TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 #6

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Have yet to see solid proof to convince me that at least one of the three, if not two or all three weren't alive some time after that Christmas period. There are a lot of loose threads hanging out there that indicate such possibilities. And no, I don't have the slightest idea on how to go about tracking/verifying these various threads, much less tying them all into one neat bow.
Just my own feeling/intuition/opinion, right or wrong.
I tend to agree with this. The three loose threads that come to my mind are :-

1. The numbers/letters that were written on the back of one of the 'missing' flyers, that was thrown out the window of the car. I think they closely corresponded to the girls ages, initials. I am going to put that down to a strange coincidence.

2. The Alcala photo. JMO, but I do not think it is Rachel.

3. The phone call Rayanne Moseley received in early 1975, supposedly from Julie. This one really does make me wonder !! They caught some prankster making fake phone calls, but I believe they did not 'own up' to this particular call.
Solid proofs of them NOT being alive after 23th of December are required to assume/imply that they were likely already deceased?
I don't think that is how things work.

And what threads are out there? Credible whitness, so someone who knew the girl/s must report seeing them, and talk to them, or meet face to face. Seeing a glimpse of a girl that looked like Rachel, Renee or Julie, especially from someone who hopes to see them is a lead to investigate for sure, but not indication that they were out there.

Just my opinion, as in my experience I had countless of times. People "saw me" in places where I never been or haven't been at the time when they claimed it, even going as far as to take offence with that supposed "me" acting like I don't recognise them as they weaved from across the street or yelled "hi". I also had a childhood best friend, that I've spend most of the time with, for over a decade, then we had a break in conntacts, and ended up in same city but neither of us knew how and where to meet the other. Till we finally "found" each other after few months I "saw" her at least once a week and everything in me was screaming "THAT'S HER, IT MUST BE HER", cause I missed her so much, but it was never her (as usually I was able to get close enough to a person to make a fool of myself and realise that it's not her).
Maybe it doesn't happen to others, but I suspect it does.

Rachel resembles girl on alcala's picture only on one of her picture. Not so much of that in any other. And Rachel had thinner, weavy hair, unidentified girl's hair are more straight and thicker.

Before calls became easy to track it seems like no family with missing loved one was spared from scam/prank calls. More public attention case got, more calls came. Names were in press, numbers were in phone books. And it wasn't just one odd ball with no conscience who'd do such a thing, it seemed to be some people's favorite thing to do in their spare time.
I wanted to go through all the threads and other info, but I'll probably have more work to do in upcoming days, so I'll just share the wild theories I got so far.

Why writing on the envelope was done in pencil while letter was written in pen?
It's not a good idea to use a pencil on the envelope, it can easily get smeared and turn indeciperrable. Why then? Maybe it was the only writing accessory that the person could find? So maybe it wasn't written at home, where (usually) there is at least few pens that are easy to grab. Maybe it was done in garage, or car workshop? In my experience these are the places where it's usually relatively easy to find pencil, but hard to get pens.

I didn't get to any confirmation yet so I don't know if it was confirmed but it looks like same person wrote it. So different tools has to mean that it was written at different time.
The only reason why such a need would appear would be, in my mind, that it's author didn't knew YET what exactly they want to write there, but they were in a hurry to get the postmark with earliest possible date on it.
Would be nice to know at what time letters were collected from the post box near the mall. That could add a little, tiny clue to the timeline - not much if it was like 5pm, but if earlier?

I can't believe that I was staring at this letter for hours now, and many times before and I never noticed how the first sentence is phrased.
So "Rachel" is explaining why "she" decided to run away for a week and take her younger friend and neighbourhood kid with her, and instead of imagining what could possibly be THAT important for her that person comes up with admission of guilt.
For the longest time I assumed that "catching it" meant "catching" some dream, goal, achievement that this Houston trip could allow her to reach. That this is something more like "I know that this time I'm gonna make it", like getting great job, finding someone who she deeply missed maybe finally having someone agree to talk to her. Like a really really BIG goal, that at least some people close to her would be aware of.
Only now I learned that it means "I know that I'm going to face consequences/ I know that I'll be punished for this". Oh dear God!

And THAT was something that allegedly her husband wrote? Same husband who called her "the love of his life"?
So whatever happens, let's say that it was some freaky accident. He did nothing wrong, nobody did nothing wrong, but "something" tragic happened, girls ended up dead and if he'd report this or called for help it would look like he's guilty of triple murder. So he decided to cover it up.
And this human, while totally aware that girls are NOT coming back, that they will NEVER return from this Houston getaway, and that this letter will be (in his mind) the last thing that everyone will think about while remembering Rachel, that-love-of-his-life-Rachel and he comes up with essentially "It's my fault. We're heading to Houston ya know? This Houston that nobody will never know why I'd need or want to go now. Seeya in a week, or maybe bit later. It's unclear how long we will be away, no biggie. Don't worry. But I have one important info that anyone will be able to understand and that's crucial: CAR IS IN SEARS UPPER LOT. Cause no way that y'all going to look for us there and find the abandoned car. Nobody should worry at all, especially family of this kid that I had with me. Cause why would they. This letter explains everything. And also: LOVE, I LOVE you Thomas."

I don't like this tone. I don't like it at all. And this is what I see there.

It's not like he could write it not knowing the girls fate. He had to be sure that no one would see them in "about a week". He had to be sure that right after he showed Debra this letter (or as they went to their family home with it) that girls won't show up unexpectedly. That no one could possibly show up with a proof that Rachel couldn't write it that afternoon.
Cause what else? What "innocent" explanation could be out there? That he assumed that they got to party and decided to fake the note, to explain their absence, cause Rachel was too irresponsible to act reasonably? No idea where they are, letter just in case? It's as ridiculous as it could be.

Pretty much the only not ridiculous scenario - with assumption that he did wrote the letter - would be that girls either met him sometime between navy store and the mall, or that he found them at the mall and drove back home (or somewhere), where some violent events took place, Rachel got killed and the other two girls murdered cause they whitnessed the crime.
What else? Someone else murdered them, he whitnessed it and was nice enough to help? Cover for that person? Blackmailed? Too scared? What blackmailer or scary person would be so petty to make sure how he's covering for it in a way that gently implies that Rachel is all at fault?
Love-of-his-life got murdered or as he later "believed" kidnapped and trafficked, and he, heartbroken had no way to prevent it, no way to save her, no other choice than to cover it up for his own sake. And instead of something to the accord of "I'm sorry, I/we had no other choice than to.." he writes ~ I know that I'll have to face consequences of this.

He may have help. That would explain different DNA on the envelope. These are still just my wild theories, but people that are able to murder often have no shortage of all sorts of shady friends.There is virtually nothing I saw anywhere that could exclude him as a suspect.

I was assumming that he was not involved... up till today. At almost same time I noticed how this letter actually sounds like, and read that Rachel's father was horribly abusive towards his daughters but wonderful man in his wife's eyes - and that Rachel jumped into that marriage to get away from the abuse.
Usually it's a sure way to get into same kind of abuse.

Once again - just my speculations, but what contradicts that scenario? Everything else seems to be at one point or another outright ridiculous.
Guy from the record store knew Rachel but talked only (?) to Renee. Saw someone with the girls. Maybe that was the husband?
Even if that whitness was mistaken, nobody would saw it as odd seeing TT in his/Rachel's car.

And why that present wasn't in the trunk? It may be just accidental and mean absolutely nothing. But may as well mean that Renee kept it in the car cause Rachel planned to maybe grab something from home on the way back and Renee thought that she'll give it to her husband then (saying that's for the kid). Or maybe he was with them? They were going to get gifts for his son after all, so tere may be a chance that he got interested in participating in it maybe?

It would be interesting to see if any calls were made from their home that day. And at what time.
I’ve never questioned why that gift was in the back seat not the trunk. I may have thought they didn’t want to fool with the trunk but, they took the time to put Renee’s jeans from army navy back there. So it’s not that. Very good point.
I want that DNA done again. The DNA lab of FWPD was shut down for malpractice at the same time they did the DNA on the envelope. So I do not trust those results. I believe the girls deserve the chance to have that work done by Othram. If it is not that of a known person, they can research the genetics and fine whoever it belongs to just like they did McCurley. Rachel Renee and Julie deserve that! Scientist fired from Fort Worth police crime lab
I’ve never questioned why that gift was in the back seat not the trunk. I may have thought they didn’t want to fool with the trunk but, they took the time to put Renee’s jeans from army navy back there. So it’s not that. Very good point.
It's only the matter of likely vs. unlikely but there are things that may slightly increase the likelyness of that.

And I believe that it could be a big deal if both girls (Rachel and Renee) were tidy in general. If they used to be pretty chaotic with small stuff - like putting a used mug somewhere close to the sink and just leave it there or came back a moment later to wash it and put away, needing quite a bit of time to fold their clothes after they were washed and dried... - then okay, it may or may not mean something, likely not.

Also things like:
Was it common for Rachel to give her friends and her friend's friends a lift if she could?
Could they be pretty sure that nobody will join them on the ride from the mall?
Were they usually cautious about leaving stuff in sight in the case of burglary?

That would in my mind make it more likely that gift's placement could not be that random.
But even if not:
- it's wrapped in very pretty paper (which tells me that Renee put quite some effort to make it look nice),
- it wasn't just thrown at the back seat, it didn't fell down I think, it looks like it was placed on the floor (I'd guess to decrease a risk of it being damaged through the trip),
- Lisa was with them, and she had no money with her (so they knew that she can't buy herself anything at the mall) and pretty excited about her own gifts, unless Rachel prepared that gift with Julie before it could came across as a bit of unintentional teasing ("oh, there is a gift, but it's not for you, you still have to wait for yours" - and I don't meant that as something what Renee could think, more like something that she could tend to intuitively avoid by asking Rachel to open up the trunk as they were getting into the car).

Is it even convenient to put it there?
It would be safer in the trunk for sure.
And if they were not planning on stopping by Rachel's house it'd take more effort to get it from the floor than from the trunk where other things were.

I want that DNA done again. The DNA lab of FWPD was shut down for malpractice at the same time they did the DNA on the envelope. So I do not trust those results. I believe the girls deserve the chance to have that work done by Othram. If it is not that of a known person, they can research the genetics and fine whoever it belongs to just like they did McCurley. Rachel Renee and Julie deserve that! Scientist fired from Fort Worth police crime lab
I've recently heard that family members of a missing person can make a complaint if they are not satisfied with the way that LE is handling the case. It was unrelated to this and I haven't payed that much attention so the only thing I memorised is that such a thing exists, that most people are unaware of and that it should be more widespread.
I'm not sure if this can be helpful here but I'll try to find it.
So many times when a person is missing, there are reports of them being seen here or there, and when the case is later solved it was obvious the missing person was not in any of those places.
It is possible the girls were seen at the mall that day and it is also entirely possible that the witnesses never saw the girls or saw one of them a different day (especially if the call for witnesses came after some time had passed).
So many times when a person is missing, there are reports of them being seen here or there, and when the case is later solved it was obvious the missing person was not in any of those places.
It is possible the girls were seen at the mall that day and it is also entirely possible that the witnesses never saw the girls or saw one of them a different day (especially if the call for witnesses came after some time had passed).
On the other hand people shouldn't be underestimated. Some people have a really good eye for faces and focus on distinctive features, not just general simmilarity. Other keep diaries, so they don't have to rely on their memory, it's quite a stretch and unlikely thing, but still possible that someone would note in their diary "I thought that I saw this missing person today, wonder if it's possible. They looked like they were heading (...). Should I report this? I haven't noticed any conntact info anywhere."
Then it wouldn't matter how much time passed, their info could be still spot on - with reluctancy to explain from where their confidence is coming from (that it was for example 100% on Friday, not Wednesday) cause reasonably, they could not want their unrelated to the case diary to end up as an evidence.

I wonder about one more thing. Especially with these supposed sightings of girls not only later that year but in later years.
I wouldn't consider this "normally" but the sheer amount of widespread wrong facts about this case is just stunning. Maybe these supposed sightings could tell something too?

How many came from random strangers that just thought that they may seen the girls, reported it and identified themselves? What's the timeline of that?
How it corelates to anniversaries of their disappearances that were covered in news?
How many, if any of those whitnesses were closely related to possible suspect/s. Is there a chance that there were false reports coming from people who benefited from other's assumption/hope/belief that girls are alive?
Is there a weird pattern with these sightings apart from being more of them after TV/press reminded people about the case? Like - maybe those who were identifying themselves were giving rather vague descriptions, and those with anonymous tips offering a lot of details?

I'm also thinking about Julie's mother.
It'd be good to know if she spoke about her daughter in past tense or expressed fear/belief that she/they will never come home. Maybe even stronger, like stating in some interview that she's afriaid that girls got murdered on the day they disappeared?

Initially I thought about two possibilities:
first - that call she received was indeed from kidnapped Julie who miraculously was able to get to the phone for a moment
(and that it would indicate that she was held somewhere in the area, as scared and confused 9 year old wouldn't be able to dial correct phone code while unaware where she was? unless even at that time it was required to call phone code from the area while making local calls - I don't know that)
second - that it was cruel, soulless prankster.
But there is a third - that call may be arranged by the perp, concerned by Julie's mother's actions and wanting to convince her that her daughter is actually alive.

She reportedly said to the caller: “Listen, if this is someone playing a joke, please stop. I can’t take anymore”. At that point the person on the other end already called her "mama" twice, but she didn't jumped into conclusion that it must be Julie right away - which is understandable, of course, but AFTER that call, she stated that she could swear that it was Julie.

Maybe Julie's mother was somehow getting close to making (or helping someone else) some conclusion, or connection and the murderer/s wanted to stop her?
Even if not, giving families (or at least her) strong proof that her child is alive would make them focus more on looking for kidnapper, for the place that she/them may be held at, not for the murderer - not as much into possible clues (that could still be around) about the murder.
I wanted to go through all the threads and other info, but I'll probably have more work to do in upcoming days, so I'll just share the wild theories I got so far.

Why writing on the envelope was done in pencil while letter was written in pen?
It's not a good idea to use a pencil on the envelope, it can easily get smeared and turn indeciperrable. Why then? Maybe it was the only writing accessory that the person could find? So maybe it wasn't written at home, where (usually) there is at least few pens that are easy to grab. Maybe it was done in garage, or car workshop? In my experience these are the places where it's usually relatively easy to find pencil, but hard to get pens.

I didn't get to any confirmation yet so I don't know if it was confirmed but it looks like same person wrote it. So different tools has to mean that it was written at different time.
The only reason why such a need would appear would be, in my mind, that it's author didn't knew YET what exactly they want to write there, but they were in a hurry to get the postmark with earliest possible date on it.
Would be nice to know at what time letters were collected from the post box near the mall. That could add a little, tiny clue to the timeline - not much if it was like 5pm, but if earlier?

I can't believe that I was staring at this letter for hours now, and many times before and I never noticed how the first sentence is phrased.
So "Rachel" is explaining why "she" decided to run away for a week and take her younger friend and neighbourhood kid with her, and instead of imagining what could possibly be THAT important for her that person comes up with admission of guilt.
For the longest time I assumed that "catching it" meant "catching" some dream, goal, achievement that this Houston trip could allow her to reach. That this is something more like "I know that this time I'm gonna make it", like getting great job, finding someone who she deeply missed maybe finally having someone agree to talk to her. Like a really really BIG goal, that at least some people close to her would be aware of.
Only now I learned that it means "I know that I'm going to face consequences/ I know that I'll be punished for this". Oh dear God!

And THAT was something that allegedly her husband wrote? Same husband who called her "the love of his life"?
So whatever happens, let's say that it was some freaky accident. He did nothing wrong, nobody did nothing wrong, but "something" tragic happened, girls ended up dead and if he'd report this or called for help it would look like he's guilty of triple murder. So he decided to cover it up.
And this human, while totally aware that girls are NOT coming back, that they will NEVER return from this Houston getaway, and that this letter will be (in his mind) the last thing that everyone will think about while remembering Rachel, that-love-of-his-life-Rachel and he comes up with essentially "It's my fault. We're heading to Houston ya know? This Houston that nobody will never know why I'd need or want to go now. Seeya in a week, or maybe bit later. It's unclear how long we will be away, no biggie. Don't worry. But I have one important info that anyone will be able to understand and that's crucial: CAR IS IN SEARS UPPER LOT. Cause no way that y'all going to look for us there and find the abandoned car. Nobody should worry at all, especially family of this kid that I had with me. Cause why would they. This letter explains everything. And also: LOVE, I LOVE you Thomas."

I don't like this tone. I don't like it at all. And this is what I see there.

It's not like he could write it not knowing the girls fate. He had to be sure that no one would see them in "about a week". He had to be sure that right after he showed Debra this letter (or as they went to their family home with it) that girls won't show up unexpectedly. That no one could possibly show up with a proof that Rachel couldn't write it that afternoon.
Cause what else? What "innocent" explanation could be out there? That he assumed that they got to party and decided to fake the note, to explain their absence, cause Rachel was too irresponsible to act reasonably? No idea where they are, letter just in case? It's as ridiculous as it could be.

Pretty much the only not ridiculous scenario - with assumption that he did wrote the letter - would be that girls either met him sometime between navy store and the mall, or that he found them at the mall and drove back home (or somewhere), where some violent events took place, Rachel got killed and the other two girls murdered cause they whitnessed the crime.
What else? Someone else murdered them, he whitnessed it and was nice enough to help? Cover for that person? Blackmailed? Too scared? What blackmailer or scary person would be so petty to make sure how he's covering for it in a way that gently implies that Rachel is all at fault?
Love-of-his-life got murdered or as he later "believed" kidnapped and trafficked, and he, heartbroken had no way to prevent it, no way to save her, no other choice than to cover it up for his own sake. And instead of something to the accord of "I'm sorry, I/we had no other choice than to.." he writes ~ I know that I'll have to face consequences of this.

He may have help. That would explain different DNA on the envelope. These are still just my wild theories, but people that are able to murder often have no shortage of all sorts of shady friends.There is virtually nothing I saw anywhere that could exclude him as a suspect.

I was assumming that he was not involved... up till today. At almost same time I noticed how this letter actually sounds like, and read that Rachel's father was horribly abusive towards his daughters but wonderful man in his wife's eyes - and that Rachel jumped into that marriage to get away from the abuse.
Usually it's a sure way to get into same kind of abuse.

Once again - just my speculations, but what contradicts that scenario? Everything else seems to be at one point or another outright ridiculous.
Guy from the record store knew Rachel but talked only (?) to Renee. Saw someone with the girls. Maybe that was the husband?
Even if that whitness was mistaken, nobody would saw it as odd seeing TT in his/Rachel's car.

And why that present wasn't in the trunk? It may be just accidental and mean absolutely nothing. But may as well mean that Renee kept it in the car cause Rachel planned to maybe grab something from home on the way back and Renee thought that she'll give it to her husband then (saying that's for the kid). Or maybe he was with them? They were going to get gifts for his son after all, so tere may be a chance that he got interested in participating in it maybe?

It would be interesting to see if any calls were made from their home that day. And at what time.

You know where I remember pencils but not pens? At a bowling alley that's where. Seems like they always had pencils laying around to keep score with, most of the leaguers carried one in their shirt pocket.

I've heard many other peoples opinion (here and other places) on the letter but have never posted my own, so I'm gonna take the time and do that now.
I'll start with the first and last part.

"I know I'm going to catch it ...... Love Rachel"

I think these parts are just to imply that nothing bad has happened, everything is fine, Rachel knows she should catch it because she has no good reason to just take off and she loves her husband.

.... " but we just had to get away."

The "we" is of course to pluralize the letter. The girls are with her and they're all going willingly just "to get away". Nothing bad has happened.

"We're going to Houston. See you in about a week."

Houston could mean something more but only the author and maybe close family members would know if so.
Once again everything is alright. The girls are going to return and in time to go back to school.

"The car is in Sear's upper lot."

This part is mostly to confirm that Rachel is the author. Who else would know exactly where the car is at?
It also serves to convince the reader that Rachel is not angry or upset. She is being very cooperative with her husband by telling him where the car is.

Finally what is not in the letter.
Although the envelope is, the letter itself does not address anyone in particular.
I believe this is because the author wasn't writting it to himself but to the families and law enforcement.
It's very important that eveyone remains calm and LE doesn't take it serious.
Two things the author wanted was time and to keep the FBI out of it. It could not at all be thought of as a kidnapping.

All of this is just my opinion.
You know where I remember pencils but not pens? At a bowling alley that's where. Seems like they always had pencils laying around to keep score with, most of the leaguers carried one in their shirt pocket.

I've heard many other peoples opinion (here and other places) on the letter but have never posted my own, so I'm gonna take the time and do that now.
I'll start with the first and last part.

"I know I'm going to catch it ...... Love Rachel"

I think these parts are just to imply that nothing bad has happened, everything is fine, Rachel knows she should catch it because she has no good reason to just take off and she loves her husband.

.... " but we just had to get away."

The "we" is of course to pluralize the letter. The girls are with her and they're all going willingly just "to get away". Nothing bad has happened.

"We're going to Houston. See you in about a week."

Houston could mean something more but only the author and maybe close family members would know if so.
Once again everything is alright. The girls are going to return and in time to go back to school.

"The car is in Sear's upper lot."

This part is mostly to confirm that Rachel is the author. Who else would know exactly where the car is at?
It also serves to convince the reader that Rachel is not angry or upset. She is being very cooperative with her husband by telling him where the car is.

Finally what is not in the letter.
Although the envelope is, the letter itself does not address anyone in particular.
I believe this is because the author wasn't writting it to himself but to the families and law enforcement.
It's very important that eveyone remains calm and LE doesn't take it serious.
Two things the author wanted was time and to keep the FBI out of it. It could not at all be thought of as a kidnapping.

All of this is just my opinion.
Oh God, I've never been in a bowling alley. Or thought that this "about a week" fits so well with Christmas holidays. Oh God.
On the other hand people shouldn't be underestimated. Some people have a really good eye for faces and focus on distinctive features, not just general simmilarity. Other keep diaries, so they don't have to rely on their memory, it's quite a stretch and unlikely thing, but still possible that someone would note in their diary "I thought that I saw this missing person today, wonder if it's possible. They looked like they were heading (...). Should I report this? I haven't noticed any conntact info anywhere."
Then it wouldn't matter how much time passed, their info could be still spot on - with reluctancy to explain from where their confidence is coming from (that it was for example 100% on Friday, not Wednesday) cause reasonably, they could not want their unrelated to the case diary to end up as an evidence.

I wonder about one more thing. Especially with these supposed sightings of girls not only later that year but in later years.
I wouldn't consider this "normally" but the sheer amount of widespread wrong facts about this case is just stunning. Maybe these supposed sightings could tell something too?

How many came from random strangers that just thought that they may seen the girls, reported it and identified themselves? What's the timeline of that?
How it corelates to anniversaries of their disappearances that were covered in news?
How many, if any of those whitnesses were closely related to possible suspect/s. Is there a chance that there were false reports coming from people who benefited from other's assumption/hope/belief that girls are alive?
Is there a weird pattern with these sightings apart from being more of them after TV/press reminded people about the case? Like - maybe those who were identifying themselves were giving rather vague descriptions, and those with anonymous tips offering a lot of details?
But when the story likely didn't hit the press for a few days, even people who are really good with faces and may remember one or more of the girls likely won't remember the exact day, time, or place when they saw someone.
Unless someone had direct, personal interaction with them I don't put much weight behind random sightings. Too many people have been "seen" long after they were really dead in missing person cases over the years.
But when the story likely didn't hit the press for a few days, even people who are really good with faces and may remember one or more of the girls likely won't remember the exact day, time, or place when they saw someone.
Unless someone had direct, personal interaction with them I don't put much weight behind random sightings. Too many people have been "seen" long after they were really dead in missing person cases over the years.
In general yes, but I think that in this case there is quite a chance for the opposite.
It's not a random day, it's before Christmas. So higher chances that many people in the mall didn't just get to the mall, but had to schedule this trip, plan it, this may be a big deal to go there to buy gifts (for some people it is, less now cause we can order things online, but then it could be like one in a few months, maybe one in a year time when they went to the mall and checked many stores in search for gifts).
And what to do later? At least where I live it was complaining how crowded it was, chatting with friends, family and neighbours about everything that could be considered odd or unusual.

I'd be much more skeptical if these sightings from the mall were just like "oh, I think that I saw these girls there on that day, one wore this cute bright yellow shirt and everything seems fine".
But no, all three I found mentioned so far are of the things that'd stood out. They're all very probable as something that average person would remember for quite a bit.

Is it unusual scenario that store clerk remembers seeig a friend in his store and chatting with her companion?
For me not at all, I would remember that. I'd probably feel bit disappointed that I didn't get a chance to exchange few words with a friend, likely also take a note that her companion seemed nice or wore some memorable shirt.

Second whitness was that old lady that (not exactly) came forward weeks ago and told clerks what she saw.
And she saw a girl being forced into a car where already were two other girls and a man. This is not something that majority of people would consider as normal.
LE failed to locate her but we don't know if it was due to lack of trying.
Three months passed but as the clerks said, it was an elderly woman. So high chance that she may visit the mall rarely. On the 23rd, before Christmas, and sometime in early March, maybe that was her before-Easter shopping trip?
No idea what "elderly" meant for the clerks, but... over 60? Older? She may figure that as long as she discusses the thing with someone who can pass this info forward, she did as much as she could. And well... even thou, this article quotes Mrs. Arnold promising to keep her name a secret it clearly states: elderly woman. How many elderly women could pass the possible abductors?
I'd be scared to read about myself in the newspaper and realise that now these abductors know that I saw them, remembered them and tried to came forward. If I was living alone I'd probably avoid that mall to the rest of my life. If the article would say it vaguely, as "just a whitness", then okay, but outed like that? I'd be scared for my own safety.

And the third whitness, man who came forward years later and saw three men struggling to push three girls into a van. He confronted them, heard that one is guy's wife, and actively tried to remember that thing, cause it disturbed him so much.
It seems probable to remember something like that for years and have a flashback while suddenly learning that on this very day, only time when he was there, while visiting (so date relatively easy to remember) family three girls disappeared.
What he describes slightly differs from the woman's story but in my mind it's just adding more credibility to all of these.
In general yes, but I think that in this case there is quite a chance for the opposite.
It's not a random day, it's before Christmas. So higher chances that many people in the mall didn't just get to the mall, but had to schedule this trip, plan it, this may be a big deal to go there to buy gifts (for some people it is, less now cause we can order things online, but then it could be like one in a few months, maybe one in a year time when they went to the mall and checked many stores in search for gifts).
And what to do later? At least where I live it was complaining how crowded it was, chatting with friends, family and neighbours about everything that could be considered odd or unusual.

I'd be much more skeptical if these sightings from the mall were just like "oh, I think that I saw these girls there on that day, one wore this cute bright yellow shirt and everything seems fine".
But no, all three I found mentioned so far are of the things that'd stood out. They're all very probable as something that average person would remember for quite a bit.

Is it unusual scenario that store clerk remembers seeig a friend in his store and chatting with her companion?
For me not at all, I would remember that. I'd probably feel bit disappointed that I didn't get a chance to exchange few words with a friend, likely also take a note that her companion seemed nice or wore some memorable shirt.

Second whitness was that old lady that (not exactly) came forward weeks ago and told clerks what she saw.
And she saw a girl being forced into a car where already were two other girls and a man. This is not something that majority of people would consider as normal.
LE failed to locate her but we don't know if it was due to lack of trying.
Three months passed but as the clerks said, it was an elderly woman. So high chance that she may visit the mall rarely. On the 23rd, before Christmas, and sometime in early March, maybe that was her before-Easter shopping trip?
No idea what "elderly" meant for the clerks, but... over 60? Older? She may figure that as long as she discusses the thing with someone who can pass this info forward, she did as much as she could. And well... even thou, this article quotes Mrs. Arnold promising to keep her name a secret it clearly states: elderly woman. How many elderly women could pass the possible abductors?
I'd be scared to read about myself in the newspaper and realise that now these abductors know that I saw them, remembered them and tried to came forward. If I was living alone I'd probably avoid that mall to the rest of my life. If the article would say it vaguely, as "just a whitness", then okay, but outed like that? I'd be scared for my own safety.

And the third whitness, man who came forward years later and saw three men struggling to push three girls into a van. He confronted them, heard that one is guy's wife, and actively tried to remember that thing, cause it disturbed him so much.
It seems probable to remember something like that for years and have a flashback while suddenly learning that on this very day, only time when he was there, while visiting (so date relatively easy to remember) family three girls disappeared.
What he describes slightly differs from the woman's story but in my mind it's just
JMO, with the possible exception of the Record Store clerk, I think the other witness sightings at the Mall were made up. To the best of my knowledge none were ever verified by the Police.

It has been suggested on earlier threads that a lot of these stories of sightings at the Mall have all come from one family, If correct, what is the agenda there ?
I’ve never questioned why that gift was in the back seat not the trunk. I may have thought they didn’t want to fool with the trunk but, they took the time to put Renee’s jeans from army navy back there. So it’s not that. Very good point.
I want that DNA done again. The DNA lab of FWPD was shut down for malpractice at the same time they did the DNA on the envelope. So I do not trust those results. I believe the girls deserve the chance to have that work done by Othram. If it is not that of a known person, they can research the genetics and fine whoever it belongs to just like they did McCurley. Rachel Renee and Julie deserve that! Scientist fired from Fort Worth police crime lab

Has it ever been said what part of the envelope the DNA was found, the stamp or the flap or both?
I remember going in the post office in past times and asking for a stamped envelope and the person behind the counter would lick a stamp put it on the envelope and hand it to me. I was just wondering if they eliminated postal workers as the donor for the DNA, depending on where it was found.
JMO, with the possible exception of the Record Store clerk, I think the other witness sightings at the Mall were made up. To the best of my knowledge none were ever verified by the Police.
I have little to no idea how to verify a whitness sighting.
Elderly woman was never located and the second man was cooperating with police and worked hard on trying to recall more details but he failed.
It has been suggested on earlier threads that a lot of these stories of sightings at the Mall have all come from one family, If correct, what is the agenda there ?
Wow. I just caught that these late sightings seem to conveniently go along with anniversaries of their disappearance - and also yearly reminders from local media that girls are still missing.
If this is true, and that family is conveniently of then-friend/s of Thomas then we can guess. If not they may get somehow so fixated on looking for the girls that they're seeing them every chance they have.
Has it ever been said what part of the envelope the DNA was found, the stamp or the flap or both?
I remember going in the post office in past times and asking for a stamped envelope and the person behind the counter would lick a stamp put it on the envelope and hand it to me. I was just wondering if they eliminated postal workers as the donor for the DNA, depending on where it was found.
Considering Wishyouknew's statement we should all pray that they didn't destroy that DNA while doing whatever they were doing with it.
But when the story likely didn't hit the press for a few days, even people who are really good with faces and may remember one or more of the girls likely won't remember the exact day, time, or place when they saw someone.
Unless someone had direct, personal interaction with them I don't put much weight behind random sightings. Too many people have been "seen" long after they were really dead in missing person cases over the years.
In general yes, but I think that in this case there is quite a chance for the opposite.
It's not a random day, it's before Christmas. So higher chances that many people in the mall didn't just get to the mall, but had to schedule this trip, plan it, this may be a big deal to go there to buy gifts (for some people it is, less now cause we can order things online, but then it could be like one in a few months, maybe one in a year time when they went to the mall and checked many stores in search for gifts).
And what to do later? At least where I live it was complaining how crowded it was, chatting with friends, family and neighbours about everything that could be considered odd or unusual.

I'd be much more skeptical if these sightings from the mall were just like "oh, I think that I saw these girls there on that day, one wore this cute bright yellow shirt and everything seems fine".
But no, all three I found mentioned so far are of the things that'd stood out. They're all very probable as something that average person would remember for quite a bit.

Is it unusual scenario that store clerk remembers seeig a friend in his store and chatting with her companion?
For me not at all, I would remember that. I'd probably feel bit disappointed that I didn't get a chance to exchange few words with a friend, likely also take a note that her companion seemed nice or wore some memorable shirt.

Second whitness was that old lady that (not exactly) came forward weeks ago and told clerks what she saw.
And she saw a girl being forced into a car where already were two other girls and a man. This is not something that majority of people would consider as normal.
LE failed to locate her but we don't know if it was due to lack of trying.
Three months passed but as the clerks said, it was an elderly woman. So high chance that she may visit the mall rarely. On the 23rd, before Christmas, and sometime in early March, maybe that was her before-Easter shopping trip?
No idea what "elderly" meant for the clerks, but... over 60? Older? She may figure that as long as she discusses the thing with someone who can pass this info forward, she did as much as she could. And well... even thou, this article quotes Mrs. Arnold promising to keep her name a secret it clearly states: elderly woman. How many elderly women could pass the possible abductors?
I'd be scared to read about myself in the newspaper and realise that now these abductors know that I saw them, remembered them and tried to came forward. If I was living alone I'd probably avoid that mall to the rest of my life. If the article would say it vaguely, as "just a whitness", then okay, but outed like that? I'd be scared for my own safety.

And the third whitness, man who came forward years later and saw three men struggling to push three girls into a van. He confronted them, heard that one is guy's wife, and actively tried to remember that thing, cause it disturbed him so much.
It seems probable to remember something like that for years and have a flashback while suddenly learning that on this very day, only time when he was there, while visiting (so date relatively easy to remember) family three girls disappeared.
What he describes slightly differs from the woman's story but in my mind it's just adding more credibility to all of these.

What they are saying helps to create a timeline that makes sense. I wouldn't expect myself to see even a hypothetical timeline in this case that doesn't sound ridiculous at one point or another, but damn, there is one.

Monday Morning, 23rd of December 1974:
Rachel wants to go to the mall to buy gifts. Asks her sister to join her, but Debra is still in bed and wants to sleep some more.

Around 10am - not sure if Rachel called Renee to invite her on a trip to the mall that they never discussed before, or if she called her to confirm if she's going. Just my assumption and it may be wrong, but I get an impression that it wasn't a choice between Debra and Renee (with Renee as second choice) but just casually asking Debra if she want's to join her in the mall, with somewhat pre-planned company of Renee (who previously may be unsure if she will go, but for sure they planned to at least meet before Christmas cause Renee had a gift for Rachel stepson - seems for me that they discussed how to make the best possible Christmas for this boy way before).
Renee just got promise ring from her boyfriend Terry who was at her (Renee's) home with his two younger sisters - Janet (11) and Julie (9). They knew that Terry gave Renee a ring, so they came in from their next door home to check it out.
Renee agrees to go on a trip, but states it clearly that she needs to be back home before 4 P.M. to make herself ready for her first christmas party with a ring from Terry.

Later - Rachel visited her family home to ask her mother if she wants to go to the mall, but she refused cause Rachel's father, wasn't feeling well (he was diagnosed with cancer).

Bit later - Rachel arrives at the Renee's house. Gets out from the car and spends a bit of time with other kids.
Rachel and Renee invite Terry (15) and Janet (11) to join them on a trip to the mall but they refuse cause they already made a different plans.
9 year old Julie didn't have any plans. And even thou it's repeatedly implied that they didn't want to take her with them due to her young age, for me it seems like they didn't cause they knew that she's just not allowed to make such decisions herself and would have to ask her mom. For me it's pretty reasonable assumption on the Rachel's (and Renee's) side that Jule doesn't get an invitation. It would look weird that some 17yo that Julie's mother don't know invites her 9 year old child to go with her to the mall of all the sudden. I'd just get angry (as a mother) with the idea. But Julie wants to go, has nothing else to do, calls her mom and begs her for permission to join the girls. Mother reluctantly agree.

Bit later but still before noon - Renee grabs a gift for Rachel's stepson and puts it on the floor. She's careful with the gift, it's nicely wrapped and easy grab for her while exiting the car.
Rachel, Renee and Julie get in the car but they are not heading mall just yet. They're going to the Army Navy store where Renee had some items on layway, including new pair of jeans.
Her old jeans are found in the trunk, along with other items she got there.
What coud be alarming at this point is that people from Army Navy store weren't recalling seeing Julie with Renee and Rachel. Was it cause Julie just got to check out some interesting things in the store and wasn't following girls closely? - she may do that, surely she wasn't used to follow Rachel as her guardian, and girls could have her in sight while clerks haven't noticed her but we don't know that.
Or maybe Julie wasn't there? Leaving a 9 year old kid alone in the car is not good, and not that convenient idea. Did they picked up someone else to join them and that person stayed with Julie in the car? Possible, but unlikely cause of the gift. Older person (older than Renee I mean) would probably request sitting in front and usual choice for people sitting in the back is behind the passenger, not behinf the driver. But there was gift on the floor there. So likely nobody else was with them.
Is that possible that Julie was all excited about visiting the mall and not that much about just collecting pants from the store, while girls were likely in a hurry and didn't plan to wander around this particular store? Yes, but unless someone could say that Julie would be overly excited to listen to the radio in a car cause she always was wondering about it more would mean just exploring the rabbit hole.
I'm just going to assume that Julie was with them. Likely not more than 10 minutes passed since they left Renee's home and everything seemed to be okay.

It's just my speculation now, justified only by the gift's placement.
Yes, girls were in a hurry, but they still had about 4 hours to spend at the mall. Not that much, but not too little either.
But as much as I'm getting from it, Debra didn't said that she doesn't want to go to the mall when Rachel asked. She just wanted to sleep bit longer. And visit in Renee's house and trip to the Army Navy took like an hour, maybe 1,5h.
It may be possible that girls decided to stop at Rachel's house, on the way to the mall and check if Debra is still asleep, still at home and possibly now ready to head to the mall with them. If they considered it earlier, that may be the reason why Renee put a gift inside the car instead of the trunk, where it will be safer.

From there, we have to work with possibilities and likely & unlikely scenarios.

1. Girls never made to the mall.
2. They headed straight to the mall.
3. Girls decided to stop by Rachel's home on way to the mall.

I don't believe it was the 1. with the reason I'll explain bit later. I'm hesitant about the third. Could be, but it as good guess as 2nd. I see things that spoke in favor of both.

I recall reading conflicting statements about the Julie's goal for the day. Most sources repeat that she had no money, and that her mother used it as reason why she shouldn't go, but I think I stumbled on claim that she wanted to buy a gift for her Grandpa. If so, and no reason for her to have any money on her while just visiting Renee in the morning. So how did she wanted to buy a thing? Did Renee had enough to borrow her some money for that purpose? If not, maybe Rachel offered to help her, but she didn't have enough with her and decided to take some more from home?
Not sure how tight could be their budget, Julie probably wasn't thinking of anything expensive, but even a dollar or two could be an issue if both girls had only the exact amount that they need on them. Why not stop by the home and take a few bucks to help the girl?
It's still just sheer speculation, but what else could I possibly offer?

Sometime around noon there is a reported sighting of Rachel's car leaving their driveway. Speculated or confirmed that it was Rachel's husband's first wife who saw the car then there.
Could she be off with her timing to see Rachel while she was leaving home earlier (than noon) this morning?
Why she was there? Did she lived next door? I haven't stumbled on this information anywhere so I'd assume that it was not the case.

Later we have a guy from the record store who saw all three girls there, was Rachel's friend, talked with Renee and saw someone else with them.

If they had intention of meeting with some friends around 1pm at the mall, they didn't make it there. So something was already off.
And who was accompanying Rachel? Nobody came forward to identify themselves as the person seen with her there.

Later, a man sees three guys pushing three girls into the van. He was worried enough to confront the men, but was told by the man who held a person that could be Rachel that he should leave it, cause it's family business and the eldest girl is his wife.

Then, elderly woman sees one guy, forcing a girl into whatever she described as "pickup" - but that could be the same car from before cause she stated that two girls and one guy were already in. So how many people could fit in just one front seat of a pickup? This may be a car that could be described as both: a van and pickup, especially considering that older woman may not know that much about the cars.

I think that may be the exact same situation unraveling that they both whitnessed.
Man came across them first, as men just started pushing girls in. And woman bit later, as two were already in, with another guy that kept them from escaping.

But the man saw three men and she mentioned only two. What about the third?
Well, there is still a thing about the Rachel's car location. Cause AS it was found, it was left at very inconvenient, pretty well obscured spot. Odd place to choose. Maybe that was the only free spot that they could find, and maybe it was parked then later, as girls fate was already sealed.
I believe that third man went to get Rachel's car from it's original place.

Cause whatever happened to them didn't seem as planned ahead well.

Now, let's look at Rachel's husband timeline from that day.
So he left for work at his and her family workshop/store where he was doing things that should be done at such place. Then he headed to the bowling alley, where he chilled till Rachel's mother called to notify him that girls are missing.
I saw that he reportedly claimed that Rachel's mother can confirm that he was at the store whole day. Same women that refused to go to the mall cause she needed to care for her terminally ill husband. BUT she could still confirm his whereabouts cause he called her multiple times that day. Not cleared at what time he was calling but hinted (by him) that he must be in that store whole day to call, cause mobile phones weren't around yet.

I saw some post from a person claiming that Rachel's mom told police that she was at the store with her husband that day (but he didn't claimed the same) and later wondering why would she gave him false alibi.
And why IMO is a no brainer. LE wasn't helpful, LE wasn't interested that much in investigating, looking for the girls, if she believed that he couldn't possibly have anything to do with it then it's kinda obvious that she figured that she doesn't want LE to "waste time" troubling her innocent son-in-law instead of looking for the "real perp". It's not like they were all on it, exploring every lead right away. In her mind it could be all for the good, to speed up that already half-not-existing, lazy investigation that was going on.

IMO every statement that I saw, and that supposedly came from Rachel's husband could be a joke if it wasn't this horriffying and heartbreaking that literally everyting what he come up with, no matter how ridiculous was and with some reason still is taken as the most believeable thing ever.

He was unemployed when he met Rachel. Possibly earlier too. His parents passed away leaving him a bit of money, which he used to pay off Rachel's father workshop debts and then started working there, as co-owner.
His parents left him this money and their car. Before they bought him a car as a graduation (?) gift. So at some point he had two cars. Multiple people wondered how he seemed to own two cars all the way up till the time of the girls disappearance. But he claims he didn't. Cause he sold it. Or maybe used parts of it while repairing other cars. He didn't remember which one.
How believable is to forget what did you do with you'r deceased parents car, that you inherited, while having less than six moths to either sell or disassemble it? Seriously.

And why his mother-in-law is his alibi? Mother-in-law on call, sometime that day, possibly before noon - let's remember that.
No coworkers around to confirm where he was? No customers showing up? No friends stopping by for a quick chat? No friends from the bowling alley?

Ridiculessness surrounds this guy and covers him up all, head to toe.

Why was his first wife close enough to their home to see Rachel's car leaving driveway? Was she just wasting her time, showing up at random times to check if he's at home or not? Did she went there to chat with Debra?
Or maybe, since their son was going to spend Christmas with him, she stopped by to discuss something face to face? Drop some child's stuff? Maybe they were meeting there, cause Thomas, being co-owner and knowing that his in-laws are at home and nobody will check on him, decided to give himself some more free time and headed back home to get ready for bowling?

He could do that even not meeting with his ex then.

What if he headed home, with two friends, either to grab something or chill before bowling and saw Rachel leaving, or maybe even met with her and argued about something. Maybe he got angry or suspicious and decided to follow her, and did so, right to the mall. Then he got out till he located the girls at the record store. Convinced them to go outside to talk, to not "make a scene" in front of everyone and then decided that he's done, and they're coming home, or with him and he'll make sure of it by forcing them into the car that he came in.
Then, if girls didn't wanted to go - and why would they? - he'd likely decide to use some force. But he was Rachel's husband after all. Even if they were scared and stressed out, probably not enough to scream, try to run or plead for help from other shoppers. It would just make things worse at home.

Then the second whitness may saw them. Confronted them. And since Thomas didn't planned to kill or imprison the girls just yet, he just told him to mind his business and leave this family matter with him.
As only Rachel left outside, he could grab her car keyes and asked one of the other guys to get into that car and drive after him - cause then there was no need to leave their car behind.

Whenever they drove... probably not back to their home, cause unless Debra had some solid schedule which would allow him to be sure that she won't be home then. Renee and Julie already whitnessed enough, so they could see some more, maybe to embarass Rachel further and make a point that she doesn't have an independence that she - in his eyes - claimed to have.

Whatever happened later and where it happened - I have no idea, but probably somewhere where he felt comfortable at.
And then things went too far. No idea how, but - if it happened like that - surely in a way that made it clear that there is no coming back to how things were before.

After that point, he/they may decide to act quickly. One jumped into the Rachel's car to leave it at the mall. Thomas (my speculation) addressed the envelope to mail it to himself and figured that he'll think what to write in there as he'll know how this day will end for them - so at night? early morning?
Whoever drove the car back to the mall, left it in a spot where risk of accidentally meeting someone who knew them was the lowest. Ran to mail the envelope. Joined the others.
They had few hours to hide the bodies, move girls to location where they could be held captive or even dispose of the bodies.

Three girls and possibly one car disappeared on that day.
Drowning it somewhere is a possibility, but more I'm learning about this Thomas-guy, less creative liar he appears to be.
Maybe he disassembled the other car, just not before girls went missing but after that. Maybe it was all bloody? Maybe someone saw them in that car and they had enough whitnesses already, so decided to get rid of it and act like it wasn't around for quite some time?

Was Thomas shady enough to have a trust of people that would get into human trafficking business with him?
My guess is that girls never saw Christmas that year, but I suspect - as my theory goes - that this guy has better insight into the timeline and details of this case than everyone else combined; and he said, that he believes that girls were trafficked. He may know what he's saying and Julie's mom may really get a call from her daughter.

Also, according to his own statement - his wife drove him to work that day. I can't help but wonder: which wife - ex wife or Rachel?
Also at what time exactly? Earlier in the morning? Before 10am?

Did Rachel
1. woke up,
2. drove Thomas to family workshop
3. came back home to ask Debra if she wants to go to the mall
4. then call Lisa to ask her/confirm that she can go,
5. get back into the car and visit her mom to ask if she wants to go to the mall
6. arrived at Renee's
in this order?

How far that workshop was from Arnold's family home?
At what time they were opening? How long before 10am?
Was Thomas usually on time?

Renee's and Rachel's family homes weren't far so I get why she'd visit and ask her mother if she wants to go to the mall before getting to Renee's.

Debra was in bed, so she didn't knew when Thomas left... and if she talked with Rachel from bed...

Is it possible that Thomas was in the car with Rachel ALL that morning? Just didn't get out while he visited her mother and stayed in the car while she was at Renee's? Got annoyed with how long it all took, so then he decided that Julie is not going to the Army Navy but stays with him and girls have to be quick? And then just contiued to be annoyed?

I know that this idea just ruined my previous hypothetical timeline but it seems like nobody can place him anywhere on that day, from the morning till late evening, where he was, at the bowling alley.

Did anyone from Renee's and Julie's family saw Rachel's car that day? Saw it empty? With no Thomas in it? Maybe he decided to give himself a free day as he learned that Rachel's parents are staying at home? And either joined her or figured that he will just wait for her to take Renee and drop him off while heading the mall?

4.00 PM - families are worried
5.00 PM - families are searching
6.00 PM - Rachel's parents located the car parked at the "sear's upper lot"

But only at the 8:30 PM Rachel's mother decides to call Thomas at the bowling alley?
Why so late? Have they figured that it makes more sense to call shops and hospitals before calling Thomas? Were they that afraid of interrupting his bowling activities? Or maybe they tried before but couldn't find him and didn't even think about it or even really noticed, assumming that he must be just on the way to the bowling alley?

How on Earth he got cleared as a suspect? How?
Cause Rachel's mother told that she was with him at the store?
Even if so, she clearly wasn't still at the store nor with him after 4pm when Renee's and Julie's parents started to worry.
And where he was between 4 and 8pm? Bowling? If so easy to locate why he wasn't called immediately and asked if Rachel contacted him that afternoon or maybe said something in the morning? Isn't a husband good person to ask?
My guess is that's cause 8:30pm was as soon as they located him.

Just my thoughts, nothing else. But come on. How many red flags could be there and still mean nothing?
I guess that a lot, but in this case, IMO, too many.
In general yes, but I think that in this case there is quite a chance for the opposite.
It's not a random day, it's before Christmas. So higher chances that many people in the mall didn't just get to the mall, but had to schedule this trip, plan it, this may be a big deal to go there to buy gifts (for some people it is, less now cause we can order things online, but then it could be like one in a few months, maybe one in a year time when they went to the mall and checked many stores in search for gifts).
And what to do later? At least where I live it was complaining how crowded it was, chatting with friends, family and neighbours about everything that could be considered odd or unusual.

I'd be much more skeptical if these sightings from the mall were just like "oh, I think that I saw these girls there on that day, one wore this cute bright yellow shirt and everything seems fine".
But no, all three I found mentioned so far are of the things that'd stood out. They're all very probable as something that average person would remember for quite a bit.

Is it unusual scenario that store clerk remembers seeig a friend in his store and chatting with her companion?
For me not at all, I would remember that. I'd probably feel bit disappointed that I didn't get a chance to exchange few words with a friend, likely also take a note that her companion seemed nice or wore some memorable shirt.

Second whitness was that old lady that (not exactly) came forward weeks ago and told clerks what she saw.
And she saw a girl being forced into a car where already were two other girls and a man. This is not something that majority of people would consider as normal.
LE failed to locate her but we don't know if it was due to lack of trying.
Three months passed but as the clerks said, it was an elderly woman. So high chance that she may visit the mall rarely. On the 23rd, before Christmas, and sometime in early March, maybe that was her before-Easter shopping trip?
No idea what "elderly" meant for the clerks, but... over 60? Older? She may figure that as long as she discusses the thing with someone who can pass this info forward, she did as much as she could. And well... even thou, this article quotes Mrs. Arnold promising to keep her name a secret it clearly states: elderly woman. How many elderly women could pass the possible abductors?
I'd be scared to read about myself in the newspaper and realise that now these abductors know that I saw them, remembered them and tried to came forward. If I was living alone I'd probably avoid that mall to the rest of my life. If the article would say it vaguely, as "just a whitness", then okay, but outed like that? I'd be scared for my own safety.

And the third whitness, man who came forward years later and saw three men struggling to push three girls into a van. He confronted them, heard that one is guy's wife, and actively tried to remember that thing, cause it disturbed him so much.
It seems probable to remember something like that for years and have a flashback while suddenly learning that on this very day, only time when he was there, while visiting (so date relatively easy to remember) family three girls disappeared.
What he describes slightly differs from the woman's story but in my mind it's just adding more credibility to all of these.

What they are saying helps to create a timeline that makes sense. I wouldn't expect myself to see even a hypothetical timeline in this case that doesn't sound ridiculous at one point or another, but damn, there is one.

Monday Morning, 23rd of December 1974:
Rachel wants to go to the mall to buy gifts. Asks her sister to join her, but Debra is still in bed and wants to sleep some more.

Around 10am - not sure if Rachel called Renee to invite her on a trip to the mall that they never discussed before, or if she called her to confirm if she's going. Just my assumption and it may be wrong, but I get an impression that it wasn't a choice between Debra and Renee (with Renee as second choice) but just casually asking Debra if she want's to join her in the mall, with somewhat pre-planned company of Renee (who previously may be unsure if she will go, but for sure they planned to at least meet before Christmas cause Renee had a gift for Rachel stepson - seems for me that they discussed how to make the best possible Christmas for this boy way before).
Renee just got promise ring from her boyfriend Terry who was at her (Renee's) home with his two younger sisters - Janet (11) and Julie (9). They knew that Terry gave Renee a ring, so they came in from their next door home to check it out.
Renee agrees to go on a trip, but states it clearly that she needs to be back home before 4 P.M. to make herself ready for her first christmas party with a ring from Terry.

Later - Rachel visited her family home to ask her mother if she wants to go to the mall, but she refused cause Rachel's father, wasn't feeling well (he was diagnosed with cancer).

Bit later - Rachel arrives at the Renee's house. Gets out from the car and spends a bit of time with other kids.
Rachel and Renee invite Terry (15) and Janet (11) to join them on a trip to the mall but they refuse cause they already made a different plans.
9 year old Julie didn't have any plans. And even thou it's repeatedly implied that they didn't want to take her with them due to her young age, for me it seems like they didn't cause they knew that she's just not allowed to make such decisions herself and would have to ask her mom. For me it's pretty reasonable assumption on the Rachel's (and Renee's) side that Jule doesn't get an invitation. It would look weird that some 17yo that Julie's mother don't know invites her 9 year old child to go with her to the mall of all the sudden. I'd just get angry (as a mother) with the idea. But Julie wants to go, has nothing else to do, calls her mom and begs her for permission to join the girls. Mother reluctantly agree.

Bit later but still before noon - Renee grabs a gift for Rachel's stepson and puts it on the floor. She's careful with the gift, it's nicely wrapped and easy grab for her while exiting the car.
Rachel, Renee and Julie get in the car but they are not heading mall just yet. They're going to the Army Navy store where Renee had some items on layway, including new pair of jeans.
Her old jeans are found in the trunk, along with other items she got there.
What coud be alarming at this point is that people from Army Navy store weren't recalling seeing Julie with Renee and Rachel. Was it cause Julie just got to check out some interesting things in the store and wasn't following girls closely? - she may do that, surely she wasn't used to follow Rachel as her guardian, and girls could have her in sight while clerks haven't noticed her but we don't know that.
Or maybe Julie wasn't there? Leaving a 9 year old kid alone in the car is not good, and not that convenient idea. Did they picked up someone else to join them and that person stayed with Julie in the car? Possible, but unlikely cause of the gift. Older person (older than Renee I mean) would probably request sitting in front and usual choice for people sitting in the back is behind the passenger, not behinf the driver. But there was gift on the floor there. So likely nobody else was with them.
Is that possible that Julie was all excited about visiting the mall and not that much about just collecting pants from the store, while girls were likely in a hurry and didn't plan to wander around this particular store? Yes, but unless someone could say that Julie would be overly excited to listen to the radio in a car cause she always was wondering about it more would mean just exploring the rabbit hole.
I'm just going to assume that Julie was with them. Likely not more than 10 minutes passed since they left Renee's home and everything seemed to be okay.

It's just my speculation now, justified only by the gift's placement.
Yes, girls were in a hurry, but they still had about 4 hours to spend at the mall. Not that much, but not too little either.
But as much as I'm getting from it, Debra didn't said that she doesn't want to go to the mall when Rachel asked. She just wanted to sleep bit longer. And visit in Renee's house and trip to the Army Navy took like an hour, maybe 1,5h.
It may be possible that girls decided to stop at Rachel's house, on the way to the mall and check if Debra is still asleep, still at home and possibly now ready to head to the mall with them. If they considered it earlier, that may be the reason why Renee put a gift inside the car instead of the trunk, where it will be safer.

From there, we have to work with possibilities and likely & unlikely scenarios.

1. Girls never made to the mall.
2. They headed straight to the mall.
3. Girls decided to stop by Rachel's home on way to the mall.

I don't believe it was the 1. with the reason I'll explain bit later. I'm hesitant about the third. Could be, but it as good guess as 2nd. I see things that spoke in favor of both.

I recall reading conflicting statements about the Julie's goal for the day. Most sources repeat that she had no money, and that her mother used it as reason why she shouldn't go, but I think I stumbled on claim that she wanted to buy a gift for her Grandpa. If so, and no reason for her to have any money on her while just visiting Renee in the morning. So how did she wanted to buy a thing? Did Renee had enough to borrow her some money for that purpose? If not, maybe Rachel offered to help her, but she didn't have enough with her and decided to take some more from home?
Not sure how tight could be their budget, Julie probably wasn't thinking of anything expensive, but even a dollar or two could be an issue if both girls had only the exact amount that they need on them. Why not stop by the home and take a few bucks to help the girl?
It's still just sheer speculation, but what else could I possibly offer?

Sometime around noon there is a reported sighting of Rachel's car leaving their driveway. Speculated or confirmed that it was Rachel's husband's first wife who saw the car then there.
Could she be off with her timing to see Rachel while she was leaving home earlier (than noon) this morning?
Why she was there? Did she lived next door? I haven't stumbled on this information anywhere so I'd assume that it was not the case.

Later we have a guy from the record store who saw all three girls there, was Rachel's friend, talked with Renee and saw someone else with them.

If they had intention of meeting with some friends around 1pm at the mall, they didn't make it there. So something was already off.
And who was accompanying Rachel? Nobody came forward to identify themselves as the person seen with her there.

Later, a man sees three guys pushing three girls into the van. He was worried enough to confront the men, but was told by the man who held a person that could be Rachel that he should leave it, cause it's family business and the eldest girl is his wife.

Then, elderly woman sees one guy, forcing a girl into whatever she described as "pickup" - but that could be the same car from before cause she stated that two girls and one guy were already in. So how many people could fit in just one front seat of a pickup? This may be a car that could be described as both: a van and pickup, especially considering that older woman may not know that much about the cars.

I think that may be the exact same situation unraveling that they both whitnessed.
Man came across them first, as men just started pushing girls in. And woman bit later, as two were already in, with another guy that kept them from escaping.

But the man saw three men and she mentioned only two. What about the third?
Well, there is still a thing about the Rachel's car location. Cause AS it was found, it was left at very inconvenient, pretty well obscured spot. Odd place to choose. Maybe that was the only free spot that they could find, and maybe it was parked then later, as girls fate was already sealed.
I believe that third man went to get Rachel's car from it's original place.

Cause whatever happened to them didn't seem as planned ahead well.

Now, let's look at Rachel's husband timeline from that day.
So he left for work at his and her family workshop/store where he was doing things that should be done at such place. Then he headed to the bowling alley, where he chilled till Rachel's mother called to notify him that girls are missing.
I saw that he reportedly claimed that Rachel's mother can confirm that he was at the store whole day. Same women that refused to go to the mall cause she needed to care for her terminally ill husband. BUT she could still confirm his whereabouts cause he called her multiple times that day. Not cleared at what time he was calling but hinted (by him) that he must be in that store whole day to call, cause mobile phones weren't around yet.

I saw some post from a person claiming that Rachel's mom told police that she was at the store with her husband that day (but he didn't claimed the same) and later wondering why would she gave him false alibi.
And why IMO is a no brainer. LE wasn't helpful, LE wasn't interested that much in investigating, looking for the girls, if she believed that he couldn't possibly have anything to do with it then it's kinda obvious that she figured that she doesn't want LE to "waste time" troubling her innocent son-in-law instead of looking for the "real perp". It's not like they were all on it, exploring every lead right away. In her mind it could be all for the good, to speed up that already half-not-existing, lazy investigation that was going on.

IMO every statement that I saw, and that supposedly came from Rachel's husband could be a joke if it wasn't this horriffying and heartbreaking that literally everyting what he come up with, no matter how ridiculous was and with some reason still is taken as the most believeable thing ever.

He was unemployed when he met Rachel. Possibly earlier too. His parents passed away leaving him a bit of money, which he used to pay off Rachel's father workshop debts and then started working there, as co-owner.
His parents left him this money and their car. Before they bought him a car as a graduation (?) gift. So at some point he had two cars. Multiple people wondered how he seemed to own two cars all the way up till the time of the girls disappearance. But he claims he didn't. Cause he sold it. Or maybe used parts of it while repairing other cars. He didn't remember which one.
How believable is to forget what did you do with you'r deceased parents car, that you inherited, while having less than six moths to either sell or disassemble it? Seriously.

And why his mother-in-law is his alibi? Mother-in-law on call, sometime that day, possibly before noon - let's remember that.
No coworkers around to confirm where he was? No customers showing up? No friends stopping by for a quick chat? No friends from the bowling alley?

Ridiculessness surrounds this guy and covers him up all, head to toe.

Why was his first wife close enough to their home to see Rachel's car leaving driveway? Was she just wasting her time, showing up at random times to check if he's at home or not? Did she went there to chat with Debra?
Or maybe, since their son was going to spend Christmas with him, she stopped by to discuss something face to face? Drop some child's stuff? Maybe they were meeting there, cause Thomas, being co-owner and knowing that his in-laws are at home and nobody will check on him, decided to give himself some more free time and headed back home to get ready for bowling?

He could do that even not meeting with his ex then.

What if he headed home, with two friends, either to grab something or chill before bowling and saw Rachel leaving, or maybe even met with her and argued about something. Maybe he got angry or suspicious and decided to follow her, and did so, right to the mall. Then he got out till he located the girls at the record store. Convinced them to go outside to talk, to not "make a scene" in front of everyone and then decided that he's done, and they're coming home, or with him and he'll make sure of it by forcing them into the car that he came in.
Then, if girls didn't wanted to go - and why would they? - he'd likely decide to use some force. But he was Rachel's husband after all. Even if they were scared and stressed out, probably not enough to scream, try to run or plead for help from other shoppers. It would just make things worse at home.

Then the second whitness may saw them. Confronted them. And since Thomas didn't planned to kill or imprison the girls just yet, he just told him to mind his business and leave this family matter with him.
As only Rachel left outside, he could grab her car keyes and asked one of the other guys to get into that car and drive after him - cause then there was no need to leave their car behind.

Whenever they drove... probably not back to their home, cause unless Debra had some solid schedule which would allow him to be sure that she won't be home then. Renee and Julie already whitnessed enough, so they could see some more, maybe to embarass Rachel further and make a point that she doesn't have an independence that she - in his eyes - claimed to have.

Whatever happened later and where it happened - I have no idea, but probably somewhere where he felt comfortable at.
And then things went too far. No idea how, but - if it happened like that - surely in a way that made it clear that there is no coming back to how things were before.

After that point, he/they may decide to act quickly. One jumped into the Rachel's car to leave it at the mall. Thomas (my speculation) addressed the envelope to mail it to himself and figured that he'll think what to write in there as he'll know how this day will end for them - so at night? early morning?
Whoever drove the car back to the mall, left it in a spot where risk of accidentally meeting someone who knew them was the lowest. Ran to mail the envelope. Joined the others.
They had few hours to hide the bodies, move girls to location where they could be held captive or even dispose of the bodies.

Three girls and possibly one car disappeared on that day.
Drowning it somewhere is a possibility, but more I'm learning about this Thomas-guy, less creative liar he appears to be.
Maybe he disassembled the other car, just not before girls went missing but after that. Maybe it was all bloody? Maybe someone saw them in that car and they had enough whitnesses already, so decided to get rid of it and act like it wasn't around for quite some time?

Was Thomas shady enough to have a trust of people that would get into human trafficking business with him?
My guess is that girls never saw Christmas that year, but I suspect - as my theory goes - that this guy has better insight into the timeline and details of this case than everyone else combined; and he said, that he believes that girls were trafficked. He may know what he's saying and Julie's mom may really get a call from her daughter.

Also, according to his own statement - his wife drove him to work that day. I can't help but wonder: which wife - ex wife or Rachel?
Also at what time exactly? Earlier in the morning? Before 10am?

Did Rachel
1. woke up,
2. drove Thomas to family workshop
3. came back home to ask Debra if she wants to go to the mall
4. then call Lisa to ask her/confirm that she can go,
5. get back into the car and visit her mom to ask if she wants to go to the mall
6. arrived at Renee's
in this order?

How far that workshop was from Arnold's family home?
At what time they were opening? How long before 10am?
Was Thomas usually on time?

Renee's and Rachel's family homes weren't far so I get why she'd visit and ask her mother if she wants to go to the mall before getting to Renee's.

Debra was in bed, so she didn't knew when Thomas left... and if she talked with Rachel from bed...

Is it possible that Thomas was in the car with Rachel ALL that morning? Just didn't get out while he visited her mother and stayed in the car while she was at Renee's? Got annoyed with how long it all took, so then he decided that Julie is not going to the Army Navy but stays with him and girls have to be quick? And then just contiued to be annoyed?

I know that this idea just ruined my previous hypothetical timeline but it seems like nobody can place him anywhere on that day, from the morning till late evening, where he was, at the bowling alley.

Did anyone from Renee's and Julie's family saw Rachel's car that day? Saw it empty? With no Thomas in it? Maybe he decided to give himself a free day as he learned that Rachel's parents are staying at home? And either joined her or figured that he will just wait for her to take Renee and drop him off while heading the mall?

4.00 PM - families are worried
5.00 PM - families are searching
6.00 PM - Rachel's parents located the car parked at the "sear's upper lot"

But only at the 8:30 PM Rachel's mother decides to call Thomas at the bowling alley?
Why so late? Have they figured that it makes more sense to call shops and hospitals before calling Thomas? Were they that afraid of interrupting his bowling activities? Or maybe they tried before but couldn't find him and didn't even think about it or even really noticed, assumming that he must be just on the way to the bowling alley?

How on Earth he got cleared as a suspect? How?
Cause Rachel's mother told that she was with him at the store?
Even if so, she clearly wasn't still at the store nor with him after 4pm when Renee's and Julie's parents started to worry.
And where he was between 4 and 8pm? Bowling? If so easy to locate why he wasn't called immediately and asked if Rachel contacted him that afternoon or maybe said something in the morning? Isn't a husband good person to ask?
My guess is that's cause 8:30pm was as soon as they located him.

Just my thoughts, nothing else. But come on. How many red flags could be there and still mean nothing?
I guess that a lot, but in this case, IMO, too many.
I agtee. But I think the witness thay saw a guy hurrying her in the van and was told it was a family problem was accurate. I believe tt was in a vehicle came to the mall because debra called him. I think he saw her with California jacket guy and it made him angry. I feel like he drove them to Arlington lake which was walking distance to the transmission shop and drowned them all in the van he was seen in then walked back to the shop then got a ride to the bowling alley. All out of jealousy and rage.
You know where I remember pencils but not pens? At a bowling alley that's where. Seems like they always had pencils laying around to keep score with, most of the leaguers carried one in their shirt pocket.

I've heard many other peoples opinion (here and other places) on the letter but have never posted my own, so I'm gonna take the time and do that now.
I'll start with the first and last part.

"I know I'm going to catch it ...... Love Rachel"

I think these parts are just to imply that nothing bad has happened, everything is fine, Rachel knows she should catch it because she has no good reason to just take off and she loves her husband.

.... " but we just had to get away."

The "we" is of course to pluralize the letter. The girls are with her and they're all going willingly just "to get away". Nothing bad has happened.

"We're going to Houston. See you in about a week."

Houston could mean something more but only the author and maybe close family members would know if so.
Once again everything is alright. The girls are going to return and in time to go back to school.

"The car is in Sear's upper lot."

This part is mostly to confirm that Rachel is the author. Who else would know exactly where the car is at?
It also serves to convince the reader that Rachel is not angry or upset. She is being very cooperative with her husband by telling him where the car is.

Finally what is not in the letter.
Although the envelope is, the letter itself does not address anyone in particular.
I believe this is because the author wasn't writting it to himself but to the families and law enforcement.
It's very important that eveyone remains calm and LE doesn't take it serious.
Two things the author wanted was time and to keep the FBI out of it. It could not at all be thought of as a kidnapping.

All of this is just my opinion.
Pencils were also at the malls mail kiosk
I agtee. But I think the witness thay saw a guy hurrying her in the van and was told it was a family problem was accurate. I believe tt was in a vehicle came to the mall because debra called him. I think he saw her with California jacket guy and it made him angry. I feel like he drove them to Arlington lake which was walking distance to the transmission shop and drowned them all in the van he was seen in then walked back to the shop then got a ride to the bowling alley. All out of jealousy and rage.
I have some issues counting cars.
Obviously, the car that Rachel used that day, the Oldsmobile.
Debra also had a car? Cause he claimed, that after Rachel's mother called him, he then called Debra to pick him up from the bowling alley. Was it possibly his other car that he doesn't know what he did with later?

Is it known where exactly their workshop was?
In general yes, but I think that in this case there is quite a chance for the opposite.
It's not a random day, it's before Christmas. So higher chances that many people in the mall didn't just get to the mall, but had to schedule this trip, plan it, this may be a big deal to go there to buy gifts (for some people it is, less now cause we can order things online, but then it could be like one in a few months, maybe one in a year time when they went to the mall and checked many stores in search for gifts).
And what to do later? At least where I live it was complaining how crowded it was, chatting with friends, family and neighbours about everything that could be considered odd or unusual.

I'd be much more skeptical if these sightings from the mall were just like "oh, I think that I saw these girls there on that day, one wore this cute bright yellow shirt and everything seems fine".
But no, all three I found mentioned so far are of the things that'd stood out. They're all very probable as something that average person would remember for quite a bit.

Is it unusual scenario that store clerk remembers seeig a friend in his store and chatting with her companion?
For me not at all, I would remember that. I'd probably feel bit disappointed that I didn't get a chance to exchange few words with a friend, likely also take a note that her companion seemed nice or wore some memorable shirt.

Second whitness was that old lady that (not exactly) came forward weeks ago and told clerks what she saw.
And she saw a girl being forced into a car where already were two other girls and a man. This is not something that majority of people would consider as normal.
LE failed to locate her but we don't know if it was due to lack of trying.
Three months passed but as the clerks said, it was an elderly woman. So high chance that she may visit the mall rarely. On the 23rd, before Christmas, and sometime in early March, maybe that was her before-Easter shopping trip?
No idea what "elderly" meant for the clerks, but... over 60? Older? She may figure that as long as she discusses the thing with someone who can pass this info forward, she did as much as she could. And well... even thou, this article quotes Mrs. Arnold promising to keep her name a secret it clearly states: elderly woman. How many elderly women could pass the possible abductors?
I'd be scared to read about myself in the newspaper and realise that now these abductors know that I saw them, remembered them and tried to came forward. If I was living alone I'd probably avoid that mall to the rest of my life. If the article would say it vaguely, as "just a whitness", then okay, but outed like that? I'd be scared for my own safety.

And the third whitness, man who came forward years later and saw three men struggling to push three girls into a van. He confronted them, heard that one is guy's wife, and actively tried to remember that thing, cause it disturbed him so much.
It seems probable to remember something like that for years and have a flashback while suddenly learning that on this very day, only time when he was there, while visiting (so date relatively easy to remember) family three girls disappeared.
What he describes slightly differs from the woman's story but in my mind it's just adding more credibility to all of these.

What they are saying helps to create a timeline that makes sense. I wouldn't expect myself to see even a hypothetical timeline in this case that doesn't sound ridiculous at one point or another, but damn, there is one.

Monday Morning, 23rd of December 1974:
Rachel wants to go to the mall to buy gifts. Asks her sister to join her, but Debra is still in bed and wants to sleep some more.

Around 10am - not sure if Rachel called Renee to invite her on a trip to the mall that they never discussed before, or if she called her to confirm if she's going. Just my assumption and it may be wrong, but I get an impression that it wasn't a choice between Debra and Renee (with Renee as second choice) but just casually asking Debra if she want's to join her in the mall, with somewhat pre-planned company of Renee (who previously may be unsure if she will go, but for sure they planned to at least meet before Christmas cause Renee had a gift for Rachel stepson - seems for me that they discussed how to make the best possible Christmas for this boy way before).
Renee just got promise ring from her boyfriend Terry who was at her (Renee's) home with his two younger sisters - Janet (11) and Julie (9). They knew that Terry gave Renee a ring, so they came in from their next door home to check it out.
Renee agrees to go on a trip, but states it clearly that she needs to be back home before 4 P.M. to make herself ready for her first christmas party with a ring from Terry.

Later - Rachel visited her family home to ask her mother if she wants to go to the mall, but she refused cause Rachel's father, wasn't feeling well (he was diagnosed with cancer).

Bit later - Rachel arrives at the Renee's house. Gets out from the car and spends a bit of time with other kids.
Rachel and Renee invite Terry (15) and Janet (11) to join them on a trip to the mall but they refuse cause they already made a different plans.
9 year old Julie didn't have any plans. And even thou it's repeatedly implied that they didn't want to take her with them due to her young age, for me it seems like they didn't cause they knew that she's just not allowed to make such decisions herself and would have to ask her mom. For me it's pretty reasonable assumption on the Rachel's (and Renee's) side that Jule doesn't get an invitation. It would look weird that some 17yo that Julie's mother don't know invites her 9 year old child to go with her to the mall of all the sudden. I'd just get angry (as a mother) with the idea. But Julie wants to go, has nothing else to do, calls her mom and begs her for permission to join the girls. Mother reluctantly agree.

Bit later but still before noon - Renee grabs a gift for Rachel's stepson and puts it on the floor. She's careful with the gift, it's nicely wrapped and easy grab for her while exiting the car.
Rachel, Renee and Julie get in the car but they are not heading mall just yet. They're going to the Army Navy store where Renee had some items on layway, including new pair of jeans.
Her old jeans are found in the trunk, along with other items she got there.
What coud be alarming at this point is that people from Army Navy store weren't recalling seeing Julie with Renee and Rachel. Was it cause Julie just got to check out some interesting things in the store and wasn't following girls closely? - she may do that, surely she wasn't used to follow Rachel as her guardian, and girls could have her in sight while clerks haven't noticed her but we don't know that.
Or maybe Julie wasn't there? Leaving a 9 year old kid alone in the car is not good, and not that convenient idea. Did they picked up someone else to join them and that person stayed with Julie in the car? Possible, but unlikely cause of the gift. Older person (older than Renee I mean) would probably request sitting in front and usual choice for people sitting in the back is behind the passenger, not behinf the driver. But there was gift on the floor there. So likely nobody else was with them.
Is that possible that Julie was all excited about visiting the mall and not that much about just collecting pants from the store, while girls were likely in a hurry and didn't plan to wander around this particular store? Yes, but unless someone could say that Julie would be overly excited to listen to the radio in a car cause she always was wondering about it more would mean just exploring the rabbit hole.
I'm just going to assume that Julie was with them. Likely not more than 10 minutes passed since they left Renee's home and everything seemed to be okay.

It's just my speculation now, justified only by the gift's placement.
Yes, girls were in a hurry, but they still had about 4 hours to spend at the mall. Not that much, but not too little either.
But as much as I'm getting from it, Debra didn't said that she doesn't want to go to the mall when Rachel asked. She just wanted to sleep bit longer. And visit in Renee's house and trip to the Army Navy took like an hour, maybe 1,5h.
It may be possible that girls decided to stop at Rachel's house, on the way to the mall and check if Debra is still asleep, still at home and possibly now ready to head to the mall with them. If they considered it earlier, that may be the reason why Renee put a gift inside the car instead of the trunk, where it will be safer.

From there, we have to work with possibilities and likely & unlikely scenarios.

1. Girls never made to the mall.
2. They headed straight to the mall.
3. Girls decided to stop by Rachel's home on way to the mall.

I don't believe it was the 1. with the reason I'll explain bit later. I'm hesitant about the third. Could be, but it as good guess as 2nd. I see things that spoke in favor of both.

I recall reading conflicting statements about the Julie's goal for the day. Most sources repeat that she had no money, and that her mother used it as reason why she shouldn't go, but I think I stumbled on claim that she wanted to buy a gift for her Grandpa. If so, and no reason for her to have any money on her while just visiting Renee in the morning. So how did she wanted to buy a thing? Did Renee had enough to borrow her some money for that purpose? If not, maybe Rachel offered to help her, but she didn't have enough with her and decided to take some more from home?
Not sure how tight could be their budget, Julie probably wasn't thinking of anything expensive, but even a dollar or two could be an issue if both girls had only the exact amount that they need on them. Why not stop by the home and take a few bucks to help the girl?
It's still just sheer speculation, but what else could I possibly offer?

Sometime around noon there is a reported sighting of Rachel's car leaving their driveway. Speculated or confirmed that it was Rachel's husband's first wife who saw the car then there.
Could she be off with her timing to see Rachel while she was leaving home earlier (than noon) this morning?
Why she was there? Did she lived next door? I haven't stumbled on this information anywhere so I'd assume that it was not the case.

Later we have a guy from the record store who saw all three girls there, was Rachel's friend, talked with Renee and saw someone else with them.

If they had intention of meeting with some friends around 1pm at the mall, they didn't make it there. So something was already off.
And who was accompanying Rachel? Nobody came forward to identify themselves as the person seen with her there.

Later, a man sees three guys pushing three girls into the van. He was worried enough to confront the men, but was told by the man who held a person that could be Rachel that he should leave it, cause it's family business and the eldest girl is his wife.

Then, elderly woman sees one guy, forcing a girl into whatever she described as "pickup" - but that could be the same car from before cause she stated that two girls and one guy were already in. So how many people could fit in just one front seat of a pickup? This may be a car that could be described as both: a van and pickup, especially considering that older woman may not know that much about the cars.

I think that may be the exact same situation unraveling that they both whitnessed.
Man came across them first, as men just started pushing girls in. And woman bit later, as two were already in, with another guy that kept them from escaping.

But the man saw three men and she mentioned only two. What about the third?
Well, there is still a thing about the Rachel's car location. Cause AS it was found, it was left at very inconvenient, pretty well obscured spot. Odd place to choose. Maybe that was the only free spot that they could find, and maybe it was parked then later, as girls fate was already sealed.
I believe that third man went to get Rachel's car from it's original place.

Cause whatever happened to them didn't seem as planned ahead well.

Now, let's look at Rachel's husband timeline from that day.
So he left for work at his and her family workshop/store where he was doing things that should be done at such place. Then he headed to the bowling alley, where he chilled till Rachel's mother called to notify him that girls are missing.
I saw that he reportedly claimed that Rachel's mother can confirm that he was at the store whole day. Same women that refused to go to the mall cause she needed to care for her terminally ill husband. BUT she could still confirm his whereabouts cause he called her multiple times that day. Not cleared at what time he was calling but hinted (by him) that he must be in that store whole day to call, cause mobile phones weren't around yet.

I saw some post from a person claiming that Rachel's mom told police that she was at the store with her husband that day (but he didn't claimed the same) and later wondering why would she gave him false alibi.
And why IMO is a no brainer. LE wasn't helpful, LE wasn't interested that much in investigating, looking for the girls, if she believed that he couldn't possibly have anything to do with it then it's kinda obvious that she figured that she doesn't want LE to "waste time" troubling her innocent son-in-law instead of looking for the "real perp". It's not like they were all on it, exploring every lead right away. In her mind it could be all for the good, to speed up that already half-not-existing, lazy investigation that was going on.

IMO every statement that I saw, and that supposedly came from Rachel's husband could be a joke if it wasn't this horriffying and heartbreaking that literally everyting what he come up with, no matter how ridiculous was and with some reason still is taken as the most believeable thing ever.

He was unemployed when he met Rachel. Possibly earlier too. His parents passed away leaving him a bit of money, which he used to pay off Rachel's father workshop debts and then started working there, as co-owner.
His parents left him this money and their car. Before they bought him a car as a graduation (?) gift. So at some point he had two cars. Multiple people wondered how he seemed to own two cars all the way up till the time of the girls disappearance. But he claims he didn't. Cause he sold it. Or maybe used parts of it while repairing other cars. He didn't remember which one.
How believable is to forget what did you do with you'r deceased parents car, that you inherited, while having less than six moths to either sell or disassemble it? Seriously.

And why his mother-in-law is his alibi? Mother-in-law on call, sometime that day, possibly before noon - let's remember that.
No coworkers around to confirm where he was? No customers showing up? No friends stopping by for a quick chat? No friends from the bowling alley?

Ridiculessness surrounds this guy and covers him up all, head to toe.

Why was his first wife close enough to their home to see Rachel's car leaving driveway? Was she just wasting her time, showing up at random times to check if he's at home or not? Did she went there to chat with Debra?
Or maybe, since their son was going to spend Christmas with him, she stopped by to discuss something face to face? Drop some child's stuff? Maybe they were meeting there, cause Thomas, being co-owner and knowing that his in-laws are at home and nobody will check on him, decided to give himself some more free time and headed back home to get ready for bowling?

He could do that even not meeting with his ex then.

What if he headed home, with two friends, either to grab something or chill before bowling and saw Rachel leaving, or maybe even met with her and argued about something. Maybe he got angry or suspicious and decided to follow her, and did so, right to the mall. Then he got out till he located the girls at the record store. Convinced them to go outside to talk, to not "make a scene" in front of everyone and then decided that he's done, and they're coming home, or with him and he'll make sure of it by forcing them into the car that he came in.
Then, if girls didn't wanted to go - and why would they? - he'd likely decide to use some force. But he was Rachel's husband after all. Even if they were scared and stressed out, probably not enough to scream, try to run or plead for help from other shoppers. It would just make things worse at home.

Then the second whitness may saw them. Confronted them. And since Thomas didn't planned to kill or imprison the girls just yet, he just told him to mind his business and leave this family matter with him.
As only Rachel left outside, he could grab her car keyes and asked one of the other guys to get into that car and drive after him - cause then there was no need to leave their car behind.

Whenever they drove... probably not back to their home, cause unless Debra had some solid schedule which would allow him to be sure that she won't be home then. Renee and Julie already whitnessed enough, so they could see some more, maybe to embarass Rachel further and make a point that she doesn't have an independence that she - in his eyes - claimed to have.

Whatever happened later and where it happened - I have no idea, but probably somewhere where he felt comfortable at.
And then things went too far. No idea how, but - if it happened like that - surely in a way that made it clear that there is no coming back to how things were before.

After that point, he/they may decide to act quickly. One jumped into the Rachel's car to leave it at the mall. Thomas (my speculation) addressed the envelope to mail it to himself and figured that he'll think what to write in there as he'll know how this day will end for them - so at night? early morning?
Whoever drove the car back to the mall, left it in a spot where risk of accidentally meeting someone who knew them was the lowest. Ran to mail the envelope. Joined the others.
They had few hours to hide the bodies, move girls to location where they could be held captive or even dispose of the bodies.

Three girls and possibly one car disappeared on that day.
Drowning it somewhere is a possibility, but more I'm learning about this Thomas-guy, less creative liar he appears to be.
Maybe he disassembled the other car, just not before girls went missing but after that. Maybe it was all bloody? Maybe someone saw them in that car and they had enough whitnesses already, so decided to get rid of it and act like it wasn't around for quite some time?

Was Thomas shady enough to have a trust of people that would get into human trafficking business with him?
My guess is that girls never saw Christmas that year, but I suspect - as my theory goes - that this guy has better insight into the timeline and details of this case than everyone else combined; and he said, that he believes that girls were trafficked. He may know what he's saying and Julie's mom may really get a call from her daughter.

Also, according to his own statement - his wife drove him to work that day. I can't help but wonder: which wife - ex wife or Rachel?
Also at what time exactly? Earlier in the morning? Before 10am?

Did Rachel
1. woke up,
2. drove Thomas to family workshop
3. came back home to ask Debra if she wants to go to the mall
4. then call Lisa to ask her/confirm that she can go,
5. get back into the car and visit her mom to ask if she wants to go to the mall
6. arrived at Renee's
in this order?

How far that workshop was from Arnold's family home?
At what time they were opening? How long before 10am?
Was Thomas usually on time?

Renee's and Rachel's family homes weren't far so I get why she'd visit and ask her mother if she wants to go to the mall before getting to Renee's.

Debra was in bed, so she didn't knew when Thomas left... and if she talked with Rachel from bed...

Is it possible that Thomas was in the car with Rachel ALL that morning? Just didn't get out while he visited her mother and stayed in the car while she was at Renee's? Got annoyed with how long it all took, so then he decided that Julie is not going to the Army Navy but stays with him and girls have to be quick? And then just contiued to be annoyed?

I know that this idea just ruined my previous hypothetical timeline but it seems like nobody can place him anywhere on that day, from the morning till late evening, where he was, at the bowling alley.

Did anyone from Renee's and Julie's family saw Rachel's car that day? Saw it empty? With no Thomas in it? Maybe he decided to give himself a free day as he learned that Rachel's parents are staying at home? And either joined her or figured that he will just wait for her to take Renee and drop him off while heading the mall?

4.00 PM - families are worried
5.00 PM - families are searching
6.00 PM - Rachel's parents located the car parked at the "sear's upper lot"

But only at the 8:30 PM Rachel's mother decides to call Thomas at the bowling alley?
Why so late? Have they figured that it makes more sense to call shops and hospitals before calling Thomas? Were they that afraid of interrupting his bowling activities? Or maybe they tried before but couldn't find him and didn't even think about it or even really noticed, assumming that he must be just on the way to the bowling alley?

How on Earth he got cleared as a suspect? How?
Cause Rachel's mother told that she was with him at the store?
Even if so, she clearly wasn't still at the store nor with him after 4pm when Renee's and Julie's parents started to worry.
And where he was between 4 and 8pm? Bowling? If so easy to locate why he wasn't called immediately and asked if Rachel contacted him that afternoon or maybe said something in the morning? Isn't a husband good person to ask?
My guess is that's cause 8:30pm was as soon as they located him.

Just my thoughts, nothing else. But come on. How many red flags could be there and still mean nothing?
I guess that a lot, but in this case, IMO, too many.
Great indepth post and good to see an attempt at a timeline.
Great indepth post and good to see an attempt at a timeline.
Not there yet, pretty far from it, but since I can't focus on anything else I'll probably keep sharing till I get all publicly available info.

I have so many questions, and I'm not really aiming them at anyone, just like to have them stated.
I had the worst moment today. While doing something else I kept thinking about this case, got an idea and couldn't believe how I haven't thought about "that" before... then I got distracted and forgot what it was.

Anyways, thoughts for today.
Yesterday I was under impression that family workshop was very near the Arnold's home which apparently wasn't the case so theory about him, possibly being in the car with them is useless.
Well, maybe almost useless.
I went through newspaper articles trying to check if Arnold's address was stated there (under assumption that it will tell me where the workshop was) and I got a thought that I absolutely hate.

Last sentence here:
I hope that it is just a part of an actual article, and that below that was some kind of plea to the public (other possible whitnesses) and the woman herself with LE or at least Arnold's conntact info.
If not... addresses of the girls are repeated in many of them. But that's Lisa's home, Renee's home... and Rachel's address. I don't see anything like "please call this number and ask for detective X".
What if that elderly woman actually read that and called to tell more? And since she couldn't be sure who to call, she ended up calling Thomas?

I wonder how Debra met Thomas and who ended it.
My guess would be that she did. If that's incorrect then nevermind, but if she did, then I'd seriously wonder if he wasn't about their family business from the very beginning.
As I understand he wasn't of the hardworking type, and what he "invested" in that workshop wasn't the money that he earned, he inherited it. He didn't have enough to buy a business, he didn't have a skill to start anything on his own...
It's not like he could get fired as he became co-owner, and it seems like he got it after Cotton's death and Rachel's disappearance. When exactly Cotton got his diagnosis - before or after Thomas showed up and started dating Debra? It'd be very, very interesting if after.
Was that marriage even by Rachel's own free will, or was she forced to do this? Not only by fear but more so by her father doing business with TT?

I also wonder about these calls with Rachel's mother.
What were their opening and closing hours? Now it seems like most buisnesses like that open at 8am and close 12 hours later.
Were they closing earlier?
I know that there is no way to know at what time he was making these calls. In the morning? Or maybe in the evening? As to make sure that she's not coming?

He had so so much time. At noon girls could be already forced to go with him. He's located only at the 20:30. Three hours of darkness already.
Not there yet, pretty far from it, but since I can't focus on anything else I'll probably keep sharing till I get all publicly available info.

I have so many questions, and I'm not really aiming them at anyone, just like to have them stated.
I had the worst moment today. While doing something else I kept thinking about this case, got an idea and couldn't believe how I haven't thought about "that" before... then I got distracted and forgot what it was.

Anyways, thoughts for today.
Yesterday I was under impression that family workshop was very near the Arnold's home which apparently wasn't the case so theory about him, possibly being in the car with them is useless.
Well, maybe almost useless.
I went through newspaper articles trying to check if Arnold's address was stated there (under assumption that it will tell me where the workshop was) and I got a thought that I absolutely hate.

Last sentence here:
View attachment 346249
I hope that it is just a part of an actual article, and that below that was some kind of plea to the public (other possible whitnesses) and the woman herself with LE or at least Arnold's conntact info.
If not... addresses of the girls are repeated in many of them. But that's Lisa's home, Renee's home... and Rachel's address. I don't see anything like "please call this number and ask for detective X".
What if that elderly woman actually read that and called to tell more? And since she couldn't be sure who to call, she ended up calling Thomas?

I wonder how Debra met Thomas and who ended it.
My guess would be that she did. If that's incorrect then nevermind, but if she did, then I'd seriously wonder if he wasn't about their family business from the very beginning.
As I understand he wasn't of the hardworking type, and what he "invested" in that workshop wasn't the money that he earned, he inherited it. He didn't have enough to buy a business, he didn't have a skill to start anything on his own...
It's not like he could get fired as he became co-owner, and it seems like he got it after Cotton's death and Rachel's disappearance. When exactly Cotton got his diagnosis - before or after Thomas showed up and started dating Debra? It'd be very, very interesting if after.
Was that marriage even by Rachel's own free will, or was she forced to do this? Not only by fear but more so by her father doing business with TT?

I also wonder about these calls with Rachel's mother.
What were their opening and closing hours? Now it seems like most buisnesses like that open at 8am and close 12 hours later.
Were they closing earlier?
I know that there is no way to know at what time he was making these calls. In the morning? Or maybe in the evening? As to make sure that she's not coming?

He had so so much time. At noon girls could be already forced to go with him. He's located only at the 20:30. Three hours of darkness already.

I'm pretty sure it's been discussed here before, IIRC there was two shops.
I did go back and find a post I made a while back with an Arlington address. If you scroll up from there you will see an attachment posted by Wishyouknew that gives a Fort Worth address.

Post in thread 'TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 - #5' TX - TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 - #5
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