Identified! TX - Huntsville, 'Walker County Jane Doe', WhtFem 14-16, 91UFTX, Nov'80 Sherry Ann Jarvis

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Personally, I have to say that Cathy is probably not our Jane Doe. First of all, I'm thrilled that this case has reached this magnitude. Myself living in Croatia, having no connections with USA at all, and being informed about this case, that speaks volumes about those involved and their determination. I'm profoundly moved by this tragedy, some shadow engulfed my soul when I was reading it. I will now try to express my concerns regarding the ongoing comparison between Cathy and Jane Doe. Generally I think most of us can agree that forehead, nose, low hairline, and especially eyebrows look very similar. However, there are two features that concern me the most.

1. Lips: Difference is obvious, Cathy has much more thinner lips. But, in that only photo she produces beatiful wide smile and leaves us with speculation, maybe they are not that thin. Secondly, Jane Doe was beaten savagely, having her lips probably distorted as a result.

2. Lower jaw/Mandible: Cathy has prominent, strong, square jaw. After watching post mortem photos I think jaw is not that similar, it seems to me much more rounder in appearance, especially looking from the front.

Please discuss what you think about lower jaw, maybe I'm a bit delusional, but somehow that jaw doesn't look promising to me. It is still I think of vital importance finding Cathy, maybe in the end we are on the right path.

Sometimes you wonder, how can someone leave that child alone. Someone had to care for her, she was in neat condition, but knowing that we aren't knowing, at least her name, it really hurts my heart. Through perseverence and with God's help we will be able to bring her back to her home.

I apologize in advance for possible grammar mistakes and mistakes of any kind, english is my second language.
I'm a transgender individual - a trans man, born biologically female and raised as a little girl. I've seen it raised on a forum that isn't googleable that WCJD might not have seen themselves as female. I pointed out that it's rather obvious that her mental gender matched her physical sex as she was wearing a bra, panties and pantyhose. this crap happened with Little Miss Nobody, although in that case i think that the only gender a toddler should have is "toddler".

Those comments annoy me because the med examiner and DNA tests would answer that, (everything annoys me) thanks for saying it Paul:)
I'm a transgender individual - a trans man, born biologically female and raised as a little girl. I've seen it raised on a forum that isn't googleable that WCJD might not have seen themselves as female. I pointed out that it's rather obvious that her mental gender matched her physical sex as she was wearing a bra, panties and pantyhose. this crap happened with Little Miss Nobody, although in that case i think that the only gender a toddler should have is "toddler".

What type of forum is it? Is it for support for trans people or is it one like WS only for trans people? Trying to figure out how WCJD would be mentioned on a trans forum because it makes no sense to me. She obviously identified female by her clothing choices.
It was one of those "Judean Peoples' Front"/"Peoples' Front of Judea" far left grouplet sites. They also say i should :"check my human privilege" because I choose to eat meat. I only interact with them to keep an eye on them.
Personally, I have to say that Cathy is probably not our Jane Doe. First of all, I'm thrilled that this case has reached this magnitude. Myself living in Croatia, having no connections with USA at all, and being informed about this case, that speaks volumes about those involved and their determination. I'm profoundly moved by this tragedy, some shadow engulfed my soul when I was reading it. I will now try to express my concerns regarding the ongoing comparison between Cathy and Jane Doe. Generally I think most of us can agree that forehead, nose, low hairline, and especially eyebrows look very similar. However, there are two features that concern me the most.

1. Lips: Difference is obvious, Cathy has much more thinner lips. But, in that only photo she produces beatiful wide smile and leaves us with speculation, maybe they are not that thin. Secondly, Jane Doe was beaten savagely, having her lips probably distorted as a result.

2. Lower jaw/Mandible: Cathy has prominent, strong, square jaw. After watching post mortem photos I think jaw is not that similar, it seems to me much more rounder in appearance, especially looking from the front.

Please discuss what you think about lower jaw, maybe I'm a bit delusional, but somehow that jaw doesn't look promising to me. It is still I think of vital importance finding Cathy, maybe in the end we are on the right path.

Sometimes you wonder, how can someone leave that child alone. Someone had to care for her, she was in neat condition, but knowing that we aren't knowing, at least her name, it really hurts my heart. Through perseverence and with God's help we will be able to bring her back to her home.

I apologize in advance for possible grammar mistakes and mistakes of any kind, english is my second language.
I have thought about the jawline and lips thing too but sometimes people's faces kind of change when they smile i know mine does, when I'm not smiling my face looks round but when i do smile my face looks squareish. I have full lips and smiling makes then look thinner. Maybe her too. I hope I'm making sense

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As a hobbyist artist, I've been wanting to try my hand at creating a portrait for one of the UID's here for awhile now. Although I'm sure we can all agree that WCJD has several amazing reconstructions, I wanted to paint her first as she was one of the first cases I came to read here on websleuths. I haven't studied forensic art and I am by no means a professional, I just tried to depict her look the best I could in my own eyes. Based on the post mortem photo and the descriptions on her doe page, this is what came up with.
(Wish there was a photo available of the necklace! :thinking:)

Very nice [emoji1]

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Bumping for this girl. One site call her Ruthie Doe.

I nicknamed her that--I felt it suited her. She looks like a Ruthie to me. I haven't been on here in a while--I've gotten consumed by the Buckskin Girl case--but I think of her everyday. I'm confident that, if the Kathy picture reaches the right person, the mystery of her identity will be solved. The identity of her depraved killer will, one day, be closed too, I hope.
I read recently that a doe had a matched ruled out by dentals, but there was a positive match made by DNA to the same person that was ruled out. It makes me wonder about WCJD.

Also I would so love to see the government put out a PSA about reporting long lost loved ones who are missing. The sooner they do it the better.
I read recently that a doe had a matched ruled out by dentals, but there was a positive match made by DNA to the same person that was ruled out. It makes me wonder about WCJD.

Also I would so love to see the government put out a PSA about reporting long lost loved ones who are missing. The sooner they do it the better.

Is that Peggy Sue Houser you're referring to (or is there another case of that?). With Peggy, they put her dentals from age 12 in CODIS even though she went missing much later (around 19, IIRC).

I would love to see the PSA as well.
I wonder how it would be if I sent my grandmother a chain email of sorts about the case - she is active in her local Christian community and loves sending chain mail... She's lived all over the western states of the U.S. Maybe her or one of her friends might see Carl's recon and think 'oh she looks like a lost relative'. Idk if that would be helpful/appropriate?
Maybe it's just me but does anybody else think that Joann Hobson looks soo much like our wcjd I know it's not her since joann's body been found but whenever I see a pic of her I just see a GREAT resemblance

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Maybe it's just me but does anybody else think that Joann Hobson looks soo much like our wcjd I know it's not her since joann's body been found but whenever I see a pic of her I just see a GREAT resemblance

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I think WCJD looks a lot like Cynthia Gastelle, too, who was identified as Haymarket Jane Doe long before I even heard of WS. But I was looking up "missing girls 1980" and saw this pic of Cynthia Gastelle, and for a split second my heart stopped beating. Then I found out she had been identified, still close resemblance in my opinion though.
From the congressional hearing where Kitty gave her testimony

I know most of you are more intrigued with the photo of Cathy that has been circulating the web, but I can't stop focusing on Kitty and her story. I've been in touch with a couple of Galveston County Clerks that have taken an interest in the idea of Kitty possibly being WCJD and they have tried helping me out the best way they know how. I filed a motion yesterday to receive a copy of Kitty's sealed file - which they have almost guaranteed still exists. I have also learned that I won't find Kitty in any yearbook on the island, as the group home did schooling within the group home back then.
After reading the transcript of her testimony, I am also wondering about the sister she lost track of.

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