TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #5

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They seem like they're a very frequent poster on that site, so maybe it's just their 'go to' for anything true crime related.

Honestly, I think they're being a little self-righteous in their post. The contact from Namus who confirmed that FLEK had been ID'd and then who said that the ST will be writing an article wouldn't have said that if there wasn't a story planned surely. I think the people who work at Namus probably have a bit more of a clue than to just run off at the mouth to strangers in an email.

It also seems very odd to me that this person was claiming to be working for Velling when Velling has retired. I get that Velling may have maintained a personal interest in the case, but would that extend to him appointing a researcher to work with him? Odd, odd, odd. Who knows what to think.

She's an "advocate" that sent cases to him IMO
I honestly don't think Akoya ID d Lori, I think Sprin/Summer did. I think Akoya is an advocate from oz that claimed to have ID Grateful Dead fan that's no longer on WS. A few of. Think we're right cause she talks exactly like the person we know. She'll be shocked when it turns out spring/summers exGF. The timing is right. My March DNA came back over night. Velling had to find the person and person to donate DNA. Spring/Summer sounded very sure so that's what I'm going with.

Nance did nothing wrong. He cnfirmed the profile was pulled but LE have to announce.

I haven't followed FLEK that much, but I agree with you, very sure Akoya did not ID her. She likes to talk like she has ID'd them. Looking forward to finding out who FLEK was :rose:
108 users right now. the most i have seen (as far as i can remember) since i started lurking here years ago. more than a few months ago when we thought she may have been IDed. this is going to be HUGE! i hope more news outlets pick it up now! i could probably vomit too with this news! haha

kinda weird now to have my #1 case solved and out of the way. and this week also brought news of kylr yust in jail (for now; and hopefully forever). this is a great week for the cold cases i have been following. if anyone knows of any similar cases that need attention, let me know. i need somewhere to put my energy now. more people still need our help. i am heading to lyle's thread tonight. i have looked into his case a bit before but not much. seems like a good rabbit hole to throw myself into next, just wanted to be open to ideas if there are any cases in urgent need of more energy...
No matter what I'm just hoping her daughter can eventually find out who her mom really was. I've been looking over all the notes I've jotted over time and wonder if one of the women we've looked at is her. I appreciate all of you who post and share so much. I've never really felt I had a lot to contribute - but nonetheless I've walked this journey with you. And hopefully will get an answer with you as well.

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Honestly these false identity type of cases normally don't interest me, but I've popped in this thread from time to time, just because I really want her daughter to know who her mother was. Her daughter deserves to know who her mama was after losing her so terribly, so sudden, so soon.
I personally think that's who Lori is because S/S spoke to Velling to give him her info.

oh, okay. you mean that this would have come from the info he gave before and it has just taken until now (or recently perhaps) to confirm through investigation? gotcha. i wasn't trying to be snarky. i just thought maybe he had posted again recently and i had missed it. thank you :)
I'm catching up on the last few pages of reading, but just an FYI- I emailed the Seattle Times writer earlier today & have not heard back. Now back to reading!
Here's my take:
It is what it is. A lot of people have contributed to the resolution of this case. I think we're either going to be totally shocked and awed because she's no one we ever expected, or we're going to be high fiving because she's someone we've had on the radar all along. I have a feeling that her reasons for doing what she did were a lot less complex than any of us have believed, and that the public has been misled on many of the "facts" for whatever reason. I would be surprised to know for a fact that her identity was confirmed months ago, and it's just now being leaked. Just my thoughts and opinions.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
i just signed on to see this amazing news. i hope we find out who she is, but i will say it is just exciting to know this case has finally been solved.

i do wonder if all the recent developments have anything to do with this news. it sounded like a few months ago when the PI said she had been Id'ed, or that they were close, that it was done through private means. i always figured even if the family discovered her identity through private ways the NAMUS page would remain. now, however, i am wondering if the family's plan to just keep the news of an identification within the family circle have been provoked (for lack of a better word) to share the info with NAMUS and release a statement in the press because interest in FLEK's case has only grown stronger. The recent FOIA request regarding the suicide, more people posting that they know her, the niece's friend (if this is true) sharing with her the websleuths thread and podcast could have sparked them to finally accept that the public needs an answer? or maybe she was just ID'ed today? what are your thoughts?

i would love to know her real name tonight, but with the FOIA i am sure that we will know ~someday~ and for now i am choosing to be okay with that. this is exciting for so many reasons and i am on the edge of my seat like all of you. my main focus right now is happiness for her daughter, who will never again have to live another day not knowing who her mother was. that's a success in my book, folks. so i will not speculate tonight on who she may be or what negative things surrounded this woman in life. i am going to focus on the fact that tonight we have one less UID and that's all any of us really want anyway. lets be happy and celebrate! this is just how i am choosing to do so. i may not be speculating tonight but i am enjoying reading through everyone's ideas. how incredible it is - another case CLOSED. oh, happy day! :)

ETA: sorry for sloppiness and typos. i am shaking a little with excitement lol
I honestly don't think Akoya ID d Lori, I think Sprin/Summer did. I think Akoya is an advocate from oz that claimed to have ID Grateful Dead fan that's no longer on WS. A few of. Think we're right cause she talks exactly like the person we know. She'll be shocked when it turns out spring/summers exGF. The timing is right. My March DNA came back over night. Velling had to find the person and person to donate DNA. Spring/Summer sounded very sure so that's what I'm going with.

Nance did nothing wrong. He cnfirmed the profile was pulled but LE have to announce.

Hi Resolver!!! Thanks so much for all your hard work on these threads!!!! You are a valuable asset to families everywhere and to WS's!!!

Could you please explain the March DNA? I'm not sure I'm following your post.

I always kind of thought S/S seemed legit. He posted a few times and only seemed to be concerned with letting people know LEK was a good person, he wasn't looking for attention or playing games with people.
honestly these false identity type of cases normally don't interest me, but i've popped in this thread from time to time, just because i really want her daughter to know who her mother was. Her daughter deserves to know who her mama was after losing her so terribly, so sudden, so soon.

Lurker coming out of hiding to ask.... are S/S's posts still here? I've tried searching for them, but can't come up with anything. Have they been deleted?
Lurker coming out of hiding to ask.... are S/S's posts still here? I've tried searching for them, but can't come up with anything. Have they been deleted?

I think so. Perhaps they were considered part of the investigation and law enforcement wanted them taken down??
Lurker coming out of hiding to ask.... are S/S's posts still here? I've tried searching for them, but can't come up with anything. Have they been deleted?
I just brought a post forward.

Also, try here:
I think so. Perhaps they were considered part of the investigation and law enforcement wanted them taken down??

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
OT: Is anyone else having trouble posting or viewing the forum tonight? I keep getting errors and kicked off. Are there that many more people here to see who FLEK was or something...argh! :gaah:I feel like I'm in:jail: I can't post...
Bringing forward.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

All S/S' posts are still visible. If you click on the link to the first post posted by STQ, you can then click on their username and work your way through to all posts made by that user

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OT: Is anyone else having trouble posting or viewing the forum tonight? I keep getting errors and kicked off. Are there that many more people here to see who FLEK was or something...argh! :gaah:I feel like I'm in:jail: I can't post...

No problems here. :popcorn:
I'm going to be the devil's advocate here & suggest there may be a good reason for the privacy & not disclosing FLEKs name. The US government does "sit on" info & wait years to form cases. There is a chance that FLEKs Identity theft is affecting a current case. The timeline for the case starts in the late 1980s...so it's entirely possible.

It could also involve the safety or privacy of people who were related to her from before she changed her name. Children from a previous relationship, maybe, or something along those lines. Maybe they're having trouble locating and notifying everybody who's impacted.

I don't know, just speculating.
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