TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #2

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You make me think about something. He keeps bringing up the $25. That was clearly a BIG deal. And he spoke to her by phone less than an hour and a half after he left for work. And they talked about money and books.

Doesn’t sound like an uninvolved and nonchalant dad to me. Why would they be connecting quickly after he left the house and have the type of relationship where they talk that soon after they part ways but then he’s unconcerned when his partner and newborn baby are gone for HOURS with no diaper bag, no purse, no car, no calls, no texts, phone is off?

So I’m scratching of he’s an uninvolved, uncaring mate as an excuse for why he wasn’t alarmed and failed to call the cops for six hours. What’s left is he possibly came home exhausted and passed out. Or drank and passed out.

Still, that doesn’t explain why he waited for an entire hour after being awake to call cops, under those circumstances. Because now you know it’s been five hours of no contact, mom and baby gone with no diaper bag, no purse, no car. Son wasn’t picked up by mom and school had to call dad (which he omits from a couple of interviews). But you still ditz around. Make food for your kid. Call your dad.

Super concerned about $25 but not the disappearance of partner and newborn.

It's always concerning when a subject is brought up repetitively with no question asked about it.

I agree that the $25 spent on books is significant. I'd want to ask the other child how much fighting took place over money between the parents.

The other thing that strikes me odd is him thinking looking in dumpsters for the car keys is critical.

And how impossible would it be to find keys in a dumpster unless you took every single thing out of it?

I can also unequivocally say that no new mother goes anywhere without a diaper bag of some sort. HB did not leave of her own free will and I imagine we'll hear some details at the presser tomorrow.
"I just have a gut feeling someone wanted that baby and may have harmed Heidi to get the infant. Especially being a newborn."

A 24 year old woman and her 8 month old were kidnapped by a man this past july and the mother was held as a sex slave for a month before they were found.

Can you name any cases where a baby was stolen and they took the mother too?
The only thing about the books from a school book fair that surprised me was:: 3 books for the boy cost $25! That sounds to me like a lot of money for 3 books. (And aren't they usually paperback?) But I haven't been to a book fair in a while. But that stood out to me. I agree, that may come back into the picture as a point of contention. JMO
The mark-up at book fairs is huge! My sister used to do book fairs and she made a lot of money. Three books for $25 wouldn't be unusual.
Whoa. "Come clean" about what? He said he thought shed gone to a neighbor's. How does that equate to being a **** or not being wonderful or loving?

Given the circumstances and the stated timeline given in the SC interview, are you suggesting that the idea that a mother of an infant would leave with NO baby gear and go to a neighbours apartment for hours at a time and that this would be something not worth checking out makes much sense?
"I just have a gut feeling someone wanted that baby and may have harmed Heidi to get the infant. Especially being a newborn."

Can you name any cases where a baby was stolen and they took the mother too?

A 24 year old woman and her 8 month old were kidnapped by a man this past july, the mother was being held as a sex slave.

They were found a month later
In the many cases you’ve all followed, does a guilty person typically go around and ask all types of people if they saw or heard anything? Do they search for hours? And stuff like that?

IIRC, Watts didn’t want the police called. I don’t think he looked. Patrick Frazee didn’t even attend the press conference when Kelsey Berreth was missing. He stayed silent and didn’t look for her.

I believe Crystal McDowell’s husband initially attempted to locate her. Eventually charged and confessed.

But those cases are examples where we know the ending. There are many missing women and children (and deceased) who had spouses or partners who searched around. They may have been putting on a good show. No one ever charged and we are left wondering.

Roundabout way of me saying this one is a headscratcher. Patiently waiting for the presser tomorrow.
Our after school care doesn’t call until the parent is 15-20 minutes late. Even if they called immediately at closing time, she would have needed to come home, change the baby and get her car to go get him. The guy wasn’t concerned when none of that happened? It didn’t make him wonder? It’s weird.

The only innocent explanation is that he was exhausted from no sleep and work with a newborn. And he’s ashamed to say he slept during this whole time.

However, my neighbor is an example of why this doesn’t make sense to me either. One Saturday night, he ran over to my house utterly panicked. He was white as a sheet. “Have you seen [Andy]!” No? Why?

Oh the dread in my heart. It was night out and he was asking if I had seen his six year old son.

Turns out family was in town and they had a big reunion that day at a park. He got drunk. They got home. His wife said she was going to go with some of the kids to a relative’s to continue socializing. He passed out. When he woke up he realized the one who he thought had been left behind, was gone.

He didn’t wait a damn hour before freaking out. The minute he didn’t see his kid at my house (he comes over for cookies), he called 911 and ran patín the neighborhood frantically looking. We all did.

His wife finally called him back and said, “No! Andy came with us!”

It is not reasonable to me that a dad of a brand new baby would come home at 1:40, find no spouse, diaper bag, car, purse and money left behind, supposedly calls her phone and it goes to voicemail, and let’s say falls asleep, four hours later is awakened by his child’s school and doesn’t IMMEDIATELY call 911 or at the least, start frantically searching, going to the neighbors and calling people.

Instead, he casually picks up his son, brings him home, makes him some food and THEN begins calling people. Including his dad because his dad would know where his partner and baby are, right?

And he does not call police for an hour after waking up to this discovery?

Forget his fiancé. What about his vulnerable newborn?
A 24 year old woman and her 8 month old were kidnapped by a man this past july, the mother was being held as a sex slave.

They were found a month later

What I am questioning is when the sole intent of the crime is obtaining the baby are there ANY cases where the mother was also taken? And since you mentioned it, are overweight, (baby weight) 30 year olds typically kidnapped for sex slaves?
I thought Peterson didn't do much in the way of searching? I could easily be misremembering; It's been so long, Also, didn't he blow off her candlelight vigil?
I just remember seeing his interviews and immediately thinking what a lying *** he was and that he killed her. Same with Susan Smith - another easy one right from the gitgo in her first public statement.
I believe he asked neighbors and while it is debatable how much effort he put into the volunteer center, he did show up a lot (if only to take down the photos with him in them). My point though was that he made a show of “searching” - even CW made some lame calls and asked if he could go look...I bet he would have spent hours “Looking”...so I don’t really trust self reported searching.

In this case, if it had been me - I would not have sat outside for hours to ask people - I would have been knocking on everyone’s door and getting family/friends to do that for the entire complex and beyond. And dumpsters would not be high on my list the first day...But that is just me...MOO
I really can not think of any reason as to why her purse was in the car except that someone else put it there.

That or my other thought was she was intercepted by someone before she could come back for it. Possibly she made one trip into the apartment with the baby, the books, etc. and thought she'd have to come back and make another trip for the purse, but maybe whatever happened to them, happened on their way back out to get the purse? MOO
He certainly seemed agitated about the books. Every time he mentioned them his interview went off the rails even further.
I think the same. I hope her book purchase didn’t spark an evil domestic situation. Thinking more about it, I’m sure they did miss her daily tips to purchase essentials. With a new baby their expenses increased and Heidi probably intended to be off work a few more weeks.
Fingers crossed we get answers tomorrow.
I don't know if you caught my 'add on'. You did say NOTHING in any way, shape or form compared to CW. So there is one thing --swaying. Ok, two. He's also very talkative. But, of course, he's not a suspect.
Adding on to my post quoted here. There is a #3 comparison: smiles at odd times. I'm just referring to @FelicityLemon saying there's no comparisons to CW.
It doesn't make him guilty, though!
I think his emotion is real, the tears and awkwardness is too. Has he been coached by an attorney, do we know if he has one?

Not saying he is lying or not but I put ZERO importance on the presence of tears. I can make myself cry so so easily by thinking of: diaper commercials with new babies, videos I’ve seen of dogs and/or kids and military members seeing each other after deployment, Christmas movies, any Disney / Pixar movie, or by simply looking down and keeping my eyes wide open for a bit and then squeezing my eyes shut a few times. Not blinking causes my eyes to run like crazy, particularly when followed up by rapid blinking.

I just know enough people that can cry genuine tears almost on cue to not be impressed by the 4 tears he shed. It bugs me when people talk like they are crying but no tears come and that happened several times. It just seemed fake or forced to me.
Given the circumstances and the stated timeline given in the SC interview, are you suggesting that the idea that a mother of an infant would leave with NO baby gear and go to a neighbours apartment for hours at a time and that this would be something not worth checking out makes much sense?
It would depend on how far away she lived from the neighbor. If she lived next door, she might have just brought the baby over and figured if she needed anything, she could just go back to her place and get it, or change her diaper and come back. She could have used a sling to hold the baby- I always had mine with me all day, even if they were sleeping, I sure would have loved a sling like they have today! Also, if her neighbor has a crib or play pen, she may have not needed to bring anything over, just her and the baby- maybe she did bring a diaper or two in her hand.

That's saying if she went over to the neighbor's home and was living next to or across the road from the neighbor.
The only thing about the books from a school book fair that surprised me was:: 3 books for the boy cost $25! That sounds to me like a lot of money for 3 books. (And aren't they usually paperback?) But I haven't been to a book fair in a while. But that stood out to me. I agree, that may come back into the picture as a point of contention. JMO

Our book fairs have lots of hard cover books. They are usually about $6.99.
So many bothersome little details that don't add up, unfortunately for the father's part of the story in particular.

Per MSM (KXAN, link below), he (whose FB labels him as "single") tried to call her at noon (or 1:40 or 2pm in later comments - pretty big time change IMO), and it went to VM.

He didn't try to reach her after that, until the school called him at 6pm?

4 to 6 hours of not hearing back between spouses with a newborn - is unusual, as others have pointed out. This is huge all by itself. Excuses (drinking, whatever) or not: Why wasn't he worried that she didn't call him back? Did he keep trying after that, or not even worry about not being able to reach her for 4 to 6 whole hours?

This lapse of concern or action in the afternoon - in addition to his picking up the child first, then going home, and then lah-dee-dah getting around to calling others about her whereabouts after he was home is overwhelmingly suspicious and I'd have to think LE is all over his phone/whereabouts that day/excuses/contacts.

ws austin mom- husband called went to vm.jpg
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I used to be able to tell but they have changed Pinterest so much I don't know anymore. I thought someone in KB's thread figured it out and I wish I could remember who that was. Hopefully, they're reading here! MOO

It wasn't me, but here's my take on how the pins work.
When you go to the pins, the most recent pins are on top, and left to right with the most recent to the oldest. If you select the person's page and then hit "pins" it will show the most recent pins first.
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