GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

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Judas - I was thinking the same thing about the dog. It could have been a friends dog for all we know. Or no dog at all. Maybe the neighbor even just thought they heard a dog but it was really the baby crying. Who knows.

So she is asking about her car... wth... Just more evidence imho that her babies meant nothing to her. I would be far more concerned what would be happening with my children (even my dead child's body) than a stupid car. Course who knows the full thing.
It says the baby's body was also buried in a culvert. Poor kiddo. It's just so awful the more we hear.

Can you quote the article, pls? I'm on my iPad and can't see it all for some reason.
Wow. She asked about her car....that is definitely in keeping with the superficial and self-obsessed personality displayed in her many, many online social media posts.

Those beautiful little boys just did not seem to figure into her consciousness.

Rest in Peace, Jackson. My baby is a Jackson, too. I'll keep giving him extra kisses and snuggles for you. You deserved to be somebody's "Baby Jackie-Boy", sweetheart.
I know that I read that Blake is in the custody of the state. Has there been any news about whether there or family members who are trying to get custody of him? It's strange, I haven't seen anything about either of their families at all. It's like they cut themselves off from everyone.

I hope that someone loving and caring will be taking care of the poor child. He's been through so much in his short life.

I, too, am puzzled about the apparent lack of connection to other family members by this couple...(JF and JF) ... :waitasec:
Jeff Farrey has two parents . . . they are not cut off from that family. Jenna's father is dead and I don't know what the deal is with her mother.

Incidentally, I'm not convinced that the family ever had a dog. They had two orange cats . . . but I haven't seen any pictures of a dog or discussion of a dog. The only people who mentioned "the family dog" were neighbors, and remember, the neighbors didn't even think these people had kids. So who knows whether there was a dog.

Thank you for this info., Judas...:seeya:
I'm going to preface this with; 1. I loathe CPS as an organization. 2. I am the adoptive mom of 10 through the state.

According to the news sources linked above, CPS was involved with the family until May 2012, which means that this family was getting services (parenting classes, etc). CPS has it's hands tied by OUR freedoms as parents. And I do not want that changed. I work with children who have come from failed adoption placements, all of my children are from DFS and foster/adoptive parent failures... you can imagine the trauma these children have experienced. I'm working with our new 4 year old daughter now, I am her 7th mom (and last!), it is incredibly sad to watch her struggle.

Children with consistent grief and loss eventually never bond to anyone, thus never developing a conscience. This is how we end up with the psychos committing grievous crimes against others.

To willy-nilly remove children from their biological parents MUST be a difficult process, unless the child is in IMMINENT danger. That said, we all know these children were- but CPS likely did not at this point.

I don't know about you, but I like my parental rights and will not hand them over to the government. CPS often fails- for those who should NOT lose their children (and I have fostered children who should never have been removed!), and for those who SHOULD- like these precious boys.

I don't know how to bold words from my iPad...:blushing:

But I have, too, been thinking about the section above describing results of children lacking in bonding with parents from an early age...

This situation can lead to inability to become involved in close emotional relationships throughout the rest of the child's life...

and may even prevent the development of a conscience...

all so sad for the child... And society as a whole...

There has to be some mental issues going on. It almost seems bipolar-ish but it still is NO excuse for what she did. But I say that because it looks like all the videos were within the last few months and she sounds like she is in a state of mania during each of them with her rambling.

Anyways, reading that article posted about her being in court makes my skin crawl. How do you ask your lawyer about your car and personal belonging but not ask what is going to happen to her sons body.

She has NO remorse whatsoever and that us sickening.
I don't know how to bold words from my iPad...:blushing:

But I have, too, been thinking about the section above describing results of children lacking in bonding with parents from an early age...

This situation can lead to inability to become involved in close emotional relationships throughout the rest of the child's life...

and may even prevent the development of a conscience...

all so sad for the child... And society as a whole...


It's incredibly sad. And incredibly difficult to work with but not impossible. My kids are all very emotionally healthy now, except our new daughter. But she will be.

In a perfect world, infertile couples would be those who have no capability to nurture. Not those who so desperately want to.
Jeff Farrey has two parents . . . they are not cut off from that family. Jenna's father is dead and I don't know what the deal is with her mother.

Incidentally, I'm not convinced that the family ever had a dog. They had two orange cats . . . but I haven't seen any pictures of a dog or discussion of a dog. The only people who mentioned "the family dog" were neighbors, and remember, the neighbors didn't even think these people had kids. So who knows whether there was a dog.

There's a photo of a cat on this FB
Woah. Did anyone else notice the conversation with JMF (Jeffery Farrey's father) on January 7, 2013? I took a screenshot just in case the FB gets locked down:

So it seems like there was some awareness and concern for at least B's welfare from members of this family. I'm also curious as to what the New Mexico thing is all about...isn't that where they buried Jackson's body? Her explanation about the cell phone towers doesn't pass the sniff test IMO.
Woah. Did anyone else notice the conversation with JMF (Jeffery Farrey's father) on January 7, 2013? I took a screenshot just in case the FB gets locked down:

So it seems like there was some awareness and concern for at least B's welfare from members of this family. I'm also curious as to what the New Mexico thing is all about...isn't that where they buried Jackson's body? Her explanation about the cell phone towers doesn't pass the sniff test IMO.

Yes, I saw this also. The question regarding how much Blake is eating is very telling as well. moo

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Little Monsters Learning Center ????

"His stomach was very big and when we would give him a bottle he would just snatch it from us," she said. "He was very, very little and his stomach was too big for him and he looked ... He didn't look healthy at all."

She said Blake often arrived wearing the same diaper daycare workers had put on him the day before.

"As soon as the director arrived at the daycare, we had told her and she immediately called CPS," the daycare employee said. "We noticed that there was little marks on him and at first we thought it was just a rash, but then we started noticing it was more on his body. So that's when we told CPS about that, too."

A CPS spokesman told ABC-7 the supervisor, who worked a neglectful supervision case involving Jenna Farrey, had no record of these allegations from a year ago.

"They are supposed to be there to protect the children and obviously they didn't," she said. "And now, Jackson's gone and poor Blake, he's just there when he could have been taken care of a long time ago."

CPS FAILED big time. So very sad those babies were malnourished and abused.

Is there any info that tells us how long he had been attending the daycare center at the time CPS was called? I am wondering if he had just started there. Thanks
It seems like Jeff Michael Farrey, Jenna's FiL, was trying to subtly remind her to a)feed Blake and b) not go jetting off to NM leaving the baby home alone again. She no doubt had a "friend" in Chaparral.
Looking forward to autopsy results. I bet the baby starved to death! Too bad the law can't starve the parents, but on a negative note starvation usually results in release of endorphins that blocks pain and results in a sense of euphoria. That is something I do not want them the experience, the blocked pain and sense of euphoria that is!
I'm confused, where did they actually reside? Baby was found in NM, correct?
It seems like Jeff Michael Farrey, Jenna's FiL, was trying to subtly remind her to a)feed Blake and b) not go jetting off to NM leaving the baby home alone again. She no doubt had a "friend" in Chaparral.

I agree. He also makes a comment on April 12 (B's birthday) that seems to allude to this. Jenna says B is "getting so big so fast". JMF replies "That's debatable. But yes, it's been a short year"
Woah. Did anyone else notice the conversation with JMF (Jeffery Farrey's father) on January 7, 2013? I took a screenshot just in case the FB gets locked down:

So it seems like there was some awareness and concern for at least B's welfare from members of this family. I'm also curious as to what the New Mexico thing is all about...isn't that where they buried Jackson's body? Her explanation about the cell phone towers doesn't pass the sniff test IMO.

I certainly hope we find out later that this guy either fought for custody or called CPS.
Because he CLEARLY knew something was wrong.
If I left town my father would say "who's babysitting?"

For this father to say "where did you put Blake?" Shows he KNEW something was wrong.
He had an obligation to protect these children and I certainly hope he tried more than on facebook. :twocents:
Woah. Did anyone else notice the conversation with JMF (Jeffery Farrey's father) on January 7, 2013? I took a screenshot just in case the FB gets locked down:

So it seems like there was some awareness and concern for at least B's welfare from members of this family. I'm also curious as to what the New Mexico thing is all about...isn't that where they buried Jackson's body? Her explanation about the cell phone towers doesn't pass the sniff test IMO.

Wow. I'm glad you screenshotted it. Speaks volumes, and he is short and to the point in his replies.
I certainly hope we find out later that this guy either fought for custody or called CPS.
Because he CLEARLY knew something was wrong.
If I left town my father would say "who's babysitting?"

For this father to say "where did you put Blake?" Shows he KNEW something was wrong.
He had an obligation to protect these children and I certainly hope he tried more than on facebook. :twocents:
I'm going to withhold judgement on that until all the facts come out. I agree with you that he had a basic moral obligation to protect those children-not just because he was the grandfather, but because I strongly feel that EVERY adult has a basic moral obligation to protect ANY child they know or suspect is in harms way.

That said, I would take into consideration the fact that Blake was under CPS supervision at the time-a fact that grandpa was likely aware of. He may have just assumed the situation was taken care of, and that necessary steps were already being taken to ensure his grandsons safety.

Furthermore, Jenna seems like the kind of petty, vindictive person who wouldn't think twice about cutting off access to the little boy to anyone who dared to cross her. I've been in this situation before and it is a very delicate balance. In my experience, CPS does not act on vague suspicion alone-there has to be some kind of concrete evidence for them to take a report seriously. Given that the grandparents lived thousands of miles apart and likely had little face-to-face contact, they probably didn't have much to go on beyond gut instinct that something was seriously amiss. And even if you make a report anonymously, based on the information shared (which often does get disclosed to the parents) the identity of the reporting party is usually pretty obvious. So if no protective action is taken, the end result is often the child losing another lifeline, and thus becoming vulnerable to even more severe abuse and mistreatment because there is one less person around to keep a watchful eye on them.

The way I read JMF's comments is "You're not fooling me, Jenna, and I'm keeping eyes on you and that little boy". Which may have been the only thing he felt he could do in that situation.

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