Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 #3

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Did anyone watch the news last night to hear the story about the daycare and is there a news video I can watch?
Also, I didn't hear the press conference myself yesterday, but IIRC someone who transcribed it said that LE said the car was in the parking lot since Saturday sometime, so that is different than want I'm reading on here today.
Curiouser and curiouser. If the employee is remembering correctly then why was the car moved from a previous locaton?

Although HPD Detective Ken Fregia described it as "clean" he clarified that it didn't appear to have been cleaned.

It's been a week since anyone has seen 4-year-old Maleah Davis. Here's what we know - CNN
So what caused the perp to move the car? The first thing that comes to mind is that it previously was somewhere that created a risk - a bigger risk than moving the car to an area with multiple cameras.

Was the perp trying to create the illusion that the "kidnappers" had possession of the car all this time and just dumped it yesterday? Why then bother to remove the keys?

I can't get my head around this.
House keys were probably on the same key ring and the idiot who left the car probably thought he would need the house keys later.......Just trying to be a bit facetious. :D
No, if they sent officers to pick up every one that failed to appear in court there would be no LE available for real emergencies. The only way they get "caught" is usually from a traffic stop. Same as with many other crimes.

And editing my post.

I guess they could have him picked up for that as "reason" to get him in to ask questions.
I watched the KHOU video about "Why did Maleah have brain surgery" (lower on the below page) again and paused to read what was shown on the documents as many of you have done.
Mom, stepdad of Maleah Davis banned from contact with all their children, court rules
Noticed a sentence about how all the caregivers reacted to one of Maleah's emergency hospital stays that seems interesting given the current emergency state involving this child.

BB2: stayed constantly by Maleah's side
BB: was in and out and was inconsistently present
CD: was observed lying in bed with Maleah to prop her up
DV: not mentioned as being present
I read that too and thought the same thing. There's a lot of stuff in those documents.
No, if they sent officers to pick up every one that failed to appear in court there would be no LE available for real emergencies. The only way they get "caught" is usually from a traffic stop. Same as with many other crimes.
But in this instance, it is a guy they want to talk to, and not just some random person. On any other day, I know they would not hunt him down over a traffic court violation, but I think LE will use this to ‘bring him in’ - once they find him. He has no legal obligation to talk to LE, but now they have a reason to at least put him in jail where they can TRY to get him to talk. JMO
If Maleah died because of an accident or neglect, wouldn't that be a better story to tell? But to take it to this level makes it worse for what shape her body is when she's found.

Has there been anything said about her helmet? Was it found at the apartment?
Been following cases like this for years and it is always surprising how many cases involve someone who accidentally or negligently harm and child and then dispose of child and invent a story that would make it a murder instead of just reporting that the child was hurt or died while on their watch. Not saying this is what happened in this case but just pointing out that I see this scenario more and more.
I think it's most likely that DV has had someone assisting him. I don't think HE left the vehicle there in the rental car lot. I think a friend or other family member did. Maybe someone who works near that shopping center. Note that it wasn't in the Walmart parking lot. Maybe the word is out that WM has security cameras. But it didn't occur to the drop-off perp that the rental car agency would too.
I bet whoever was caught on camera will not be easily identifiable due to them wearing a hood or some kind of head cover, and maybe sunglasses. Imo
Anyone want to bet there is footage of that vehicle in a car wash somewhere within a 5 mile radius of the drop-off point? Maybe oddly late at night?

And no blue pickup truck in sight?

I just don't see this car being as clean as everyone thinks. It's a light color, which doesn't show dirt or dust as much as darker vehicles do. The tires are not clean and neither is the front bumper.


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I would like to see a timeline with EVERYTHING in it. Past incidents of "accidents' and "injuries" and ER trips. When CPS removed the kids form the mother last year. Eaxct date when the kids returned to her partial care. Last time Maleah was at daycare. Last time DV was at work and when he was "officially home". Las time grandma says she heard or saw Maleah. When mom went to the airport. When she was scheduled to return. Everything that DV claims happened and when it happened with the "abduction". When he arrived at the hospital. When mom arrived back from the trip. When mom says she tried to report her boyfriend (not the kids) missing and when she actually succeeded. When the car was found. Etc.

Pommymommy!!! Help!
Here is what I was able to put together on these three points:
  • Past incidents of "accidents' and "injuries" and ER trips.
  • When CPS removed the kids from the mother last year.
  • Exact date when the kids returned to her partial care.
I haven't been able to find the exact date when the children were returned to the home. If anyone has that information AND A LINK, I'd sure appreciate it.

Please keep in mind that Khou11 received roughly 300 pages of documents. A very small number of those were shown in their video which I screenshotted, enlarged, summarized, etc. and is where most of the following information comes from. Without all 300 pages, obviously this is not a complete account. Some of my screenshots weren't even complete pages of the documents. (Video linked below)

Anyway, still tweaking it a little bit, but here's the gist:

July 10, 2018 - BB took Maleah to the ER after she was throwing up blood. Doctors reported Maleah was "extremely lethargic." Maleah was treated and released. [1]

July 28, 2018 BB contacted BB2, who was in New Orleans, and stated that Maleah had fallen from a tall chair to a marble table. BB said that Maleah was fine. BB2 advised BB to take Maleah to the hospital to be checked out. BB took Maleah to West Houston Memorial and was observed with a laceration to the forehead. BB is reported as denying child having similar symptoms as prior ER visit. She denied vomiting or abnormal behavior from Maleah. She also denied seizures or lethargy in the medical record. Maleah's forehead laceration was repaired. No imaging studies were reported as completed. The surgical pathology report reveals a chronic subdural hematoma displaying a prominent fibroblastic proliferation with collagen deposition, numerous small vessels, many hemosiderin-laden macrophages and acute hemorrhage. [2]

July 29, 2018 BB2 arrived home [2]

Jul 30, 2018 BB2 wasn't feeling well and didn't go to work. She observed that Maleah was fine. [2]

July 31, 2018 BB2 was still unwell and didn’t go to work. She observed that Maleah was fine. [2]

August 1, 2018 BB2 went back to work and Maleah was in the care of BB and DV, who lived in the home and is the father of BB’s youngest child. BB texted BB2 that something was wrong with Maleah and that her eyes were rolling back. BB2 told BB to take Maleah to the hospital. BB2 did acknowledge that BB had to be told to take Maleah to the hospital. BB took Maleah to the hospital and she was transported to a different hospital where she had a craniectomy to relieve pressure. It was stated that when Maleah was opened up that the blood color that was observed was not normal and it looked different and not "fresh." [2]

Medical professionals stated that the story BB and BB2 told about Maleah falling from a chair would not have caused the serious internal injuries which required half of Maleah's skull to be removed. If the fall had caused the injuries then Maleah would have much more severe and observable symptoms. [2]

BB2 stayed consistently by Maleah's side. BB was in and out and not consistently present at the hospital. This was unusual for a child with Maleah's severe condition. Maleah was in the ICU. CD, Maleah's father did visit and was lying in the bed with Maleah propped up on him. BB2 stated that neither was able to recall another trauma previous to July 28, 2018 that could have resulted in the subdural hematoma. [2]

When Maleah got out of ICU, doctors ordered that she wear a helmet for 12-24 months while she healed. [1]

August 3, 2018 The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) received a report alleging physical abuse and neglectful supervision. Maleah obtained an injury to the head which required a craniotomy and parents are providing stories inconsistent with the injuries sustained. After further medical review it was determined that the child suffered from a previous head injury that was not reported. [2]

August 10, 2018 Investigator MW spoke with Texas Children's Hospital Child Abuse Social Worker JW who provided MRI results from the physician confirming the previous unexplained injury and the inconsistent explanations for current injury. It was determined that the findings of two separate injuries (frontal laceration and a second fracture to the left posterior temporal bone) indicate more than one impact to Maleah's head. Maleah will have to wear a helmet for 12-24 months while her skull is healing. [2]

August 11, 2018 Investigator MW received a call from the FC, the social worker in the emergency room at TCMC who explained he had seen videos on an iPad that was reportedly brought to the hospital by a paternal aunt for Maleah to entertain herself. The videos on the device show Maleah play fighting with older children who are paternal family members. The date of the videos is near the date that Maleah was taken to the emergency room in early July 2018. I asked if the videos could provide an explanation for the previous head injuries and the videos were described as not useful to the investigation. [2]

August 13, 2018 Investigator MW made face to face contact with the mother and DV at the residence. The parents gave permission to view the home and where Maleah supposedly injured herself. I observed the area where it was reported Maleah fell and injured herself. The distance from the tall chair to the table was not measured due to lack of a measuring device. During the contact at the home, I discussed the result of the MRI and the findings with BB and DV. BB and DV denied any previous injury or head trauma. I discussed the injury to Maleah with sibling __________ and he stated she hit her head while (playing?) with him around the home. __________ showed me where they were flipping in the home, when his sister hit her head. The caregivers continue to provide explanations that are inconsistent with the injury sustained by the child. [2]

August 14, 2018 The DFPS obtained TMC (temporary managing conservatorship) as of all children due to the Department’s concern about the safety and care of the three children in the home due to the allegations. [1]

September 4, 2018 Conference Date [2]

December 10, 2018 A status hearing was held in the District Court of Harris County TX. BB appeared in person and through attorney, CD appeared through attorney, JW – Court Appointed Ad Litem appeared __________ and ready. [2]

January 2019 – Month/Year of Next Review [2]

February 2019 – A judge ordered a “monitored return” home to BB, where “the caseworker could go at least once a month to check on the family,” according to CPS spokeswoman TB. The court also ordered that Maleah's parents take a parenting class. According to records, neither has completed that. [1]

March 19 (?) 2019 - “Maleah has had multiple brain surgeries, most recently end of March, early April, to fix the flap for her injury…” Sgt MH, HPD. [3]

[1] Why did missing 4-year-old Maleah Davis need brain surgery?
[3] Maleah Davis: Social services explain why missing 4-year-old girl was pulled from home last year amid abuse allegations
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As of today, the mother has said she no longer believes the boyfriend's story. She also says he bears some of the responsibility in her disappearance. The CNN video is on their facebook page, Im unsure if I am allowed to share those links.

Afaik; If it's a media FB page (such as CNN), you can share the link.
Can those of you willing to give mom a pass, despite having the children removed by CPS for 6 months and not having followed through with the court ordered parenting classes(links posted upthread) explain your reasoning?

I could understand giving a pass if there was no CPS history, but with history it's hard to understand. Maleah wasn't even back in BB's care for 90 days and she is missing and likely deceased.

Agreed !
Bumping this post.

Possibly wherever Maleah's body is --if she's gone-- was done in order to conceal what happened, and any further evidence of abuse.

This DV strikes me as both stupid and cunning at the same time.

Hopefully LE are going through her phone ; since DV has vanished and he said he 'had no phone'.
But in this instance, it is a guy they want to talk to, and not just some random person. On any other day, I know they would not hunt him down over a traffic court violation, but I think LE will use this to ‘bring him in’ - once they find him. He has no legal obligation to talk to LE, but now they have a reason to at least put him in jail where they can TRY to get him to talk. JMO

I had added this to my post right after I posted it. Gave the same reason that you pointed out.

"I guess they could have him picked up for that as "reason" to get him in to ask questions."
So much video/cam footage for LE to view.
Any motorists supply dash-cam to LE of the three H-men or blue truck? I’ve not heard of any.
here is a video from KHOU 11 youtube page but it doesn't cover the daycare saying DV was there on Friday even as Maleah was not. still looking for something that covers what that teaser tweet said about that topic yestereday
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