TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #49

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If my slasher film and horror mask aficiando live-in lover EVER called my missing 13 year old daughter promiscuous (and she was not) during his police interview, and then added that the cops should be looking at him and me for answers to my daughter's disappearance, you can trust that I would NEVER be defending him to anyone...unless, unless...
If my slasher film and horror mask aficiando live-in lover EVER called my missing 13 year old daughter promiscuous (and she was not) during his police interview, and then added that the cops should be looking at him and me for answers to my daughter's disappearance, you can trust that I would NEVER be defending him to anyone...unless, unless...
Yepper, and he would be speaking soprano rather than alto.
If my slasher film and horror mask aficiando live-in lover EVER called my missing 13 year old daughter promiscuous (and she was not) during his police interview, and then added that the cops should be looking at him and me for answers to my daughter's disappearance, you can trust that I would NEVER be defending him to anyone...unless, unless...

unless he just cleaned a mess after me.
The hair dresser's client supposedly has Alzheimer's (as per Billie to our WS poster).

IMO, doesn't make it so.

None of my Alzheimer's patients (even those in early stages) walk or drive to appointments unaccompanied. It's unsafe. They also often have trouble with financial transactions and need assistance. Unless this supposed client was a family member living in the home or someone that the hairdresser accompanied to and fro (which renders it a useless verification anyway), it doesn't make sense. In any case, I think there is good reason for LE to rule out this alleged 12/27 sighting. Not buying it...
Could it be that Hailey NEVER left the house so that is why the sneakers were there but she was wearing socks while at home. Maybe she met her demise in the house in sock feet? However I dont know why the socks would be found off her feet if infact the socks are related to the case.

Oh dear, you're right, it could've gone down that way. Then, I don't like to think of these socks being found with some hair. How much hair?
We don't know much about the hair, right? No pics, no details...
According to this article, BD was interviewed by CBS 7 in the AFTERNOON and said that SA was with authorities taking the polygraph. Hailey's uncle said he was polygraphed also and thought BD took the poly that NIGHT too. So when was there time for BD to kick SA out and have a 10 hour interview with LE after her own polygraph? I apologize if this has already been explained but I'm confused.


Well, as always there are conflicts in what Billie says, but overall, to me, it sounds like he was already gone, and she just told him not to come back.

GRACE: What about Chad Adkins, the boyfriend?

DUNN: Shawn? I don`t know how long he was talked to afterward, I don`t think long before he went over to his grandma`s. His aunt came and picked him up.

GRACE: Did the police —

DUNN: I do know he went back down there today.

GRACE: For what?

DUNN: I don`t know. To talk to investigators some more. I don`t know how long he was there or anything.


GRACE: Let me ask you this, Billie Dunn. Where is your boyfriend?

BILLIE DUNN: He went back to his grandma`s house.


BILLIE DUNN: As soon as I found out he failed the test, I told him I didn`t want him back at my house. And now I don`t know what to think anymore. I would just rather he stay there until she comes home or they find her and we clear this up.

GRACE: What was his response when you told him to get out?

BILLIE DUNN: He was very tearful, very tearful, and he said he would go.
Hi Alll,

It appears there is nothing new about HD and we are still talking about BD. I really don't think BD knows anything about her disappearance but that is JMO. About the press conf. I think it would be OK but some of it will still be misconstrued or cut during editing or some such, imo. I read one poster here mention about her telling what she knows (timeline,ect) by writing her own blog. This sounds like an excellant idea to me. No one can cut out anything she says and a lot of ppl. will be directed to it just by googling her name. Maybe if some can start to see her as areal human being who makes mistakes and bad judgement calls if we see her own words and voice her love for her daughter. I don't know. There are some that are not going to change their mind about her being guilty no matter what she does. I really feel for her as to me it seems like no matter what she does it is wrong in someones view,all jmo.

On another note, BD seems like she was/is very trusting of her kids and trys to be a friend as well as a parent. Sometimes this works and sometimes not. I have been thinking back to the beginning and iirc MB's mother stated that HD had never spent the night at their home w/ MB and that MB had only spent the night at HD,s one time and she found out they were walking the streets late at night; so she was not allowed to spend the night any more after that. However, HD was spending the nights (on those occasions) somewhere. So if not at MB's there has to be somewhere else she liked to go and other friends who went w/ her. I am wondering if she did have a BF that no one knew about or another really good friend that she could hang out at. Is there someone in the area that "everyone likes to meet up at" that kind of thing. I am not saying in anyway that HD was out doing anything terribly wrong just that she had to be somewhere the nights she was not home and MB,s mom states she was not there overnight so where was she? IMO MB's mom sounded a little hostile toward BD when it was said that she was at her house overnight,but I could just be reading her wrong. I know BD should have checked on her wherabouts immediately but she didn't and we can't go back and get a do over here so we have got to look forward and see what can be found out about her friends, what they all enjoying doing, what they would normally do in their free time, where they like to hang out, ect. imo. Maybe this would give us aplace to start. I know we can't sleuth minors but can we ask ? such as I have listed above? JW and all of this is JMO. I hope it makes some sense as I am not the best in trying to get what is in my brain to my fingertips and on to this computer..lol. Anyway I hope she is found soon.

All arrows keep pointing back to house and the people in it on Sunday, 12/26 p.m., imo. On Monday, Hailey was not seen walking with a child at the same time she was not seen on the phone by the shed, and she was not seen with MB and another boy walking that night (MB's alibi for that night likely checked out immediately, imo). Didn't happen, imo... She was last seen at home by SA and BD after DD left the house on 12/26 around 9 p.m. What happened next? Keep wanting it to be that she was causing problems in the "awesome" relationship, removed from the house and taken elsewhere (probably by force and hopefully alive), but it just seems more likely as the days pass that something worse happened. Tears...
I was just watching Nancy Grace, and she was covering the Elizabeth Ennen case. (15 yr old girl in Lubbock TX, killed by the father of children she babysat.) At the start of the show, NG announced the 'bombshell' that this case COULD be related to Hailey's, but did not elaborate on that comment.

Has anyone heard of any connection between the two cases??
I was just watching Nancy Grace, and she was covering the Elizabeth Ennen case. (15 yr old girl in Lubbock TX, killed by the father of children she babysat.) At the start of the show, NG announced the 'bombshell' that this case COULD be related to Hailey's, but did not elaborate on that comment.

Has anyone heard of any connection between the two cases??

It was ruled out that there were no connections.
IMO, there's no "boyfriend."

As a matter-of-fact, didn't Billie state recently that Hailey would rather kick a boy than kiss him?

How long was it stated Hailey stayed with CD and his girlfriend before she went to visit BD on Christmas day?
IMO, there's no "boyfriend."

As a matter-of-fact, didn't Billie state recently that Hailey would rather kick a boy than kiss him?

Yes she did say that. but she also said that she had just learned that she did have a boyfriend about 3 weeks before she went missing but that was over. But it seems we pick and choose what we want to beleive when it comes to anything BD has said. But even if she did not have a bf maybe she had an older gf that she looked up to or something and hung out with. I am just saying this was not the only night that HD had stayed overnight somewhere and if it was not at MB's then where? She had to be somewhere....imo.

All arrows keep pointing back to house and the people in it on Sunday, 12/26 p.m., imo. On Monday, Hailey was not seen walking with a child at the same time she was not seen on the phone by the shed, and she was not seen with MB and another boy walking that night (MB's alibi for that night likely checked out immediately, imo). Didn't happen, imo... She was last seen at home by SA and BD after DD left the house on 12/26 around 9 p.m. What happened next? Keep wanting it to be that she was causing problems in the "awesome" relationship, removed from the house and taken elsewhere (probably by force and hopefully alive), but it just seems more likely as the days pass that something worse happened. Tears...

Respectfully BBM. I remember reading an article where LE said the child was not a credible witness because of his age. I always thought this was an odd comment. Can anyone point me to that article? TIA!
Yes she did say that. but she also said that she had just learned that she did have a boyfriend about 3 weeks before she went missing but that was over. But it seems we pick and choose what we want to beleive when it comes to anything BD has said. But even if she did not have a bf maybe she had an older gf that she looked up to or something and hung out with. I am just saying this was not the only night that HD had stayed overnight somewhere and if it was not at MB's then where? She had to be somewhere....imo.


It is very difficult, near impossible, to believe much of what BD says. IMO, this is a direct result of her own words from her many interviews and appearances. IMO, she should get an attorney, pronto. She is complicating things.
Good gravy - all I really know about this poor missing child is this:

1. One, or most likely two, people are full of crap.

2. I think the last sighting of Hailey that I can feel certain about would be when DD last saw her. That's the last time that she was seen for certain.

That's a wrap. I don't believe anything the spin doctor is promoting.
unless he just cleaned a mess after me.

That's what I've been wondering too after seeing the polygraph results in the affidavits. SA showed deception as to the whereabouts of Hailey but BD showed deception as to participation in her disappearance.
Sorry for the OT and late notice but please read this thread about a new program that is airing NOW on the Discovery Channel, Kidnap & Rescue.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6074516#post6074516"]NOW "KIDNAP & RESCUE" premiering on Discovery Channel - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Will re-air in three hours or 10pm PST.

Something I think most WSers will want to watch!
Respectfully BBM. I remember reading an article where LE said the child was not a credible witness because of his age. I always thought this was an odd comment. Can anyone point me to that article? TIA!

I don't recall reading that Daisy. The only LE/MSM reference to the validity of the sighting reports is that none were deemed credible for 12/27. I think talk of whether a young child's account would be credible came from posters here commenting to the hairdresser story when it was first communicated here at WS. If I missed something elsewhere, someone else has likely seen it and can jump in and correct me!!
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