TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #5

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I posted this picture. I found this girl and the whole family a while ago. Is this who people think FLEK has been identified as?
Thanks for sharing! Is this part of the Howden family then? The resemblance is striking IMO.

No, I dont think everyone thinks this is her, I just did some very brief digging and found this associated photo and posted it here. They really do look alike though. Someone said the original poster was unable to find the name of this child. Maybe you can remind us of the details.
the more this person replies, the less i believe them. i think he/she is interested in the case like we are. he/she probably sent velling a tip or two here-and-there and he responded. maybe they were good tips, maybe his/her tips even solved it or lead to it being solved - i am not saying this is impossible. i think it is a stretch to call themselves "THE investigator" working "with velling" though. each post just screams louder of someone wanting attention for knowing it all before everyone else (even if they do know her identity).

if it were truly a matter of her daughter being in danger, i highly doubt this information would have been released, or that an official name would be released in the future. government agencies/LE have a way of blocking that information from being released/published if necessary, at least for a certain period of time.

idk, something just seems off about this person to me. i do not think they are lying or a troll, necessarily, or that they are even doing/saying these things to cause trouble. i do think whoever it is has a massively inflated ego and is very hypocritical for posting *anything* while being ~so offended~ that this is being discussed. perhaps his/her time would be better spent contacting people to find out how to stop this information from being shared, if it is as important as they say. NAMUS' simple and professional e-mail reply was unprofessional but him/her sparking controversy and fueling the fire of drama isn't? sorry, i am not buying this. if they are a legitimate investigator, i would like to see them post who they are and their experience/portfolio. until then, i am taking everything they say with a LARGE grain of salt.

am i alone in feeling this way? :/

You are most definitely not alone!

You have perfectly summed up the vibe I'm getting

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So she really must be a KGB spy! *gasp* I kid, I kid!

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

The photo of the unknown girl in the family photo that I found a while ago... researching family history, if it's all connected, is related to a big news story many years ago associated with people being caught living in the United States and being spies for another country.
What kind of investigator? Federal? Local agency? Private? Neighborhood? Not discounting this person, but as someone from a law enforcement family, they wouldn't be on social media or forums commenting one way or the other without permission/verification if they're LE. If they're a PI, then their commenting shows their ethics and integrity, period. Not buying it.

I wasn't planning on even reading these posts tonight, but I couldn't resist...

I agree with you, STQ, there is something odd about this "investigator". According to the FOIA files, Velling was working alone -- except when he contacted local authorities to interview specific persons. And considering just how low of a priority this case was -- a crime committed by a dead woman -- he was working it part-time. And maybe not at all some months.

NAMUS is saying they can't release information because the investigator asked them not to. The most likely investigator would be someone at the SSA, or maybe even Velling himself if he's still working the case while retired. (Not unheard of, but I expect he would still be working it part time.) But I doubt NAMUS would take direction from another law enforcement agency, unless they came into the case from another angle. (And I won't speculate what that might be.)
You are most definitely not alone!

You have perfectly summed up the vibe I'm getting

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Seems like the more they post, the more it becomes personal. The other site I was reading on that's discussing it speculates that it's a Ruff family member. There seems to be a lot of stuff that she's getting indignant about that's really not her call or up to her.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Thanks for sharing! Is this part of the Howden family then? The resemblance is striking IMO.

No, I dont think everyone thinks this is her, I just did some very brief digging and found this associated photo and posted it here. They really do look alike though. Someone said the original poster was unable to find the name of this child. Maybe you can remind us of the details.

Well someone did some digging into the photo I posted of the unknown girl because they actually found the website where I found it and posted the link to it here.

A lot of things added up for me as a match. I contacted the Greggs County Sherrifs Office about what I found, got 2 replies back that the Detective got my message but I never heard from anyone after that.

So even though to me it all matches... from the age, height, hands, possibly Jewish, possibly Russian, possibly linked to being a spy... all things that people have speculated about FLEK, I kind of dismissed it as a match because no one ever got back to me.

But who knows.... maybe the unknown girl is FLEK??

I can't wait to find out!!!
Well someone did some digging into the photo I posted of the unknown girl because they actually found the website where I found it and posted the link to it here.

A lot of things added up for me as a match. I contacted the Greggs County Sherrifs Office about what I found, got 2 replies back that the Detective got my message but I never heard from anyone after that.

So even though to me it all matches... from the age, height, hands, possibly Jewish, possibly Russian, possibly linked to being a spy... all things that people have speculated about FLEK, I kind of dismissed it as a match because no one ever got back to me.

But who knows.... maybe the unknown girl is FLEK??

I can't wait to find out!!!

i wouldn't mind peeking into this while we wait. could you message me and point me in the right direction? you have peaked my curiosity. :)
Before I go to bed & let the rest of you churn out more pages of speculation, I just wanted to state that for me learning LEK's birth name is not the most important aspect of the case. I'm pretty sure that it will turn out to be someone none of us have heard of, although someone in the H()wder clan appears to be the next likely candidate.

What I would like to know, & believe could be revealed without violating anyone's privacy, is why LEK reinvented herself. Why she cast away her old identity to become someone new. That meant a lot of sacrifices: her high school education, all her other achievements, any family or friends she had. We don't even know if she had any possessions from that former life, & maybe she had none. Maybe it was not a complete sacrifice: those mail drops she maintained imply she had contact with someone from her previous life, or maybe at least hoped would contact her. But she was alone to a degree few of us could imagine, & if I'm right about her lack of social skills she remained alone throughout her life. Until she met Blake, which brought all sorts of complications into her life she never figured out how to handle.

Sometimes when I look over the bits & pieces we've gathered about her life, I catch the occasional glimpse or shadow of LEK. Sometimes I think I almost know her. But nowhere have I found more than the slightest hints of why she shed her old life & became LEK, & any theory based on those hints would crumble the moment we know what her birth name was, & the actual facts of her life.
Seems like the more they post, the more it becomes personal. The other site I was reading on that's discussing it speculates that it's a Ruff family member. There seems to be a lot of stuff that she's getting indignant about that's really not her call or up to her.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *

Excuse my tired brain, the other site is speculating that Akoya is a Ruff family member?
Excuse my tired brain, the other site is speculating that Akoya is a Ruff family member?
I'm reading on an entirely different site where they are tuned in on Akoya, also. They aren't even being tactful about calling her out. They are saying that they feel like she's a Ruff family member, and most definitely full of crap.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
I'm fighting sleep! I hope we know something soon. You folks Across the Pond hold it down while us here in the States gets some rest. Ta-ta, cheerio, and all that good stuff from the Great State of Texas! [emoji42] [emoji42] [emoji42]

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
It sounds like Roselvr knows exactly who it is so probably not a member of the Ruff family.
But how would that person have those emails from Velling? Do those calling BS think those are fake?
I dunno...the things she/he said do make sense, as to how they got the ID. I mean, it's plausible, right? It doesn't seem that they said anything far-fetched, just vague, which is understandable. Then again...I'm pretty gullible and easily swayed, lol.
And curious!
Haven't been on here in forever but finding this all very interesting. Hate those who play games with people about what they found out and who such and such is blah blah blah. If they know something they should say it or keep quiet. Seems suss to me :/ I do hope they can lay her to rest with her real name though :)
But how would that person have those emails from Velling? Do those calling BS think those are fake?
I dunno...the things she/he said do make sense, as to how they got the ID. I mean, it's plausible, right? It doesn't seem that they said anything far-fetched, just vague, which is understandable. Then again...I'm pretty gullible and easily swayed, lol.
And curious!
All I saw of the emails was just some text in line with the rest of their post. Easily manipulated. The thing that struck me is that she said that she didn't know how Velling did the DNA, she "guessed it was with government labs". Velling has been very transparent in his use of the Ancestry site for the DNA, among others. I've only been following this case a few months, and I learned that right off. Where you are gullible, I'm skeptical and question everything.

For me, it goes back to what kind of "investigator" is going to be spouting on social media and forums without authorization and verification? And why would a seasoned federal law enforcement officer such as Velling need some random assistant? Any counterpart that he had/has either came from the SSA or from one of the supporting LE agencies. Someone took over the case from Velling when he retired. I saw that today.

That person posting isn't a cop. I guarantee it. They may be some armchair, diploma mill PI at best. I'm not saying that they're lying about everything or totally misrepresenting themselves, but they are not Joe Velling's "investigator", and I'm not going to entertain reading anymore of their posts because it's not worth anything of value. *shrug* My opinion.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
I agree :) I've met some of those armchair think they are god types before lol
Whatever the truth behind the matter is, I'm not a fan of Akoya's behaviour.
This amazing news! I am delighted that Lori has finally been identified.
Now I am awaiting more news here, on tenterhooks!

I have wondered whether Lori was Cheryl Ann Moser Lacovone, but her details haven't been taken down from NamUs. So maybe it's not her?

Did the LeBarons or Chenoweths have any connections with PA? Anyone know?
if anyone knows of any similar cases that need attention, let me know. i need somewhere to put my energy now. more people still need our help. i am heading to lyle's thread tonight. i have looked into his case a bit before but not much. seems like a good rabbit hole to throw myself into next, just wanted to be open to ideas if there are any cases in urgent need of more energy...

Check out El Dorado Jane Doe - not quite as much intrigue as FLEK (in terms of the fact that EDJD wasn't living a suburban housewife life whose false ID came as a complete shock), but still a fascinating case and one that draws me in because of the sadness of how she died without anyone genuinely close to her being around to mourn her. Quite a few good tangible clues to base sleuthing on too. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...-in-El-Dorado-Female-81UFAR-18-21-July-1991-1
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