TX TX - Jason Landry, 21, enroute from TSU to home, car found crashed at Luling, 14 Dec 2020 #6

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I have no idea what they mean by "psychedelics"

Marijuana is not considered to be a psychedelic.

Psychedelic drug - Wikipedia

It appears LE is drawing on Jason's internet searches. Additionally they have the context of the newly released video, presumably from the friend Jason was talking to. They were talking about spiritual awareness.

Does anyone have a link to the new footage & audio that hasn't been edited by the news station? Or do we just have an interview with the Caldwell County captain and not a full press release?

There is no audio. It says it was recorded by his friend without audio, and the friend told LE what the conversation was about.
(I'm not sure why the friend would record it)
There is no audio. It says it was recorded by his friend without audio, and the friend told LE what the conversation was about.
(I'm not sure why the friend would record it)
Interesting. Why is this just now coming out?
I really hope LE isn't insisting on the marijuana (and implying other things perhaps) as the reason for his accident simply because they have no leads. If they had done a better job investigating or even just getting officers at the scene and looking for Jason earlier (before towing his car), we might not be here.
I have no idea what they mean by "psychedelics"

Marijuana is not considered to be a psychedelic.

Psychedelic drug - Wikipedia
Without a body, there's no evidence to know what Jason indulged in before leaving his apartment-- including psychedelics.

IMO, it seems psychedelic was part of his discussion with his friend and/or his recent internet searches.

All we know is that the MJ he packed (found by LE in his backpack) for his trip to his parents for Christmas break tested clean.
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Interesting. Why is this just now coming out?
I really hope LE isn't insisting on the marijuana (and implying other things perhaps) as the reason for his accident simply because they have no leads. If they had done a better job investigating or even just getting officers at the scene and looking for Jason earlier (before towing his car), we might not be here.
I didn't get that LE was implying anything other than offering an explanation as to why Jason removed his clothes. I too wish they searched for him that night but I think Jason will be recovered not too far from the crash scene and I just hope it's sooner than later. So awful for his folks and friends. :(
As someone else already stated, this IS the same FOX news station that made the IMO outrageous leap of " a backpack full of narcotics " very early on.
The choice of news agencies that CCSO Jeff Ferry could have gone to with his news updates is certainly intriguing to myself. Why? Some said possibly forced to due to FOIA requests. Perhaps.
But from my understanding that Sheriff's Office has repeatedly denied most of the requests due to the
" investigation of possible crimes and the prosecution of the potential suspects " HUH? I thought that was the main reason why the Geofence warrant hasn't been requested by the CCSO. " There has to be evidence of a crime or criminal actions in order to request the Geofence warrant " or did I miss something?

Some people are inquiring about why at least 2 of Jason's friends recorded their interactions or screenshot him during another one on one chat. IMO the possibility of doing so in order to show JL how he was behaving and the things he was saying when he was clear headed and sober is believable.

Notice that the other SS from the last video chat shows him to be wearing
According to the video he was googling different types of marijuana and talking about psychedelics. He was also googling how to survive in the wilderness and how long can you go without food and things about spiritual enlightenment/awakening.

I'm not getting a wilderness/survival vibe where he crashed. It's all private property that's dotted with oil rigs.

The road he crashed on Salt Flat Road probably gets the name from salt formations associated with oil. The cross street is Pumper, another cross street is Derrick.

There also isn't anything to eat either. (I don't think you said it, but someone said something about berries...)

Seeing that he's from the Houston area, there would have been more foraging options down there.
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Accidentally hit post reply sorry. So finishing my previous post ..shows JL to be dressed in the red church camp t-shirt and the shirt picked up by his Dad the next day.
But the recording without audio shows him to be wearing a blue t-shirt.
Accidentally hit post reply sorry. So finishing my previous post ..shows JL to be dressed in the red church camp t-shirt and the shirt picked up by his Dad the next day.
But the recording without audio shows him to be wearing a blue t-shirt.
He had completely sweat through that shirt; it seems unlikely he would have travelled in it, though.
I remember posting or thinking when Jason left his car and undressed it was perhaps a rebirth, a journey.

For me, the newly released LE video is important as to JL’s state of mind that night. Still very sad and I wish for JL to be recovered for his loving family. IMO
I know I've posted this info earlier in the thread, but it might be helpful again to repost it. That area smells so overwhelmingly of crude oil, that you can't possibly smell anything else. It's sad to be callous, but anyone hoping to smell decomposing remains wouldn't be able to. That clue, which would have been so helpful, is forever lost.
Pot can affect everyone differently. My guess is that Jason was a recreational smoker and knew how it made him feel. It is unlikely, if it affected him like a psychedelic, that he would smoke before a long drive. If he would smoke again at all. Sometimes the experience is a complete turn off and they will avoid it. Also, I've done shrooms on a few occasions as a teenager. Not once did I strip out of my clothes or even feel like it. Of course, I cant speak for everyone but not everyone strips naked while hallucinating. He seemed like a really level headed kid, I can't imagine he would risk taking something that makes him see things before getting on the road. Especially as psychedelics are seriously unpredictable. Once whatever drug that the person is on has kicked in, things could go south very quickly with just a negative thought. If he had smoked before getting on the road he probably would have been paranoid in the sense that he would have been driving at the exact speed limit posted. He would be cautious and extra alert to what is going on around him bc he will be looking for LE stationed down the roads. He does not want to get pulled over with pot in the car. He wouldn't have been driving erratic. Waze isn't a super reliable GPS so I can see it sending him down SFR. He pulls his phone out to find out why he's in the boonies, isn't paying attention(since its empty & rural), veers off the road and crashes. Let’s focus on finding him and not on negative bs posted by the media. That’s what the media does. Someone could save someone’s life in an extraordinary act but the media will report their past mistakes instead of focusing on the good that was done. Jason was a good kid and he is missing. That’s what matters.
I think this brings clarity.

Jason was under the influence. Jason was overheating. Jason was actively associating drugs, psychedelics and awakening.

For me, this rules out foul play. Rules out conspiracies theories.

He crashed, he disrobed, he began walking. Following a path of enlightenment, made sense only to him, in the state he was in. He may have had edibles or other drugs so he was feeling no pain, no fear. He may have been running no less, traveling much farther than anyone imagined.

If only he could emerge now, having survived on berries, but sadly, I think he likely burrowed in somewhere, where he died, where his remains have gone undetected.

My heart goes out to his parents. Jason was not alone in his college drug use. He didn't get a chance to outgrow it.

Well said @Megnut
I agree with all of this.

I am glad to see some updated info, honestly.

It is kind of the lines of thoughts I had since the beginning.

I sure hope he is found though.. as a parent, I cannot imagine the horror of not knowing where my child is at and what transpired.

Where are you Jason ????
Interesting. Why is this just now coming out?
I really hope LE isn't insisting on the marijuana (and implying other things perhaps) as the reason for his accident simply because they have no leads. If they had done a better job investigating or even just getting officers at the scene and looking for Jason earlier (before towing his car), we might not be here.
Well, there's that too.

I do believe, since the beginning that the things found were a contributing factor, but why release now??
Because after a year, they have not found him...that is why.

Not that it really helps to locate him, but does give us a process of where his mind thoughts were at.

Where are you Jason ????
Just released new images and information on Jason Landry leading up to his leaving San Marcos the last time he was seen. This is devastating to see and know.

Where is Jason Landry? Search continues for missing Texas State student
Hmmmm. I think Jason looked fine in the video—maybe a little high, but not totally wasted. The sweat is interesting, but it could honestly mean nothing. Maybe he had the heater on really high since it was so chilly outside. Who knows?
I also think he seems like a normal college kid talking about and googling normal things that kids that age think about.
Not sure why they’re putting this out there except that they have nothing else? I don’t blame his dad for not being thrilled. It sort of feels like victim blaming—“look he was on drugs and that’s why he’s missing so it’s not our fault we can’t find him.” I hope they really just want to renew interest, but it feels kinda yucky.
I've read this whole thread since I haven't been here for a while. I agree with anyone who believes that a geofence warrant is out of the question since there is absolutely no evidence of foul play. It's concerning to me that some people would be okay with allowing LE to gather information on the downlow to skirt privacy laws. It makes me realize how fragile our rights are. Does the end justify the means?

I wondered why Jason's vehicle was considered 'totaled'. Initially it made me think his injuries were worse than they might have been. Judging by its appearance it wasn't totaled because of irreparable damage but because its age and market value probably made fixing it not financially viable. He may have been shaken up and disoriented for a while but I feel he was capable of exiting the vehicle. Without his phone he may have sat around for awhile trying to figure out how to get back to Luling but he was really underdressed for the occasion, even without getting in an accident. The location seems so desolate so I understand why he decided to walk. Hypothermia is a real risk when someone isn't dressed for the weather but hypothermia is rare when temperatures hover around freezing.

The shedding of the clothes though, that's what gives me pause. I can't figure out if he was overheated because of drugs he may have consumed or because he was in the final throes of hypothermia. Usually, paradoxical undressing is the final act before burrowing and death so you'd think finding his clothes less than 900 feet from the vehicle he would have been found within any of the search areas. Most people who died of hypothermia and engaged in paradoxical undressing endured sub zero temperatures. Minus 30 F can trigger hypothermia in 10 minutes. Texas was a long way from -30F that night.

I watched the video (absent of sound) of JL rolling a joint as a traveler. I have a feeling that the sound is absent not to besmirch the memory of JL but to protect his friends.

I was looking up what drugs have a tendency to cause excess sweating and heat intolerance. Yes, the usual suspects are there: cocaine, methamphetamine, and MDMA. But also Ritalin and Adderall. From what I can ascertain a lot of students, especially university students take these two drugs to help them focus and increase their attention span. So even without a prescription it's quite possible JL could have accessed it at university.

Adderall Abuse Among College Students | Prescription Stimulant Addiction

So I have two thoughts about JL's disappearance. One is that his drug use and the shock of the accident triggered some kind of psychotic break. Coupled with his interest in a spiritual awakening it caused him to wander in search of enlightenment shedding his clothes to unburden himself and attain some kind of spiritual nirvana.

The second is one that happens with depressing frequency. That he was a young man driving under the influence of drugs who lost control of his vehicle. Injured and lost he started to walk without knowing where he was going and died of exposure.

I feel very sorry for his dad who will search for him even if it takes years. I hope he finds him.

Some users here are questioning - why release this info now? But I think it's a fair question because of the recent activity around securing a geofence warrant and that online petition asking for one to be granted. And the family's PI suggesting there is a reason for a judge to sign that warrant.

In the back of my mind, I had wondered how LE had acquired a video still from a call he had made earlier that night - this explains why (the friend thought that JL was so high/stoned that he wouldn't remember what he was saying). The PD body cam and the VFF's call also confirm some of the details and rumors.

LE has gotten a fair amount of heat for their initial actions and I think this does help explain why they don't believe foul play is involved.

I think the main sign the officer referred to was the excessive sweating. That's not a very typical effect from smoking pot, or really from many other drugs either. It might be due to stimulants, psychedelics, "bath salts", etc. or it might be just from staying up all night drinking strong coffee and debating religion and existence, then smoking a bit. Maybe he'd been exercising or packing his car. His Facetime friend, who must have known Jason's mannerisms, seems to have thought he was high. To me it just looked like he was having a lively discussion.

Come now. That child is clearly under the influence of drugs, this coming from someone who has done plenty himself. I suppose your theory isn't completely impossible, but...come on.
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