TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #35

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I figured whatever kind of dogs they brought in from Huntsville (400+ miles away) would be utilized in more than one place.... KWIM?
CCty, now Snyder LF then?
In all due respect, in trying to understand this spokesperson's context, syntex, word choice, and sentence structure...........I think he means it was appropriate to go back a second time to this particular landfill with dogs as opposed to being inappropriate for them to not go back with or without dogs.........I think,,,,,,,,but my head hurts.

I hope those particular dogs stick around a day or two more rather than being kenneled again for another 7 hour drive back home.

I just wish he would spit it out and not mess around with it...say it man, get it out!!! IMO
Take your pick.


[adj. uh-proh-pree-it; v. uh-proh-pree-eyt] Show IPA
adjective, verb, -at·ed, -at·ing.
suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.: an appropriate example; an appropriate dress.
belonging to or peculiar to a person; proper: Each played his appropriate part.
–verb (used with object)
to set apart, authorize, or legislate for some specific purpose or use: The legislature appropriated funds for the university.
to take to or for oneself; take possession of.
to take without permission or consent; seize; expropriate: He appropriated the trust funds for himself.
to steal, esp. to commit petty theft.
Do all City Managers take the bull by the horns, in these situations ? IMO NOT!!!!!!!

What's the problem with the City Manager stepping in to be the spokesperson? LE is in the field. This is a small town, with limited resources. LE is investigating and conducting searches. Maybe they don't have a trained PIO on their staff?

The CM seems to be doing a pretty good job. Typically CM's have some training in public speaking, are aware of all the legal ramifications a City faces if someone talks out of turn and in many areas, they are the Police Chief's boss.

I'm not understanding what it is some posters don't like about this? Or is it just that everyone thought that Sparky from the TRangers did a better job (or he's cuter :))

Rupa is on HLN from NG show.LE has reason to be back at CC landfill,searching specifically for something.She doesn't know what it is.

I hope they find it... I really do. I personally don't think it's Hailey they're looking for there, but something linked to SA.

They need that virtual 'smoking gun'.

Very good point--the love is coming from Billie, but how much is she getting back--someone said (I wish I could remember who) that if he was really in love with her he'd have stayed by her side.

He was liking the noteriety too much in his last interview--if he really loved either Hailey or Billie, then why the enjoyment--even if he's innocent, shouldn't this qualify as a solemn occasion?

He went away because she asked him to stay away until this was resolved.

And I just thought of another possible scenario... IF SHAWN WAS INNOCENT... Suppose Shawn initially figured Hailey had just run away to CDs or DBs or CJs, or gone somewhere with friends and that she'd be back in a couple days and it would all be okay. But in the meantime, he had this AWESOME opportunity to be on television...
As it stands on the landfill searches this afternoon...

-LE goes to CC landfill with BD along,they stay 1:30 - 3:00
-On HLN Rupa,in front of BD's,says they're looking for something in particular,doesn't know what it is.BD pulls up home.
-Now LE is at Snyder landfill
I hope they find it... I really do. I personally don't think it's Hailey they're looking for there, but something linked to SA.

They need that virtual 'smoking gun'.


Me too,evidence to make the arrest maybe?

I think its because this spokesperson does not seem to be very professional in both his words and actions (before the PC laughing and joking with the press, pushing a local Mexican Restaurant, asking who's buying, commenting about a particular reporter's boots), and then when he has spoke - he contradicts previous statements he has already made. When he does contradict himself - he gives no reason for why white is now black - nor does he even acknowledge that he is contradicting one of his own previous statements.

I think its that this is just not the level of professionalism that we usually see in these cases with the PIO and LE that do press releases and press conferences.
I totally respect that opinion. I just think that at that point, i'd have nothing left to lose if my child was lost. I'd already be broken, i would have no care for further damage. Just me though. :crazy:

I couldn't stand it either. However, my biggest fear of finding the body would be the aftermath "she found the body, therefore, she must have murdered the child". Hello prison walls.

That might be enough to keep me finding other ways to help.



I think its because this spokesperson does not seem to be very professional in both his words and actions (before the PC laughing and joking with the press, pushing a local Mexican Restaurant, asking who's buying, commenting about a particular reporter's boots), and then when he has spoke - he contradicts previous statements he has already made. When he does contradict himself - he gives no reason for why white is now black - nor does he even acknowledge that he is contradicting one of his own previous statements.

I think its that this is just not the level of professionalism that we usually see in these cases with the PIO and LE that do press releases and press conferences.


I think its because this spokesperson does not seem to be very professional in both his words and actions (before the PC laughing and joking with the press, pushing a local Mexican Restaurant, asking who's buying, commenting about a particular reporter's boots), and then when he has spoke - he contradicts previous statements he has already made. When he does contradict himself - he gives no reason for why white is now black - nor does he even acknowledge that he is contradicting one of his own previous statements.

I think its that this is just not the level of professionalism that we usually see in these cases with the PIO and LE that do press releases and press conferences.

IMO, the lack of professionalism sort of comes of as arrogance.....
I know if it was my daughter that was missing, I wouldn't appreciate the "fooling around" during the press conferences. I would think that at least in the public eye they would try to act like this is as serious as it is.
I'm not making fun of Kampher, he just uses some words that leaves us all scratching our heads. I wouldn't want his job for anything.........I'll go back and delete so as not to offend. Sorry.
Originally Posted by PonderingMind{moved from Thread #34}
My question is WHY was Hailey sleeping on the couch at all..and what caused her to make the change to sleeping in her room (if she really did) just in the last week.. I find that extremely coincidental...if you believe in such things...hmmm.. Especially considering that she goes missing a week after she starts sleeping in her room..

I understand Hailey sleeping on the couch{especially with her having no TV in her room}and tho Personally I may not agree with it being an appropriate place for a child to sleep every night{with emphasis on every because I think we all agree that it is ok every once in a while for whatever reason} on the living room couch rather than the privacy of her room..especially when considering her age and that there was a new non-family member young adult male living in the house..The latter would be the main and most important reason that I would feel even stronger about her having slept in the privacy of her bedroom...

So I believe that is what has been implied as the reason for Hailey sleeping on couch every night{no TV in bedroom}..Again last night on NG Billie put emphasis on the fact that Hailey had only been sleeping in her room for the past week{and I'm going to give BD the full benefit of the doubt that she speaking of the week leading up to her disappearance..NOT literally these past 7days}.. also asked in the ^above post is what was th ereason for Hailey suddenly to start sleeping in her own bedroom as well as commenting on what a huge coincidence it would be for Hailey to have gone missing after having only been sleeping in her bedroom for a week...

I'm gonna address both{as you'll see one answer easily leads into answering the other as well}.. It's asked ^ what was the reason Hailey suddenly began sleeping in her room.. According to Billie it was becasue of The Flat Screen TV that Hailey had gotten put in her room for Christmas.. Well as has been customary lately as far as Billie's inconsistencies this too seems to fall in that category as well.. You have Billie saying Hailey had been sleeping in her room for the past week due to the new Tv she recived on Christmas..

But we know for a fact that Hailey spent the night with dad on Christmas day and then spent part of the next day{26th} at dad's and most likely that evening went back to mom's on Sunday the 26th.. And as we know we have our last credible sighting of Hailey by DD at 9pm that night in the living room..playing his Xbox..when he left to go spend the night at a friends house..Hailey supposedly "disappeared" the very next day{27th}..so that actually means that Hailey ONLY SPENT ONE..SINGLE..SOLITARY NIGHT sleeping in her bedroom with her new TV.. {IMO big difference in she'd been sleeping in her room the past week and the truth actually be at the most IF it truly ever happened it would have been that Hailey spent 1 single night sleeping in her bed...

Which as I said directly leads into the second comment in the post ^above concerning the huge coincidence it would be that she went missing in that first week of sleeping in her bedroom.. Now that we know the truth is that it was ONLY 1 SINGLE NIGHT look AT HOW HUGE OF A "COINCIDENCE" THAT THE ONE NIGHT THAT HAILEY CHOSE TO SLEEP IN HER BEDROOM SHE "DISAPPEARS" SOME TIME WITHIN THAT 24HR PERIOD OF TIME...

I just briefly wanted to mention one other issue that falls directly in this exact category as well..and that is the red hoop earrings.. Billie also stated that Hailey had been religiously wearing those red hoop earrings wanting to "stretch" her lobes for the past week{again believeing that she meant the 7days leading up to Hailey disappearing}.. Again we have the same amount of inconsistency as we do above with the "TV/sleep in bedroom issue"..Billies stating a week when the reality and truth is that Hailey received these red hoop earrings..along with the TV on Christmas.. and we know she spent Christmas night at dads{i.e. IMO why we find 1 of the red hoops in Clint's home in the process of their having to move out}..and thenpart of the next day{26th} with dad{video sightings in retail stores to prove this}and returned home to mom's at some point before 9pm when our last credible sighting of Hailey took place by DD..

Hailey disappeared somewhere in those next 24 hrs.. That leaves Hailey wearing the new red hoops AT THE VERY MOST a day and a half..tho we have Clint's gf now state that actually Hailey took them out when spending the night of the 25th at dads..She said when she went to retrieve them to put them up from the couch where Hailey had taken them out that gf could only find one of the hoops... IMO this makes sense that when moving from that residence that the other red hoop is found in that same living room..IMO accounting now for both of the red hoops..

Billie is the one who stated that Hailey would have had these on only after having searched Hailey's room and them not being there assuming that Hailey still had them in..again from "assuming" that Hailey wore them home from dad's.. we now know that they were not worn home from dad's as one was "missing"..but since has been found as well{unless someone wants to assume that Hailey just wore one red hoop while the other was lost at dads??..IMO not very plausible}
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