TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #40

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Now...the part in red above has always bothered me. Let me see if I have this straight. And please don't think I'm a bad mom. Billie had DD text the friend and tell Hailey it was time to come home. DD finds out that Hailey was never there. While I would be freaking out....and Billie may have done this for all I know- I would probably finish my shift - get home and then start phoning friends, looking and contacting everyone I knew - then I would go to the police. I would go to the police within an hour or 2, but did Billie look for her at all -- or just go to the police??? Like she knew Hailey wouldn't be found and was really missing right away......I don't know --- that has made me wonder.

Good point....my son was a little older than Hailey and was missing for about 10 hours before we contacted LE. Why? We kept thinking he would come home. We traced and re-traced every road out of town...spent several hours calling every friend we could think of. He had never been gone so long before...and he wasn't answering his cell phone. Still we waited to call LE because we just knew he was coming home....

but he didn't.

I also worked my son's case with LE...personally talking the cell company into giving me records they weren't supposed to give me, thereby finding a 2 minute phone call with a friend who had repeatedly denied speaking with him. It was our son's only outgoing phone call while missing. The friend was hours away on vacation with her parents....and only broke into a confession when LE told her they were sending over investigators to the resort where her family was staying. The resulting information didn't really break the case, but let us know that our was still alive hours after going missing.
The other day someone was posting about a couch in the back of a truck at the gma's house, and was looking for a photo of it....could anyone tell me if this photo was ever found? If this was discussed already, I apologize....thanks so much...I have been at work and when I left we were on thread 36 or 37

Hey cam, that was me. I did not have a link or all the details but redcat confirms the couches that were in the home when Hailey disappeared are gone.

from redcat:
You are correct....I believe someone gave them a newer sofa...the old ones were out in that broken down truck in the front yard...I would hope LE looked at them, but I believe they were hauled off to the dump.

No it's not a rumor. A friend of mine arranged to have them hauled off and the next day they were gone...they had been in the back of the truck for 2 days.

I really have a bad feeling about those couches.

1) Of course she's going to "lie" about buying drugs. First because of the legal issues, and second because she thought it didn't have anything to do with her missing kid.
2) "Shown more concern for SA..." I'm not seeing that. She seems to be pretty involved in trying to find out what happened to Hailey. Maybe this is in your opinion.
3) Innocent people lie to the police all the time, for lots of reasons. Innocent people have even confessed to murder.
4) "She lied about X, therefore she must be involved in the murder of her kid" is pretty tortured logic. Seriously, how many threads are there on WS where someone involved in a missing persons' case "lied" to the police about something and ended up having nothing to do with the crime?

I agree with you on #1. The affidavit said she bought drugs, so apparently she told LE that, therefore, I don't give a rat's behind what she tells NG.

#2. It is DEFINITELY my opinion she has shown more concern about Shawn.

#3. Innocent people also tell the truth to LE all the time. In this forum, for every case you find like this one, where the parent(s) and/or SO's of parent(s) have been scrutinized to the degree BD and SA have, you will find at least 5 cases where the same group of people appear to have been barely looked at. IMO, there is a reason for that.

#4. I am still at the stage where I don't think BD was involved, but it's getting more difficult to justify it. I agree someone lying about one thing doesn't make them a murderer, however, if someone lies enough, and lies about stuff they shouldn't be lying about, IMO, that looks suspicious.

I care about what has happened to this child, so I want to know why things are playing out as they have. I want to know why Billie would lie to LE about Shawn threatening anyone, and downplay it, when Shawn was the last to see Hailey, according to Shawn, and if I want to know that, I can't understand why Hailey's mother would not want to know why Shawn lied about where he was during crucial times when Hailey went missing enough to even ask him.
Where did the SM (CD's GF) not remembering come from? I have yet to see an article about it, maybe I'm missing it. If any one has a link could you post it pretty pleaseeeeeeeee? TIA

I searched some more, and in addition to czgtz's post that [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6047463&postcount=25"]I referred to earlier[/ame], there's also mention of it on NG:


GRACE: And Jean Casarez, that`s not all because the girlfriend, when originally asked, Clint Dunn`s girlfriend, Has Hailey been over there, she originally said, Yes, she came over. And then, I don`t know how much time passed, a couple of days, she goes, Oh, no, I was mistaken. She wasn`t here.
In the affidavit -- it states they removed evidence:

1) a 2 GB USB memory stick found in BD's bedroom dresser (Bottom right hand drawer) and
2) a Memorex CD-R found in BD's bedroom on an entertainment stand "behind" numerous DVD's movies. I'd love to know if they found any "evidence" on those... Have we heard anything more about this "evidence" taken?

I don't know what might or might not have been found on these, but if the implication is that they were "hidden" - then perhaps LE would like to come over and find my 2gb flash drive (I've got no clue where that is) or sort out the dozens of piles of CDs/DVDs that are sitting around here. :)
How sad. I just read on fb on HFHD that one of the Hailey Angels searchers passed away today. God bless this woman and her family. :(
Hey cam, that was me. I did not have a link or all the details but redcat confirms the couches that were in the home when Hailey disappeared are gone.

from redcat:
You are correct....I believe someone gave them a newer sofa...the old ones were out in that broken down truck in the front yard...I would hope LE looked at them, but I believe they were hauled off to the dump.

No it's not a rumor. A friend of mine arranged to have them hauled off and the next day they were gone...they had been in the back of the truck for 2 days.

I really have a bad feeling about those couches.

Thanks so much for the response! I pray that LE are looking at those couches....maybe this is what the dogs hit on at the dump? Maybe BD was taken there to verify the couches?? just guessing here....this case is really something.....
Compare BD to little Juliani Cardenas' mother:::Tabitha moves between extreme grief to anger to a "quiet anger."

Now compare BD to ...say...Scott Peterson. Casey Anthony (who, yes, I know, is not convicted of anything). Lies. Dab dab with the tissue though no real emotion is ever shown.....

Juliani's mother knows who has her son and who to direct her anger and grief towards. IMO it is very different
I just hope that LE has not made a hash of this case. I hope they have more than SA not saying he was in CC when he apparently was. I'm not sure what else they have at this point, evidence-wise, I know the affadavit indicated that he said to look at he and Billie, and he suggested a place she might be, but none of that means much. We may be dealing with two "junkies" here, and their words may have very little necessary truth in them. I am getting serious flashbacks to Misty, Tommy and crew (I DO think they know what happened to Haleigh C.) While I think SA is a good suspect, I don't think LE ever intended to name him as such, and it slipped out from the city manager.

And honestly, I don't think Billie knows where Hailey is, but I think she is reviewing things in her brain even as she speaks and maybe putting some things together. She needs to tell LE or if she does not trust them, tell MK, if she has in fact been holding back. Mark would surely take her call and get the necessary info through the channels.
Not really. IMO Billie knows what happened to her daughter and at the hands of whom :(

I wouldnt rule out Hailey taking some of the drugs they bought that night and overdosing and SA cleaning up the mess. Maybe thats why BD defends him so much.Because he didnt directly murder her. jmo
When you tell the truth you don't have to *remember*!!!

If she was high on 'narcotics' the night Hailey was supposed to be at MB's there's a good chance she doesn't *remember* much..After she hears about Hailey later that next am is it possible her brain simply turns to mush & has been in that state ever since? I can't rule that out when I take into consideration what I believe to be her 'normal' mindset.
As I said..we can agree to disagree..and I do disagree with your whole post..we see things differently and that's fine by me. I'm not trying to change your mind in any way...but let me say, I do know extreme stress and what it can do..I've experienced it firsthand in my life, many times..I walked into my baby son's room one morning in 1974 and found him in his crib having died in the wee hours of the morning of SIDS. He was one week shy of 11 months old and I was only 17..Guess what? I did not lie about anything..WHY you ask? because my son was dead and NOTHING ELSE MATTERED..so call me jaded..but I will not find some way to justify or make excuses for every stupid thing BD has said or done. I won't do it..you go right ahead if you are so inclined..Unlike BD, I want to know where Hailey is...

Report: Hailey Suspect May Now Be in Big Spring


So officials "feel" he may have gone to another house. How hard is it to watch ONE house to make sure they know where he is?? Really wondering about LE there.

If LE is targeting the right suspect and SA has done something to Hailey, where do you think he took her? What areas are known to him, in your opinion?
I wouldnt rule out Hailey taking some of the drugs they bought that night and overdosing and SA cleaning up the mess. Maybe thats why BD defends him so much.Because he didnt directly murder her. jmo

That may be BUT why have this man in the house after he had threatened her, and her young daughter obviously had issues with him. And yes..i know Billie would deny that too but she cant deny that once Shawn moved in Hailey barely seemed to live with her mother.
So all she has to say is NG I've been advised not to talk about those details at this time.

Yes, like many innocent people do. Look at Kaine and Desiree when they were being interviewed. When they couldn't discuss details, they had no problem saying it.
That may be BUT why have this man in the house after he had threatened her, and her young daughter obviously had issues with him. And yes..i know Billie would deny that too but she cant deny that once Shawn moved in Hailey barely seemed to live with her mother.

Love does stupid things. :( Codependant? Needy? IDK
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