TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #34

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I agree with pretty much everything you are saying. I'm all for looking at other people, but in this case, while there may be (and IMO are) other people to look at, they all tie in and go right back to SA, who, IMO, is the ONE who needs to be looked at.

But...IMO, since the story was she said she was going to dad's, and dad's was right there to go to, LE should have searched dad's as well as mom's. There could have been clues there, notes, a diary, some pictures, anything helpful, regardless of if they suspected dad of foul play.

I don't suspect CD at all, but come on. Anyone who has read these forums and/or much of real life crime knows how common it is for a perp to say, "Nope, never showed up here." That should be LE 101.

I just keep thinking about Jaycee Dugards step father. I dunno why. He was the only suspect they had. No leads no nothing excpet what he said. And he wasnt believed for a very very long time.

There is always Hope. Mark Klass being so vocal on NG towards billy leads me to think MK has information we dont and that he believes in a possible other suspect. Not that he is sure but he thinks is possible and I do not think MK is clouded by his feeling . This is a man who has been arround a block or two.
I am a long time member and very much a lurker. I have not posted in quite sometime. I had a few quick thoughts on some of the questions being asked. Let me preface this by saying I don't in any way, shape or form mean this as a judgement to CD or his GF, or even BD. Nor do I believe that smoking pot makes someone a suspect for a possible heinous crime.

I have also in the past....long ago...partaken in marijuana. Not to the extent that it appears CD does, he may be a "wake and baker".

I may get attacked for this opinion but will state it anyway, most people who smoke pot don't get violent. They get the munchies and giggle or sometimes it just takes the edge off for them. But done on a daily basis, or even just the days following up to the disappearance would easily become days where it all blends together.

1) I think it is possible that the reason why their memories are so fuzzy about details, is because they are often high. CD often smokes pot, we know this to be a fact. I also am not sure what substances BD may have taken in the days prior to Hailey's disappearance.

2) As a single mother of 3 children, I cannot always tell you what my children are wearing when they leave the house...my life is hectic and sometimes getting them out the door to school and getting myself to work is consuming. Although I am really going to make an effort to take note, these cases scare me. Also my girls change about 50 times a day ;)

In closing, I think my overall point is that, just because the details of the day are not totally clear, does not always indicate someone is responsible.

I assure you I love and parent my children pretty darn well, but ask me what they were wearing, what jewelry they had on, precise time they were doing each activity...I would also look highly suspect.

If I were smoking pot, those details would be even more elusive.

I have a son who is almost 18, I don't always know 100% where he is. We keep in touch by text, but he is really trying to exert his independence and I am trusting him until he gives me reason not to.

My girls are 8 and 10, when they are with their father, I never question my ex about their activities. They are free to see dad when ever they want and I trust him 100%.

So, forgive me for putting another perspective on things. But again, I love my kids and believe I am a decent parent. I would not personally know all of the little details...maybe I should.

And who in their wildest dreams believes that they need to make notes of all of these things? We don't live under the assumption that something bad is going to happen and we will be scrutinized over every detail?

I would be more alarmed if BD and CD had a outline of all of Hailey's coming and goings, and wardrobe, etc....it would feel as if they were putting some kind of alibi in place.

Trust me, parenting 3 kids alone...it can be a task to make sure they are loved, snuggled, homework, extracurricular activities, fed, bathed, put to bed on time. The days blur together and I might be hard pressed to give to the second details, without pot being part of the picture.

Thanks for reading!
I am praying for a safe return or clear answers soon.
Do we have a link that Clint and GF got kicked out of public housing? And for what reason?
Its somewhere wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk there<----------------------------------------------

But I do remember an article stated that he was forced to move because of the bust and it being Section 8 and they kicked HER out because it was supposed to be just her and her children. Its a very very very big no no to allow someone to live with you without telling them if you're in Section 8. Therefore, they all had to move.

And SA has been named a suspect - he got moved up the ladder from just POI.

*********please don't make me go back in there and find the link, I skeered :eek: *********
Can I just say that while yes..pot is illegal, which IMHO other than the fact that it is illegal, it affects far fewer families in a negative way than alcohol does. Not justifying in any way just saying that if you think about it ...how many DV incidents have you heard of involving weed vs alcohol..or fights in general due to marijuana by itself?.It does not make one violent and while there may be a very rare exception, I've never seen it. I have for many years felt that if one were illegal, so should be the other be. I know many will disagree and that's fine by me. :) Funny part is that some that will get indignant over me saying that, but will be doing so while already partaking of one too many at this moment..just sayin'..

The only reason I bring this up is that if weed were the ONLY illegal 'substance' being used by ANY parents and we knew that for sure..I would not factor that into Hailey's disappearance at all..UNLESS..it involved dealing and moving some major weight...which we have seen NO signs of and would be highly unlikely anyway..I just don't believe that to be the case unfortunately.. <ALL MOO...

I guess everyone picks their poison? Some don't poison themselves, but other do? How about multiple arrests?
Do we have a link that Clint and GF got kicked out of public housing? And for what reason?

I posted a link previously - let me find it.

ETA: Couldn't find my post but I had linked to [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5992697&postcount=58"]czgtz's post[/ame] (it also answers the question about searching his house, etc):

bbm (full text at the link)

To those asking about CD, his house and such - he is no longer in the low income housing across the street/field from Billie's house.
Also, as was posted over and over here, and reported in several newspapers, LE found drugs when they searched for Hailey, which, along with a warrant, led to his arrest.
OK thanks you don't have to search out the link. I missed it. Thanks for the replies. :heart:
I have complete trust in them that they will pull it all together...We can speculate about why they are doing something until the cows come home and we will, lol..FACT is that we have No Clue as to what they actually do have..so we can only guess...and I'm thinking they have MUCH..they just can't afford to act too soon..ESPECIALLY, if there is more than one perp. That's alot of ducks to get in a row..:)

Other than HD is missing... what "facts" do.we have?
Can I just say that while yes..pot is illegal, which IMHO other than the fact that it is illegal, it affects far fewer families in a negative way than alcohol does. Not justifying in any way just saying that if you think about it ...how many DV incidents have you heard of involving weed vs alcohol..or fights in general due to marijuana by itself?.It does not make one violent and while there may be a very rare exception, I've never seen it. I have for many years felt that if one were illegal, so should be the other be. I know many will disagree and that's fine by me. :) Funny part is that some that will get indignant over me saying that (or of the idea of a parent partaking of the ganja) may be doing so while already partaking of one too many drinks at this very moment..just sayin'..

The only reason I bring this up is that if weed were the ONLY illegal 'substance' being used by ANY parents and we knew that for sure..I would not factor that into Hailey's disappearance at all..UNLESS..it involved dealing and moving some major weight...which we have seen NO signs of and would be highly unlikely anyway..I just don't believe that to be the case unfortunately.. <ALL MOO...
How funny, I posted similar sentiments at exactly the same time.
Would Mark's group have any ties to TES, so that they can encourage them to ask them to at least search bodies of water? Or the Laura Recovery Group?
Would Mark's group have any ties to TES, so that they can encourage them to ask them to at least search bodies of water? Or the Laura Recovery Group?

Mark and Tim aren't big fans of eachother IIRC:waitasec:
I guess the dogs must have picked up on his lies and lied about tracking her scent... 4 days later?

I guess the question I have is could it have been from the day before or christmas day? or because she frequently walked that path? I know the scent spreads and gets wider as it gets oldern but would it be stronger if a person walked that route alot and...Why didnt it pick up the walk to the Dollar Store? or did it cause u can walk to the dollar store then on to the motel and its all with a half mile of the house.
Originally Posted by grandmaj
I think it is important to remember that only a very few documents were released so we really don't know what properties may have been searched.

Originally Posted by BelimomUm, yeah -- I googled to see if I could find out if CD's house was searched... and I kept getting google hits back to this thread...

(That's one reason why we do need to be careful on here: we post something - a name of an innocent person or a rumor - and then google searches pull up that info and people take it and run with it. This isn't the first time I tried to verify something on here, only to have the post I was trying to verify come up in the search)

This is something I would like everyone to understand.

Someone posts something as rumor and before you know it it gets picked up as fact and an innocent person's life is affected in a way he/she can never recover from.

This is why you are responsible for your post. Not Websleuths

What you post on the Internet, even if you delete it, is there forever. There is never a guarentee that it can be removed completely.

When in doubt don't post it because you can't take it back.
Just to clarify..I by NO means advocate the use of marijuana or alcohol..although through the years to be perfectly honest I have been known to use one of those above much more often than the other. I'm not ashamed of that..but would have never, ever done either with my children present..but I know of people that do and I just have to shake my head...:truce:..
Everyone post your burning question.
My burning question is for S
Why did you go to work that day only to turn around and leave

Yeah. And why not go back the next day?

One possibility I'm considering is that, when SA got to work that morning, he found that there was going to be a pee test, and he knew he wouldn't pass it because he'd been playing with the hookah over the weekend.

Probably not weed, because that stuff would show up in a test for about 30 days, I think. Maybe something like meth or crack. I think those drugs would not show after a few days. So perhaps he figured that the likelihood of a test on Monday or Tuesday was small and decided to risk it.

Just my opinion.
Other than HD is missing... what "facts" do.we have?

hmmm :waitasec:....that BD will be disgusted and won't speak to him if he had anything to do with this? umm, maybe, maybe not...I don't even know if that's a fact..I got nada..:crazy:
Yeah. And why not go back the next day?

One possibility I'm considering is that, when SA got to work that morning, he found that there was going to be a pee test, and he knew he wouldn't pass it because he'd been playing with the hookah over the weekend.

Probably not weed, because that stuff would show up in a test for about 30 days, I think. Maybe something like meth or crack. I think those drugs would not show after a few days. So perhaps he figured that the likelihood of a test on Monday or Tuesday was small and decided to risk it.

Just my opinion.

possible...I have went around and around with this one..nothing makes sense he could have called in sick and waited for billie to leave and went back to the house. He had a purpose for going there..to get something, maybe alibi (which doesnt make sense either cause he is only covered till 6:10)
Maybe he is truly psychotic and something snapped and out he went?
I do know thers no question in my mind that he is responsible for Hailey's disappearance..you can tell by looking at him he is a few fries short of a happy meal..which worries me too about a possible INSANITY plea. With all the videos ect you can clearly see he isn't what america would call normal..JMO anyways
I don't think he would ever hurt her. I would just like to know why him and girlfriend say that they don't remember if HD went to their house that day? When they only live a block away and can see the front of the house.

I don't recall Clint or her saying anything about seeing Hailey or not. But, I've had my precious 2 yr. old grandson here from Tues. til tonite, so I missed an interview or statement from them?
Just thinking about the earring...How would Billie really know what earrings Hailey had on for sure if she hadn't seen her since the prior night? I know she said she 'thought' ..not that she was sure..but who's to say that Hailey didn't lose it at her dads that Saturday or before..and Billie just didn't notice it on Sunday?

Just out of curiousity, does anyone know if Billie OR Shawn were in Clint and his GF's house after Hailey's disappearance..just wondering..
I don't recall Clint or her saying anything about seeing Hailey or not. But, I've had my precious 2 yr. old grandson here from Tues. til tonite, so I missed an interview or statement from them?

I love my grandsons, too. And miss a lot when one is here.:great:
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