pm on Dec 27th cell phone text allegedly sent to MB from HD...

I have "heard" about this possibility on NG.. but today I am just now for the first time "reading" or "seeing" info about it..

My question is this... What is the text alleged to read?

A) What are you doing?





With the many posts questioning this text I am now confused as to which it is actually alleged that the text actually said?
A) B) or C)

**and I have seen ppl of all ages{kids to adults} text this about 5 different ways and would not really find any of them odd or suspicious..fwiw..
I think she is taking the heat fairly well...look at all the heat she gets from us?
Atleasy she cares enough to take it and get Haileys face out there more.

I think it's not fair to say that this case doesnt deserve the attention of Klass Kids oe anyother org because you belive the mother is useless...Hailey is still missing and thats what matters HAILEY needs KLASS KIDS
she didnt ask to be born, she didnt ask for her parents to be who they are ect..and Just because one of the parents isn't doing what we think she should doesn't make it fair to take it out on HAILEY. all JMO :)

Oh no not cause of the mother do I question why this case has gotten so much attention. That wasnt my reasoning. I just dont understand why this case has the FBI, LE, Texas Rangers and now the Klaas Foundation?? Yeah more help is needed, but come on there are tons of missing kids here in Texas. I just get seriously miffed when other young ladies are missing and they cant even get local LE to even take them seriously. But it gives me a sick feeling when organizations feel the need to "help" when a lot of times its not sincere and they are there for a photo opp. JMO BTW...

Also if BD was on NG pleading for help or throwing SA under the bus then I would commend her, but it seems she is on TV to defend her lifestyle, who she dated, and to tell her side of the story. She isnt on trial and if she is innocent then why knowling get on NG when we all can figure out what NG is gonna ask her. The drug buying, the strange "interests" of SA, where she was, questions about HD feeling of SA etc. These questions seem to make her uncomfortable and a bit angry. And NG is sensationalism at its worst at times. She is not even considered MSM really. She has a show geared at getting ratings. So why get on there when its not helping to focus on HD???
Just a thought: does she have any relatives in Scurry Co, or any friends, or any connection to that area? Some place she could run to.

Billie's mother lives in Snyder, which is in Scurry.
She said they had no money so pulled money from two bank a/cs to buy illegal drugs,according to the affidavits.But could it to pay on a debt,was anyone owed?Sparky's face just keeps coming in my head when asked if BD and SA know where Hailey is.Why would SA jeopardize so much,his job by just walking out past his boss and saying nothing?More questions than answers.

I thought the money was all from one account. They withdrew cash, then checked the balance on the receipt and got out more.
Do we know how long he worked there?
Do we know SA work record?
Can SA hold down a job for very long?
Is SA lazy?
Does he call off work allot?
Some guys hate to work, would rather mooch off others.
I'm getting my own pictre of SA like a guy that doesn't think ahead.
JMOO, he would rather play with his fantasies & masks than go to work..........

When interviewed, the boss said he was a good worker.
E. ODOM: Well, Nancy, the time line is so important on this case, in any missing person`s case. What I would want to know is, who was -- when was the last time that the boyfriend was seen? And when the boyfriend was seen with the child? How long were they allegedly alone together, just the child and the boyfriend?

GRACE: What about that, Billie? I know that she was seen by neighbors around lunchtime, noon in the backyard by herself, talking on a cell phone, right?

DUNN: Right. And I`m guessing the police would have asked that same neighbor, was my car here yet? Was Shawn home yet? They`ve talked to his mom and an uncle who stopped by his mom`s house saying that he was there. The police have never told me -- well, they said Shawn came home earlier than that or --

So LE told her that Shawn came home earlier than 3:15.


No, if you actually watch and listen that is not what she is saying BEFORE Nancy cuts her off. It should be more like this.

DUNN: Right. And I`m guessing the police would have asked that same neighbor, was my car here yet? Was Shawn home yet? They've talked to his mom and an uncle who stopped by his mom`s house saying that he was there. The police have never told me -- "well, they said Shawn came home earlier than that" or --

What she is saying is that "they said Shawn came home earlier than that" is ONE of the things police NEVER told her. She would have said something else if Nancy hadn't cut her off. Maybe something about not being told that her car was there earlier either.

At that point in time, Billie was saying that as far as what she had been told by law enforcement, she had no reason to think Shawn had come home early.

That is supported, by the cell phone pings. If anything he claims to have gotten home earlier than he did. :twocents:
My child has had the streaks put in a couple of times. It is a temporary dye that washes out in a few weeks. In our case, it was a team thing.

Same here with my 13yr old. It was actually supposed to be red but came out pink. LOL
Just a thought: does she have any relatives in Scurry Co, or any friends, or any connection to that area? Some place she could run to.

Billie stated that "they" had friends and family in Scurry County. Some people have suggested that if they had friends in common, Billie was not a good parent and was trying too hard to be her daughter's friend. I understood her to mean that each of them had friends and they both have family there, but she could also have meant that she was friends with the parents and Hailey with the kids. Everyone seems very eager to assume the worst.
who knows ..his story of getting fired puzzles me..When the workplace say he was a great employee and was not fired.

I cannot think of a single reason this could be beneficial?

COuldnt he have just told her left early because he wasn'r feeling well or something..There has to be a reason he did it that way...but I sure cannot find it

For that matter, couldn't he have told someone at work he was sick and needed to go back home?
was he scheduled to work that day?
did he have a set schedule?
is it the type of job where you can be flexed off?
did his boss say they didn't need him that day?

that whole, he just showed up and left thing is very sketchy with me.
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