TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #2

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Ummm, I would say baby in first. There's always the 'what if' you got injured carrying bags in the apartment while the baby was still in a hot or freezing car....
I never had to take a baby up a flight of steps though...

I would never leave a baby or child in a car alone because I'd fear kidnapping. This isn't the old America, unfortunately.
I’m hopeful LE did search the whole complex and questioned any friends or neighbors.

It is possible that she had a friend in the complex. And that she did go to see the friend. Maybe in the morning. And that the friend did something to her. And that there are no signs of struggle in Heidi’s apartment or anything amiss because nothing happened there.

She could’ve popped over real quick.

It happens. Usually with kids though. Like Sandra Cantu. Waking across her complex one minute and taken by the neighbor the next.

Maybe someone had a grudge. Maybe someone wanted the baby. Maybe someone’s significant other or friend was there and decided spontaneously to make a pass and do something.

I’m open but not very high on my list at this point.
And if his demeanor and his story wan consistent and sensible, like those of similar situations- I would be more inclined to believe this.

Like you noted, he was extremely detailed in recounting events of the morning and then he was extremely vague about events during the hours of greater importance,
Initially, I was very suspicious of SC, as most seemingly are, because of the odds in these cases and because of SC's strange own words/demeanor.

Now, I wonder if he is just somewhat dim (no insult intended), and upset at the situation, and possibly guilt-ridden over fussing at HB over spending $25 when they are poor (all MOO).

I can picture a scenario where HB carries the baby up, along with the new books, puts the doggie on the balcony because she's going to run back downstairs for the rest of the stuff, goes down without locking the door bc she has her hands full with the baby, and as she rummages in the car, she is accosted at gunpoint and forced into a vehicle along with the baby.

Any scenario, it's bad. Even PPP would be a bad situation, if she voluntarily left while psychotic. I can't think of any of these three situations ending well. So sad. MOO
As far as the vehicles --esp. hers-- the kidnapper could have left a fingerprint.
So yes- it needs to be processed.
Since SC believes she was taken by someone and has asked for her to be returned -- we should consider that option.
My first thought was that she may have run away with help, to start a new life.
Except that wouldn't she take the other child with her ?

Since the baby Margo is not going to be crawling yet, carry her to the house first and put her safely in a playpen or her crib.

Then go out and lock the door taking your house key -- and get whatever is the most necessary like your purse and any perishable groceries.
You'd have to be quick as the baby would be left alone for a minute or two.

I was thinking the books would be an afterthought; since SC was coming home later -- by or before 2pm --he could get the rest of the items from the car and bring them into the apt. ?

If you're really cautious, maybe only take baby and yourself & purse into the house and the other items would have to wait in the car.
Again-- Heidi knew he'd be back at 1:45 -2:00 pm; so he could bring up the books and whatever else.
As far as a diaper bag-- most moms have extra supplies in the house-- so leaving the bag out in the car for a while wouldn't be problematic. Imo.


And if there's a random abductor of women and tiny infants-- the rest of the apartment building needs to know about him/them !
Any strange cars cruising the area as well.

If this was not an abduction, there's still the possibility that she fled and is in hiding with someone.
And then LE could ask for any tips in that direction.

I'm struck by her purse being in the car. I would take baby and purse in, secure baby, lock apt door and then go out for the rest of the stuff.
I don't have children, but I'll butt in anyway. First thing, I'd take the baby, purse (phone inside purse or pocket) and the keys to get into the house. I'd leave any purchases for after getting the baby safely settled in the house. I know it's easy for me to say, without benefit of sleep deprivation and baby-juggling, but I can't imagine leaving a baby or any child in the car while taking in objects. Yikes. I judge.

I don't have kids, either, but was nearly that protective of my dogs. It's a dangerous world out there.
A lot of time suspects will ask people stuff just to find out what they may have heard or witnessed, and what they may have told the police. Suspects join search parties hoping to mislead. So they definitely aren’t trying to actually search or gather new info. I definitely agree that he was NOT searching. Looking in dumpsters was just CYA sort of stuff - MOO. I hope those trash cans were searched right away by LE and weren’t taken to the trash place.

A local poster on here that as of yesterday they were full and unattended.
Baby trafficking in the states is big business?
Yes! Especially along the I-35 corridor which is very close to where she lives. There was a raid on a house quite recently in Austin which was a hub for trafficking. Sadly it is a problem here. Mostly women but white healthy newborns are very much in demand. Not saying this is the case here, in fact I lean in another direction, but it is a problem.
If I were the police, I would be going down a list of statistically likely events and putting all the resources available into that. Lesser probabilities (such as some weirdo wanting an insta-family - when did that ever happen?) that are nearly impossible to investigate would be much further down my list.

The apartment complex is Club at Summer Valley. The gates are not staffed, are rudimentary, and basically just keep unwanted cars out. There is a fence about 6 feet high encompassing the entire set of buildings (which is pretty large). I too would be really surprised if many residents have security cameras.

If she fled on foot to start a better life, not taking her essentials and her car with carseat base or her son, and hand carrying a 2 week old and not much else, I'll eat my hat.

If she did do that, she was in the throes of something like PPP.

One thing I can say near 100% certainty is that she did not take off for a better life or leave on her own.
I don't have kids, either, but was nearly that protective of my dogs. It's a dangerous world out there.
I do have kids and have pets. If I see a baby or young child or a dog in a car alone, I'm standing guard until a custodial adult comes and then giving them a piece of my mind! It IS a very dangerous world!
When my son was born, we lived in an apartment complex. I knew lots of people. I was always visiting someone or they were visiting me. I would make the rounds with the baby and show him off. I wouldn’t take a diaper bag cuz I lived close enough to take him home for a change or a bottle. My hubby worked all kinds of crazy overtime hours so it was a crap shoot when he came home so I wouldn’t have felt I needed to be home at a certain time for him with the baby. He wouldn’t have thought it was odd if I wasn’t home and the car was there.
I wonder if we're married to brothers, LOL. Seriously, my husband is the same way, worked crazy hours, and we had kids before cell phones, so it wasn't a worry to him or myself. I was used to his late hours and always took the kids out to visit or had others over, just to socialize. He would never have been concerned about me not being home, especially if there was a football game on- only thing that might cause him some concern is if there was nothing good to eat while he watched the game, lol!

I think everyone has this impression that men are protective and concerned when they don't hear from their wives. Not all men are like that. That doesn't make them bad guys, but my husband worries about absolutely nothing. I'm the worrier in the family.
And she would have been so mad or devastated, she stormed off with the baby and he feels guilty. :/ . With that scenario, she could be staying with someone and she's made contact her parents and/or with LE to let them know she's okay and that's why they haven't made any statement or issued an Amber or Clear warning.

They wouldn’t issue an Amber alert or Clear warning because this case doesn’t fit the criteria.

They wouldn’t be holding a presser and outlining what they’ve been doing to solve the case, and continue to investigate if they had reason to believe the two are safe and alive.
The sandwich thing is not odd to me.

He gets the call to pick up his son and starts getting nervous now. Gets his son, gets home. The kid is tired and hungry and maybe whining while SC is panicking about HB and the baby. SC wants his son to quiet down so he can focus on making phone calls so he gets the food ready before calling friends, his dad and finally the police.

The book fair call does not stand out either. My kid had her first book fair this year so i discussed a budget with my husband. After the fair, i called and told him that i went over it. Money is not tight for us, i just let him know whenever i spend more than we planned.

Also the dog on the balcony makes perfect sense. A dog and new baby is a safety issue. It is responsible to only have them together when supervised.

Just my thoughts on a few commonly discussed topics. Not trying to say SC isn't suspicious.

A lot of this is hard to comment on because we don't know HB and her routine/tendencies. I'm a homebody so my husband woukd know something was off if i wasn't home. Nobody would panic at all if my sister was MIA for a bit because she's very social and always out and about

What if your sister just had a baby a couple weeks prior, left her purse and money in an unlocked car, didn’t take her car or diaper bag, the baby was with her and her phone went to voicemail?

We aren’t just taking about someone not there and how people react differently. This is a very specific set of (to some of us) alarming circumstances.
I’m bothered by no mention of the friend beyond him saying she had a friend in the complex he thought she went to (without any baby items). He pointed to the direction of the friends apartment, but didn’t mention speaking with the friend. He talks about dumpster diving, and sitting out front asking if anyone saw anything suspicious, and going to T-Mobile,but never once mentions if he had any contact with the friend he thought she was visiting. It seems like he would say something like “she has a friend that lives over there, but when I knocked on their door they hadn’t seen her.” It’s bizarre. Moo.

And with the residence being in an apartment complex, immediately going to the apartment office to check for camera footage would surely be on the list. With the desperate hope of catching her and baby's movement on camera. Even if I didn't think there were cameras on-site, I would still check with the office anyway. MOO
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