TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #41

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Posted previously by another WSer
Sulfuric acid weighs ~15 pounds per gallon; heavy compared to water, which is about 9 (sorry Europe). If it was available to SA, it would have been in 55 gallon drums, and he would have required the entire drum to submerge a body. Even then, it would take weeks to fully dissolve and would leave behind a gooey residue. It seems unlikely that Shawn could have gone to work and removed a barrel whose contents alone weighed over 800 pounds, not to mention doing so without anyone noticing.

Nancy is where a lot of rumors start.

Yeah, I never bought into the "using acid to dissolve a body" theory. Using it to clean up evidence, maybe - or to manufacture drugs - but the quantity needed to get rid of HD - no way.
You know that Christmas photo of SA, BD, and Hailey? It bothers me that BD looks so removed from Hailey, like she doesn't even want to touch her. It sticks in my mind making me wonder if there was an argument between them.

Look at both pictures the one of HD, BD and SA...and then the one of HD, DD, BD and SA..BD has her hand on DD...That stood out at me big time. JMO
I love your made up words...you always crack me up...LOL

I just try to ask this question every thread......

Why don't they call in Texas Equusearch??????

I just went to their website (texasequusearch.org) and they do have a picture of Hailey in her cheerleader uniform. The blurb says that there is no report of the clothes that she was wearing when she went missing. There is also a link to her missing poster.

I was very impressed with the fact that this year (2010??) that they had...

1. "recovered 118 victims"

2. "brought 300 people home alive"

This information alone sounds like a great track record. WHY NOT CALL TES?


Family has contacted TES and TES has been in contact with LE.

TES works in concert with LE and LE has asked TES to remain in stand-by mode for now.

WHY? Only LE can answer that.
Quoting myself here... but if they ARE following some out-of-state leads, I believe IF Hailey is out-of-state then she may be alive. I just don't think someone would go to another state to hide her body when Texas is like...um... pretty big, kwim?

If there is anything to this lead, it pretty much rules out both Shawn and Billie... wouldn't you agree?
Maybe because all families do have a skeleton... even a distant cousin KWIM?
We can sleuth and find something about anyone or someONE in their family.

I was thinking about Haleigh C., Zahra, Skelton boys, Hassani, etc. even Kyron...all had major family issues going on and poof, the child is gone.
keep in mind... cz kept giving 'hints' go back to the beginning... look there...


Ultimately, I took cz's hint to go back to the beginning to mean: go back to my first post and look again at the "gray" areas.

At any rate, re-reading her posts now is a very interesting thing to do if you haven't done so recently.
If Billie and Shawn are in this together, why not stick together? Why not cover for each other? Support each other? Why doesn't Billie follow Shawn's lead and lawyer up? Why not just get married and lock everyone out?
If there is anything to this lead, it pretty much rules out both Shawn and Billie... wouldn't you agree?

Maybe, but not necessarily: SA could have returned home to get Hailey and then passed her off to someone else. MOO.
We've seen two versions of that Christmas picture of the three of them: in one Hailey is smiling and BD is not, and in the other BD is smiling and Hailey is not. Could be coincidental, though.

I agree. If we didn't know what we know about this family, then we might not find anything unusual about these photos. However, given what we do know, I think it's easier to analyze and to have negative thoughts about what would appear to be a dysfunctional household.
I was thinking about Haleigh C., Zahra, Skelton boys, Hassani, etc. even Kyron...all had major family issues going on and poof, the child is gone.

Everyone has major family issues going on at one time or another.
If Billie and Shawn are in this together, why not stick together? Why not cover for each other? Support each other? Why doesn't Billie follow Shawn's lead and lawyer up? Why not just get married and lock everyone out?

They can't get married since BD is not divorced yet....
I would like to know if BD always left her cell phone at home for the kids to use or if it was the day Hailey went missing and the day after only. I think DD would know.
Does anybody think that whatever SA/BD did to HD, that they somehow were going to get money for it? Does that make sense?? Like making a movie of the deed?? Reason I am asking is, that would explain on some level why SA quit his job. He knew he would getting a large sum of money.

MOO/JMO/ and all that stuff.
It's MOST interesting to ME that up until January 3, she was being reported as missing around 1pm when she was walking to a friend's house. And then on January 3, the story changes to 3:15 AND she was going to stop by her dad's first before going to the friends.
Does anyone know how long SA was employed with the latest company he was working for?
It's MOST interesting to ME that up until January 3, she was being reported as missing around 1pm when she was walking to a friend's house. And then on January 3, the story changes to 3:15 AND she was going to stop by her dad's first before going to the friends.

That had to have been a mistake. She was discovered missing around 1pm Tuesday, but left the house (per SA) at 3:15 the day before. He claims he got to the house around 3pm, which is supported by the pings. Hailey didn't like him much, so she high-tailed it out of there shortly after he arrived to visit with Baby C until it was time to go to MBs (or wherever she was headed).

My guess would be SA uses his money to buy masks and knives. The only thing I remember about SA giving money was when BD said something about Hailey being able to ask him for ten dollars once they started getting along.

I have heard reports of perverts using the offer of money to keep a child from telling what they do to them. They pick a kid who has very little money but really needs it. The guilt feelings of having accepted money for sex keep the child from telling.

I wonder if SA ever replied " what are you going to do for me?" when Hailey asked for $10.00.
That had to have been a mistake. She was discovered missing around 1pm Tuesday, but left the house (per SA) at 3:15 the day before. He claims he got to the house around 3pm, which is supported by the pings. Hailey didn't like him much, so she high-tailed it out of there shortly after he arrived to visit with Baby C until it was time to go to MBs (or wherever she was headed).


Mistake or changed story? All of the local papers and stations were reporting the 1pm as the time she went missing. It was not just one source. I think it's fairly obvious the story changed.
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