TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #37

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He responded to the call and took a report, filed a report, whatever.....he didn't blow her off or not respond or ignore it. He merely showed his frustration at having to deal, yet again, with a situation that had been going on all day. Maybe, when and if Billie can manage to pass a poly concerning her missing daughter, she'll have time to bring a lawsuit against CC. Not sure for what....but, oh well....

Working with the public if everything I said to a co worker was recorded...Id be so busted too....I'm sure he regrets it...hes human...

He never thought in a million years when he showed his emotion at being called again for the umpteenth time by the same person it would be recorded and played on NG every night....
Volunteering at a hospital...listening to the nurses I have heard similar comments when a patient would "speed dial " the call button ..LOL
People are human and yes he showed his emotion during the call but he did collect his thoughts and said he would be headed that way to check out the call....
Don't think it warrants a lawsuit maybe a talking to about being recorded...and proper protocol JMO
So does that mean then that DD actually said to BD that SA had a "deer in the headlights look" ? ..and if so..your 16 y/o son tells you that and you do what???? N O T H I N G...
Dear Ms. Dunn,

It's something I thought about a little bit," said Dunn. "I don't really believe that."

Let me advise you - you need to think about this long and hard. Think about the masks, the interest in killing, the pot smoking, the failed poly's. While all those initself don't make a serial killer - it doesn't bode well for the return of Hailey.

Think about it a little bit more --- PLEASE! Give any clues that you can to LE. Come out from the shadows!



When trying to figure out what people mean, it is helpful to have a baseline. It is also helpful to have a baseline when reading people for signs of deception. For example, when I was much younger and single and man I dated would use "maybe" or "I think so" as a backdoor term if he was still looking for something better to come along. So if I assumed that we were going out Friday night and he would spring on me at 6:30 that we were not, I would say, "but you said I think so..." and he would say, "Yeah, I think so- that's not yes. I just never got around to telling that I was going out with so and so." I was young, so it took me a while to figure out that maybe and I think so were code for yeah we'll go out unless I can find something more fun. Another one was I would ask how far are we from the next town (if I had been sleeping while traveling). His answer would be "not too far" or quite a ways. That was code for "I have no idea, I wasn't paying attention to any signs, but I don't want to look like an idiot so that is the best answer I can give you." Problem with that answer is my bladder wants specifics like 5 minutes (ok, I can wait) or 30 minutes (ok buckwheat we need to make a potty stop!)

So when BD says "I thought about it for a little bit" we have no idea what her baseline is and I really wish, and I really mean this with all sincerity, that some would quit using things like this like they're the breaking Perry Mason moment and then whip out the noose. It is just getting so old.

Also, if we were to go with the assumption that HD is still being help against her will angering the person who knows where she is won't be the best strategy in getting her back. So things like "I hate you, its over, I wish you were dead, I hope you rot in h... and so forth are not helpful.

As far BD looking cutsie for the cameras, wow, then after then after they pumped me all full of medication after I had troubles with hemorrhagic ovarian cysts, I must have looked like a babe! Geez, her face is blotchy, her bags under her eyes have been replaced by what look like bruises. Her mouth looks like its getting smaller and she looks like she's getting skinnier and she doesn't have much reserves to be messing around with.

Anyway, that is my opinion based on the years of accumulative knowledge of the work I do and what my husband does.
According to the affadavits....
http://media.reporternews.com/media/static/0119_001_.pdf ...pg4..

"DD made entry through a window and got into the residence. SA Janet THOMAS later interviewed Billie DUNN who confirmed that DD had indeed pounded on the door and nobody would let him in and he then made entry into the residence and observed Shawn Adkins standing in the hallway with a deer in the headlights look"

I don't get it...how could Billie confirm all this if she wasn't there? So is she confirming that DD told her that or what? Lordy, I think it's bedtime...

NOW, if you rethink the situation, knowing BD was NOT home, changes things doesn't it.
So does that mean then that DD actually said to BD that SA had a "deer in the headlights look" ? ..and if so..your 16 y/o son tells you that and you do what???? N O T H I N G...
I just went back and read that paragraph of the affidavit. Right before your quote it says that CD was intereview and concering DD pounding and breaking in was only TOLD to CD by DD. CD just verified that that is what DD told him.

The part about BD CONFIRMING that DD did, indeed, pound on the door and the entered the residence. How can someone confirm something if they weren't there. It clearly states that CD was just verifying that DD told him about pounding on the door etc. Not that CD CONFIRMED that is what DD did.

I know there is some confusion surrounding this and what actually went down. I kinda remember - DD pounded on the door - no answer, DD went over to CD's to tell him and that CD came back with DD and stood outside while DD went through the window. But that doesn't make any sense - then CD would have been able to CONFIRM that DD did this. Plus, with "deer in the headlights" SA in there - I kinda think CD would have confronted him.

curiouser and curiouser................
So does that mean then that DD actually said to BD that SA had a "deer in the headlights look" ? ..and if so..your 16 y/o son tells you that and you do what???? N O T H I N G...

I don't know that DD stated that to BD but according to the affidavit DD stated this to LE. This is JMO, but that affidavit was cut "short", meaning I think there was more to it than was released, we did not see it in it's full form. I could be wrong too.
Well now , wait a minute, you got me thinking. Everybody was wondering if BD worked 12 hour shifts (which was supposedly 7 - 7) and the ATM withdrawl was something around 6:20 or so - that BD must have left work early that day.

Maybe she left work even earlier and SA picked her up before he got home at 3? No, that doesn't work. Didn't DD go get CD before he climbed in the window? I think he did - so wouldn't CD have noticed BD there as well?

How can she confirm something when she wasn't there? Or was she?

She wasn't there. I think it was actually Clint who confirmed that incident. DD was coming from Clint's home at the time. Somebody eventually TOLD BD so she confirmed it second hand. But she was not there. He was just about to leave and pick her up from work.
He responded to the call and took a report, filed a report, whatever.....he didn't blow her off or not respond or ignore it. He merely showed his frustration at having to deal, yet again, with a situation that had been going on all day. Maybe, when and if Billie can manage to pass a poly concerning her missing daughter, she'll have time to bring a lawsuit against CC. Not sure for what....but, oh well....

What does BD and a polygraph have anything to do with LE not doing their job? When he responded to the call, what did he do? Did he advise SA to stay away for 24 hours to allow for a cool down? Did he offer to BD help in obtaining a TRO? Was his report more than a paragraph long? If you were involved in a domestic violence situation is this the demeanor you want the responding officer to have while assisting you? Did you know that all telephone calls and radio traffic are routinely recorded and every officer knows this and in departments my husband works/worked in that kind of response would be grounds for a reprimand? Did you know that defense lawyers look for stuff like this to damage an officers credibility in all cases, not just the one he was responding to?
Maybe SA is a sociopath, one who is capable of murder for the pleasure of it.
If so, what type of person would take him in as a partner?
Sociopaths are very good at charming and fooling people, and I think everyone here knows how dangerous they are when cornered.
Now BD seems more like someone who has fallen into a state of fugue, almost like she is absent in body mind and soul. Empty.
I just cannot get over even having alcohol in my house if I had a child missing and it was New Year's Eve. I wouldn't even be aware of it being a holiday, except maybe that it was another marker of how long my daughter had been missing.
I understand that she explains that she had relatives over and that they counted down the old year....ok I understand that.
I would have balked at the very thought of it. It would have nauseated me. And if my boyfriend were drinking, I would have thrown him out without a second thought.
Is she so hungry for his affection that she would subjugate her own instincts as a mother?
If so, then she isn't a sociopath. She is something I don't have a word for.
And that leads me back to square one. Like you other posters are saying, we are missing a lot of pieces.
It seems obvious to me that MK thinks that BD is a victim like he is. He has spent so many years understanding the mind of sociopaths.
Could he actually be fooled by one sitting beside him on national tv?
I just don't think so.

Hiya Neighbor! When I saw your username I thought aha! this must be someone that has just joined today..as we here at this present moment do have "SNOWINMEMPHIS"..lol..
Welcome! Excellent posts..I've had a chance to read only a couple so far...Glad you joined us :)

Back On Topic.. In your above post where you are questioning what the word for BD would be..with her being so glaringly obvious about her still deep attachment and "love" for this man that so very many of us can clearly see has multiple "issues" his entire lifetime in the making..his obsession with murder/mayhem..the masks and the continued soaking up of all things evil that he can watch..read..further "pickle his brain" with.. It's disturbing.. and he has no sympathy..empathy..and IMO is still relishing and possibly reliving whatever heinous acts that he unleashed on that innocent little girl..Hailey..

Billie Dunn's 13 yr old daughter that is "missing".. Billie Dunn that In most opinions seems to be more concerned with covering her azz..protecting his azz.. and contradicting herself and her lies night after night on National Television..

The word I would use to best even begin to describe Billie would be CO-DEPENDENT TO THE MAXXX! She is so caught up in"slasher loverboy" and what "an AWESOME past 6months that they've had together"{BD's words not mine}..all the while her daughter is moving in and out of the home desperately attempting to get away from "something" the something that we now know is mom's lover.. And yet mom still continues to distract and deflect anything she can from the focus being on SA..Why would a mother be deflecting focus on the man that all evidence is pointing towards being the one that most likely has murdered your daughter?????????..

Because IMO Billie hasn't changed a bit thru this..It has always been about Billies happiness with SA and Hailey didn't even stand a chance.. Billies SEVERE NEED TO CONTINUE THIS "AWESOME" LIFE WITH SA IS ALL THAT MATTERS.."when all of this is cleared up"{again this last part is Bd's words not mine about the current situation..which as most of us fully realize is most likely that her 13 yr old daughter is infact dead and dead at the hands of the man that her co-dependent and obsessive nature are determined to be with}..of course "when this all is cleared up"..

You spoke of MK's involvement and what could he be thinking as it certainly seems as tho he's "drinking the Billie kool-aid".. I'm gonna attach part of my post from last night that addresses this exact issue..

Here it is..
If anyone remembers Marc Klaas ALWAYS tells parents of missing children that even if they as parents believe and feel with all their heart that they're child is infact deceased TO NOT EVER LET ON THAT YOU BELIEVE THIS TO BE THE CASE.. That the minute that the parent relays to the media/public that they NO LONGER BELIEVE THEIR CHILD IS ALIVE that all of your support..resources..search groups..etc..etc WILL IMMEDIATELY DRY UP AND begin no longer searching..media no longer covering the case near as closely..and that its true that even LE starts scaling back their investigations{due to media/public no longer applying pressure to search and find the child}..

So for those reasons Klaas says that the parents can never state they even are thinking..or believe it could be possible that their child is DECEASED...but rather to continue saying you believe your child is alive..repeating time and time again that you are still looking for a child thats "alive" not a body...

IMO its because of this that we suddenly see Billie stating more than once that they're "looking for an alive Hailey".. Marc is helping to coach her thru this and IMO he is helping her thru this regardless of what he may personally feel is the truth of Billie's involvement or NOT.. but rather that Marc's sole purpose and motivations are for that of Hailey..and to ensure that she is continued to be searched for until Hailey is found..

I believe for Marc Klaas that it is indeed all about Hailey and he is helping..coaching..motivating..and urging Billie for the sake of Hailey being found...That is his number 1 priority IMO..

..and AGAIN Welcome SNOWINMEMPHIS.. glad to see a neighbor in here:)
So does that mean then that DD actually said to BD that SA had a "deer in the headlights look" ? ..and if so..your 16 y/o son tells you that and you do what???? N O T H I N G...

Good point....Ok if DD told his mother that when she came home that Monday night...what was her response? Was there a light bulb going off that maybe she should double-check on Hailey....

I'm wondering when DD told Billie.maybe not that Monday night.. they didn't get back until 7:30PM after purchasing illegal narcotics so maybe DD had to choose his timing and that opportunity didn't present itself....

If DD told mom the next afternoon Tuesday once he learned that Hailey didn't spend the night at MB... OK so now Hailey missing, sister in law/co worker brings Billie home and she learns yes her daughter is really missing and SA was the last to see her and now has learned he locked all the doors and DD pounded for 5 minutes and had to climb into a window... sees SA with deer in head light eyes....

How did SA talk himself out of that??

Clint said he had to distanced himself from Billie because he didnt agree with her on certain points....

Maybe this is one of those points ...
Bd's friend/coworker took her from Snyder where she worked to CCity, IIRC.
I have not read any information that states DD and CD went to BD's house together.

It was Tuesday BD's friend/co-worker/SIL took her from work to C-City.

As far as Monday, BD said she got off early-re:ATM & stops w/SA.
When trying to figure out what people mean, it is helpful to have a baseline. It is also helpful to have a baseline when reading people for signs of deception. For example, when I was much younger and single and man I dated would use "maybe" or "I think so" as a backdoor term if he was still looking for something better to come along. So if I assumed that we were going out Friday night and he would spring on me at 6:30 that we were not, I would say, "but you said I think so..." and he would say, "Yeah, I think so- that's not yes. I just never got around to telling that I was going out with so and so." I was young, so it took me a while to figure out that maybe and I think so were code for yeah we'll go out unless I can find something more fun. Another one was I would ask how far are we from the next town (if I had been sleeping while traveling). His answer would be "not too far" or quite a ways. That was code for "I have no idea, I wasn't paying attention to any signs, but I don't want to look like an idiot so that is the best answer I can give you." Problem with that answer is my bladder wants specifics like 5 minutes (ok, I can) or 30 minutes (ok buckwheat we need to make a potty stop!)

So when BD says "I thought about it for a little bit" we have no idea what her baseline is and I really wish, and I really mean this with all sincerity, that some would quit using things like this like they're the breaking Perry Mason moment and then whip out the noose. It is just getting so old.

Also, if we were to go with the assumption that HD is still being help against her will angering the person who knows where she is won't be the best strategy in getting her back. So things like "I hate you, its over, I wish you were dead, I hope you rot in h... and so forth are not helpful.

As far BD looking cutsie for the cameras, wow, then after then after they pumped me all full of medication after I had troubles with hemorrhagic ovarian cysts, I must have looked like a babe! Geez, her face is blotchy, her bags under her eyes have been replaced by what look like bruises. Her mouth looks like its getting smaller and she looks like she's getting skinnier and she doesn't have much reserves to be messing around with.

Anyway, that is my opinion based on the years of accumulative knowledge of the work I do and what my husband does.

Not sure if this helps with a baseline BUT

Billie said she has to think long and hard about taking another poly...
(maybe something she doesnt really want to do..)

Then said she had to think on it a little bit...when thinking SA is innocent..
(maybe something she really wants to believe)

She didnt have to think long and hard but only needed to think a little bit to realize that SA could not have harmed Hailey in her mind....

I agree each night Billie is looking worse than the night before....
Yes, that is yet another question. WHEN did DD tell BD about the "deer in the headlights" break-in. He might not have told her that night. He might have jsut stayed in his room and turned up the volume on the Xbox. But that would depend on what he saw in SA's hand, what SA said to him, what SA did for the next hour or so before leaving to pick up BD.

IMO DD did keep this to himself that night. I say this because if he had confronted BD (with SA) about what happened that afternoon, I think Hailey would have been reported missing sooner.

On the other hand (you wear a glove) if DD did confront BD with the afternoon's events - they (BD and SA) could have explained their way out of it.

Only DD knows when he confronted mom about that. And he's told LE. If he told her that Monday night when they got home - me thinks "LUCY, you some 'xplainin' to do".

ETA: I am of the opinion that DD did tell BD about it that Monday night when they got home. That was very odd. Doors never locked. Mom's car in the yard, has to crawl through window cause no answer from pounding on the door. That's upsetting to anyone. That's something that just doesn't happen. And THAT would have led DD to tell mom when she got home. Would love to know how it just got poo-poo'd away.
Have we had confirmation regarding what time BD got off work on Monday? I went back and read it again and it still sounds like she may have been at home..Has it even been stated how early she got off?
Have we had confirmation regarding what time BD got off work on Monday? I went back and read it again and it still sounds like she may have been at home..Has it even been stated how early she got off?
Nope - no confirmation on mom's work hours on Monday. Can you bring that paragraph over from the affidavits. My 'puter is acting up and I've been trying to paste that paragraph in a post.
I mean if it was bad enough for DD to go get CD..why didn't CD say something? What did he get CD for if he had already gone in the window? CD may not have said anything if he realized that Billie was there..Where did DD go after this incident..to CD's or on in the home? Man, I can get this off my mind now...One question just leads to 10 more...
Nope - no confirmation on mom's work hours on Monday. Can you bring that paragraph over from the affidavits. My 'puter is acting up and I've been trying to paste that paragraph in a post.

you mean the last paragraph in the affidavits? I had to copy word for word...could not copy and paste for some reason??
Y ...snippee..snip..

ETA: I am of the opinion that DD did tell BD about it that Monday night when they got home. That was very odd. Doors never locked. Mom's car in the yard, has to crawl through window cause no answer from pounding on the door. That's upsetting to anyone. That's something that just doesn't happen. And THAT would have led DD to tell mom when she got home. Would love to know how it just got poo-poo'd away.

I think DD wanted to say something that night, but I wonder if he even had a chance to. SA and BD did their drug shopping that night and then came home to 'watch a movie.' If BD didn't even bother to take a moment to check on Hailey's whereabouts, I doubt she spent much time communicating with DD alone either. Now we know that HD had never ever spent the night at MB's before, yet BD didnt check up on the situation. So I don't think DD had an opportunity to mention it that night. And HD wasn't known to be missing, so DD probably figured SA was doing a drug deal or something. He probably was not worried about his sister that night. Poor kid.
According to the affadavits....
http://media.reporternews.com/media/static/0119_001_.pdf ...pg4..

"DD made entry through a window and got into the residence. SA Janet THOMAS later interviewed Billie DUNN who confirmed that DD had indeed pounded on the door and nobody would let him in and he then made entry into the residence and observed Shawn Adkins standing in the hallway with a deer in the headlights look"

I don't get it...how could Billie confirm all this if she wasn't there? So is she confirming that DD told her that or what? Lordy, I think it's bedtime...

I have a hard with how to interpret the "facts" in the affidavit. BDs confirmation is not a direct quote from her.

What if the story was closer to:
DD forgot keys, saw car in driveway, pounded on door, no answer. DD entered the house and found SD standing in the hallway by the bathroom with a deer in the headlights look on his face when he saw DD crawling through the window.

Since the police are using the affidavit to get search warrants to further investigate HDs disappearance (as they should), I would think the first version (in the affidavit) would be much more effective in convincing a judge. Also it seems that only CD and BD were interviewed and not DD who was present. To me, the part "nobody would let him in" sounds like there was more than one person in the house.

Stuff like this confuses me.
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