TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #6

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Well, Nelson went back to Jonathan's apartment that night, so she either left him (alive/deceased)at her house when she did so or she had him (deceased) in the truck and put him in the ditch.

She must have went back to the apartment for a purpose that night.

Besides placing herself in the apartment in case LE found evidence of her there.

Speaking of which, DID LE find evidence of Nelson in Jonathan's apartment?

I would not be surprised, when and if it all comes out, that she was there as an 'Enforcer' to let mom know that it was pay up or else. And sadly, it turned out to be 'or else'.
I can't quite grasp all of this yet. Why take and kill this precious little boy ? What did he do to this woman.

If you analyze her past history, she has a history of getting aggressive. Misdemeanor criminal charges (criminal mischief) have notes about domestic involvement. Terroristic threats, again aggression. Boxing - perhaps she was funneled into boxing as an outlet for aggression. In itself, it is an aggressive sport. Her myspace (confirmed on the news sites as being hers), one of her friends asks specifically for HER help after a man attacked her. We can only speculate exactly what type of help a 200+ professional boxer could give. Robberies were aggressive. She hasn't fixed her problem of getting in trouble with crime, given a number of years she could have done, so she's not in control of her reactions. Add that to her size and skills, and it just takes anger, or substances, or fear, or a need to protect herself from going back to court again. I think he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, when she wanted something and went in to get it. She wasn't bargaining on him, but there he was - and furthermore he was calling an adult.

She has shown a need to cya by showing up again and making sure that she pointed the finger at someone ELSE, in case someone witnessed her at the complex. I'd feel really afraid if I were the witness that placed her at the complex that day!
I'm gonna say this and then duck.... but I'm not 100% convinced that Jonathan's mom actually moved out of the apartment she shared with the stepdad.

And I do not 100% believe the length of time AD and DD had JF living with them. If Uncle did not know JF was now living with AD (his sister), meaning that he believed JF was still living with GMa, why was he hopeful that JF would be safe with GMa close by?

Perhaps, AD and JF were living with DD longer than just a few weeks, and JF may not have been living with GMa for as long as has been reported.


He had just moved back in with his mother a few weeks ago.

Uncle: "At some points, yes, but I was hoping with my mom close by that no harm would befall him."

He [uncle] did not know the boy was living with his sister again.
I think someone actually saw her that day, tbh. Reports yesterday say they were looking for a hispanic male, or was that bad journalism? In either case, had someone seen her there could be a mistake (please, mods... just saying from across the street looking at the bungalow. easy mistake.)

If not, the person Mona says was in the house is just a goose chase.

And that even depends if DD wasn't the person in the apt. Oh wth, did I just say that?

She's trying to implicate another person, but she alone was seen at the complex and in the video. Honestly, with her light coloring and her build, and the way she dresses, I suspect that she was thought to be a hispanic male - thus the confusion. When I watched the video, before reading she was a female, I thought she was the alleged hispanic male. and then I said "that has to be a woman", and so it turns out it was. So it would be easy for anyone to make that mistake and thus think there was still a missing hispanic male.
Normally in investigations we would hear "sources close to the investigation" say that so and so took a poly. Besides the mother stating her hubby took a poly, has anyone else indicated that polys were implimented?

ETA: Odd that the mother didn't include herself in saying "she passed the poly" too!
Im going to be in the minority here Im sure. Im gonna hold off on judgment of DD until we have more facts. I truely understand where all the statements about him are comming from. I just dont think a bad vocabulary, off the cuff crude statements, and suspected drug activity make him guilty of being a part of harming JF.

So for the time being Im seeing him as a grieving person who is acting out in anger. Which In this situation seems perfectly normal to me. I didnt know JF at all and im mad as he77. JMO

DD is definitely a character! We have a dear family friend just like this! His life's a mess, he's an alcoholic, he's always talking loud and boisterous about what a great guy/friend/father/boyfriend/worker he is, and we love him dearly because we know he wouldn't hurt a fly. Even at his worst, most depressed, cry in my pint, moments, he doesn't shed a tear. He drinks himself into no feeling because the emotions he feels are self-hatred related and he can't seem to deal with that. That's what I saw in DD's video except he wasn't completely wasted *yet*.

We now know what vehicle Mona drives, but what confuses me at the moment is the "towing" of the step-father's vehicle especially since the mother indicates that her husband passed the poly!

Could it be that the step-father actually was the last known person to see Jonathan and that is why they towed the vehicle?

I would think that if the poly was actually issued, and it came out negative, there would be no reason to tow the vehicle.

I do understand that LE would cover all their bases, however, something is just not right here.

IIRC (and I haven't looked at the media reports yet), they found the body and then towed DD's car. I don't remember if they had the video surveillence tape yet, but they had not reviewed it. I don't think they knew anything at all about Mona until they saw that tape. Then I think they requestioned the parents which may be why Mom says she didn't blame Mona or anyone, the police went to them after they had seen the tapes.

AD & DD both state that they had only seen MN around a few times. I suppose that that could make them acquainted with her, but not necessarily "know" her, if that makes sense. Maybe they had only seen her around when she came by SE's house to deal, though don't most dealers make their clients come to them?

Or maybe SE is a dealer and they were all acquainted with one another from going to SE's to buy.

All is just speculation on my part and completely MOO.

Is it possible that Mona was "known" by all in the area without personally knowing her?

I can't wait for the presser and hope and pray that they give us more details and more facts than what we've seen so far!!

MOO :twocents:
Normally in investigations we would hear "sources close to the investigation" say that so and so took a poly. Besides the mother stating her hubby took a poly, has anyone else indicated that polys were implimented?

Lurking reporters, this is a great question to ask as well!! (I am wishing Houston reporters are really in here- can you see??)
I'm not a fan of the examiner's reports.

The author said it was straight from the PIO, Kese Smith. No unnamed sources.

Houston Police PIO Smith provided information to Examiner.com Wednesday to clear up some misconceptions and to provide an update in the case (all updates and responses provided below are from PIO Smith):
The author said it was straight from the PIO, Kese Smith. No unnamed sources.

Houston Police PIO Smith provided information to Examiner.com Wednesday to clear up some misconceptions and to provide an update in the case (all updates and responses provided below are from PIO Smith):

Thanks, still not a fan! :)
Is it possible that Mona was "known" by all in the area without personally knowing her?

I think it's very possible that she would have been seen. If she worked apartment maintenance in the area, people would have met her as she came up to do this or that at their homes. They would have seen her taking stuff out to dumpsters, fixing things, lingering around places where she worked. It wouldn't send up a red flag if they saw her lingering around places where she didn't actually work. She's the type of worker that you would notice because of her unique appearance, and get used to seeing because of the proximity afforded by her job.

She would be an "acquaintance" to many because of her maintenance work. That would make it easy enough for her to slip in and out of situations, especially non-gated apartments such as the one where the boy lived. In one article, it states that she "works" (present tense) in apartment complexes (plural). So who would be surprised to see her at yet another. These complexes are small; likely just working for one wouldn't be enough money to cover living, even with your board covered by your job.

As we've all seen now, too, she could slip through the cracks with a bit of a non-descript appearance: man or woman, hispanic or african american or? She could be a chameleon, and I say these in *relation to the case*, in relation to the fact that she was apparently able to go right up to a door and into it. Personally, I would care if she were blue, green, fat as a house, thin as a rail, or had 20 arms and legs. It's about "how did she do it, and was there a hispanic male or was it just her".

Maybe she told Jonathan she needed to do maintenance, and he bought it because she does maintenance around?
From this article:http://www.click2houston.com/news/26319669/detail.html
Quote:""They drilled me like I thought I was in Vietnam," David Davis said. "I know that's their job. 'It's you, it's you, it's you,' they kept saying. I told them just hammer me for a thousand days, a thousand nights. I love my boy."

David Davis said Jonathan was a sweet child who had many friends.

"He was just full of life," he said. "He was 12, but he wasn't on the 14 side. He didn't have his pants on the ground. He didn't play no punk. He played with all the little kids. Everybody knew him, and everybody loves him."
End Quote.

DD may be rough, uncouth, and vocabulary challenged. But I think he is being honest. I may eat my words later, but I am not going to shred him at this time. Yes, LE may have given him some rope to hang himself, and I haven't watched all the links posted this morning (I'm halfway through. :) ). But at this point, I am not going to judge him a killer <Mod Snip>
FWIW: Keep in mind that normally you can't even have a barbecue without the neighbors knowing you are cooking hot dogs and hamburgers.

If you get a string caught in the vacuum cleaner and the belt gets heated, chances are your neighbor is going to know what you did especially if they are close by.

Same would apply to any other fires within the household.


That vacuum cleaner smell in horrific. Can you imagine the stench from a burning body?

I would like to know exactly where the burn site was. Also, why didn't she burn his clothes? Why keep them? Was she planning on sending them back as a warning?
Police were at the home at 3:30 Friday afternoon, and told Mom she needed to go someone to report him at a juvenile place, when she did that they did not enter his info in the system until 9:30pm so no it is not true, she or someone in the family called LE and they were at his home from 3:30 until 4:15pm Christmas Eve.

This goes back to the mom stating that someone had made threats against Jonathan. I just can't for the life of me believe that if she told this to the officer's on scene that they would then send her off to go file a report somewhere else. And then that department would dilly dally around till later that night to do anything about it.

That vacuum cleaner smell in horrific. Can you imagine the stench from a burning body?

I would like to know exactly where the burn site was. Also, why didn't she burn his clothes? Why keep them? Was she planning on sending them back as a warning?

Do we know that she burned the clothing? I must of missed that one!
We have a phone call to Mom's work THAT MORNING (Jonathan asking for SE's #), then ANOTHER CALL to work saying it's an emergency. Then Mom heads home, apparently at around 2 which was when she was originally supposed to get home. (1 or 2). Step Dad checks on him at 1:45 (did mom call SD and tell him to check on him?), says he's fine, but in the meantime, Mom is calling over and over on her way home and finally a raspy voiced woman answers, a few MOMENTS later mom pulls up and he is not there. Then at some point, she gets "a call threatening her son".

Now, add to that that Mona says she was there in the morning to get SE's #, well that appears to be true considering JF called to get #.

That is INCREDIBLY tight timing. Not saying it could not have happened, but it just don't feel right, it feels OFF.

Apparently if Mom was using her cell phone enroute to the dwelling she had a cell phone. If the work situation, involved a time lapse in getting an employee to the phone why did Jonathan not call the mom's cell phone directly. Is it possible, Mom did not have her cell phone on while at work? This would add to the guilt of leaving him alone.

My teens call me on my cell phone when I am at work and I am perplexed why Jonathan called the work number instead when time was of the essence in an emergency..
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