TX TX - Madisonville, UnkFem 2-6, UP15905, feeding tube, in suitcase, clothes, blankets, Sep'16

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NCMEC: Girl found dead in suitcase in Texas may be from Arizona

A little girl who was found dead in a suitcase, may be from southeast Arizona, according to The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Officials say Tuesday marks three years since the girl's remains were found in a black suitcase in Madisonville, Texas. Authorities say she was between 2-6 years old and was found wearing a pink dress and a diaper.

"It’s been three years since the grim discovery in Madison County, Texas on Sept. 17, 2016, and still, no one has stepped forward to identify the little girl now known only as “Madisonville Jane Doe,"

Officials: Girl found dead in suitcase may be from Arizona
Hi all. Just found out about this case yesterday and can't stop thinking about it. I'm trying to catch up, so please pardon me if these thoughts have already been explored -

1: the suitcase was found because the field was being mowed, why did it go months without being mowed?

2: is the number on the feeding tube a serial number? Is there any possibility that could indicate when it was manufactured?

3: if this was an adopted child, as some have said, there is a strong possibility she was once listed online. Children up for fostering/adoption are often posted on the state's site... Usually with a picture, and medical concerns are usually listed. Is there a way to view all past listings from TX, AZ, and all surrounding states from maybe 2012 onward?
Hi all. Just found out about this case yesterday and can't stop thinking about it. I'm trying to catch up, so please pardon me if these thoughts have already been explored -

1: the suitcase was found because the field was being mowed, why did it go months without being mowed?

2: is the number on the feeding tube a serial number? Is there any possibility that could indicate when it was manufactured?

3: if this was an adopted child, as some have said, there is a strong possibility she was once listed online. Children up for fostering/adoption are often posted on the state's site... Usually with a picture, and medical concerns are usually listed. Is there a way to view all past listings from TX, AZ, and all surrounding states from maybe 2012 onward?
There was a serial number but it was mass produced and couldn't be located back to anyone specifically. Madisonville Jane Doe Update
I keep coming back to this thread to see if there are any developments. Poor little girl to struggle so much just live and for her life to end like this. I used to work with someone who had to be peg fed. His parents had such a tough time but they loved and cared for him and he outlived all expectations.
One thing that struck me reading about the Turpin case was that they described the 11 year old daughter being the size of a 4 year old. It is very possible she was older. JMO. It breaks my heart that she's still unidentified.

I'd guess that a dental examination done with understanding of Madison's jaw condition would rule out an age much older than the estimate given, and the estimate might already include some leeway to take into account that she might just have been slow in losing her first deciduous teeth?

Poor little baby girl, I can't believe no one who knew her has managed yet to work out that this is a child they knew when she was alive :(
There must be multiple people out there besides her parents who knew of her. :(
It's hard to imagine an innocent scenario. I keep trying but actually can't, if it ends this way.
And if it was foster or adoptive parents who did this, they are obviously bad people.
Hoping she is identified and there will be justice.
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I just heard about this case, and I'm shocked she hasn't been identified. I can't speak for Arizona, but New Mexico suffers from a lack of pediatric specialists. If she had medical conditions beyond the need for a feeding tube, there are a finite number hospitals and doctors that could have treated her, and at most of the specialist's offices I went to as a kid here, they knew me on a first name basis and also remembered my interests, details about family members I talked about, etc. I wonder if the reconstruction ever made it to NM and AZ children's hospitals, past admin and to the people who would have treated her, who would have known her favorite color and how to make her giggle? As one user mentioned, it's not unheard of for people to cross the border for medical care, so it would be wise to make sure places that do pediatrics in Mexico near the border have her reconstruction as well.
I just heard about this case, and I'm shocked she hasn't been identified. I can't speak for Arizona, but New Mexico suffers from a lack of pediatric specialists. If she had medical conditions beyond the need for a feeding tube, there are a finite number hospitals and doctors that could have treated her, and at most of the specialist's offices I went to as a kid here, they knew me on a first name basis and also remembered my interests, details about family members I talked about, etc. I wonder if the reconstruction ever made it to NM and AZ children's hospitals, past admin and to the people who would have treated her, who would have known her favorite color and how to make her giggle? As one user mentioned, it's not unheard of for people to cross the border for medical care, so it would be wise to make sure places that do pediatrics in Mexico near the border have her reconstruction as well.

Would they be allowed to guess though? Would it break any privacy laws?
Would they be allowed to guess though? Would it break any privacy laws?

That's a good question. There must be exceptions or ways around HIPAA in instances like this—otherwise, how could medical professionals be mandatory reporters? JMO. I would love any insight from sleuthers more familiar with medical privacy laws.
A thought popped in my mind. I thought of Gypsy Rose Blanchard and how her mother moved her around to different hospitals constantly to avoid doctors getting suspicious. And with Gypsy her conditions were imagined by her mother even. If it could happen to Gypsy without much suspicion this little girl could also fall through the cracks.
That's a good question. There must be exceptions or ways around HIPAA in instances like this—otherwise, how could medical professionals be mandatory reporters? JMO. I would love any insight from sleuthers more familiar with medical privacy laws.

HIPAA protects the privacy and security of individually identifiable health information. Mandatory reporters may legally give detailed information to the relevant agency (eg child protective services) so that they may further investigate. I could post here that I saw a 4 year old patient who came in with bruising and we had to call CPS. However I could not legally post anything that could potentially identify the patient (which would basically be any details that could be used to doxx someone). If someone can figure out, from the information given in my post, who the patient is then their privacy/security and thus the law has been violated. Basically the information should only be shared/used for the best interests of the patient. I hope this makes sense!
With them knowing the sizing of the tube and that it was surgically placed ( indicating a G tube or J tube rather that an NG or NJ ) they should be able to figure out the type of formula the girl was utilizing. These formulas are weight based and typically very strictly used. If someone randomly stopped filling a prescription for a small child in the region they are suspecting, you would think it would pop up. A child with a permanently placed tube should not fall through the system for so long.

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