GUILTY TX - Louetta Harrelson, 51, & Peggy Merimon, 61, Lubbock, 9 Aug 2006

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm sorry about only posting a link Beyond Belief. I guess I am thinking of the days when we couldn't post an article, only a link and got carried away. This link below says that this man had a "complex" where he had the video surveillance equipment. The man also had taken off work the day before the disappearance, after lunch on the day of the disappearance, and the whole day after. He also claimed that both women had been to his home before. Sounds like he really premeditated this (if he did it) and is trying to cover himself in case any fibers or the women's hair is found at his home. It's scary to think what all else he could have been doing around these towns in the past years that he has lived here. There's been no arrest because LE is waiting on dna results. There's no word yet on Peggy.
I'll bet he is the guy. He sure is trying to cover his butt by saying the women had been to his home before. The women could very well have planned to go to lunch with him on that day if he was a trusted employee and had worked there for years. There are several men that I worked with and had known for 9 yrs or so and wouldn't thought anything of a girlfriend and I jumping in the car with and going out to lunch. Maybe lunch hadn't even been planned. Maybe they ran into him while leaving the building and he suggested they all go together for lunch. Can you even imagine the terror they had to have felt when he turned into a monster.

I will be surprised if the other lady is still alive. I hope she is though. They both look like such nice women. This is really horrible. Who can a person trust nowdays? I hope they arrest this guy soon and find out where the other lady is and why he did what he did to them. It looks like he was busy planning the murders ahead of time. I wonder if they found anything when they searched his car and home?
this is especially frightening because they're actions were safe and innocent. If this guy is guilty why in the world would he do something like this.

This person of interest is currently going through a divorce. His wife also has a restraining order against him, citing in court papers that he had pushed and shoved her to the ground on numerous occasions and threatened to kill her with his gun. She also says in court documents that he fored her to view *advertiser censored* and have sex with him against her will.

The man has been put on administrative leave from the Lubbock State School, where he had worked for 17 years.

We`ve also learned that he had drastically changed his look, shaving his beard and dying his hair since he has been questioned by police.

That screams at me that he was involved.
I heard on the news that he keeps changing his story or that there are holes in his story. I think LE know he did it and were hoping that he would admit it and they could find out where the other lady is. If she were still alive wouldn't he have had her at his house?

So he had been violent with his wife. Just because his wife left him isn't any reason for him to murder two innocent women. Maybe he hates all women now...who knows. He'll probably claim insanity because of everything he was going through...he didn't know what he was doing...he blacked out...etc. I wonder if he though shaving was going to side track LE? I swear some of these killers are so stupid. I heard that they took some evidence from his car...some blond hairs too. Can't remember what else but the hair caught my attention as one of the women is blond. It's only a matter of time before they slap the cuffs on this old pitiful monster.

Preparations are underway for this weekend's massive volunteer search for Peggy Merimon. Hundreds of volunteers are expected to help with the effort. NewsChannel 11's Suleika Acosta explains how volunteers are getting organized for this weekend's search.

Peggy's daughter's home has been the command post for searches that friends and family have been helping with almost everyday. Maps marked with locations where they have searched are posted on the garage walls. They have also received many donations from the community, things like bottled water, sandwiches, chips, and other supplies they need. Saturday morning, all of the supplies will be taken to Buddy Holly Park where volunteers will meet to get organized for the search.
This is such a sad story. There is no reason why either of those women should have died. They probably went out to lunch with the creep because they felt sorry for him as his wife had left. The probably thought they might be able to cheer him up. Instead he had it all planned out to murder them.

I wonder how the search went this weekend so far? I wish they would find the second lady. Her poor family not knowing where she is or if she is dead or alive. It has to be horrible.

Someone should go sit in their vehicle right across the street from that creeps house and just watch his house. He couldn't do anything about it if they were just parked on the street. Maybe they could get him so on edge that he would tell on himself.
After family members, volunteers and a professional search organization scoured the South Plains this weekend, 61-year-old Peggy Merimon is still missing.Information has come in stating Merimon`s body may be in an area a few hours east of Lubbock County.

Kay Harrelson, who disappeared with Merimon, was found last Sunday near Shallowater.

Lubbock police believe the same person is responsible for both woman, That "man of interest" has not been arrested or charged, but he is on administrative leave from the Lubbock State School.

Surveillance video does not match the story he gave as tho where he was when the women went missing. Evidence has been taken from both his house and car, but DNA results have not been released. the rest of the story.
It is to bad that the killer won't just give it up and tell LE what they need to know. Both families deserve to have their loved one back so that they can have a proper buriel and grieve. The guy has to know that LE know he is the killer. It's just a matter of time before he is arrested. I sure don't understand why in the world he would murder two ladies that were probably nothing but nice to him throughout the time they all worked together. Such a shame.
txsvicki said:
These articles say that they left with a man, but I wonder if the two women may have had a gun pointed at one of them and were being forced into the car.

It sounds possible to me.

Some really good advice I received in a self defense class:

This really shocks me. DNA on Merrimon came back positive. I suppose on something found in the home or car of the POI. The DA won't charge the person because he says that she had been in his home before!! They are waiting for more tests and just have to submit the right piece of evidence for testing and are looking at all other evidence. Dear God, I hope this creep doesn't strike again before something is done. If the murdered woman's dna wasn't found in the home, then all this tells is that Mrs. Merrimon was taken to the creep's home and Mrs. Harrellson must have been murdered before and dumped on the side of the road. I know a young woman who was scared out of her wits yesterday outside of town while on a pay phone. Some nutty looking 50'ish man in a beat up old car circled the store 3 times, waving frantically, and finally pulled his car up almost next to the pay phone with her on it. I wondered if it could be this POI trying to see if he could strike again or get another dark haired woman into his car.
It has been so long since LE said they were checking the DNA of the person of interest. How long does that take?? I live in the Lubbock area and it scares me to think that there is someone out there that can, for some reason, convince women to come with him that normally wouldn't do such things. I haven't heard any updates, including the cause of death of Mrs. Harrellson. No news is definately NOT good news in this one!
santos1014 said:
It has been so long since LE said they were checking the DNA of the person of interest. How long does that take?? I live in the Lubbock area and it scares me to think that there is someone out there that can, for some reason, convince women to come with him that normally wouldn't do such things. I haven't heard any updates, including the cause of death of Mrs. Harrellson. No news is definately NOT good news in this one!

That creep SAYS that the two women have been in his home before! Neither of them have probably actually been there but he did a good job of covering his rear end. Was she sexually assulted? If so and there is any DNA in her vigina he can hardly justify that. You don't get DNA up there by sitting on the creeps couch.

Where is Peggy. What has he done with her? I wonder if they are even keeping an eye on that pervert?

Did they ever get a search warrent and go through his house and car? Sometimes killers keep something of the victims as a way to remember the killing. A souvenir. I wonder if the women were wearing jewlery or something small that he hid in his house somewhere. If LE could find something of the womens hidden away the creep could hardly justify it being hidden.
They haven't told the cause of death of Mrs. Harrellson or if she was sexually assaulted but surely there was no semen that would match. At least I hope they would have arrested him if that were the case. There was mention of a gold chain found in an envelope at the man's home but no word on who it may have belonged to. The man's car was checked and his home, and it was reported that the rusty old car was at another location. Someone posted on a local forum that Mrs. Merrimon's husband who is legally blind goes out searching everyday on his own. That is so sad. I hope this guy doesn't strike again here or in the surrounding area and that they do something soon.
I wonder what that pervert has done with Peggy. Her poor husband out looking for her daily. That is heartbreaking isn't it. That guy left Kay where she could be found. Why has he not left Peggy where she could be found too?
It's doubtful that he still has her with him now.

I hope something happens soon so that this guy can be arrrested. I know that LE has to have evidence or their case will fall apart but darn I hate that this guy is just out there like nothing ever happened while the families of the two women are living a nightmare day and night.
Bobbisangel said:
I wonder what that pervert has done with Peggy. Her poor husband out looking for her daily. That is heartbreaking isn't it. That guy left Kay where she could be found. Why has he not left Peggy where she could be found too?
It's doubtful that he still has her with him now.

I hope something happens soon so that this guy can be arrrested. I know that LE has to have evidence or their case will fall apart but darn I hate that this guy is just out there like nothing ever happened while the families of the two women are living a nightmare day and night.
This bothers me so much. I think of them everyday. Since Kay was found in mens underwear and a thsirt, it makes me wonder about the sexual abuse. I know that Peggy's family has been out sooo much and brought in the team that are professional searchers..and still no trace!! I keep hoping that during this cotton stripping season and harvesting of other crops, she may be found. I don't understand the holdup on the DNA or the cause of death of Kay. I guess I don't understand or know much about forensics, but, seems like by now, something would be determined.

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