TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #47

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Just for clarification....


A lie (also called prevarication, falsehood) is a known untruth expressed as truth.

A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others, often with the further intention to maintain a secret or reputation, protect someone's feelings or to avoid a punishment or repercussion for one's actions. To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth. A liar is a person who is lying, who has previously lied, or who tends by nature to lie repeatedly - even when not necessary.



Synonyms for Inconsistent and Forthcoming (could not find anything for Not Forthcoming)

inconsistent (vs. consistent)
at odds(predicate), conflicting, contradictory, self-contradictory, discrepant, incompatible, spotty, uneven, scratchy, unconfirmable, unreconciled

irreconcilable (vs. reconcilable), unreconcilable

discrepant, inconsistent
incongruous (vs. congruous)

Please add *NOT* in front of each synonym~

forthcoming (adj.)

accommodating, approaching, coming, complaisant, cooking, cooperative, expected, extroverted, helpful, imminent, impending, in progress, lenient, obliging, outgoing, over-obliging, ready to help, upcoming, willing, willing to help

IMHO Billie Dunn as well as Shawn Adkins are LIARS..................................

Thank you for this Pondering! Now when we look at the affidavit it clearly says that deception was indicated. Deception is deceit, deceit is a lie. Since it was LE that wanted the polygraph to be done on BD and it was questions that LE wanted answered then we can clearly see that BD did in fact lie to LE.

The following is the part of the affidavit that deals with BDs polygraph:

During the investigation into the disappearance/kidnapping of Hailey Dunn, Billie Dunn has been interviewed numerous times by investigators and Dunn has volunteered to a polygraph examination on two occasions. On the first attempt to conduct the polygraph examination Dunn was found to be under the influence of narcotics and was prohibited from taking the examination. On the second attempt to conduct a polygraph examination of Dunn, she did submit to the polygraph and the results of the examination was deception indicated, meaning that Adkins (should read Dunn ~ inserted by me) failed the polygraph examination on the relevant questions of participation in the disappearance of Hailey Dunn. Following the polygraph examination Dunn was given an opportunity to explain her results of the polygraph examination and Dunn could not explain why she failed the polygraph examination. Dunn ended the interview by walking out of the interview.


Thank you to my tee mouse and everyoneneedsavoice for linking the page for the affidavit in thread 46.

Kampfer stated investigators haven’t been able to corroborate any witnesses seeing Hailey on December 27, the day she supposedly disappeared while on the way to spend the night with a friend.

“Taking the electronic data and mixing it in, the time tables don’t match up,” he said.
Yep, and I believe that is why the probable cause statement in the affadavit states, almost emphatically if you read between the lines, that no witnesses "saw Hailey Dunn walking on the date she is believed to have left her residence".

No, I pulled a Teh and went :thud:

Move over just a wee bit, Kimster, and I will join you.

This woman, this mother of of a missing child, just makes some of the most unbelievable statements.

It is really hard to not say what I really want to say, so I will just :thud: and keep the rest of my comments :censored: .
In regards to BD getting some sleep... does anyone really think a human body can not sleep for basically a month... the body gives in... she never said she slept safe and sound ... but to deny or bash the woman for sleep is a little harsh..

I have insomnia and can NOT sleep but when my body wears out.. i sleep for almost 18 hours. Sleep depervation is dangerous... Billy has to keep herself strong and eating, fluids and sleep is Natural things the body needs...

On a plus note I hope and pray that the NON information coming out only means that they have strong evidence and connecting the dots and not releasing any info that will give the defense attorney for SA a heads up... hope the lack of information released at this time means closer to an arrest soon.

Please dont bash me for thinking that waking up in the morning and getting SOME sleep is normal... do we know that she doesnt wake up in middle of night with panic, do we know that nightmares are or may be a constant, do we know if she gets 3 hours sleep vs 8 hours sleep, do we know if Dr. Prescibed Ambien so she can sleep. (very common in cased that are about to drive a person into a horrible state of mind.. or do we need to we need to see a script for that also. Do we really need to dwell on sleep patterns...

just a little irritated.. no sleep for first few days.. but a body isnt made to get no sleep for days on end.. in fact it causes hallucinations.


In fact sleep deprevation is considered a inhume torchure technique... do we really want that for BD...

question and doubt her all we want but to treat her as if she has no care for the situation by sleeping.. it is harsh not to mention just plain cruel to state that in regards to her...
Does BD live in a duplex? Do we know if anyone lives in the house next door, that shares a wall with BDs home? If someone does I really hope that LE has spoken to them to see if there were any fights or yelling that they could hear on the Sunday after Christmas.
Since my focus in education and work is in psychology/human behavior and psychiatric issues, I find all of this interesting.
I read the affidavits about the ATM withdrawals and the purchasing of legend (prescription) drugs without a prescription.
I believe I read that they included benzodiazepams.
Is that correct?
If so, then one or both of them were already treating anxiety for some reason.
Self-medicating is common. It's why people smoke, drink, gamble, overindulge in food and many other things.
Yet we have the disclosure of SA's prescription for another benzo (Clonazepam) within the 911 calls of last February.
Is there an actual naming of the drugs they bought in the affidavit?
No, the affadavit states BD admitted the money "was used to purchase illegal narcotics from a person in Scurry County, Texas", and that the drugs were for herself and SA.

The affadavit also states that she was under the influence of narcotics when she appeared to take a polygraph. On NG, I believe she identified the drug as Ativan. There was also mention of taking pain meds and antibiotics for a dental problem, but I'm honestly not too clear about that part of the story.
Does BD live in a duplex? Do we know if anyone lives in the houe next door, that shares a wall with BDs home? If someone does I really hope that LE has spoken to them to see if there were any fights or yelling that they could hear on the Sunday after Christmas.
Nope, single family dwelling. If the fighting was loud enough, neighbors might've heard as the houses are not that far apart.
No, the affadavit states BD admitted the money "was used to purchase illegal narcotics from a person in Scurry County, Texas", and that the drugs were for herself and SA.

The affadavit also states that she was under the influence of narcotics when she appeared to take a polygraph. On NG, I believe she identified the drug as Ativan. There was also mention of taking pain meds and antibiotics for a dental problem, but I'm honestly not too clear about that part of the story.

Hi Bessie. Per the bolded part in your post.........BD said that she was taking pain meds and antibiotics for a bad tooth when she took the second polygraph. It sounded like an excuse for her failing it. BD also claimed that she had just learned before taking her polygraph that SA had failed his so she was upset and stressed because of that. Also sounds like another excuse for failing hers. I believe that she covered both of those in a NG interview as well.
Since my focus in education and work is in psychology/human behavior and psychiatric issues, I find all of this interesting.
I read the affidavits about the ATM withdrawals and the purchasing of legend (prescription) drugs without a prescription.
I believe I read that they included benzodiazepams.
Is that correct?
If so, then one or both of them were already treating anxiety for some reason.
Self-medicating is common. It's why people smoke, drink, gamble, overindulge in food and many other things.
Yet we have the disclosure of SA's prescription for another benzo (Clonazepam) within the 911 calls of last February.
Is there an actual naming of the drugs they bought in the affidavit?

I am soooo with you on this! My very first post on this thread in the beginning was that she appeared to be under the influence of Benzo's then she later said on NG that she is on pain pills, he is on Klonopin ..then later on the 911 calls we heard him say she od'd on his klonopin (which I don't believe for a second). I think the woman may have a pill problem and her "lies" are simply poor memory, her "lack of emotion" simply numbness from self medicating. And IMO at this point, if she had an addiction issue before her child went missing it's likely gotten worse since due to feelings of self preservation. People trashing her and pointing fingers where even LE has not felt the need to point any cannot be helping matters in that area. IMO she was clearly honest with LE about buying the drugs when she could have (and many others would have) lied about what she did with the money... perhaps she just doesn't feel she needs to share her drug issues with every member of NG's television audience. She told the people who NEEDED to know (LE) and I for one am proud of her for doing so!

I am a recovering drug addict and I'll be straight up, if my child went missing I think the second thing I would probably do after going to LE is go hunting me some Klonopin. (I pray to G0d I wouldn't but my point is I totally get it if she is) I cannot imagine what Billie must be going through. Do I wish she had her priorities in order? Of course! Do I wish she'd quit using? Of course! But this is addiction we are talking about and addiction doesn't work on logic! What this woman needs right now is support and she's got mine!! I'm glad to read she has yours too :blowkiss:

So we see that she talks with Shawn.. I certainly wish we could have her back on NG and nail down an answer from Billie about "what does Shawn say why he went to work..10 mins later walked directly past his supervisor and left..Previously said he went STRAIGHT TO BIGSPRING..Tho we now know he went straight back to 1804 Chestnut where Hailey was home alone sleeping.. WHAT IS HIS REASON FOR THIS AND WHY DID HE LIE TO YOU..TO EVERYONE..ESPECIALLY TO LE..WHY?"

I mean she has stated several times that she hadn't gotten a chance to ask Shawn about these specific VERY IMPORTANT THINGS.. CERTAINLY SHE HAS ASKED HIM NOW..

She states that he is not reclusive and withdrawn..not NOT wanting to talk..infact wanting to talk to her..and telling her he loves her..So surely she now has those answers to those million dollar questions that we all have been dying to know..

Seems as tho now she should have the answers..right?
Nope, single family dwelling. If the fighting was loud enough, neighbors might've heard as the houses are not that far apart.

Thanks Bessie. For some reason it looked to me like a duplex when I first saw video of BDs home. After looking at it several times I see that what I thought was another door at the front of the house is a window.
No, the affadavit states BD admitted the money "was used to purchase illegal narcotics from a person in Scurry County, Texas", and that the drugs were for herself and SA.

The affadavit also states that she was under the influence of narcotics when she appeared to take a polygraph. On NG, I believe she identified the drug as Ativan. There was also mention of taking pain meds and antibiotics for a dental problem, but I'm honestly not too clear about that part of the story.

Ativan is a very powerful anti-anxiety medication. I don't quite understand its recent rise in popularity as a recreational drug, something like the barbituate phase in the early '70's?

On the 'dental' medications, does anyone know for sure if there were actual verified dental issues, as in TREATED by a dentist dental problems? I sure wouldn't assume NOT, but at the same time, almost every drug user I worked with claimed dental problems as a justification. One was a corporate comptroller who not only had a drug addiction supported by her dentist, but was hauled into court to testify at the trial of said dentist when he was busted for supplying drugs to addicts.

ETA: I believe the NARCOTICS would be a separate thing. I'm guessing she was not administered the first poly due to a narcotic drug showing up on a drug test, something maybe like Oxycodone. The second time she showed for a poly, since she was actually administered the test, she probably did NOT have narcotics in her system, but may have taken the second poly while under the influence of Ativan (an anti-anxiety med) and antibiotics, but still failed (showed deception). Some people believe they can 'beat' a poly using anti-anxiety meds. This could also account for her 'flat' emotionless effect. All just questions, moo.

ETA to the ETA: Nevermind. I have no clue when she was taking what. I do not believe Ativan is a narcotic, though. The affadavit, a legal document, says narcotic, but on NG, BD said Ativan? I'm inclined to believe the pain med for 'dental' was a narcotic, especially if accompanied by antibiotic. I've NEVER heard of Ativan being prescribed for pain. Never. Oxycodone, plenty.
Since my focus in education and work is in psychology/human behavior and psychiatric issues, I find all of this interesting.
I read the affidavits about the ATM withdrawals and the purchasing of legend (prescription) drugs without a prescription.
I believe I read that they included benzodiazepams.
Is that correct?
If so, then one or both of them were already treating anxiety for some reason.
Self-medicating is common. It's why people smoke, drink, gamble, overindulge in food and many other things.
Yet we have the disclosure of SA's prescription for another benzo (Clonazepam) within the 911 calls of last February.
Is there an actual naming of the drugs they bought in the affidavit?

No. All it says in the affadavits is that BD admitted the money was used to purchase illegal drugs from someone in Scurry County.

The attachment "Affidavits" is located in the bottom right hand corner of this link.

It's been awhile since I've posted, but I've been following along. The only timeline that makes any sense to me is BeanE's because it's straightforward. On December 26th, Sunday night at 9:00pm it states DD sees HD playing video games. It is considered to be the "last reliable sign of life from Hailey." If I just consider that one statement alone, the window between 9:00pm Sunday night and 6:00am Monday morning seems more suspect IMO.

1. What happened Sunday night after DD left?

2. Why did SA leave 30 minutes before BD to go to work for only 10 minutes and leave? Why did he go back to BD's house in Colorado City for such a short amount of time?

3. Why is BD unsure if it's really HD? Why would she have to touch her to be sure? Did this really happen? Who does BD call for the last time at 6:20am before leaving for work with a co-worker?

4. Why are none of the HD "sightings" validated?

5. Why are all of the times of the sightings of HD and the comings and goings of SA and BD changing?

6. Why was SA locked in BD's house at 4:00pm Monday, December 27th not answering DD's knocks? Why the shock at seeing DD? What did DD do next?

7. Why did BD leave work early? Why did SA walk off his job that morning?

8. Why buy drugs?

9. Why not call HD?

10. Why check on HD at 12:00pm, Tuesday December 28th? Why now after not seeing her since Sunday night, December 26th?

I think the point I'm trying to make is that the word "reliable" from BeanE's timeline is very important, at least to me. IMO, nothing has made any sense in this case after DD walked out the door Sunday night, December 26th. I understand HD was with CD Saturday, December 25th. HD was with him the night of December 25th. I know HD went to BD's house sometime on Sunday, December 26th. I believe DD saw HD at 9:00pm Sunday night. I believe DD came back at 4:00pm Monday, December 27th and saw SA under strange circumstances. I believe that DD left and stayed at friends until an unknown time after BD reported HD missing. IMO and JMO, the timeline shows that from 9:00pm Sunday, December 26th after DD left, no one verified has seen HD alive. Sunday night from 9:00pm until Monday morning at 9:30am (according to cell phone pings) was a window. Monday afternoon from 3:00pm until 5:00pm was a window (according to cell phone pings) although interrupted by DD at 4:00pm. Monday afternoon from 5:45pm until Tuesday afternoon at 1:00pm was a window. The question I have is what happened during those windows. IMO, the windows of time are so vast that the answer unfortunately is--anything the perpetrator wanted-approximately 30 hours of unaccounted for time near or around BD's home. Obviously the window increases once HD leaves or is removed from BD's home. Again, only my opinion.
Beau Berman: Do you ever just stop and look at her pictures as you walk through the house?

Billie Jean Dunn: "Sometimes I stare at them all day long and other times I can't look at them at all."

huh? What mother of a missing child CAN'T LOOK AT HER PICTURE?

Beau Berman: Do you ever think back to December 27th and kind of retrace through your mind and just think "what if"?

Billie Jean Dunn: "Yeah, all the time. I wish I wouldn't have gone to work that day. I wish I would have called her that night".

How would her not going to work that day have changed anything? Hailey would have just told BD herself that she was going to dad's and then MB's. I don't get this statement at all.


I haven't read all of the threads, so I'm not posting much and may just be rehashing things; but I've thought "couldn't they (BD & SA) have crossed paths on her way to work and him on his way back?"...since they both work in Synder. Is 84 a two lane hwy? Anyone have a updated map link? TIA
Oh my. I've just been readiing at eMedicineHealth.com at the section on benzodiazepam abuse. Ativan, Zanax, Lorazepam, and Valium are all in this category. Among the legitimate medical uses, aside from the common anxiety-relief, is to produce amnesia for medical procedures. No kidding. So this class of drug impairs memory. !

Among its common ILLEGAL uses is abuse as a date-rape drug. eMedicineHealth says it is a flavorless powder and easy to conceal in common beverages and renders a person ineffective in resisting a sexual assault. It is particularly common to mix it with alcohol, but is also mixed with soft drinks, fruit juices, coolade, etc.

I do remember when reading about the murder cases BD copied and read that my heart skipped several beats when I read the name Karla Homolka. What a terrifying case, with a hellish sexual twist. I cannot even restate the basics here, it is too awful to recount. How many of the "cases" copied and 'studied' by BD and SA had sexual overtones to them? I am afraid to ask.
From the timeline link posted below:

Time undetermined — Billie Jean Dunn "peeks in" on her daughter and believes she's in her bed, she tells the Reporter-News on Wednesday. She then rides with Adkins to their jobs in Snyder


Since we have heard that BD was taken to work on Monday, I don't know what to think of this timeline. But there it is.

Where did we get that BD rode to work with a friend Monday morning? Because if it's not from LE.........maybe they did ride together? Maybe she didn't leave as early as we think and that's why he pings back in CCity, he came back to get her?

Here you go, teh...

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6003970&postcount=505"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #18[/ame]

Originally Posted by yllek

Yes, I think it's an important question. Whoever drove her to work knows how she was acting the last time she left the house when Hailey was still in it (or had been in it as recently as the night before).

Posted by czgtz:
A coworker drove her to work.
Since the affidavits state "illegal narcotics", they have to be one or more of the following:
Codeine, Duramorph (morphine), Hycodan (hydrocodone), Lortab, Vicodin, OxyContin, Percolone, Endocet, Percocet, Percodan, Narcan, Trexan, buprenorphine (Buprenex), Stadol, fentanyl, meperidine (Demerol), methadone or Talwin.
Just thinking out loud.
Pretty heavyduty meds for recreational use.
Seems like self-medicating to me.
What are the underlying psychological triggers for this need?
Everyone that abuses drugs has their own reasons.
I am interested in what the reasons SA and BD had.
In other words, why did they need to stay sedated?
Was it something they were involved in that led them to need the relief?
I have no idea.
Beau Berman: How frustrating was it to be a mom and your daughter's missing but also to hear those questions?

Billie Jean Dunn: "On top of Hailey missing have people saying horrible things and making horrible accusations and after I get Hailey home I'll deal with the slander and the defamation of character. I definitely will".


That would be the furthest thing from my mind... I would be saying, 'after I get Hailey back I'll get down on my knees every day for the rest of my life and thank God that I have a living, breathing daughter back home, back in my arms. I don't care about anything else but getting her back. Slander me, call me names, just get my daughter home.'
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