TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 3

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Something else that really stands out to me: NG cycled through pictures of Joshua and I have searched for pics of Joshua. And I cannot find one single picture with his father. Not one. Yet the father goes overboard talking about little Joshua playing, and the father asking him to pick up his toys. And about the beanie/hat, and about wanting to see him dirty/playing, etc. I feel as if he is going overboard, emphasizing too many details... If they were so close, how come no pictures?

We're on the same page here. I posted the exact same thing a couple of pages back. I painstakingly laid out that whole scenario because it was bugging me to no end... As well as - where was everyone?!? Penshorn also says "at least two people" were in the main living area, as if it's unclear where the others were, kwim? I think they're getting mismatched stories.

The other thing that is missing here? Not once does she mention that the father said little Joshua was pulling on his beanie/hat. On the previous appearance on NG, the mom actually says this:

Still no mention of the father seeing him.

Bingo. There is a problem in that part of the timeline I believe.
First, we had the mom saying that at 7:40 she realised the baby was missing. But that makes no sense since the dad said he saw him @ 8 pm. How would it take her 20 minutes to look in the livingroom which is 10 seconds away?

I think the real problem took place closer to 7:40, an hour before the call to 911.
Family steps up search efforts for toddler missing for one week

Posted on February 11, 2011 at 11:27 PM

SAN ANTONIO -- Friday marks the first full week since a toddler vanished from his home in New Braunfels.

This weekend the family of Joshua Davis Jr. is stepping up their search efforts to bring him back home. The family plans to conduct their own volunteer search effort Saturday and is asking for volunteers.

Authorities released a new picture Friday of 18-month-old Joshua Davis Jr. They said it was taken hours before he was reported missing last Friday.
More at http://www.kens5.com/news/Family-st...r-toddler-missing-for-one-week-116032244.html
Just throwing this out there...if Joshua's family were to be involved with Gang activity, it's very possible a rival gang member took Joshua...just sayin...and jmo
I just hope he is found, one way or another. Already it is beginning to feel as though he might not be.

Picture taken in the hours before he went missing.
I hope that they find him! :( I do have to say that it can only take a second for a child that young to wander off. I was babysitting my cousins two kids and the oldest who is 2 years old (almost 3) had left the room and I went to check on him immediately after and could NOT find him anywhere!! I was freaking out. They live in a one floor house like a modular home that has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The one bathroom is in the master bedroom where my cousin and her husband sleep and then the other one is by the boys rooms. Well anyway the doors were shut and I could not find him anywhere. Here he had opened up his Mom's bedroom door and went in shutting it behind him. I had NO idea that he could open the door so I didn't think to check. I was so worried too and had ran outside afraid he had got out some how.

Another incident with him was that he was at his cousins birthday party and had wandered off down the road when they were not looking. My mom was bringing me to my Grandpa's to help my Aunt clean and we saw the child in the road. I mean it was so fast and thank god we found him.
I am just confused by the three types of search dogs that could not pick up a trail from the home. As many have said, they should have picked up something of a trail, even from the previous day or last time he went out. I am a big believer in search dogs and think they are amazing. I know they can be used or trained incorrectly, but really, how hard should it be for a dog to pick up a scent outside of the home, if it exists?
Just unbelievable frustrating and sad and while I think LE has some suspicions, I don't think they have any real idea what happened here, unless everything is being kept quiet.
Melissa Brannen would be my age, yes I remember her case vividly.

Her blue big bird sweater... the fibers from it. The fur coat. All of it.


Also just as an aside, we've all seen the lengths that predatory pedophiles will go to in order to obtain their victim...

I thought about it last night while I was laying down (just pondering not arguing for or against a theory) but I can only remember one incidence where a young girl was abducted from a party. For the life of me I can't remember her name right now but it was either a work associated party or holiday party that her Mom took her too and she was taken from that party. But that party wasn't in the child's home.

That is a very bold move IMHO. Anyone else remember offhand that case? If that is indeed what happened we are dealing with a predator that has a lot of experience more than likely to be that bold. KWIM?

I'm confused.... this isn't a new picture. :waitasec:

I have it from February 6th.

It showed up on facebook then as well.


It was published here on February 8th:

The last picture and one right in the middle:


They edited it (like I did with it and other pictures of him) and used the full picture.... but it is not a newly released one. That'd be like saying that the one of Kyron's glasses edited out of the Science fair project was a newly released picture. :waitasec:


Picture taken in the hours before he went missing.
With the FBI and the Texas Rangers in charge of this investigation,I am willing to bet

they have a good idea what happened to sweet Joshua.They are probably trying to get

all the little details in order to make an arrest.I have learned if people say enough their

lies catch up with them.That's why Nancy makes them talk on her show.Just keep

twisting and adding things on to that story of yours.Ex."I don`t think he wandered off.

He knows his play zone"Oh really Is that why you don't have to watch a small child

because they know their play zone? This speaks volumes to me
I hadn't caught this before -- from NG http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1102/10/ng.02.html

Sounds to me like Penshorn is saying they think people in the house are holding back info . . . .

Also, re-reading this, it sounds very scripted:

We were all in the house - as if to anticipate someone would question that?

There was nine people in the house - Saying an exact amount of people while under an incredible amount of stress, plus reiterating "in the house"?

I was sitting on the bed watching "Toy Story" with my baby - First, who "sits" on the bed to watch a movie, especially an 8 mon pregnant woman? Second, she wasn't watching it "with her baby" if he was running around the house.

When I realized about 10 minutes that it was unusual my baby hadn`t been back in the room - Why would that be unusual with so much other family that could've been playing with him?

Where there was another baby that my baby had been interested in - Who is this baby? Why wouldn't she say "my nephew/niece" or "friends baby" or whatever? Just an odd statement.

I ran to the grandfather`s room...When the grandfather`s girlfriend told me... - What's up with "the grandfather"? Who's grandfather and why no name? IMO, scripted!

so I ran out to the living room - looking at the layout of the house, she would have had to be in the living room to get into the Gpa's room in the first place.

I asked everyone if they`d seen the baby. We started searching - What did "everyone" say? Didn't dad tell her Josh had just been there pulling on his cap? And why did everyone immediately feel foul play? Just seems to me she'd look around for a minute before everyone panicked and joined in the search.

It's funny - there are lots of words used for the simplest statements, yet not many for the ones that should have . . . .

Another thing to add how could Joshua pull on Dad's hat if he is sitting in a chair and only 2 ft tall? He said Joshua was behind his chair pulling on his cap
I feel like it was an accident
IMO the daddy found him ... MOO but I think he will rise up and tell LE what happened and where he put the baby
drug activity at the home seems unlikely especially with all the adults living in the home.
Someone would have admitted the cartel(or whatever) took him in the hopes of getting him back alive.
IMO when the 911call was made he had already been removed.
If LE really thinks that one or both of these parents killed this baby and hid his body...

Do you really think they are just going to sit back and watch them drive home with another baby boy?

"Yeah, that's cool... oh I know we believe they killed the first one, but I'm sure that this one will be okay..."

I think the fact that the older brother has not been removed says something.

I think if the new baby comes home from the hospital with them, that will also say something.

They could FIND a reason to take those kids if they felt strongly about it. Maybe they will and they are just waiting until the new baby is born. But if they do they better be able to show a good reason or make an immediate arrest. If they are going to take away a newborn they better be ready to charge his mother immediately. Or be able to prove that the baby was in imminent danger (born addicted for example, which I don't see in this case.)

For now however, there is still a child in the home. They could find a reason to take him if they wanted to...
I don't think we know if the older child lives in the home fulltime, do we, or if he was visiting?
I don't believe anyone KILLED this baby. I.think.he was a victim of a freak accident. By no fault of anyone. IMO there is no reason to take the new baby IF someone admits to an accident,being scared and telling where the baby's body is. If.the medical examiner's autospsy matches with the story of what happened. All should be forgiven ... but hey! Who am I? Other than a person that beleives Joshua's parents meant him NO harm.
I keep wondering if this mother was leaning back on the bed and fell asleep, so when she says it was only ten minutes it was really much longer and no one else knew to watch the baby. It's hard to believe, but toddlers wander off every day while parents are asleep. We had a mother in Chattanooga who fell asleep and her child wandered quite far to a pond where luckily someone rescued him before he fell in. Other kids of course aren't that lucky and drown in swimming pools every summer.
This is a picture I don't think we've seen:


I don't think we know if the older child lives in the home fulltime, do we, or if he was visiting?

Generally if someone shares custody of a child they have them for the weekend, or during the week. Not both. This child (D) has been there all week. I would think if there was another parent sharing custody this would be a great time to have him spend time there and a bad time to disrupt his usual schedule. It appears that they have full custody of him.

D was there Friday night when Joshua was reported missing.

D was there Sunday during a media interview.

D was there Tuesday before the prayer vigil. (I assume during it as well.)

D was there Wednesday afternoon during live broadcasts about searches.

D was also there at another point when the parents were at the police station. I cannot pinpoint what day it was. I want to say Monday, but I might just be thinking that because that's when we heard about polygraphs. I know there is video of them leaving the PD, so maybe someone else has it.

I remember this because I have been truly amazed by how much this child HAS been around. I have to think there isn't somewhere else for him to go.



More Tears from Dad

Sorry to quote myself here but I want to compare that above quote from this one from Penshorn on NG (bbm)

From Nancy Grace, 2/10/11:

From Nancy Grace, 2/7/11:

Where in the house were all the adults?

It sounds like LE may have having a hard time pinning down who was where in the house that evening. From what Penshorn has said, I'm taking that to mean that others may have been in that main area of the home but that LE only knows for sure that two people were there, kwim?

I'm thinking it's a matter of LE asking each person, 'where were you' and 'who was in there with you'. And more than one person's story isn't matching up, IMHO.

7 Adults:
1) mom: reportedly in BR
2) g'father's GF: reportedly in g'father's BR
3) father: reportedly watching game
4) g'father: ? (hasn't been reported)
5) father's friend: ? (hasn't been reported)
6) other grandparent: ? (hasn't been reported)
7) godmother: ? (hasn't been reported)

2 Children (or 3...as reported by mom on NG, 2/7/11):
1) Joshua: reportedly in BR with mom, then to dad watching game, then...???
2) other baby: reportedly in BR with g'father's GF
3) older brother: ? (hasn't been reported)

It's an open layout with the kitchen and living room opening up to each other, so I'm assuming that's the "main area" he's talking about.

Open layout:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - #3

Who said they saw him in the main area?

From Herald-Zeitung, 2/5/11:

From Nancy Grace, 2/7/11:

From Nancy Grace, 2/10/11:

My question after all of this: Has the mother ever supported the father's claim that he saw him? Every quote I've seen is that she asked and NO ONE HAD SEEN HIM.

The closest I've seen is Nancy Grace, 2/7/11:

But at any time has she said, "I went looking for him and my husband/Joshua's father had just seen him pulling on his hat/beanie?"

If so, does anyone have that link/quote?

I don't know if anyone has answered this one yet, but if I'm remembering right from copying down Sabrina's statements, both the grandfather and the grandfather's girlfriend were in the grandfather's bedroom with the other baby. Not much help there, I know. Believe me, those are the questions that I want answered too. It would help so much if we just knew who was where.
If LE really thinks that one or both of these parents killed this baby and hid his body...

Do you really think they are just going to sit back and watch them drive home with another baby boy?

"Yeah, that's cool... oh I know we believe they killed the first one, but I'm sure that this one will be okay..."

I think the fact that the older brother has not been removed says something.

I think if the new baby comes home from the hospital with them, that will also say something.

They could FIND a reason to take those kids if they felt strongly about it. Maybe they will and they are just waiting until the new baby is born. But if they do they better be able to show a good reason or make an immediate arrest. If they are going to take away a newborn they better be ready to charge his mother immediately. Or be able to prove that the baby was in imminent danger (born addicted for example, which I don't see in this case.)

For now however, there is still a child in the home. They could find a reason to take him if they wanted to...

I understand your points.

The only argument I can come up with is that Junior wasn't removed from the home when Haleigh went missing. Kyron's little sister wasn't removed from the home when he went missing. I can't think of any siblings of missing children that were removed only and solely because one of the children living in that home went missing.

To be very honest, I don't think that when the unborn child is born and the parents bring it home that it will tell us anything.

Because it could mean: 1. That LE doesn't suspect that one of them or both of them is either guilty of a crime or withholding information about a crime, accident and etc. 2. They do think that one or both of them are responsible but they don't have enough to charge them with anything and make it stick.

LE could ask for a CPS investigation for the new baby. IMHO. They could have already asked for one for the older child, I don't think that is usually disclosed to the media? JMHO.

I have no clue what happened to Joshua. It could be any of the theories that I've seen put on these threads.

That's what I find irritating about Joshua's case, there just isn't enough info for us to sink our teeth into a theory and run with it. They can all be picked apart, and they fall apart quickly.

But writing that post made me think of that sibling. I always feel so bad for the siblings. They suffer so much when their brother or sister go missing, and sometimes they seem to get lost in the fray of the actual investigation and search for the missing child. So sad. Prayers for him.

Regardless of what the mother says, and since some here do feel that the parents are covering something up, I wonder if Joshua had gotten outside before? After the first time that my son got out, realizing that I hadn't seen him in ten minutes would have been enough to make me panic. In fact that happened a couple times while I was doing dishes or switching laundry and realized that he wasn't right behind me. It might have only been 1 minute, but I still panicked.
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