TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #39

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IMO I see this unfolding like a made for TV movie ! Mom living with slasher BF, father recently moved over to keep a eye on his daughter , Older brother swept away to live in another town. Dad looks relentlessly for his baby girl, and Mom still stands by her man!!
wonder who will play the parts? Just saying !! And who to broadcast the Movie, TRU-TV. And we all know who loves Tru-TV besides ourselves ! LOL

Um, not all that funny though. :banghead: 'Cause this is reality with a child missing and not a Lifetime movie.
How in the heck do they know where he is if they think he's at his mother's? They don't know?

I think it's a matter of reading between the lines. Probably they have a source (maybe even LE) telling the reporters that SA has been at his mother's house, but the reporters themselves haven't seen him at that house so they can't report it firsthand.

ETA: I'm absolutely sure that LE has him under suveillance at all times.
When she said "why didn't anyone tell me?", that is another way of saying you don't believe that person. And from what we have seen of BD she makes those indirect statements and doesn't elaborate which leads to all sorts of confusion among observers as to what she means.

Because if these things were really happening and grandma knew about it, the logical thing would have been to tell BD, which she did not. Instead grandma did nothing, which puts her credibility in question.

What it likely means is that grandma really didn't like SA, and probably didn't care much for BD either, so now these things "come out" when there is no way to corroborate them.

Did grandma tell CD about it? Did she tell the local child protection services? And if so, was there an investigation and what happened about it? Surely this would have been relevant to the search warrant affidavits, so why was no mention of it made there?

Yes, Grandma told her Son, CD about it and by his own admission on NG he stated, "I didn't want to hear it". Grandma said (paraphrasing here) that she had asked Hailey if SA had ever gotten physical with her and Hailey had said no and Grandma informed her if SA ever does, to tell Grandma
, her Mom or Dad and Hailey said she would. This is according to Grandma. So what is Grandma supposed to report to CPS...Mom's live in boy friend is standing in the hallway in the middle of the night? While it is creepy in hindsight, it wasn't something one could report to CPS.

I think Grandma's credibility is intact.
I was younger than HD when I was being molested by my creepy uncle. And I was very close to my Mom and I always told her everything. But he told me convincingly that if I ever said anything that he would hurt my baby brother.
He used to hold my cat, which I loved, over the balcony and pretend he was going to drop her just to freak me out and threaten me. I would freak out and my family, not understanding what was really going on would laugh and tell me to calm down, " He is just kidding' they would all say. But he would give me the cold steely eyed look reminding me of his private threats. These predators are cunning. He could have threatened to hurt her baby sister if she told anyone that he was touching her.

I never ever told anyone in my family about this until after my uncle died in a car crash. And by then I was married with my own family.

Telling stuff like that is complicated. Sometimes nobody believes you. And sometimes they even blame you. Maybe she hinted at it to her mom and was shut down. She tried telling some stuff to her grama and nothing came of it.

But I think you are possibly correct. I think that he might have done something to her and she said she was going to tell.

I'm sorry you were terrorized, it was cruel.
I have some interesting quotes I want to share with you all. I’ll provide the link at the end along with an explanation. So here goes-

First set)
“'It's like a nightmare, 'It's like time has stood still. I've had a hard time remembering dates and time. Everything's topsy-turvy.'

“'I don't understand it,' 'It's very unlike her to lie.”

Meanwhile, ********* and her ************, who works for ***********, wait by the phone. They have reluctantly opened their private lives to massive media attention.

'Anything to find ***,' ************* said.

“And she will return one day, her mother said quietly”

“I'll be optimistic until the day, she comes home ... or until the day, it's proven to me that she won't be coming home.”

********* said this week that she and her ********, have not given up hope that their daughter will be found alive. After a quiet Thanksgiving with relatives..”

"We were both shy people, but she took the lead," said ****.

She gave countless interviews, traveled to New York City to appear on TV and racked her brain for any scrap of information that might help the FBI agents and police officers camped out in her house. She slept on the floor by the phone in case *** called.

**** said it is impossible to describe their emotions at the time: "It's like describing a color over the phone that no one has ever seen before."

Second set)


"******* was not a runaway," "The situation has nothing to do with her running away."

"Mother was informed that ******* left the ******** about 3 p.m. on 3-15-91 and missed the night check-in."

"That's a lie," ******* said. She did not elaborate. She did not deny she signed the police report.


Both of these cases involved a missing girl. The first disappeared and was found dead several months later and the second was reported missing and was found the next day. Neither case did it appear if suspicion was ever placed on the mother. However, there are some similarities between statements.

The first case is rather disturbing since it appeared the girl was directly targeted and was intentionally lured away with a lie. She was told her mother had just received a promotion and the man who abducted her said he would help her find a gift to surprise her mother.

This got me thinking about a case not too long ago where a girl was at a friends house and the mother told her she needed to come home immediately and never arrived. The killer ended up being an older sibling of the friend she was visiting ( I think). My point, the people we are allowed to sleuth I don’t know that I quite understand- but I have so many questions. Ok SA has done a wonderful job of getting the spotlight of suspicion shining brightly on him- but meanwhile does that mean we sit and fill our time with not necessarily the most constructive activities? I would rather not.

I was reading the statistics about abducted children and the likelihood of the abductor which would put our HD in the unusual category


Not impossible, just not in the most likely category.

What other categories are there? Glad you asked!

In 58% of the cases, the initial contact site between victim and abductor was within a quarter mile of the victim’s home. In 33% of the cases, first contact was less than 200 feet from the victim’s home. So how far away was the friend (is it MB?) Did HD get a call and tell SA? But was the call not from the friend? Who is the friend’s mom/dad? Are they still married? Are they dating? Who is the BF/GF?

CD’s GF bugs me- how many unsolved missing children do we have here involving the dad’s GF or step mom? I can think of two. And who is the father of the GF’s son?

Plus there is always the crime of opportunity- the snag and run. “57% were simply “victims of opportunity.” The most common basic elements in these crimes are: a motivated offender, the opportunity to commit the crime, and ineffective guardians.”

I don’t want to get into the good mother/bad mother discussion- that has been thoroughly covered, and frankly doesn’t help. So she should have done things differently- that I am sure has the potential to haunt her forever. I never want to be in her shoes!

What about places to search? Cabins, abandoned buildings…did anyone get a chance to follow up on the photo geotags? What about buildings that had recent refurbishing? While to an outsider it may look like someone remodeled, but could a “holding room” been built?

ok, to make a short story long, as I was reading the avidavit, I thought I read that SA had gone to Stark, but when I went back to look again, I couldn't find it. So, did I imagine the word?
I guess so. But I went to google maps to see if there was a Stark in TX, and there is but it's nine hours away. So it's not possible that SA took her there.

But while looking for images to see what Stark looked like, I found stories of whole towns moving closer to newly set railroads, or highways, leaving ghost towns all over TX. So suffice it to say, there must be tons of ghost towns, or abandoned buildings in TX.
moo and all that.
ok, to make a short story long, as I was reading the avidavit, I thought I read that SA had gone to Stark, but when I went back to look again, I couldn't find it. So, did I imagine the word?
I guess so. But I went to google maps to see if there was a Stark in TX, and there is but it's nine hours away. So it's not possible that SA took her there.

But while looking for images to see what Stark looked like, I found stories of whole towns moving closer to newly set railroads, or highways, leaving ghost towns all over TX. So suffice it to say, there must be tons of ghost towns, or abandoned buildings in TX.
moo and all that.

IIRC, someone on NG mispoke and said Stark instead of Snyder.
When she said "why didn't anyone tell me?", that is another way of saying you don't believe that person. And from what we have seen of BD she makes those indirect statements and doesn't elaborate which leads to all sorts of confusion among observers as to what she means.

Because if these things were really happening and grandma knew about it, the logical thing would have been to tell BD, which she did not. Instead grandma did nothing, which puts her credibility in question.

What it likely means is that grandma really didn't like SA, and probably didn't care much for BD either, so now these things "come out" when there is no way to corroborate them.

Did grandma tell CD about it? Did she tell the local child protection services? And if so, was there an investigation and what happened about it? Surely this would have been relevant to the search warrant affidavits, so why was no mention of it made there?

Imo, BD was told, but she chose to not believe it, and dismiss it, which brought on custody struggles, to which not enough evidence was found to remove HD from the home, which brought CD to move as close as possible so HD had a quick place to run to and he could do his best to keep his eye on the goings on.

The threat against not just her mom, but her dad as well could have been what kept HD quiet if she was being abused.
Being that she was now thirteen, if SA was abusing her, her coming into puberty may have caused him to no longer want her, thus......?

He must have also threatened HD's life as well, and we just haven't heard the tape or seen the report. What we do see is an avidavit that says he did threaten her as well, and there would be no reason to admit to it if it didn't happen, and if they couldn't prove it.

Pure speculation on my part.
IIRC, someone on NG mispoke and said Stark instead of Snyder.

Really? Do you know what day because I don't watch NG. I watched one day on Patty's page, and read one transcript. I also read some threads here of you all passing along what was being said, but I don't remember hearing or reading that word. But maybe I did, and it got planted in my brain somewhere only to emerge while I was reading the avidaviit. I find this possibility somewhat disturbing.
The person on NG who was talking about the phone pings did say Stark, as far as I can remember, but I also figured he mean Snyder...someone has the transcripts all posted...somewhere...:(
I found this such an odd exchange between Billie and NG a while back...I'm going to try and find the vid because the transcript just doesn't do it justice...was this strange or what?

GRACE: To Billie Dunn...

B. DUNN: We all watched horror movies. Like I said before, we have mostly comedies in this house. But comedies can`t be looked down upon.

GRACE: Comedies can`t be what?

B. DUNN: Looked down upon.

GRACE: I`m not talking about the comedies, I`m happy about the comedies.

B. DUNN: I know.


I believe the exchange is right at 2:10 for anyone that has not seen it..it's just odd..

YouTube - Sierra1947's Channel

She says it awkwardly, but it isn't that odd. She got cut off and then when Nancy wanted clarification, she simply repeated herself, clarifying nothing. It is my personal belief only, that she was saying that the whole family watched horror films (my daughter has pretty much always watched these movies, starting at sleepovers away from home. I was shocked that other parents allowed it, but so many did that it ended up not being worth fighting over).

She follows it up (or attempts to) by saying that the family has more comedy films than horror films, yet the media has seized on the horror films and made them a big deal because (owning and watching) comedies can't be looked down on (i.e. the MSM is making a huge deal out of them having horror movies, even though those movies are not the majority of the collection). Nancy just didn't "get it".

I believe she is saying that they do not have a vast collection of horror films, they have a variety of films, some of which are horror films, but the press is focusing only on the horror films, providing a slanted perspective. God forbid my child disappears, as SHE has a huge collection of slasher films that are integrated into the family DVD library.

Hm,she walked out of her own house? :) I wonder at what point she walked out,have to go back and look at it.

If I had to guess, I'd say it was while the "experts" were talking dismemberment, sulfuric acid, or any of the other lovely things they have speculated may have happened to her daughter, and it may have been too much for her to take.

I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but didn't the relationship between BD and SA start in 2008 -- around the same time her nursing license was revoked. I just wonder what was going on during that time that she would let something so important (her career) takes a nosedive.

Link to license revoke hearing:

The marriage to Clint split up just before she met Shawn. I imagine that having two households to support, instead of one, left everyone a little short of cash and they began falling behind on bills. When the check for her renewal fee bounced, the bank probably added an overdraft fee, and another charge would have been assessed by the licensing board.

A year later, when she was found to be practicing on an expired license, there would have been additional fines, and there was a charge of $1,200 for the hearing to have her license reinstated, which she failed to pay (or appear for). I think the licensing problem was due to financial hardship, which only increased as the cost to get her license back grew.
Shawn Adkins, the former boyfriend of Hailey's mother, and the only named suspect in the case, continues to be under surveillance by authorities.

Kampfer said Adkins' whereabouts are monitored constantly by law enforcement but would not elaborate on the surveillance methods. Adkins recently was staying with his grandmother, in the community of Dunn. However, [B]investigators believe he now may be staying in Big Spring with his mother.[/B] Kampfer emphasized that Adkins is not under arrest.


If they are "monitoring him constantly", how can they "believe" he is at his Mom's? Shouldn't they know exactly where he is? How can they monitor him constantly if they don't??? Inquiring minds want to know...:waitasec:
I'm really far behind in reading the threads and may have some of my info wrong, but I'm confused about who in the household had cell phones...I thought I read that at some point, BD had to leave her phone at home for the kids to use, then I read that a text was sent from HD's phone to her friend that said "WYD". Did HD have her own cell phone or did BD share her phone with the kids?

Then, on the last NG I watched, NG asked BD why she hadn't made more of an effort to get SA to talk. BD said she hadn't been able to talk to him because his relatives won't give him her phone calls. NG suggested she call him directly but BD said he didn't have a cell phone. Am I right to assume LE has both of their cell phones now?

And did BD ever say who she called at 6:20ish a.m. the day HD went missing? Sorry for all the ?s. I'm reading as fast as I can but jumped ahead.

Yes, BD shared her phone with the kids, leaving it for them to use when she worked.

Yes, LE has Billie's prepaid cell and Shawn's Blackberry. Billie has called her number to see if anyone was monitoring, but it goes right to voicemail.

I don't recall her saying, but if asked to guess, I'd say her ride.
One more thing...when BD was asked about HD telling a relative SA made her uncomfortable by standing outside her bedroom door at night, BD brushes it off and seems to not believe it. Then she says that HD usually slept on the couch and only started sleeping in her room about a week before she went missing.

Sounds odd for a teenage girl not to sleep in her bedroom in the first place, but if she did prefer to sleep on the couch, I wonder what made her suddenly start sleeping in her bedroom.

She got a TV
The person on NG who was talking about the phone pings did say Stark, as far as I can remember, but I also figured he mean Snyder...someone has the transcripts all posted...somewhere...:(

I think he meant Snyder also. However, there is a Stiles, Texas, that I believe is close to Big Spring.
Not necessarily. teens are complicated. She could have been frightened by him but also angry and upset. Yelling and screaming in his face WHILE AN ADULT WAS PRESENT just says to me that she was crying out for help.
And the only person that I have heard say she screamed at his face was BD.Did anyone else witness this that we know of:?

I'm just bouncing off your post-- I think it's possible that Hailey may have tried to tell her mom that SA was crossing the line, and she wasn't believed. This, unfortunately, happens all too often, and we have all witnessed BD defend SA in light of these even more dire accusations.

I think it's possible that Hailey was screaming in both of their faces, and threatening exposure of all sorts of things. I feel something went horribly wrong the Sunday night the three of them were home together. jmo
He can support Hailey without supporting BD. He's always said that parents of missing children should make sure they get themselves cleared ASAP so LE can begin investigating outsiders. BD hasn't been cleared yet so why is he still supporting her?

ETA: I feel that MK supporting BD and it being revealed that she was involved would hurt his credibility more than MK saying, "I want to find your daughter and you need to get yourself cleared before LE can move on in the investigation." It wouldn't be necessarily accusing BD of anything; it would just be firm advice from someone who's been in the same position.

I get the feeling that local LE doesn't particularly like Billie, and they're not real sympathetic with her plight, which COULD be making an impact on the other LE investigating the case. MK no doubt feels like Billie is getting a lot of bad press and he's trying to point out that LE needs to look at other possibilities rather than focusing on her and SA only. It may not be as cut and dried as the media seems to make it out to be. Sometimes when things look TOO obvious.... they're not.

It's not going to hurt his credibility to me one way or the other if he's wrong, he's human and humans misjudge sometimes. I'm just glad he's there to offer his support. If he's backing the wrong person, so be it.
I think the theory that there was an altercation between BD, SA, and Hailey and things got out of hand is pretty realistic. Say BD or SA told Hailey to do something, and in true teen girl fashion, Hailey backtalked one of them. Perhaps it was a bad day for that person, and the confrontation escalated into something violent, and Hailey ended up deceased.

Both SA and BD would need to be "looked at" because they both would have had some contributing action that resulted in Hailey's death.

I pray that is not the case, and Hailey just got fed up with her home life and went searching for something better.
This was posted a few pages back, and I should have "Thank"ed it then, but had not had a chance to look it over. This should be required reading. Some of this flies in the face of what is "common knowledge" about family involvement.


"In 53 % of the cases the victim and abductor were strangers. This relationship, where the murderer is a stranger to the victim, “defines” this particular type of murder. The data also suggest there may be a grater predisposition to serial offending among child abduction killers."
BD needs to ask herself why SA didn't tell her he walked out on his job that Monday. I think when he went to work he knew he was going to return to the house. It was planned that this was the day he was going to carry out whatever plan he concocted and I do believe it was sexual.

I believe he took HD from the house, either by force or coercion. If there was a struggle, he then returned to straighten up the house i.e., the deer in the headlights look when DD arrived home.

When he picks up BD from work, he then keeps her busy with the ATM withdrawals and whatever activities ensued. He told BD that Hailey was spending the night with MB because he knew BD trusted him.

He avoided and/or walked on two polys prior to failing the one poly and then he lawyered up.

Billie really needs to ask herself why SA has lied to her and what other lies can she remember? Once she goes there, it may all start to fall into place.

If this were a stranger abduction, I don't see the need for SA to lie. There is a reason he lied and there is a reason he lawyered up. ~All JMO~
Does anyone know where I can see redcat's pics from the vigil last night? tia
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