TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #4

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I wonder the same. Maybe SC hoped by seeing traffic cam footage, he might spot a familiar vehicle? Perhaps looking in dumpsters was nothing more than a scared man ambling around, not knowing what to do.
If she left on her own volition, idk how anyone can make her return w/o some type of court intervention.
With LE bringing out of state LE in, I think they may have a good idea exactly what’s going on but prefer to “not rock the boat”. moo
For her to have left on her own, she’d need diapers, baby clothing, money, identification, toiletries, clothing for herself, and to leave her older child and not take him with her? I don’t think so. IMHO
Do we know, for fact, that her fiancé actually got the phone records? OR did he just go up there?
Perhaps LE already know that this event didn't involve her car?

This is exactly where I am. LE must know that 'whatever' didn't involve her car. The apartment is now locked down so I don't think LE is just flying blindly. They have to have a decent idea of what happened.
Perhaps LE already know that this event didn't involve her car?

I hear ya, that must be it, but I still don’t get that either. Again, if it’s an open investigation there could be anything in there - a receipt if she stopped somewhere on the way home, I can think of a lot of different possible reasons, if anything just to “rule out” certain scenarios, gain further insight, etc. I guess LE knows better than we do. Makes zero sense to me though atm, jmo. Maybe this will make sense later.


@gitana1, any reason why a judge may not sign off on a vehicle warrant but approve a warrant on the residence? I doubt that’s it, just thinking out loud.
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I don’t understand why it is still in the lot? Why isn’t it being processed??
Agree- what about his vehicle, too? Has that been processed?

Any locals out there that have driven by recently- do you see any crime scene tape in front of their apartment door? Is SC still allowed to stay in the apartment?
Heidi on Instagram: “My littles and I ❤️

IMO this looks like a happy mom. I don't think this is voluntary.

Agreed. She also looks very happy in the photo of her at the book fair that very morning. The one in the purple shirt.

Which reminds me: why do they only mention her shirt? Why haven't they even given a description of her full attire, and that of the baby?
What is the source that said SC got a call from the daycare telling him to pick up his son? He doesn’t say it in either interview.

In the interview with his dad, SC says HB wasn’t home yet, “so I went and picked up my son from daycare.” To me, it sounds like it was the normal routine for SC to pick up the son, since HB has been home with the baby. He even said that Thursday was the first day HB was out and about.

Also, in both interviews SC says the purse was in the upstairs apartment. It’s only in the outside interview he throws in the added and possibly conflicting statement about the purse being in the car, but it’s such a jumble of words it’s hard to determine if that is what he meant.

I rewatched the interviews and all I see is a terribly distraught, exhausted, and confused young man who’s brain is just crazily spinning with jumbled thoughts.

In addition, his behavior in the RAW interview indicated to me that he’s normally a laid-back guy who, when frustrated, chuckles out of embarrassment. If I was put in that ridiculous interview set-up - with the interviewer asking questions on a phone to the side, a bright light shining in my face, and the cameraman barking things at me, I’d probably snap and get angry, not chuckle, since I’m not a laid-back person.

Family of missing Austin woman, newborn pleads for safe return listen at the 1:11 mark, I think this is what you're looking for. IMO
Transcript of first full Fox7 interview with SC:
Reporter is on the phone conducting the interview. In the room with Shane is at least one cameraman, and probably at least one second reporter or news staff person. Possibly his Dad is there also. I can’t tell who is there, and I can’t tell who in the room is talking, so I have labelled them “Reporter” for the woman on the phone, and “Camerman/Reporter2” for the other people talking in the room with SC.

Reporter: <unintelligible>

SC: Yes it's my fiancee, yes ma'am. Yeah I look down when I talk I'm sorry I'm only looking down the whole time probably.

Reporter: .. what kind of day was it...<unintelligible>

SC: Just a basic Thursday, we have basically have a routine every day. I get up around 6:00 a.m. and pretty much hit the snooze button a couple times and then I finally wake up around 6:15, drink some water, uh, wake up the kids around 6:30, wake up Heidi and Silas right before I leave, uh. So like once I got them up on Thursday it's kind of a later morning it was around 6:40 whenever I got them up and cause it was Heidi's first day to actually take Margot by herself with uh Silas so first gave Heidi kiss, the baby kissm and Silas a kill, said 'have a wonderful day', left the Apartments, went to work and then she takes her kids to school and she she was making lunch like right before I left, uh. Uh, she took the kids school so, I don't know, ah. Uh so at around 8 o'clock she called me, answered the phone like right before I got in my truck, I work for Unicorn Moving, so she called me around 8:00 and she told me that she went to the book fair, she bought three books, costs about $25, it was amazing that she couldn't wait to read to Silas and I told her ‘I love you goodbye’ and uh… This is hard.

Reporter: Take your time

SC: Yeah. So uh… Oh man. I don’t know right now. I’ve just been repeating it all day

Reporter: Let me know if you want me to move on to another subject

SC: No, no it's a good question, it’s just that we’re in a situation right here. So I don’t know. I don’t know, she’s just an amazing mom. I don't know. Pause. I don’t know. I need to stand up, I don’t know, I can't sit here, this is making me so … I feel funny.

Cameraman: Do you want … standing…

SC: I don't know, yeah, I’m not good in this situation, uh, yeah …




Reporter: How long have you and Heidi lived in Austin?

SC: So we've been living in Austin, we moved from Louisiana about five years ago. So we’ve been here so what about five years? I believe so, …

Camerman/Reporter2: Yeah, something like that, yeah, yeah.

SC: Four or five years. We came from Louisiana, long story short my ex-wife with my beautiful daughter Addison came down here as soon as my dad got cancer. He's cancer freed now, that’s not the main story but yeah. So we were on the pipeline traveling so we had to come down here so we moved back to Austin, all my family's here so.

Camerman/Reporter2: …Don’t do that man. I know it’s hard to not be swaying… <unintelligible, trying to get SC to stop moving>

SC: OK yeah. I’m sorry.

Camerman/Reporter2: No, you’re doing great.

SC: OK yeah.

Camerman/Reporter2: I just want you to look good.

SC: Yeah, thank you. So uh yeah, we moved down here about five years ago.

Reporter: <unintelligible>

SC: Yes I found amazing friends… oh this is so hard <he can’t hear the reporter>…I can’t pick up the phone? Did you say did I make any friends?

<Lots of overtalking while they coach him to pick up and hold the phone so he can hear the reporter better>

SC: Yeah yeah yeah okay so it's like I'm uh I'm originally from Austin, like I want to Leander high school…

Camerman/Reporter2: Just pick up the phone and then just hold it.

SC: Just hold it? OK, so just down here.

Camerman/Reporter2: Yeah

SC: So I basically went to Leander high school, I I like already have friends over here and they have been very supportive since what happened with Heidi and Margot. It’s hard to <?look up?> But uh…

Reporter: Is there anyone in Austin who you don’t have a good relationship with? <unintelligible>

SC: Uh there's nobody now where this is, we have a loving and great family, Heidi has great friends, she is the most awesome person in the world, loving mom, she supports everything everybody does, she could have like four dollars in the bank account and just still want to give. So she's a great person, so is Margo our beautiful three week old daughter, so uh yeah. There's no no enemies there's there's nothing that would be negative or anybody would want to harm us at all. No.

Reporter: And was Heidi, you know, the morning she weant missing, was her demeanor any different, or ..

Camerman/Reporter2 <they talk over reporter>: Should I get some kleenex?…Do you want some kleenex?...

SC: No, I’m good. Yeah. What's that <to the reporter on the phone>? I’m sorry.

Reporter: The morning Heidi went missing, did her demeanor seem any different? Or was it, you know, just like a regular day for her too?

SC: It was a regular day so like what I was trying

Camerman/Reporter2: Make sure <?> that phone down a little bit?

SC: Oh. OK. So like what I was trying to explain it was a normal day, it was uh I woke up at six like I pretty much do my thirty minutes of my routine right before I get them up, they get a little extra 30 minutes of sleep and then I get them up and then my fiance Heidi wakes up with the kids and we start making lunch, or she started making lunch and I kissed them goodbye, told him have a great day school, and then I pretty much leave for work, and then once I get to work by the time she drops him off I'm like getting to my trucks around like seven forty seven forty five and we always made contact like right before I get in my truck and then go to work which they just went to the book fair and they bought three books it's like twenty five dollars and she couldn't wait to read to Silas whenever she whenever his house got home we just bought three brand-new books which is right here inside the house and that's the last time I actually made contact with her.

Camerman/Reporter2: Shane so drop that phone down a little bit, try to talk <unintelligible>

<They talk over each other while readjusting SC>

SC: It doesn’t feel natural at all.

Camerman/Reporter2: I know, I know, I’m sorry.

SC: It’s like … doesn’t feel natural.

Camerman/Reporter2: I know.

SC: OK, um. Um. What was the next question?

Reporter: Yeah, yeah, can you just talk a little bit more about when and where was the last time you saw Heidi?

SC: Yeah it was actually like before I left this morning at 6:40. I left the house at 6:40. Um. Yeah. <distracted by the light> Yeah I like I left the house <unintelligible, ?gonna look at the light?> I lef the house at 6:40 and that's the last time I spoke to my uh son yeah I can't this is this is weird …

Cameraman/Reporter2: I know, I know.

SC: You’re moving my dad, you’re …

<talk over each other>

SC: Like I can't be professional, okay I'm I'm gonna call you back or something <says to reporter on the phone>.

SC: I don't know what to do man you make me nervous <walks off camera>

Cameraman/Reporter2: Do you want a different phone?

SC: I don’t know. <raises voice> I just want to be natural, man, I just want to like, this is not, I don't know…

<Video stopped>

<Video started. Shane now back in camera>

Cameraman/Reporter2: …try to look at the camera, where you want to look at …<unintelligible>

SC: Yeah, man I’m sorry.

Cameraman/Reporter2: No, you’re doing OK…. <they talk over each other>….

<Is this possibly his dad speaking?:>…no pressure, no nothing, if it works it works, if it don’t it don’t. That’s just the way we gotta do it.

SC: I just want to get the word out there I don't care how I look.

<talking over each other>


Reporter: Yeah, so my other question was um is there anything important of Heidi’s that’s like missing right now, like is her cell phone there, um you know anything valuable missing…

SC: There's nothing valuable missing, her purse and her wallet and everything was up here, her cell phone is missing it’s been turned off whenever I pulled up around 1:40 it's been off since then. So uh like the car seat, everything is upstairs, there's no signs of anything. There’s…

Reporter: Alright, and um how like how long have you and Heidi been together, I mean as long as you’ve known her, has she ever disappeared before? Has she ever you know, just you know gone off the grid? Or anything like that?

SC: No. No ma’am, she would never disappear, she is an amazing mom she would never we have a six-year-old son named Silas, beautiful kid she would never leave him. Nah… she would never do this. She just she wouldn't do this.

Reporter: If you could confirm a couple of details though, how old is Margot?

SC: Margo, uh she was born on the 26th of November, so three weeks, how? Yeah three weeks, about three weeks.

Reporter: OK and um this is one of my last questions, but, you know, if you could say anything to Heidi right now, like if she was gonna watch the newscast, what would you want to tell her?

SC: I want to tell her to uh please come home, you know your family's here, she wouldn’t do this. I'm not telling her this. I'm telling for the sake of the family, she has a beautiful kid, she has beautiful family, a beautiful dog named Zeus, she uh she would not do this by herself, she would she would not be doing this. This is definitely something that happened that was wrong, so anybody that could share, post, do anything, one second helps to save a beautiful family, beautiful kid, just anything you could do, just reach out. If you don't know me, I don't care, if you see the post, if you see this news, reach out keep your eyes open, just be open-minded. Anything suspicious, do anything you can to help. Please. This is a three week old baby out there, and a mom, and a son that’s missing her mom, and family.

Reporter: And if you could say anything to the person that she and Margot might be with, what would you say to them?

SC: Her and Margot might what? I’m sorry.

Reporter: If you could say anything to, you know, the person that she might be with, like the person, cause you said she wouldn’t do this on her own. So if you could say something to the person who may be involved in the disappearance … <unintelligible>

SC: If you’re involved, uh, I don't care, uh set her to the side, she’ll find her way home, just bring her home safe, or put her somewhere safe, her and the baby just feed the baby, only three weeks old. Just find a way you won't be in trouble, just drop her off, she has a beautiful family. Drop her off anywhere, I don't care, just make sure she's safe and okay, and the baby's okay. And then right away I don't know. I just want her home safe, doesn’t have to be here, just drop her off somewhere safe. If it is somebody, just please come home, or drop her off by my doorstep, I don’t care. Just bring my family home.

Reporter: Alright Shane, well that was all of my questions. Um, if there is anything else you wanted to say or wanted to talk about? Anything that I missed?

SC: No just I love you Heidi, I love you more … Just anybody that could support us in any way possible. I’m about to be off, so there's any support any old friends, share, post, like, anything, contacting anybody if you see her, just do whatever you can, we definitely appreciate it.

Reporter: Well Shane, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. It’s been a very difficult interview. We greatly appreciate it. Um, and yeah, we’re going to get the story out and hopefully they’ll come home soon. So thank you again for the interview.

SC: Yeah thank you so much.


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