TX TX - Jason Landry, 21, en route from TSU to home, car found crashed at Luling, 14 Dec 2020

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But have you ever been through something like this? It doesn't have to be ominous. It was late, he must have been tired, the accident sounds severe. Maybe he is near where the car was. Maybe he's in a hospital. I lose my phone, and the phone flew. It was buried under a seat. If his head was hurting or bleeding, he wasn't going to bend over and look everywhere. How could he find it? He couldn't call it. He's young. He's strong. Some people have made it thru a week. Give him that chance.
No, thank goodness, I haven’t had to go through anything like this. I mean, I have been in a car accident in which I hit the windshield and sustained a concussion, but I wasn’t alone, and I didn’t even need to go to the hospital. I was lucky.

I do think it’s most likely he was injured and left for help, It’s worrying though b/c I think he would have taken his backpack no matter what. It’s super important to college kids. They don’t carry books anymore haha, but computers and tablets, chargers and phones, wallet w/ID’s & credit/debit cards, jackets. It’s everything to them. It sounds like he could have found his phone, and I don’t think he would have left without it. JMO. So I think he must have been very out of it if he just stumbled away without anything from his car. But you’re right, he’s young and strong. I hope they find him huddled up just waiting to be found today.
I also grew up in SE Tx. I once had a single car accident at night coming home from college and the closest town (with a working pay phone) was Cut-n-Shoot. That was literally out in the middle of nowhere before cell phones were common. I remember the adrenaline with a wreck in the middle of nowhere. My point is this - if he didn’t make an immediate rash decision and he didn’t have a head injury I am stumped. In a panic I can see him wandering into an oil field and falling into an empty well/hole. But if he had his senses post crash and got into a vehicle anything is possible. I agree that Texans in general are known to help each other, but it doesn’t mean monsters aren’t out there. I’ve actually avoided checking this page for hours in fear that they found him deceased. I think this case is so sad and strange from a personal level who has been in a similar situation. It makes you question whether survival really comes down to luck, chance, faith, or fate.
I don’t like those oil fields with open holes at all! Surely they’re all over that now that the pond has turned up nothing.
I just can’t make it work in my head that he would get into a car with someone. Still why bring nothing from the car? The phone was found so he could have found it IMO. And I don’t think any 21 year old would leave the scene without his phone—it’s a lifeline. Even a very shaken up 21 year old. At the very least he would grab his backpack w/the most important things—laptop, chargers etc.
There ARE monsters out there, and of course the monsters just might be the ones to be driving around that late and stopping to pick someone up. But I am more inclined to think he was disoriented enough to wander away without the things most important to a 21 yr. old college student. That worries me. :(
Hoping for the best today from the searches!
Just a few thoughts. I've very thoroughly lost my phone in the car before in broad daylight without any kind of accident. So finding one in the dark after the accident might have been a real challenge, disoriented or not. So I don't read a lot into him leaving that behind. But leaving a wallet, backpack, and other valuables behind is harder to explain unless he expected to be back soon or was dazed. It also tends to rule out any kind of robbery scenario. If someone picked him up on the road with that intent they'd have to realize that, if he didn't have them with him, they'd be back at his car.

Also, looking at Salt Flat Road on Google Street View, I think you'd have to be pretty unlucky to hit a tree along that road large enough to do much damage. Most look more like shrubs.
Many years ago I was involved in a serious bicycle crash and suffered a concussion. I blacked out and don't remember anything. I would not have known to pick up a phone or a backpack if I'd had one. I was just wondering around the area which happened to be close enough to a house someone saw me. They called my Mom who came and picked me up. next thing I know I'm on a chair in her kitchen and she's cleaning my road rash.

All this normal stuff you think you'd do after an accident? You don't necessarily do.

I think this is simply a single car accident and he wondered off. No one ran him off the road. No one saw him injured and kidnapped him. I just hope they can figure where he wondered off to before it's too late. My opinion.
Jason's church posted this a few minutes ago, after talking with Jason's mother Lisa:

"Many people have been asking how Jason ended up where his car crashed. We believe the short answer is that if you miss a right turn at a light to go toward I-10, that road turns into Salt Flat road, and eventually becomes a gravel road where Jason's car was. If the light was green, or if he didn't hear his GPS app, then he could have missed his right turn and kept going on that street. Apparently many Texas State students have driven down parts of Salt Flat road before having to turn around and go back to I-10. While we don't know for sure, that is a likely scenario at this point."
Odd that nothing's been reported about whether they found footprints near the pond, last phone calls, last credit card charges, etc. It's been 6 days, and they still are not inviting volunteers in to search, are still working on updated missing person's poster, and no talk of a reward. Worries me that more information isn't being communicated. Need to keep face and story out there get attention.
Odd that nothing's been reported about whether they found footprints near the pond, last phone calls, last credit card charges, etc. It's been 6 days, and they still are not inviting volunteers in to search, are still working on updated missing person's poster, and no talk of a reward. Worries me that more information isn't being communicated. Need to keep face and story out there get attention.

slt66, I've thought about this. At first I wondered if Jason fell asleep at the wheel but a gravel/dirt road - well it's not like the highway. I don't think those types of road noises/bumps are conducive to sleeping. I'm leaning toward avoiding wildlife or distracted by his map app. As far as the searching, we know the area nearby included uncapped wells and I just can't imagine any property owner inviting that type of liability. I often forget searches are done on land owned by a third party so there are other considerations.
I hope Jason's family has answers soon.
Well yes,

The sniffer dogs constitute a valuable tool, they are not infallible as we saw in the Tia Sharpe case, they are part of a team. They are trained by individual handlers, so standards may vary.

It would be interesting to see the publication of data showing in how many cases where they were deployed evidence was submitted; whether this evidence stood up in court without other backup.

And on the other hand, how successful have sniffer/tracer dogs been in finding people per se?

I think they must be, maybe someone has stats?

I so agree that search dogs are valuable tools...
(though I tend to think of them more personally than just "tools". :) )...
They are tools just as heat sensors, sonar devices, searchers, themselves, are ... the list goes on and on...

As in all the above examples...
what dogs do NOT find can be valuable as what they DO find...
to add to the list of evidence...

I do not have any stats on the efficacy of search dogs...
and I do not have any stats of the efficacy of the other tools listed above...

I just appreciate the efforts of these hard working dogs and their hard working handlers as they search to save people's lives!

I'm sorry, everyone, I've had a very draining few days but I had to start the thread when I saw there wasn't one here. I am dealing with way more than I am able to at this point, so, unless I check in for news, I don't think I'll be back. I hope he's found safe and alive.
Did they check hospitals for amnesia victims? Maybe someone did come along and took him in the direction they were going because he didn't know who he was. Maybe he is okay. Could some LE person have mistaken him for someone else and they have him in jail somewhere, thinking he's a criminal? I don't see how, but, hey, cover all the bases, right? Good luck and God bless you all. Thank you. Hope for the best. Believe.

Thank you for starting this thread, California Sunset!

I hope things start going more smoothly for you in the near future!
|Destination Unknown| 2 Mysterious Missing Men | Missouri | A Single Car Crash | Argument With Girlfriend | Vanish into Thin Air |
2 links to the same video. I took a look at local crime stats and Luling is among the worst for violent crime. Something has me going in that direction. I think it is even possible he was forced off the road.

It's hard to say what happened with the information available. You may be on to something not much of anyone else considered.
It makes sense if they don't want the public to help search in this area, if it's not a safe area, there are private properties, plus Covid. We can't criticize LE for that. But it's a pity at the same time. People must be wanting to help so badly.

I'm pretty surprised the dogs didn't find him. How far can someone injured and disoriented from a car accident go?
Many years ago I was involved in a serious bicycle crash and suffered a concussion. I blacked out and don't remember anything. I would not have known to pick up a phone or a backpack if I'd had one. I was just wondering around the area which happened to be close enough to a house someone saw me. They called my Mom who came and picked me up. next thing I know I'm on a chair in her kitchen and she's cleaning my road rash.

All this normal stuff you think you'd do after an accident? You don't necessarily do.

I think this is simply a single car accident and he wondered off. No one ran him off the road. No one saw him injured and kidnapped him. I just hope they can figure where he wondered off to before it's too late. My opinion.
I agree with this. I was in a moped accident once with a friend. Some of her brackets (from braces) got knocked off in the crash. She had a concussion that made her disoriented enough to start searching the grass (fruitlessly) looking for her braces.
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