TX TX - Jason Landry, 21, enroute from TSU to home, car found crashed at Luling, 14 Dec 2020 #6

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Let's suppose a geofence warrant is issued and LE finds some previously unknown person who was there, maybe driving down the road and had stopped along it that night. Let's suppose it was you. Maybe you changed a flat tire and left moments before Jason came along. LE gets a warrant, seizes your car, searches your house, finds your son's drug stash, and hauls your whole family off to jail. So much for your civil liberties.

I'm all for finding Jason but I also respect people's reasonable rights to privacy. Tele-communications metadata has become a gray area. The current legal standard is there has to be evidence of a crime to request it. Sometimes not knowing what happened to someone like Jason may be the price paid for living in a free society and not in a police state. MOO
I totally understand that and the legalities of such actions.

I was putting my mind into his parent's heads and thinking, I dont care what you find...just find my son. !!!

But realistically, YES..there has to be evidence of a crime to pursue such requests.
Can't they just get judge's signature all hush hush, they don't have to share that detail with a soul. If they know it wont be admissible I am sure they can find something else that is - if there is some proof of ppl in the area with Jason....those anonymous tip lines can really get things going wink wink nod nod
Bless your heart! FOIA will tell on them and here come the lawsuits.

Essentially, it boils down to the "expectation of privacy." When you are driving on a public street and everybody has surveillance cameras attached to their home -- you lose that argument but the courts have ruled that your phone/location tracking requires probable cause.
Let's suppose a geofence warrant is issued and LE finds some previously unknown person who was there, maybe driving down the road and had stopped along it that night. Let's suppose it was you. Maybe you changed a flat tire and left moments before Jason came along. LE gets a warrant, seizes your car, searches your house, finds your son's drug stash, and hauls your whole family off to jail. So much for your civil liberties.

I'm all for finding Jason but I also respect people's reasonable rights to privacy. Tele-communications metadata has become a gray area. The current legal standard is there has to be evidence of a crime to request it. Sometimes not knowing what happened to someone like Jason may be the price paid for living in a free society and not in a police state. MOO
I see wht you are saying but at the same time Jason could've come across someone where he was walking. That person could have gained his trust to harm him (taken him somewhere further away) it doesn't have to be any reason on that person's part but just to harm. We don't know of anyone else being there (but that doesn't mean there wasn't) until the photo was taken of the wrecked car. Before the witness took the photo anything could have happened like someone being in the path he was walking. So I think if they get tips that possibly points to something criminal happening then its important to get a geofence warrant. In a case where there is a possibility that someone without a vehicle could have been there at the same time it really should be considered. Even if there is no evidence to support that anything criminal happened to Jason. Things happen all the time where nefarious people want to and will take advantage of the situation as long as their not caught.
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Bless your heart! FOIA will tell on them and here come the lawsuits.

Essentially, it boils down to the "expectation of privacy." When you are driving on a public street and everybody has surveillance cameras attached to their home -- you lose that argument but the courts have ruled that your phone/location tracking requires probable cause.

Well FOIA requests are denied all the time...it causes an uproar, but this is an ongoing investigation and could be for yrs to come even if they find a body...b/c "others are possibly involved, or its connected to another ongoing investigation lol
Well FOIA requests are denied all the time...it causes an uproar, but this is an ongoing investigation and could be for yrs to come even if they find a body...b/c "others are possibly involved, or its connected to another ongoing investigation lol
Except FOIA requests are typically denied for ongoing "criminal investigations" and this is not a criminal investigation -- hence the very problem obtaining a warrant for Jason.
There will be something of a criminal nature if they got the geo fencing- once they find it it will be the reason they got that warrant...somebody called in a tip, so wht if the wording didn't indicate it....or it could indicate it if they're smart.. Im saying all this tongue in cheek...if it was my child, I cannot imagine.

Im just saying IMOO manipulation of the justice system is typical, and always has been- IMOO. Why stop now?

On a side note I've had my rights violated to such a degree I dont trust law enforcement much- it has effected my entire life.

They could manipulate the system to get something done that involves possible life or death of a human being- all my feelings on the matter- opinion only.
There will be something of a criminal nature if they got the geo fencing- once they find it it will be the reason they got that warrant...somebody called in a tip, so wht if the wording didn't indicate it....or it could indicate it if they're smart.. Im saying all this tongue in cheek...if it was my child, I cannot imagine.

Im just saying IMOO manipulation of the justice system is typical, and always has been- IMOO. Why stop now?

On a side note I've had my rights violated to such a degree I dont trust law enforcement much- it has effected my entire life.

They could manipulate the system to get something done that involves possible life or death of a human being- all my feelings on the matter- opinion only.

I don't think you get how invasive a geo-fence warrant is. I can imagine a number of legal boondoggles if anything illegal or unseemly is uncovered but completely unrelated to the reason for the warrant.

Nothing unseemly happened to Jason. He had an accident, hit his head, and wandered out into the night. It's tragic, but a geo-fence warrant isn't going to find him.

Maybe some ground penetrating radar and dropping GoPros into the open wells would be the most effective way to find him.
I don't think you get how invasive a geo-fence warrant is. I can imagine a number of legal boondoggles if anything illegal or unseemly is uncovered but completely unrelated to the reason for the warrant.

Nothing unseemly happened to Jason. He had an accident, hit his head, and wandered out into the night. It's tragic, but a geo-fence warrant isn't going to find him.

Maybe some ground penetrating radar and dropping GoPros into the open wells would be the most effective way to find him.
I think in the last search IIRC they were using ground penetrating radar. The 86 points they were looking at. I hope they came across something even small. Sometimes small things help. Although, the GoPro camera I hope they used that also to search open wells, because he could've crawled into there.
Google maps shows the San Marco River which flows near Luling, joins with the Guadalupe River a considerable distance south in Gonzales, Texas. Even if Jason entered the San Marcos River near Luling, it is hard to see how he could make it down to Gonzales. The San Marcos is full of twists and turns and doesn't appear to be deep or fast moving.. And, this assumes that the body could have come all that distance downstream.

But the Guadalupe River runs a considerable distance before it joins the San Marco River and if the body has been found in that section of the Guadalupe River then he had to have been driven over there.

I tried to put up the map, but Texas is so large that I couldn't get the San Marcos River and the Guadalupe River into one screen shot to illustrate the distance.
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According to my map about 21 miles.
He was several miles out on SFR when he crashed so just a few more miles than that. It's kind of hard to see how he would have got any where near that far walking barefoot. And as @Rosiebones pointed out, getting there by river is also unlikely. I have a lot of doubts this is Jason.
He was several miles out on SFR when he crashed so just a few more miles than that. It's kind of hard to see how he would have got any where near that far walking barefoot. And as @Rosiebones pointed out, getting there by river is also unlikely. I have a lot of doubts this is Jason.
ITA Also the fact that he would have been quite noticeable because he had no clothes on, barefoot was probably the least of his problems at that point.
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