TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #6

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In most cases yes but not this one. She doesn't look or sound like the type. The parents/boyfriend - not so sure, but a lot more likely

Would it change your opinion if I said I was a "good girl", the mayor's daughter, the straight-A student, in a town of 200 people, and I had to prove my "coolness" by doing things that were shocking so others would trust me? Teenage mentality, peer pressure, and yes the 80s, but... yeah, just MOO. lol
I commend Billie Dunn for appearing on NG tonight. It took alot for her to come out on national televsion and state she failed the poly. I at first was very suspicious but after hearing her speak it is as if she has nothing to hide.

I do still have a concern on the BF.
I also commend Billie Dunn for asking BF to leave home. IMO she seems to be very logical on the issue of the boyfriend may very well be involved.

She seemed as a worn out, grieving mother in pain. I think that somtime women can just get a feel of other women, I feel that she is just a simple girl from a small town, maybe a little too trusting of people and looks for the good in someone. I see the fire in her eyes as far as wanting to catch whom ever did this. I see that she loves her daughter and appears to be a good mother.

The walking to a friends home. I personally wouldnt allow it. It looks to be a small town and places like that it is hard to think of danger due to it is so laid back and nothing ever happens.. I can see where a mom would let her gaurd down.. it is just hard to bash her right now.

I do however get a really bad feeling of the boyfriend. The poly and him failing it seems as if there is somthing he is not telling. I hope that the next thing isnt that he gets an attorney.. that will worry me.. I hold out hope she is alive.. but it is not looking good.
Knowing LE in my small town, I have to say I don't think they really believe something like this will happen in THEIR town. KWIM? There was a murder in our town awhile ago and we didn't even have a deputy in town so parametics could enter the home. Now the townspeople are discussing hiring an extra deputy so we have one in town at all times.

That's just how small a small town can be.

Yeah, and I should have added that lack of knowledge and/or ignorance can play a major role too. It's sometimes hard for me to grasp, but there are actually LE out there in rural and small jurisdictions that truly don't know they can call for help, apparently that's not in their manual.
Truer words have never been spoken. My son spent the night with a friend of mine. The boys were 11 at the time. She let them shoot bb guns at each other. My son ddn't have one so he was the target. When asked she said they had big coats on. Really?


Because of the things I got away with and was subjected to, while at sleepovers, is the reason I have a NO SLEEPOVERS policy with my own child.
MY mother would call and speak to the parents, met them etc before I was allowed to go. let's just say the parents would often lie & go out to all hours of the night. I'd be out running the streets, doing all sorts of things that would have given my mom a stroke!
I agree, I think this yet another case of a small town WAY in over their heads. The problem I have had and continue to have is why these towns don't call for help IMMEDIATELY. It's often a pride issue, that literally can get in the way of finding someone, possibly alive. I say this from experience, I've witnessed it and watched it happen too many times. It's ego, it's a lot of things, and it just sickens and saddens me. Put it all away and find the child, it's the only thing that matters at the time.
(BTW, I'm from a tiny town too.)

Mannnn... you are so right. It's a pride issue, I think as well. Me, being from a tiny town, didn't know how to act in Hawaii when a man on the public bus was going nuts. I was ill equipped because I never saw it before, never occurred to me it would happen (with a touch of culture shock). But the small town folks, who really do try to help out their community in their own way, really CAN'T in this situation. The town I grew up in had volunteer firefighters... people who hung out at the bar at happy hour. They were also our "first responders", a.k.a. EMTs of the county. That's all we had, and we were grateful for them, but it's sooo different. I think it's pride, Sarx. I really do.

And... I wouldn't change a thing growing up. I'm just more wise now... prolly like you too, Sarx. :)
I feel really bad for BO. I feel like she needs representation of some kind. She reminds me of my sister. I feel like I always have to be there to protect her because she doesn't like to "ruffle feathers". If she were in this situation, and was told she failed, she would say okay, accept it, not really understand it and be devastated all at the same time. If I were there with her, I would demand answers. What did she fail, how qualified was the test giver, etc.?

I don't know BO, but that is just how I feel. I wish she had someone to stick up for her and to guide her through this.
Members of the elite Texas Equusearch recovery team tell bigcountryhomepage.com they're aware of and watching the case involving missing Colorado City teen Hailey Dunn.
TES members tell us they've been following Dunn's case but have not been contacted by law enforcement.

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She was outside everyday talking on the phone... mom was at work... was she hiding?
I honestly do not see a problem with a 13-year being allowed to walk to a friend's house during daylight hours. She is an 8th grader. It should not have been a dangerous thing to do, and I have a feeling that is not where she ran into danger.
Just my two cents, but I don't think it was Billie's intention to bash LE. They are out in full force..... while all of us may wish that things had picked up quicker - well they didn't, and nothing can change that. Billie has absolutely nothing to gain by talking trash about LE. She is frustrated, sad, and scared. Just as any of the rest of us would be if we were in her situation.

What I took away from the show is that she has lost all faith in the polygraphs, and maybe by default, some of what LE has told her. Who wouldn't if so many people have failed, herself included. And what is going on about testing someone repeatedly until they pass one? She said herself that she didn't know what to think. She said to Clint that she didn't think he should take one..... if he is not a suspect, and is just doing it voluntarily to confirm to LE that he has nothing to hide (just as Billie did), then what would happen if he failed? Would LE start looking more closely at him? Or would he be given multiple tests until he passed? I have no idea what is going on with the polygraphs - but I do know before all of this came out, I would have put quite a bit of faith in them.

As far as the show went, Billie's intention, as always, was to get the word out about Hailey. She did not control the direction of the show, and all that she can do is answer whatever is asked of her honestly, as she has been doing. I hate that so many of you seem to think that she is hiding something. She has been candid and forthcoming about everything.

I am not bashing LE. I have said repeatedly that I truely believe everyone involved in this investigation wants Hailey home safe.... but my greatest fear is that they don't have much to go on, and that this is not going to be resolved anytime soon. I really hope that I am wrong, and they have a whole lot more than they have let on.

Everyone please continue to pray for Hailey's safe return and for her family to have at least some form of peace.
How old is your child(ren)?
For me I think it depends a lot on the child. I am a spaz with my 6 year old. He is the type that will find trouble even if he's not looking for it. I even ask about firearms and video games for play dates for him NOW and cannot imagine allowing a sleepover any time soon. But ... I know he is the type of kid that would do something he "isn't supposed to" and/or that he's easily swayed or pressured. My daughter (16) on the other hand ... I've never ever worried about. She has never been the type to do anything to get into trouble, in face she would run from it if need be, and she strongly resists pressure to cave on her morals.... so I trust her far more than I ever will my son.
It's not just about worrying what your child will do but the other people in and out of the home that your child is going to be at.
I had a bad experience when I was 14. I spent the night with a friend and that night found out that the step dad was abusing her. It happens. It scarred me for life and I have never trusted my kids to just go without me knowing all I could about them. I am one of those, too, that asks other parents know well and trust about the family my child wants to spend the night with, along with also being one of those that looks up court records. You can never be to careful, and I know that Billie and Clint now know that, unfortunately.

Praying for Hailey.
Would it change your opinion if I said I was a "good girl", the mayor's daughter, the straight-A student, in a town of 200 people, and I had to prove my "coolness" by doing things that were shocking so others would trust me? Teenage mentality, peer pressure, and yes the 80s, but... yeah, just MOO. lol

Yes I know it happens. I have been with girls like that when I was younger. I just personally dont feel it has anything to do with this case.
Would it change your opinion if I said I was a "good girl", the mayor's daughter, the straight-A student, in a town of 200 people, and I had to prove my "coolness" by doing things that were shocking so others would trust me? Teenage mentality, peer pressure, and yes the 80s, but... yeah, just MOO. lol

Ditto for me, all except being the mayors daughter;) I really was a good kid, great student but for some reason I preferred to hang with a really "cool", rough crowd. ahhh the 80's. it's a wonder any of us survived
OMG... I just thought about something. Maybe, she said she was staying with MB so she wouldn't have to stay at home. Maybe, she was sleeping in the shed in back. Just thinkin...

Her dad's is a field away, and she had just spent two nights there, so unless he kicked her out, I doubt that was the case.

I'm actually interested to know if she had said she slept over at MB's any other nights. If she did, there's a bigger issue underneath all of this.
Members of the elite Texas Equusearch recovery team tell bigcountryhomepage.com they're aware of and watching the case involving missing Colorado City teen Hailey Dunn.
TES members tell us they've been following Dunn's case but have not been contacted by law enforcement.

more here


I wish someone would tell the Dunn's to call TES because I doubt LE will.
Well said. A local here also confirmed that there was a temporary chief installed just recently and they weren't equipped for all this as nothing like this has happened in a long long time (if ever).

Exactly!! Growing up, my dad was the mayor of a town, part of the volunteer fire department, and a first responder (aka EMT) for the whole county. Based on what I heard on NG tonight... no large town for 200 miles, my "aha!" meter went off. They can't help it... overwhelmed. Pride prevents them for asking for help. Others just assume it's there. And I can guarantee that the locals DID assume she ran away, because they assumed what her life was based on what the gossip was.

Course that's MOO. lol
I'm watching PattyG's YouTube and I cannot believe how much older Billie looks after just two days! I don't think she's slept a wink! :eek:

I notice that too, the bags under eyes.. I feel so at a lost of words.. Im praying for them all... I think she ran away.. I think the reason of the polygraphs fails.. etc is the nerves these small town peeps infront of the big city cameras.. the only thing is that I don't think she would put her dad thru this... she would know by now that she is being on the front stage of the national scene... baffling
These coulda-shoulda-woulda posts? Do you think these parents of missing/murdered children need this? Really...

Do you think these parents thought for ONE MINUTE that something would happen to their children? Please... have some mercy and give people a break. And let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Come on... we've all made mistakes, including ones with our children.

Sorry for the rant but it has really ticked me off. Really.
Thanks for posting this - took the words out of my mouth.
OT Is it my imagination or are some posts vanishing into thin air?
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